Thursday, May 03, 2007

Kimbrough's privacy concerns awfully convenient

Texas Youth Commisison conservator Jay Kimbrough has finally figured out a sure-fire way to keep anything like the Pyote sex scandal from happening again - just don't let reporters or the public have any information about complaints by youth against TYC staff! That's the upshot of a report today by R.G. Ratcliffe in the Houston Chronicle ("TYC bars access to details of most abuse allegations," May 3), who writes:
TYC officials said Wednesday they recently changed the policy based on a new interpretation of the Texas Family Code that mandates privacy for youths. Previously, the agency released summaries of inmate mistreatment cases with only the youths' names redacted by black ink. ...

But several lawmakers said the troubled agency cannot look like it has something to hide.

"To me, this is moving in the wrong direction," said Sen. Juan Hinojosa, D-McAllen, one of the legislators pushing for TYC reform. "I don't want any reports sanitized except to remove the juvenile's names."
The change in policy was discovered when the Chronicle sought information on the announced firings of 66 TYC staff with felony convictions. Wrote Ratcliffe:
The change in records policy became evident this week when the TYC responded to a public information request from the Houston Chronicle.

The newspaper had sought the names of 66 TYC staff members who are scheduled to be fired because they had felony arrests in their pasts as well as allegations of misconduct while working at TYC.

TYC responded by giving the Chronicle the names of the individuals as well as statistics on mistreatment of youth allegations against them. But detailed summary reports were released only in cases in which the youths were age 18 or older.

Of the 66 TYC staff who had felony arrests, 31 had allegations of youth mistreatment made against them. There were 80 total complaints, though six of the staff members had five or more complaints lodged against each of them. But because of the change in policy, the Chronicle was provided with the detailed summaries of just eight of the 80 allegations.
Regular readers know I think open records are absolutely critical to ensuring accountability at not just prisons and law enforcement but all government agencies.

These records have always been public in the past, but I think there's a secret motive behind Kimbrough's claim they now should be private: By forwarding them to the Attorney General, Kimbrough puts off this information becoming public for up to 45 business days while the AG makes a determination.

By then, of course, the Legislature will no longer be in town. Convenient, huh?


  1. BY KEEPING THIS INFORMATION RESTRICTED PERRY HAS JUST ALLOWED KIMBROUGH TO MAKE TYC A MORE CORRUPT AGENCY THAN IT EVER THOUGHT ABOUT BEING BEFORE. There are now no outside checks and balances available. THIS IS AN OUTRAGE AND A COMPLETE SPIT IN THE FACE TO ANYONE WITH ANY INTELLIGENCE. Who is going to step up and finally call a snake a snake? What more do the legislatures need to see? There is no "fixing" of TYC going on. Gov. Perry just replaced one corrupted administration with another that is just as bad. What is worse, from what is being proposed and has just happened with the refusal to allow access to these reports- Perry has just ensured that he cannot be questioned because no one can see what is happening behind closed doors. You are a disgrace Perry. You have done the opposite of what you said this cleansing of TYC was for. TYC is not "transparent" and your appointee Kimbrough stated was his goal. He has just closed the blinds to all the windows. And before doing so, just flipped us the middle finger.

  2. "Kimbrough said he does believe the information should be released. "There should be a way to report the essence without invading somebody's privacy," Kimbrough said. "We need a legislative fix."

    What a freakin' liar! No one told him he had to change the policy! He did that on his own! HE made that "new interpretation" of not releasing the youth information. No one questioned him on that before asking, "Hey why are you doing that"!. The names of the youth were already blacked out- they already were protected!
    "Kimbrough said he does believe the information should be released.." Yeah right! He knew he'd look like a crooked schmuck so he had to make it look like it wasn't his idea. Didn't Nixon say he wasn't a crook too? You are a crooked ass Kimbrough. You and Perry both.

  3. "Kimbrough said he found an agency management "unwilling or incapable of taking action" to address problems. He said the biggest problem was a decentralized administration that put power into the hands of facility administrators. "I have no doubt that today's TYC is much improved from just a few short months ago," he wrote.

    Oh f_____g really? Why is Don Freeman still there? There is PROOF of him doing more illegal stuff than any of the other administrators but he's still there. What? Is he related to Perry too? Does he have naked pictures of someone? TYC hasn't changed enough if he's still there. Maybe he's just become one of Kimbrough and Owen's boys now rather than the old administators'. Maybe he's the one that told them not to make the investigations available to the public. It's worked for Freeman for years. I guess he really is so protected he can do whatever he wants. He brags about that to anyone who ever crosses him. I'm gone. I can't stand this agency any more. The new is as bad as the old. Flipping burgers at McDonalds is better than this and I have a f_____g Master's degree. I'm not going to be connected to this agency anymore. If I can help it, I'm going to leave TYC off my applications and resume. F__k you Kimbrough. F__k you Owens. F__k you Perry. Don Freeman I hope you burn in hell. I've had enough.

  4. anon 6:07 please tell us how you really feel.
    I have said this more than once and still believe they are just now shown their hand, that the real reason behind this is all political and the terrible stuff taking place now is not as bad as they thought. But, you must make it look this way to justify your actions, do this by not allowing this information to be released.

    Once this session is over with we will all see what I have been stating. Yes, we have problems, yes we need to work for the best interests of both staff and youth, but has all this been worth it. What changes have we actually seen? Do you really believe an impact was made and if so was it positive. Could we have gone about this in a different way and actually put the interests of those good TYC staff 1st rather than say all of them are bad?

  5. I would like to know how many of the 66 staff had CONFIRMED allegations and what type of mistreatment. Did they release that information?

  6. I think Grits is right on the money on this. If you look at narrative one and narrative two here they both achieve the same result. Give an appearance of big change to the outside world by basically doing what the agency was accused of from the start "cover up". The old phrase "statistics don't lie but liars use statistics" applies here. TYC is now truely a sinking ship and employees can't bail the water out fast enough. The campus are unsafe we are understaffed and leadership isn't at liberty to discuss it either. All information has to come from the department of insurance. Clueless.

  7. We all now for every felon with multiple allegations proved or otherwise we could find staff with no previous record with the same type of track record. regardless these staff must have either been cleared or the policy violations were so small that they didn't meet the threshold for termination.

    I don't believe we will see a true reduction in committments either. I think we will be capped around 2500 or so and by the time they shut down 33% of the facilities we will be right back to where we started from. 1:24 with a bunch of additional FTE's no one can fill.

  8. I can't make the links work, but --EEOC guidelines on use of convictions in hiring decisions:

    Shortcut to:
    Shortcut to:
    Shortcut to:
    Shortcut to:

  9. its quite a report the joint committee did. actually impressive except for the parts they got from the "new managers"

  10. I agree with 7:41! I would like the outcome of the complaints. I know one of the guys fired due to a deferred adjudication had a complaint filed against them for calling a youth a "Bitch". After the complaint was investigated it was found the case manager told the youth he was on his way to becoming a “Habitual Criminal”. The youth had no idea what the term meant. The people investigating the complaint explained to the youth what the term meant during the investigation and the youth said that was true and he withdrew his complaint. The complaint is still in the system even though it was totally baseless.

    The fired case manager wrote an extensive statement about youth mistreatment a couple of years ago. It is interesting Mr. Kimbrough fires a case manager who stood up for the youth and tried to protect them.

    Let everyone see the numbers Mr. Kimbrough. Also Mr. Kimbrough pushed the firing of felons off on Ed Owens in his report. Maybe Ed Owens is the designated “Fall Guy” for this operation.

  11. anthony, I think all the fall guys have been sent packing. some for no reason at all. I wish all MY brothers at Marlin good luck.

  12. Whoa! 6:07 went off! Is Freeman really that bad? Why is he still around if he really is?

  13. To 10:39pm

    Not 6:07,

    but yeah, I would agree that Freeman is that bad... though I am not that emotionally hung up about it...

    Why he is still around...that is the mystery isn't it.

  14. 10:44: Maybe something happened today that sent him over the edge?
    Go to counseling people- don't go postal!

