Saturday, October 01, 2005

Stuff I wonder about: The consequences of criminalizing hookie

Since Texas has made cutting school a crime, and the the state won't adequately pay for schools to be good enough for students to learn much useful in them, why are we surprised when thousands of kids decide to drop out? One in three Texas ninth graders doesn't graduate. How many will graduate instead to Texas prisons?
I don't know anyone who learned a damn thing in high school
Or if they did, you know they sure didn't go to my school.

-Michelle Shocked (folksinger, East Texas homegirl), Hi Skool


  1. I thoght, all these years, that it was "hooky". Or is that the masculine form?

  2. You're probably right, JD. I googled it and found it both ways, but listed only your preference. Best,

  3. I thought it was hookey. Learn something new every day...

  4. Well, I guess it doesn't matter, as long as we have all actually DONE it, we are on the same page.
