Friday, January 06, 2006

SA Current chows down on Grits

Grits for Breakfast got a sweet little write up in this week's San Antonio Current, quoting several recent posts and declaring that Grits provides "plenty of biting commentary and credible research." Nice! I've added that line to the promo quotes about Grits in the right-hand column. Read the rest here, and thanks to Current writer Francesca Camillo for the plug.


  1. OO-RAH! for Scott! I start my blogger 'breakfast' every morning with a nice big bowl of hot and tasty Grits, apparently dashed with some virtual blogger's pepper. Great for those cold mornings to get the brain going. Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks, k, I always appreciate (and usually agree with) your comments, too. Have a great new year.