    On Freeman, I third that. The guy is a troll. Have you noticed every time someone has bashed someone else on here there is always another person posting something to defend them? Has anyone else noticed no that one has ever come back and defended Freeman as many times as he has been bashed here? I think that will speak for itself. Now that I said that, Freeman's probably going to come on here and post love comments for himself.

  15. Nah, it will be his harem of honeys... or errand boy Igor...sorry, Blu.

  16. Maybe Freeman has forbidden them to read Grits just like how and when he tells them they can wipe!

    Freeman to his whipped zombies:
    You- tuck your shirt in and let me see that ass; you-loose weight; you-slap that kid; all of you- hide those videos, you- meet me at lunch for a "nooner" you cute thing and don't tell my wife; you- you're too old, fat and ugly so get off my campus; you- hand me that bullet proof vest; all of you-give me more expensive things; you-tell that hurst driver outside the gate from Barkley Mortuary that I'm not dead (yes, someone really called one) and oh, all of you-stay off the Grits blog so you won't see how much people really hate me. Yeah, that fits.

  17. Kimbrough is just a hatchet man. Every rebuilding project begins with demolition. Whether we like it or not, politics is how state agencies operate. When the dust settles those of us who are left will have to roll up our sleeves and start to rebuild. I just hope Don Freeman doesn't end up as our Executive Director. I don't know him, but it's obvious he isn't well loved.

  18. He isn't well loved because he should be the poster boy for what is wrong with this agency...He went to the Karl Rove School of management.

    Guess Freeman really is the biggest Shark in the sea.

    Another thing Freeman, these "anonymous" allegations aren't false...

  19. Man, if there's someone else out there worse than Freeman, this place needs to be burned to the ground so all the rats come out.
    How does Freeman get off being so rude to people and getting all these women? He looks like bozo the clown and "Movin on Up" little man George Jefferson had a child (really, he has the Bozo the clown balding hairdo). He's short, rude, demoralizing and ugly. Can't think of the last time I wanted to throw myself at or be friends with somone like that.

  20. HA! HA! HA! HA! 9:11 you nailed it!
    He does look like a Jefferson Bozo love child!

  21. Ok guys. Don't fall into Freeman's ranks of being a jerk. The guy may have short comings (no pun intended), but don't do what he's famous for by making fun of what other people look like. Let him sit in that muck all by himself.

  22. Fine. We'll just point out what he does then. You're right.
    I know one thing, he's run off more good people than any of them.
    I think I know who the guy is that went nuts in that early post. If it's who I think it is, he had every right to go crazy. Freeman has been draining the blood from this guy for a long time. If it's not him, he's just one of a lot of people that Freeman terrorizes. None of us get why Freeman is still being protected. If he does wind up head of the agency after Kimbrough leaves we're all doomed.

  23. You little fat, ugly, old people need to stop talking about me and instead go buy me something or get under my desk and make me smile. I'll video it to watch later with all the security videos I stole out of the unit. What missing 225? What missing grievance? What are you talking about? My briefcase sure comes in handy and so does my car that I get to drive in and out with every day, several times a day and no one looks to see what I have.
    You all get back to work doing what I tell you to do.
    Don Freeman

  24. That was pretty funny, but if that's true, you just told on how he takes stuff out. If he reads this they'll never catch him now!

  25. They're not going to catch him! No one is even trying to! Remember, he's "well protected"!

  26. Grits, have you heard any rumor mill who is being looked at to replace Kimbrough? Is it Owens or is he being sent back to TDCJ after this is over?

  27. I heard TYC bad boy Don Freeman is history. Anyone have confirmation on that?

  28. Where did you hear that from? Was it an email or just the rumor mill?

    Christmas in May- no way!

  29. I can't find anything on the net about it. If someone knows one way or the other please blog it here!

  30. Folks, lets get off Freeman, all of us are subject to be walked off for something that we could not defend when "Big Brother" is watching the door.

    How many times did you forget to annotate a level III on your CCF-225? Your fired.

    Your transitional ICP does not address risk factors that this youth will face when he is released. Your fired.

    You stated on your application back in 1999 that you could type 60 words a minute, the "New" test for all clerical test that we are conducting shows that you typed only 59 words per minute. Your fired.

    If all were going to do is cheer when they take one of us out, then this agency needs to be cleaned up. Because these are not the staff I know and have trusted to make good decisions. These are the staff that set youth up for failure when the youth chooses not to do what you ask them to do!

  31. What is happening here is someone was finally able to bring it to someone attention that there are juvenile privacy laws. I think attorneys probably started letting people know they need to stop leaving TYC open any more than it already was for lawsuits for violating privacy laws

  32. I think the point is that Freeman should have been gone long ago, at least 5 years ago from my count. Yet he was still there. It is not a downfall to be glad that someone who should have been gone a long time ago, is actually gone. It is a pity that there may be other people that get sucked into all the hoopla and are let go or fired for ridiculous reasons. I don't think anyone here is cheering that.

  33. Sorry, that last comment was to be addressed to bubba.

  34. Bubba,

    I can't disagree with you more... I really can't equate or "downplay" Freeman's aggregious behavior as to nitpicking documentation of a 225 or how many words a person can type...

    And if Ray Worsham was redacting investigations to satisfy his supervisors desire to protect persons as has been alleged then he should be gone.

    I am greatly troubled that you can so easily minimize blatant ethical violations or in Freemans case documented meglomaniacal behavior.

    People make mistakes, sure, but when things are done deliberately then it is not a mistake. We should all behave professionally at all times whether BIG BROTHER is looking or not.

    One of the things TYC does need to get rid of is the mentality that staff should cover up for other staff because we all make mistakes.

    A better motto is don't put me in the position where I have to report you...and I will do the same for you.

    Sorry, Bubba, but what you said has touched a nerve...and gives me great pause as to what type of staff you are!

  35. 3:59 - The unofficial version is that Blu and Don have had problems for some time - supposedly because Blu found "religion" whatever that may be. He stopped being the errand boy and doing Don's dirty work. That had to cause a rift because Freeman thinks he is the ruler of the land. Problem for Blu is that a bad reputation is hard to change.Only time will tell if he really cleaned up his act. But it's official, Freeman is gone. No official announcement yet, which leads me to believe he is only on suspension, but we all know what comes next.

  36. 3:59pm replies

    Maybe Blu realized after the investigations in 2002 that he might be skating on thin ice. Well, if Blue has changed his stripes then more power to him. I believe that people can change and learn from past experiences...

    Thanks you the information... 9:17p.m.

  37. Okay, if this person (Freeman) was soooooo unethical your stating it took the Mod Squad to find this out!!!!!!!

    I have always done the right thing and will continue, but to sit here an blog and state someone is this bad and nothing has happened is a joke and anyone who actually believes this garbage must be waiting to be beamed up.

    If all this is true please tell me did you document the transgressions, did you file them, or could it be that this is hearsay.

    I don't sit and judge Freeman or anyone else who might work for TYC based upon the fact I have not walked in their shoes. The issue I have is that our current leadership will be gone in 25 days and they are cleaning house with little more than rumor and suspicion.

    I believe Freeman will walk away from this with no problems based upon the fact he can retire but choose to stay because he thought he was making a difference.

  38. Bubba,
    You have no f*&^%$ idea what you are talking about. Before 50 more people show up after me and give you a blistering of a lifetime, I'm just going to tell you- FREEMAN WAS THAT BAD. Worse than you could imagine. He lasted as long as he did because HE WAS PROTECTED. I am giving you fair warning. Don't even try to defend him. You will regret it when it finally comes out what he did to all these staff and students. If you choose to come back and try and defend him- just say you were fair warned.

  39. Bubba,

    Yes I did document it, it was investigated, and the same administrative staff that failed to deal with Ray Brookins failed to deal with Mr. Freeman in 2002. I don't come by my conclusion/judgment of him lightly or with out a preponderance of fact I don't even have a reasonable doubt.

    You are entitled to your opinion but I feel that his documented behavior substantiate my conclusions...

    I have know doubt that Freeman believes that he was making a difference and therefore justifies his own behavior. He just assumes that he is right and everyone else is wrong.

    Much evil has been done in the name of good.

