Friday, May 19, 2006

Give 'em a piece of your mind about TDCJ

The Texas Criminal Justice Coalition has posted an online survey to gather opinions regarding The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (which is up for "sunset review" this year) and various proposed reforms. Take the survey. They're compiling responses and suggestions to contribute to the once-every-12-year sunset process.

RELATED: Here's TDCJ's 158-page self-evaluation (pdf) prepared for the Sunset panel.


  1. Scott if you have time could you stop by my site and leave your thoughts on today's entry. It's ok if you don't agree with my thoughts, I'd really like to hear yours though.

  2. Bummer.I clicked on the link for the survey....and it's closed.I went back and noticed the date,so now I see why the sucker is closed.
    Anymore TDCJ info?
