Monday, December 05, 2005

Drug task force money goes to border security

Texas continues to shift federal drug war funding toward other law enforcement priorities, especially along the Mexican border.

Governor Rick Perry's Criminal Justice Division
announced today it would divert $6 million from Texas drug task forces funded by the federal Byrne Justice Assistance Grant program to pay for the Guv's new border security plan, dubbed Operation Linebacker. Most of the funds will pay for a temporary increase in sheriff-department personnel in border counties and extra overtime for deputies.

The move comes at a time when the federal government is
slashing the Byrne grant budget. This year the Legislature required Byrne drug task forces in Texas to comply with Department of Public Safety rules or give up their asset forfeiture funds, and many have chosen to close down rather than comply.

The money will be evenly distributed among border counties, which doesn't make much sense to me. It sounds more like throwing money at the problem (or the loudest complainers about the problem) instead of actually funding a coherent plan.

On a related note, I thought this idea was funny, but I'd hate for satirists to unwittingly give Texas politicians any more big ideas. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Governor Perry strikes again. "Let's see...I'm really weak in the 'yellow dog' Democrat counties of south Texas...I know, I'll throw them dogs a bone!"

    Not that border counties don't need more manpower. As a former area deputy I can attest that most agencies need all the help sent their way.

    My rant here is that Perry is starting to worry about 'tenure', and I am beginning my crusade against his re-election bid.