    Let him retire, I just don't believe that he or anyone of his ilk should be running a facility.

    I know several people who think highly of the way he does things and want to be like the "Shark" or Freeman, but they turn out to be just as bent as he is. They should not be in administrative positions or supervising youth either.

    Bubba, you just can't excuse or justify his behavior as a mistake.

  40. There was was a blogger named anon
    Who thought Freeman was a Moron

    But little did little anon know
    That his carrer had little chance to grow.

    As much as little anon would whine
    He could never muster the courage to opine

    He would take his frustrations out on others.
    While secretly coveting his Brothers.

    Even though he was never beamed up by the Enterprise
    The life he led of blaming and pointing could come to know one as a surprise

    You see this is where TYC is today
    A prostitute waiting for one last lay

    I has to litghen up the blogging

  41. Whoa- 2:14, before I crack open a bottle of the finest store bought, screw top lid wine to celebrate, how do you know Freeman is really gone? Don't be yankin our chains.

  42. Let's see "Bubba", do you work at Crockett? Are you Freeman (no wait, don't answer that)? I think right now everyone (gov.) seems focused on sex offenses, no one has accused Mr.Freeman of this. Also, you seem to be the only one coming to his defense. Does that not seem a little odd? Well I guess it is time to beam me up, because I'm not falling for your load of crap. I can't guarantee everything said in this blog about him has been true, but there is more than one person making statements about him that seem to back each other up. Of note, what difference do you think Freeman thought he made in the whole big scheme of things? A difference for himself, his staff, or the youth? Now this is just complete hearsay on my part, but the benefits seem to be all his (the gifts stop if you retire, you have no power over anyone). This is only my opinion, but I think more than a couple of people would agree.

  43. Chuy who are you directing that at?
    10:35 or 10:32

    And are you trying to start a pissing contest?

  44. I guess we cant get over this Freeman issue, so I will go to bed. Thanks Bubba, you enraged the bloggers. And I still need to work on my poetry.

  45. There is no pissing contest when talking about Freeman. Bubba is pissing in the wind. Bubba, unless pissing in the wind is "your thing" and you like that kind of freaky stuff, turn around and face the other way. You will definitely not win anyone over to Freeman's defense here- no one from TYC that is. He was not only ruthless, he was criminal. There is plenty of documentation to back that up. Don't think just because he has lasted this long what is said here is unfounded. Freeman, other than Brookins and Hernandez is one of the worst human beings in TYC's history.

  46. Sadly, he has supporters. his #1 girl (except for his wife of course) is waling around talking about a transfer to Mart. And for those of you who don't know her at Mart, look out. She's as bad as he is, but dumber - she learned from the best. At least he had people to read his e-mails for him b/c neither one of them know the first thing about computers. At least Freeman knew enough about policy to find a way to break it without getting caught. She is so dumb, she wouldn't know TYC policy if it jumped up and bit her. If her talk of a transfer is true, look out Marty folks. She is coming your way.

  47. 8:56pm

    Would you include Ms. Crawford as one of those skanks? I got a good impression from her.

  48. Analissa Crawford might not be as dumb and skanky as the other "Freeman's Angels", but she is still working under Freeman, so she is part of the problem. I knew her when she worked there the first time. She left and then came back. Why would anyone want to go back is beyond me.

    -President of the Don Freeman fan club

  49. My impression is that she transferred to Crockett to be closer to family but I did wonder if she was anything like the other PA's at Crockett. She was always very closed up at Mart so she was hard to read. I agree wholeheartedly with your impression of Tracy Painter Wagner, though!

  50. Oh Gee. Why would Gwen Toliver (Freeman's mistress) want to transfer to Mart? Could it be because Freeman actually lives in Waco (about 25 miles from Mart)?! Yep. He loves the community of Crockett so much, he lives 100 miles away from it. He has an on campus house he stays in while he's "working". His wife and rest of his family are in Waco. Gwen must want to be closer to him if he's shitcanned.

  51. Is there a PA he didn't sleep with?

  52. Does Freeman's son still work at Mart?

  53. EWWWW EWWWW EWWWW EWWWW!! Stop it! Stop saying "Freeman" and "sleeping with" in the same sentence! You're making me want to vomit!

  54. As far as I know, though he doesn't seem much like his father.

  55. Does he have any pull or hiring authority in his postion? Can he help his Daddy's girlfriend get a job there?

  56. Don't think, I really don't think Chip would want to be saddled with her?

    To Ewwww, Ewwww etc..

    Would you prefer sexually harass?

  57. Thank you. Sexually harass is better, but there's a glitch. You can't sexually harass the willing.

    I just threw up in my mouth... just a little.

  58. OK- will someone, anyone, from TYC post back on here tomorrow and tell us if Freeman is really gone? I'm going to be mad if I broke open my box of wine and got drunk for nothing. I even poured out a cupful in rememberance of the fallen "hommies" from Freeman's reign of terror.

  59. "To the hommies!" (clinks beer bottle against computer monitor)

  60. "To the hommies!"
    (pops a Zoloft and a Ambien)

  61. "To the Hommies!" - (wishes he had a beer, Zoloft and Ambien)

  62. Who are the PA's at Mart now... I quit in 2005.

    I always thought Brown and Stewart were Freeman cronies.

    Crawford used to work for Brown. So it didn't surprise me when she transferred to Crockett.

  63. Is Freeman really gone?

  64. Wow President. Sounds like you need to seek some help. Holding onto all that anger isn't good for your health. Such hostility.

    It's official - no e-mail this morning. He's gone.

  65. What do you mean it's official when you said there was no email? They didn't send out an email he was gone so that makes it official? I'm confused. I thought they announced it all to the media when someone was gone.

  66. TYC's current administration takes people off of e-mail when they give you the boot. He has no e-mail and is not at work. I don't know why it's not in the media. I know everyone likes that public display of stoning. I'm sure you'll get it soon.

  67. Personally, I don't care if Freeman gets to slink away without it being in the media. As long as he's gone, I have a little faith that some justice is actually happening in all of this mess.

  68. I think all you Crockett employees get excited when Breedlove comes around. Now there's a whole lotta loving! lol!!

  69. Breedlove???

    Must be an inside joke.

  70. Oh Lord people. Have you seen the article about Perry's appointess holding their positions way longer than the time frame they were supposed to? We're talking YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS after they were supposed to get out.
    Kimbrough and Owens may be with us for a long time. A LONG, LONG, LONG, LONG time........... sigh.

  71. I will dance a jig when Freeman, Blu, and Gwen T. are gone from TYC. It seems that the new honchos at C.O. are cleaning house from the top down, which makes sense I guess. It just seems like it is taking a long time. I would like to see Laura Braly from Corsicana get the top job at Crockett. She is well qualified and a good person from what I remember of her when she worked at Crockett as a psychologist.
    -President of Don Freeman fan club
    (y'all can email me at

  72. 12:29- what the heck does that mean? Who is Breedlove?

  73. Thanks Laura Braly for coming on here and posting a "pat on the back for yourself" trying to get a promotion.

  74. I thought someone said Freeman was already fired?
    Are Blu and Toliver being booted out too?

  75. I don't think Freeman is really fired. People are just coming on here jacking with others. If he was fired being such a bad guy, the new admin. would have been sure to have that all over the papers to make themselves look good and be the heros. Freeman's probably not at work because he's on some tropical beach somewhere with one of his "honeys" courtesy of his enslaved employees who have to prove they love him.

  76. Maybe the new administrators read Grits! Maybe they saw how outraged we were at how they were publicizing the other firings! Maybe they saw how much Freeman was hated and decided to get him out of here! Think it's possible?

  77. No sense in speculating if y'all don't know.

    I do appreciate those who've listed the CONFIRMED firings - maybe after session when there's more time, it'd be interesting to match those up with the responsibility chain on the different scandals to see who got fired for unrelated, essentially ass-covering reasons and who did or didn't get held responsible for actual wrongdoing that occurred. That's a big, detail-oriented task, though.

    Man, y'all really need a decent union - how is it left to a BLOG to perform that task? :-(

  78. Hahahahah....I am not Laura Braly, trust me. I just would like someone halfway decent to get Freeman's job, and Blu is not included in that category.

