Sunday, April 11, 2010

Noticias de Mexico

Speaking of Mexico, here are several other MSM items related to our southern neighbor and the cartel wars that merit Grits readers attention in light of recent events:


  1. Pretty damn' bad when you have to tell the taxpayers to arm themselves against foreign threats. But it serves to illustrate the problem in ways few articles could.

    If The State cannot defend you from the effects of drug prohibition (after taxing you out the whazoo to the tune of hundreds of billions for years for precisely that purpose), well, then, maybe it's time to have a serious discussion as to how ending the War on Drugs eliminates these situations where your own government cannot protect you from those foreign threats.

    Because, if it hasn't already happened, some rancher is going to take a few shots at trespassers, and they're bound to return fire with greater volume. It's just a matter of time, and then we'll have real warfare on the border.

  2. "You farmers, I'm telling you right now, arm yourselves," he said.

    Farmers and ranchers who live in isolated areas where their nearest neighbor is 10-20 miles away have always been concerned when criminals or other violent people cross their property. They have always tried to protect themselves and stay alive and they understand it when they are confronted with people who can't be reasoned with. When armed, dangerous men show up in their yard they know a lot could happen to them before the sheriff and coroner finally show up.

    Under these conditions, you might arm yourself too.

  3. “Restore our border:” Arizona ranchers to rally tomorrow; citizen border clean-up on 4/24

  4. the dead Arizona rancher died with a weapon on him. Footprints are the only evidence used for saying it was a narco. Start cleaning up our nation from crack and marijuana heads then there would be no problem.

  5. nice site i like this part: Pretty damn' bad when you have to tell the taxpayers to arm themselves against foreign threats. But it serves to illustrate the problem in ways few articles could.

    Visit some related topics to this on related to mexico