    I have started a TYC Discussion Board for current and former TYC employees. And no I am not Ed Owens or Jay Kimbrough, but some of you guys are so paranoid that you won't believe me anyway.

    -President of the Don Freeman Fan Club

  79. 2:04- Will people have to register or say who they are on your site?
    I like it here- we know who Grits is and whose side he's on (the right one).

  80. I've come to realize that anyone who tells you to trust them can't be trusted. There's a reason they are trying to convince you. Usually not a good one.
    Why would you think people would want to be a part of your blog if you're siging off as the "President of Freeman's Fan Club"? That's pretty inappropriate.

  81. I've always been taught that if you're in a bad situation, you do what it takes to get out of it. If TYC is so terrible and the source of so much anger and hostility for you, why stay and why sit around and complain about it? If you're still employed, do something to change your situation. Report violations to the proper authorities, but when did we become the moral authority. Don't we teach the kids to be repsonsible for their actions? We are no different and accountability does not discriminate. If you are sitting around waiting for the next TYC staffer to lynch, go get a job or a hobby. If you have a solution or support for fellow-staffers who want to see the agency reputation change to a more positive one, bring it on. In other words, "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say nothing at all." I'd be really careful about passing so much judgement on people.

  82. 2:51- Look around you. This is the only place TYC people can get things off their chest. Most of what people have complained about here are legitimate things that have been going on for years. The employees have been stepped on, threatened, ignored and treated like they have no worth (the good ones that is). They finally have a chance to say things that have been pent up for years.
    Shut up and go find another job is your solution? Uh, no. If they are this mad and angry- that means they have passion. If they didn't care, they wouldn't respond. TYC needs these people. Let them vent, kick doors, yell at the top of their lungs, or whatever else they need to do to vent their frustration. These people have every right to say these things. If you don't like it, you can always choose not to read them. It also looks like there are many who do make good, positive suggestions. Don't come here and deny people their right to blow off steam. You have no idea what some of these people have been through.

  83. It's not about denying anybody the right to vent - we need it. But it's easy to get bogged down in the negative. I just hate to see well-intentioned people put so much energy into bashing others. We need that energy to keep these facilities going and to help fix the problems with the agency. That's all I meant.

  84. "It's not about denying anybody the right to vent - we need it".

    3:07 Next time say that if that's what you meant. It sure sounded like you were telling people not to.

    You said:
    "I've always been taught that if you're in a bad situation, you do what it takes to get out of it".
    "If you are sitting around waiting for the next TYC staffer to lynch, go get a job or a hobby".
    "In other words, "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say nothing at all."

  85. AMEN 2:51! I'm going to say whatever I want whenever I want to say it! I've had a rag shoved in my mouth and a boot up my ass for years. No matter what I reported or who I told it didn't matter! You bet your ass I'm going to be singing like a bird every chance I get. And if I gripe about something while I do it, so be it!
    Hey 2:51! How do you think all of this got started? By someone just keeping their mouth shut? Someone had to say something negative to someone to get the ball rolling. Now here we are! It looks like negative things are the only thing that gets anyone to pay any attention. We're doing what works now! We didn't have that chance for years!

  86. President here....
    Sounds like we have a lot of love and support for our TYC administrators huh, is that dedication or what? I agree that people who have the chance to get out of TYC need to do so very soon. But there are countless entry-level employees who really have no other options, but they do not deserve to be mistreated and threatened by a Napoleonic dictator like Freeman and other bad administrators within TYC. We must communicate and support one another to try to work towards fixing an agency that is severely broken. We must report what we see going on in TYC and tell the investigators everything that we know. I couldn't do that back when I worked for TYC because as they say "the fox was guarding the henhouse."

    Maybe you would understand where my hostility comes from if you had ever been "screwed over" repeatedly. I am sure that there are a lot of other people who feel the same way that I do and would like to see certain individuals get what they deserve.

    Oh yeah, the thing about me using the name "President of the Don Freeman Fan Club" is just a joke. Do I sound like I have any love for George Bozo Jefferson? Hahahahahaha....

    -President of the Don Freeman Fan Club

  87. President of the Don Freeman Fan Club- why did you create another site for TYC people to go to?

  88. 3:49 PM...
    Current and former TYC employees need a place to talk and to discuss what is going on. This blog is not really the place to do that.
    You don't have to give your name or email to post on the group. Just make an alias Yahoo account and become a member. My name on there is Bubba Joe Jackson which is not my real name, or is it?


    Freeman's Club President- Do you have this site advertised anywhere but here (on Grits), if so, where?

    Just checking to see if you are trying to identify who Grits posters/readers are by only advertising your page on this site.

    You bet people are paranoid. We have every right to be considering what has been going on.

    This site isn't really what this is for? Says who?
    Grits, if you would like us not to post here anymore, please let us know.

    You have to become a "member" to post? Why not anonymous? You can create all the fake yahoo email accounts you want, but your IP address stays the same.
    At least with staying on the Grits site, we know Scott has integrity and isn't going to hand us over to the first person who asks.

  90. Like many of you I too am a former TYC employee, my leaving was by choice. But I really want to know, do any of you consider leaving TYC (by choice or fired) a blessing? I mean, at this time, we should ALL consider it a blessing. Now's the time, to count your blessings, put the anger behind you, and get on with your lives!!!

  91. Someone made the comment recently that many "good" people were fired under Don's actions, but after working for TYC for I while, sometimes "good" people and TYC just don't mix. I've had to fire some of the most wonderful people I know, but "wonderful and good" does not always mean you have a good work ethic, nor does it mean you have the ability to work with kids or supervise others. Working for TYC, especially with Freeman and his wannabe's, is not an easy task. It takes a special person to work the "ONE TEAM" approach.

    In defense of the "Good" people, I'm guessing the good ones aren't the ones on this blog bitchin' and complaining about their past TYC lives or they have made the best of their current TYC lives and refuse to feed into the nonsense that I have been reading here.

    I agree ~ MOVE ON AND GET A LIFE!!!

  92. 5:51- I'm glad your world is perfect and there's nothing but rays of sunshine and good smelling crap all around you even when shit on by an elephant. I'm not as lucky as you are to be so happy with being made into a manure pile by someone. I'm mad, and I'm going to say I'm mad and tell whatever I want to tell. I'm not at that place yet to be able to shut up and move on. I have a lot of healing to do after years of abuse by these people. When I am ready, I will shut up. Now's just not the time for me. My pile of crap that was dumped on me still stinks and until the smell goes away like apparently yours has- I'm going to keep saying it.

  93. hit the nail on the head with that one. We might be able to forgive, but we will never forget. When you have been "rail-roaded", threatened, and humiliated by certain people, you just never forget it.

    Speaking from experience, after Freeman came to Crockett he really destroyed the morale of the place. I guess some of you Freeman supporters would say that he "took back the campus from the kids control" and made it secure again. But if you look at the records you will see that restraints went up, investigations went up, injuries went up, staff complaints went up, and employee morale went to zero. Is that what TYC would call a success story??


  94. is factual evidence considered as "nonsense"? There are stacks of investigations in Central Office all about Don Freeman's actions towards employees and students alike. He was non-descriminating when it came to who he abused. If you weren't on his side, then you were against him. He is downright sociopathic.... but I guess Don Freeman got you where you are today so you owe him some gratitude.


  95. Wow 6:03- that was well put.
    You are right.
    I complain on here just as much as anyone else. I'm just not ready to stop. I'm not as bad as some people who really go for the throat and take cheap shots, but I still complain. I just need to until I can stop being mad. I finally feel like someone is listening and don't feel isolated anymore. I don't want to stop until I feel like I've said all this stuff I've kept to myself all this time.

  96. Well Ok "Mr. I'm angry, and will take no more!" why don't you stand up and do something about it? And if you guys don't know Breedlove, then your missing a "whole lotta loving," there baby, because she is the female version of.... the notorious Phil Watson!! ahahahaha!!
    Wasn't Phil "the Deal?" intimidating witnesses who testified him in the abuse investigation that should have outsted him a long time ago? Fired and brought back? Don't think the visitors are going back to look at that case as well.....

  97. 6:53....
    The situation involving Phil Watson is not the only one where someone was fired and got reinstated. Phil may have deserved to be fired, but he was able to show that they were wrong to fire him or he showed that he had been "railroaded". There are a few others at Crockett that were wrongly terminated but then got their jobs back. I know of two caseworkers that sued and got their jobs back. Just because you can build up a termination case does not mean that it is a legitimate one that is "for cause".


  98. Phil Watson et. al is the whole reason we need to open up the "at will" for all JCO's as well. Include the likes of Breedlove, and I'm sure many more. One for all, and one for all.... free will. That ought to shape up you JCO staff.... enough of your call-in bullshit. If you can't come to work, we don't need you. And I'm right on the campus watching you idiots abusing sick leave, only so that I have to do a 12 hour shift. So F-off on that issue. GO AT WILL FOR US ALL SO WE CAN FINALLY LOOSE THESE LOSERS.

  99. Making TYC an "at will" agency will not change anything. The "for cause" part in employment agreements is reserved for employees who have signed a contract, which TYC employees never have had to do. Administrators will still have to have reasons to terminate someone. You can't just go up to JCO Joe Blow and say "you're fired" like Donald Trump does.


  100. What does it stand for there Mr. President?

    PDFFC? President of Dumb Fucking Foulball Call-ins?

    I'm sick of doing 12's man. A lot of us want "at will" to do away with your kind dude.

  101. Guys - "at will" means at will - the boss no longer wants you, doesn't like the way you look, wants the job for a buddy ... whatever - unless you can show illegal discrimination they don't have to have a reason. Of course, that might not make much of a change really...they still have to be able to find somebody to do your job.

    FYI - I hear Freeman is suspended pending investigation.

  102. 9:45p.m.

    I really doubt that any of the persons which you complain about actually care about this blog or what happens to TYC. I have had to pull shifts for staff and understand the frustration...but I think you are taking your anger out on the wrong people.

    Not a Crockett employee so the Phil Watson and Breedlove reference is lost on me.

  103. Suspended pending investigation? Oh Jesus Christ. What do these guys need to get this monster out of here???????? For God's sake people, dig out the notes, grievances, video, blue dresses with DNA samples or whatever else you have on Freeman and get it to these Investigators, Senators and anyone else you have to to keep him from coming back!!!!!!

  104. You know, my frustration comes by the fact I've been working my ass off for a long time in this agency only to see some come on here crying about some administrator who I really don't know that well because I come to work and have no business up there, because I come to work. I get passed over sometimes on the ladder because I had an issue being late, but I still showed up and worked overtime. I was OK with the fact I got a level II but I should have fixed my truck sooner when I realized it was having problems. I can't tell you how many times I walked when it broke down because I didn't have the money to fix it because the part was 350.00.

    So f-it, I took the level II reprimand and saved for the next month and got the damn thing fixed.

    But what frustrates me is I look at these abusers of sick leave, or jury calls, and just manipulating the system. That's why they don't mess with me. I at least walk to work while these other bullshitters just abuse sick time. They need to be committed to the cause or leave. It's just getting frustrating for those few of us pulling the wagon as these others are just laughing it off because they have these benefits and abuse it, and consequently us too by me havin to work thse 12's all the time. They know who they are and we need better emplyees. - Crockett

  105. What the heck is et. al?

  106. 10:50
    I hate to break it to you buddy, but that's not just at Crockett. That's at every TYC facility there is. It's called supervisors playing favorites and not holding their buddies accountable. You, on the other hand, work hard and try to do a good job. Welcome to the ways of TYC. That's why all these people are coming on here "crying" as you say. You're not the only one being screwed either by your coworkers or supervisors. A HELL of a lot of other people (JCOs, caseworkers, education staff, maintenance, support staff, etc.)- good workers like you, have been too. They've all got different jobs so they just have different things to get angry about. They're "crying" just like you're "crying" about lazy, cheating coworkers and supervisors who don't show up, don't do their jobs right and make you (them) work harder for no more appreciation. You're definitely not alone.

  107. Has anyone visited Freeman's Fan Club President's blog site? What's on there? Anyone really talking?

  108. Well "buddy" I've been with the agency 21 years now, and I guess you all kids don't get it. One spankin aint hurtin me nothing, not like you kids.

    And befor you call me a old man, I wanna remind you, I'm badder than a old one legged man in a ass kicking contest. Not one of those boys ever mess with me. Not once. Now boy, that's old TYC.

  109. 11:20- Who were you talking to and what was that supposed to mean?

  110. et. al is an author of a publication way of saying "and everyone else" when citing a source in an article. Sometimes there are too many authors to from a source so "et. al" is utilized.

  111. PDFFC - For your information I'm not a Freeman fan and NO, I did not get where I am because of him. I don't even work with him now, but I have in the past. Yes, I understand people need to vent, but really do you think your way is the best way by cutting down others, blaming administration and CO on your issues, and yes, talking nonsense because your "facts" are not facts, just rumors and newpaper articles.

    Unfortunately, I know how Freeman and his followers can be, but you either buck up or you get out! You have more choices then just "Poor Me!"

    Again, as for you facts and the 1000s of investigations, just because there are investigations it does not mean ALL are true. Pyote is extremely unfortunate, but believe it or not, staff and kids both lie on occasion so before we "overreact" and "blame" others, let's wait for the facts and judge each investigation on a case by case basis. Really, what inside scoop do you have, besides grits and the newspaper. If you want to talk facts, give us something we CAN'T read just as easily as you can.

    By the way, although, I myself have NO IDEA how, Gwen does have a Masters and is qualified by TYC guidelines as a PA...this does not mean she would meet my standards for hiring. (I know what kind of job she does.) So again, where are your facts from? No, I'm certainly NOT taking up for her or any one else, but I can't stand hearing you state what you think is fact and not knowing anymore that anyone else. So please PDFFC, Get Over Yourself!

  112. 10:45-
    There are PLENTY OF ACTUAL, TRUE, CRIMINAL and POLICY VIOLATING FACTS. I have one FACT that should ensure he never works for TYC again or possibly to jail. Yes, it has been given to the investigators. I am watching and waiting. If nothing happens to Freeman from my information, I will take those FACTS to others outside TYC if this administration appears they will protect him as the old administration did.

  113. 10:45 a.m.

    I do think you make several good points. Rumors abound in TYC and probably will for some time.

    I am not PDFFC and he sounds like he/she was a long time employee of Crockett. If he/she was one of the many staff terminated at Crockett because Freeman wanted to clean house and start over then I think he has a right to be upset.

    In fact Freeman cleaning house, in my opinion isn't that different than what Kimbrough is doing now, except he might end up on the receiving end this time. While I agree the Crockett needed to get tougher on "kids" I don't believe that abuse and creating a n atmosphere of fear, intimidation, and distrust was the way to do it. Smacks too much of the "youths" values systems to me and we as staff should be modeling pro-social behavior.

    Freeman's managerial style created the atmosphere that has been represented in this blog, and I have to say I don't see too many other superintendents being so reviled.

    Freeman got rid of many of the experienced staff who knew how to work with emotionally disturbed youth with patience yet firmness.
    Things got so bad they had to "lower" the youths level of emotional disturbance of many of the youth (2002) and ship out a large portion of their population to other campuses. These emotionally disturbed youth were transferred to campus that were not ready to handle the youth. These ED youth wrecked havoc on the culture of several campuses. Mart comes to mind...

    Freeman's behavior and reputation, rumors or facts, follows him from campus to campus: Corsicana, Mart, to Crockett.I have seen enough evidence myself to substantiate that he should not be running a campus.

    As far as any evidence as his having a reputation with the ladies... that is rumor and such rumors are commonplace about most superintendents and administrative staff.

    ---RUMOR ALERT----The first rumor I heard was that Steve Robinson when he became superintendent of BWD asked a woman in an interview for a secretarial position how she felt about giving oral sex--- Rumor Alert--- Heard in Jan 1995--- alert over. I don't believe or at least I choose not to believe it!

    I always figured that the rumor mill was a product of the high stress environment that working behind constantine wire, fences, a criminal element, and sense of frustration that most staff feel. So ignore it. People are expressing their anger as you 10:45 a.m. have the right to do... and not all of what is being expressed is rumor but honest heartfelt expression of their perspective and experience.

    Hopefully, some frustration will be vented, through the expression of thoughts and ideas we will be exposed to others perspectives, and will grow and become wiser. Also, people accept and assimilate a point a view when you don't attack or beat them over the heads with it...

    Although I suspect, my opinion, that this has struck a cord with you because you yourself have been subject to rumor a rumor or two in your life. If so...

    If you want to be in a position of authority or management it is one of the unfortunate "perks" of the job.

    God Bless, 10:45

  114. From 12:09

    Just something I posted in the past...

    I was reading an article in Time Magazine about actors playing villains. Richard Corliss wrote something about villains I thought was appropriate to all the Villainous
    names that have gone in all the previous blogs...

    He wrote, "Bad people, locked in the basement of their dankest impulses, don't know they're bad. They think they're the good guys in a world that can't understand them, and must be punished for that mistake. Villains see themselves as victims."

    As all of us write our blogged comments about those we see as the Villains of TYC, let make sure we own up to our own shortcomings and constantly self evaluate so that we don't become the same villains we love to elaborate about. Some of the greatest evil in the world was done with the best of intentions....

  115. 12:09 ~ No you did not ruffle any feathers because you did represent your opinion in a positive way and unoffensive way. As I said, I do think everyone has a right to express themselves, but do think it should be done in an appropriate manner. Yes, Freeman's reputation has followed him and I am know there is reason for it, but again, no one man can be to blame for ALL the issues of TYC, he just didn't do much to help.

    Anyway, my vent was about appropriate expression and speaking truth rather than rumors and I thank you for doing just that.


  116. Someone could even argue that Stalin, Hitler, and Bin Laden had good intentions at one point in their lives, but look at what they did to the world. I guess their supporters praised them too.

    Just telling it like it is.

  117. "no one man can be to blame for ALL the issues of TYC, he just didn't do much to help".

    No one on here said Freeman was the entire blame for everything happening in TYC. Who’s exaggerating what others said now?

  118. 12:09 responds...

    I don't like Freeman but I wouldn't accuse him of mass genocide or ethnic cleansing either... not really an appropriate comparison.

    And I don't get the feeling 10:45 is defending Freeman, just doesn't want to be lumped in with the "group" assessment.

    And Y'all just don't know how bad I want to make an "Albert Speer" joke right now but it would hardly illuminate my point! Especially since I don't believe that such and inference is appropriate to 10:45.

    1:49 Relax, chill, and go surf some 3-5ft south Texas waves dude!

    Grits maybe I'll use the nick name Ron Jon... sorry just a coastal boy at heart!

  119. To 2:04 Mm.. Mmm.. MMm..
    The pot calling the kettle black.
    Sure is convenient to have anonymous posting isn't it so anyone can flip flop whenever they want.

  120. I went to college with a guy named Mike Godwin who pronounced "Godwin's Law," which says: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one." This comment string has now proven, once again, Mike's sage prediction - might be time to start a new one, folks!

  121. Mr. 12:09 aka 2:04 aka Ron Jon responds.

    Don't know where I really flip flopped but flip flopping is not always bad when it is a sign of growth! Sticking to one position with out any change reminds me of the north and south going "Zax" of the Dr. Seuss stories in "Sneetches and other Stories" (look at me getting all topical today). And I think that has been fairly consistent with all my posts.

    I personally think Freeman should go because I believe that his style of management is the style that helped get this agency in trouble... For all the "Covey" training management had few seemed to utilize it... what was it supposed to be "principled-centered leadership."

    Speaking of Covey, I would put my blog writing in the quadrant of important but not immediate. In other words, I find it healthy to share and vent but I really have more pressing things I am neglecting to take care of.

    PS. Grits- Your friend Mike sounds like a very wise and profound man...

  122. Exactly 2:04. Glad to know someone sees my point.


  123. Amen 10:45am. Wah Wah Wah. This blog has turned into nothing productive. From where I sit, it looks like a bunch of whiners that sound as bad as the kids when it comes to the use of thinking errors. I an NOT defending Freeman or anyone else, but if he and his administration are so bad, where were all of you before there was a bandwagon to jump on? It's easy to get on here and complain anonymously - that takes no backbone at all. I would love to open up some personnel files of the folks on here and some speaking in the media and see the awful truth. If you want to talk about facts, I know for a fact that some of the ex-staff who are presenting themselves as "child advocates" in the media have a pretty extensive history of mistreatment of the youth. They at least are identifying themselves in the media but they won't tell the whole story. It would be nice to focus on job performance instead of character assissination. This reminds me of Junior High - I've been there and don't care to go back.

  124. 3:11 Don't see you putting your money where your mouth is...

    Sign your name to the end of a post. Until then you are no better than those you are a name calling a bunch of "whiners."

  125. I've been a victim of a few "anonymous" and untrue rumors myself at the hand of Freeman and some of his people. Character assassination has been one of those fabled "rumors" or characteristics of Freeman and some of his associates since he was at Corsicana.

    I keep my name private to protect the innocent, frankly my wife and the other subject of the rumor. In fact my wife's probably gone slap me up side the head for writing this. If I posted my name, other than that "rumor," I would challenge you or anyone to find that I mistreated my employees or any students in my care.

    12:09 aka 2:04 aka 2:50 aka Ron Jon

    I know I indicated I was leaving but blogging seems to be addictive... maybe I need a 12 step program.

  126. Sorry my 3:37 post was directed to 3:11...just in case it wasn't clear/

  127. you people need to leave freeman alone. did he come tell you about the job. you came looking for a job

  128. Okay, so Freeman is not quite up to par with Hitler. Maybe more like Idi Amin......ahhaahahaa.

  129. So is Freeman at work or not? Is he fired or not? You all are confusing the hell out of me.

  130. if want to know if freeman is gone why dont you just ask and talking about it

  131. whats going on with that love triangle on courage and in security
    crockett state school. who is to blame there?

  132. does someone have to be killed before someone does something about it

  133. PDFFC here....I am not connected to TYC anymore, so I do not know if Freeman is gone or not. If he is suspended, that is a good sign, but there is no official word. They still have his name on the TYC website as the supt. of Crockett. They are pretty fast about changing the website once someone is fired. They had Bart Caldwell's name off like the next day after he got the boot. But as far as a media release there is nothing. I don't think they would release information that he was just being suspended, so they will wait until he is officially terminated before they release the news. Then I can dance that "jig" I have been talking about.

    This is directed at a few people that questioned my motives. To clear things up about me...yes I worked at Crockett for a long time. No, I wasn't fired, I resigned to take a much better job. No, I do not have anger or hostility towards Freeman and his gang, I just want to see him get what is coming to him. To be fired. He has done enough damage that it will take years to repair the reputation of CSS. It was once a proud establishment. People were proud to say that they worked there. Now when people hear that you work at Crockett State School they say "Oh, I'm sorry." Freeman's bad reputation has been all over town since 2002, and it is not just "rumors" or "lies" that disgruntled employees have fabricated. And no, I am not saying that he has ruined TYC, he has just ruined Crockett State School. That is a fact, which means that it is based upon credible evidence, look it up.


  134. around all the state schools in the agencey who does the schedules on the sites at crockett just two jco six's do them. do you think that is right. and the vacation schedule is pulled by the lotto.

  135. 7:38 (and I assume you are 6:00, 6:12 and 6:14)
    It is very hard to understand what you are saying. Everything is running together and you're leaving out words, punctuation, ect. We could answer you better if you could help us with what it is you're wanting to know or say.

  136. When was Freeman suspended pending investigation? This week? Was he walked out or just never came in to work?

  137. Man, Kimbrough, Owens, Perry and all the others combined didn't get the number of posted comments Freeman has and for so long. This guy must really be hated. I've only seen one so far that even came close to trying to say he was a good guy. All the rest are really against him or asking people to move on and stop with negative comments; not defending Freeman, just saying they're tired of hearing it. That says alot about the guy when people aren't even defending him. I hope the new guys in charge do read Grits and if they're not already looking into Freeman that they do now. Obviously something is up with the guy if this many people hate him and have stayed on this for so long wanting him gone.

  138. Next topic for those who want change is on the blog board... all you Crockett folks can just stay here until you get it all out.... get it all out because we've moved forward. But don't come there until you've exhausted yourself on Freeman here because quit frankly, you've beat that horse to death.... Maybe you all should focus on Phil Watson and his arrests he didn’t report but we now know of… amazing what those FBI guys can do…. No domestic violence guys are allowed in TYC. See ya Phil…

  139. We can't move forward until we hear Freeman's gone and it's real. Until that happens, we're not going to be over it.

  140. Hey- I just noticed that all the posts have become eerily quiet of all the ususal named posters- where's Whitsfoe, Pinpoint, Chuy, Mikulastik, and the others? It's been a couple days now. Not just here on the Freeman stuff, but all the other sections too. What's up with that? Are these guys all legislators and have been stuck in hearing so they can't post?

  141. They just showed up on the second topic. They're back

  142. I heard through the grapevine that Freeman was "walked off campus" recently. So I suppose that this means that he was suspended, but I don't know about fired. Are there any Crockett employees reading this that know if this is true?

  143. The grapevine is incorrect. He is suspended, but was never walked off campus by anyone. The news came by phone.

  144. Anyone have any clue as to which thing(s)he was suspended pending investigation for?

  145. The new Omsbudsman (Will) needs to get real familiar with the name of Don Freeman. He's going to be seeing his name A LOT!

  146. Story on Don Freeman's suspension in todays Dallas Morning News.....glad to see that the new Central Office finally got around to dealing with Freeman. If he gets reinstated AGAIN, then we know that the "NEW" TYC is no better than the old one.

    -President of the Don Freeman Fan Club :)

  147. TYC needs to put that new "At Will" policy into effect now with Freeman being the first.
    Although all the allegations against him ARE TRUE, they shouldn't have to wait to prove them all. Fire him for the negative, hostile atmosphere and bad name for TYC he creates.
    If they need proof of that, all they have to do is read this string. No one else named on Grits has gotten the attention (99.9% bad) from everyone like he has.

  148. Sylvia Machado's name has been added back into the email. What's up with that? When is she due to go to the grand jury.

  149. They let her back after she was caught red handed shredding evidence? What happened to not being eligible for working for TYC if you were pending charges? I hope this new administration doesn't let someone who is willing to do stuff like that back in.

  150. well, it can be verified that freeman is suspended and Blu has been handed the keys to the campus temporarily. a lot of people are worried about that. If blu found religion then to prove it he needs to go around and personally apologize to the people he has hurt. but wait, that would mean admitting he's done something wrong. If freeman violated 1 policy, blu violated 2 and freeman only knows about the 1. maybe he'll realize that and spill the beans on all the people that are hanging their infractions on him since freeman is responsible for the whole campus.

    Oh, and tell us more about these inappropriate relationships. maybe there's something that could be proved with a DNA test that would make getting rid of these people faster and easier.

    just had to twist the knife a little.

  151. I know.. Who would be dumb enough to do that on camera with staff and I heard youth helped her. Isnt that abusing your authority over the youth. Hey Grits can you find out when her hearing is going in front of the grand jury.

  152. This comment has been removed by the author.

  153. TYC 210. Now that's twisting the knife a little.....

  154. why is it these people can't keep it in their pants!? oh well, i hear that it isn't just the spouse at tyc misbehaving, the one at home is too.

  155. that's not just twisting it but pulling it out and making a new mark!

  156. who's the PA asking for a transfer to Mart?

    oh, and he shaved his head recently so no more Bozo hairdo. :(

  157. 3:48 Her name is Gwen Toliver.
    No more Bozo do? He must read grits and is going underground :)

  158. that wouldn't be fair. Freeman gets fired for what he does but gwen gets to move on and infect some other campus with no responsibility for her part in transforming the campus into a no-morale, everyman for himself, retaliation nation? Well if rumors are even close to true freeman might be jumping on the grenade for his fellow comrades.

  159. Lashbrook banging, come on tyc210

  160. so she sees freeman getting the pink slip and thinks she can run and hide at Mart? wonder who she knows over there that will protect her?

    i wonder if these people remember the first time they sold out?

  161. Freeman's not fired (yet?). We'll see how well connected and protected he still is.

    Who is Lashbrook?

  162. 4:21
    She wouldn't be running to Mart to be protected. She'd be going to be closer to Freeman since he really lives in Waco.

  163. 4:22 It's not Karen Chalkley anymore its Lashbrook.

  164. I personally think that when a superintendent leaves his secretary should go too. You all know who I'm talking about.

  165. Reading this string, and all the personal insults, I am embarrassed to be a TYC employee. As if the image wasn't bad enough without all this mess.

    Has anyone heard the words professionalism or ethics?

  166. Yes 4:45- that's why we're so pissed. We're trying to get rid of the people who have been without that and brought us down for so long. Go to another string if you don't like reading what people are mad about. Be ashamed all you want, but I hope you are more ashamed of what Freeman and his like have done to us too.

  167. 4:45 Go to another string!!! We so don't want to hear you!!!!!!!!

  168. 4:45 You're upset over this string?
    Gee, are you upset over anything the prior and current administration has done?

  169. 4:41 PM said the secretary should go too. Who Freeman's secretary? She knows all about Freeman's dirty secrets, and who knows, maybe she told the investigators about some of his dirty deeds. If she hasn't yet, I hope that she does.

    - :)

  170. From the TYC News archives - March 23, 2006 - Crockett Managers Mark Their Superintendent’s Anniversary -
    "The senior management team at the Crockett State School presented Superintendent Don Freeman with a gift certificate from Bass Pro Shops to commemorate his fifth anniversary as superintendent at the school. Diana Smith, FNM, presented the certificate to Mr. Freeman and told of how appreciative she and all of the staff are to have Mr. Freeman as superintendent. She noted that under his direction, the halls are always orderly and quiet; and the students are well behaved.

    Following the presentation, Mr. Freeman praised the management team at the Crockett saying they are among the best in TYC. He said, "the progress at the school has been a team effort . . . staff and students are safer than they have ever been.” He also added that because Bass Pro Shops was his favorite place to shop, the gift certificate might keep him out of trouble with his wife.

    Mr. Freeman has been with TYC for over 20 years, starting as a juvenile corrections officer in Waco in 1979, and transferring to Corsicana as a caseworker/dorm director. Promoted to director of security, he later left Corsicana to go to Mart as the assistant superintendent. He came to Crockett State School as superintendent on March 1, 2001."

    Looks like Freeman will finally get a chance to use that new fishing pole.....


  171. I bet it wasn't just some $20 gift certificate either. Chances are it was probably for about $500 or $1,000 or more. That's what all the other sacrifices to their golden calf God cost them before (signed artist print, rifle scope, etc.).
    That is pathetic and disgusting. Who else ANYWHERE even keeps track of how long their Superintendent has been at their facility? Wouldn't most just get a card or a coffee mug if anyone even remembered at all? Freeman is a money grubbing, power tripping shame to anyone with a supervisory position.

  172. To 5:30 pm
    "Actually, Freeman's secretary was nothing but polite and cooperative during the 2002 investigation".

    You need to be very careful- you do not speak for everyone.

  173. 5:30- I know who you are and what you are trying to do here, but just because you were there doesn't mean you can talk for me or any of the rest of us who were there as well. I don't know how long you actually spent dealing with Mrs. Hellums, but I had a totally different experience with her. Polite and cooperative would not be the words I would use. Not even close. I could list 15 different things she did that would not fall into that category. So, before you paint a pretty picture of Mrs. Hellums, be sure it has your name only on it, not the rest of ours.

  174. 6:23-I was there in 2002 and agree that Traci Wagner is not the same person today. She is not perfect and I wonder how she has worked for Blu and Don for all these years and retained some sanity. ha. From the outsider looking in, I think that she was misled when she first became a PA and was just the pawn. But as she matured a little (I think she was barely 20 years old when she first started) I have seen her fight for waht she thinks is right and even stand up to those two bullies. Again, she is another one - only time will really tell.

  175. Wow. Reading this makes me happy I don't work at Crockett. Amazing and very sad!
    Changing gears - why isn't anyone talking about Al Price here and the problems with their Supt? There are all kinds of allegations of racial discrimination and misuse of State time. What's up with that?

  176. 6:57 PM you mentioned Al Price and their supt? I tell you that Kim Fowler is something else. I know her from her days as a P.A. at Crockett before she went to Corsicana. I don't see her as being cutthroat and dirty like Freeman. She probably is not very popular at Al Price because she wants to run the place like it is some kind of happy little treatment program. :)

  177. Okay, I can see that BubbaJoe - I don't know her at all. I can't imagine tyring to run Al Price like Corsicana or Crocektt. COmpletely different kids. Just listening to others. Thanks for your input. There are rumors she could be moving.

  178. What do you mean rumor that she might be moving? Don't you read the legislative reports. They say all the Supts will be moving. Or do you know something specific?

  179. Nothing specific, just rumors. The assumption for years has been that she would go back to Crockett.

  180. Maybe having children of her own, a 3 year old and a newborn, changed her. Anyone who does not believe in that kind of change isn't a parent. Babies can do that to a person. I agree y'all, Tracy Wagner is one of the good guys.

  181. Hey, 5:30 (aka former Mart PA), I know who you are too and I'd hate for some of your TYC skeletons to escape from the closet. I'd hate for your spouse to have to relive the sexual harassment, phone harassment, etc. (too many to name) allegations made against you. I'd hate for your glass house to get broken - AGAIN. hahahahaha, you sexist pig.

  182. Yep, you gave yourself up 5:30. Anyone who was involved in the 2002 Crockett investigations knows who you are. You are so insignificant that I can't remember your name, but I can still see your face, you fat slob. I don't worry about you at all because you reap what you sew!!!!

  183. Hell no, 8:05, the last thing I need is you having my phone number or e-mail address. I know what you are capable of. For your sake and the sake of anyone who has contact with you, I hope you are not the same person you were, as you say. Signing off.....

  184. Damn, 8:07 you just went off on him. What is he reaping and sowing? I must have missed something. Anyway, Bubba Joe is just happy to see that Freeman is getting some heat for some of the stuff that he has done. Hell, I even emailed all of the local media to make sure that they put this story in the papers and on the news. The local Crockett newspaper will have an article about Freeman's suspension in the Sunday edition. I am going to put it in a frame on the wall and put it next to my TYC Service plaque. Hahaha

    -Bubba Joe

  185. New here . . . can someone tell me what Freeman has done? There are lots of screaming about the terrible things he has done but nothing specific.

    If there was something specific, let people know about it for pete's sake so it can be investigated. And for crying out loud, comparing him to Bin Laden?

  186. Ahh yes I remember Ted Shorten. He went from Supt. of Gainesville to Asst. Supt. at Crockett, then to TYC Parole in Houston. Seems that whenever an administrator screws up really bad, they reassign them to a parole job. Why do they make parole a dumping ground? Must make the parole officers really happy to see washed up administrators become their supervisors, i.e. Lydia Barnard....

    -Bubba Joe

  187. 11:07, I have to agree with you. From what I've seen from Blu over the past few years, I know he is honest and caring, although he can be somewhat quiet, and he is fair with staff. I would like to see Blu get a shot at being the Supt.

  188. Judy, it is hard for us to get specific with details because we are still scared of anyone finding out names and because we have family depending on our income and we know how things are operated. You get on the 'bad' list and they you will get fired for the smallest infraction that can be found. Just glad you don't always win. Heard you had an affair with Mike Anderson while your husband had an affair with another teacher a few years back. Don't judge us!

    Brother Mize, The 'real deal' will have to prove himself first. I'm all for changing ways and forgiving, but trust has to be earned and that will take time.

    Crockett needs to quit working us good staff in so many 12 hour shifts! You work a good man to death! If you are good to staff they will stay and most will work hard and try to do the best they can to help teach these youth and want youth to leave TYC having changed their ways and learned a different way of life. Although some will never change and would just a soon stab you as look at you.

    I think TYC needs change and needs to reach the point where staff can trust each other and youth don't rule the roost. Most youth complains are youth tring to get staff in trouble for their own personal gain.

    I am shocked by Galloway splashing her kids names and past all over any newspapers that will listen. She should have all her kids taken away from her. They don't stand a chance with a mother like that. She just sees dollar signs. That is truly sad. She should think more about protecting her kids futures.

    I did hate to hear about Brantley! He was better than any of the others.

    I am worried that this new Perry admistration is worse than what we had before. I have heard they use intimidation worse than even Freeman. Agree with what we say or be fired. What kind of leadership is that!

  189. I have to say Freeman is good as gold to those in his click. He will stand behind them as long as he likes you.

    Blu, I'm just not sure about yet. He used to drink alot! He is a maybe. I agree he will have to prove himself.

    TYC does need a change, but are we headed in the right direction with Perry's people? Are they out to just get a vote using TYC as a platform? Legislator's need to really come to a unit dressed like a regular staff and see how the kids really act.

  190. To 5:30/8:05 from 6:33-
    I do know who you are (DS) and have no desire to call you. From what I have read in these posts (yours can be easily identified), you have not changed as much as you think. Your personal barbed shots at me (now and in the past) give me no positive cause to do so. Thank you for the offer, but I will pass. Wish you the best though.

  191. To Judy (from the other site) AKA "Freeman Lover" ~ I too agree that some good did come out of "Freeman" coming to Crockett. The campus is much safer and I know when I come to work I don't have to worry about me working a dorm alone because the 6's actually have to do their jobs now and supervise. Fortunately for us Freeman did not come alone, and he had the help of Blu in setting up the procedures to make our campus safe and secure and to hold people accountable. I mean let's face it, that's why there are so many disgruntal employees because before they came there was NO accountability! But unlike your favorite supervisor, I would imagine that, Blu is able to do all this without, being negative and putting others down!

  192. I will believe Blu is a "changed man" when he himself calls the investigators and sits down with them (it may take days) and spells out every wrong doing on that campus. If that helps seal Freeman's fate of being gone, so be it. If Blu really is changed, he needs to step up and do the right thing for the sake of the right thing- even if some of the information makes the ax fall on his neck too. If he comes forward with all the facts, maybe they'll reward that and let him stay and actually run the place. Otherwise and until he puts it all out there, I'm going to see the same Blu that first came with Freeman. You are going to have to EARN BACK the trust from those you took it from Blu. If you really have found God, you know what you have to do.

  193. Looks can be deceiving, you are throwing Blu into the same category as Freeman, just because he came from Mart. Blu is probably the only good thing that has come out of Adminisrtation at Crockett. Everyone that really knows Blu and Freeman knows that there has always been issues between them. Freeman did not hire Blu as his henchman or errand boy, but rather for his level of competency (i.e. Blu can read/send emails). Unfortunately, Freeman had the final say on what happened on Campus, and according to him, he had friends in Central Office protecting him.

  194. I've always wondered how Blu has made it with Freeman since Freeman HATES "large people" and Blu isn't a small dude.
    I was afraid Kathy (Blu's secretary) was going to blow away in the wind with all the weight she lost trying to please Freeman.

  195. Amen, 1:15am. You are speaking for the masses! That could only have been Judy. Gwen doesn't know how to use a computer. This string has given me a good laugh this morning! God bless the hard-working Crockett folks!

  196. Anon 11:05

    I like that comment.. LOL

    Blu is shedding weight like we are shedding Freeman!!

  197. they keep posting over there. Here's another one:

    5/12/2007 12:32 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Wrong I'm not Judy and by your standards Crockett would have definitely been bulldozed; good thing you're not making the
    decisions. Do you know that there have been 3-4 superintendents at Crockett ISD within the past 4 years?

    BTW, I won't use God in the same sentence with you...such bitterness...please pray. Obviously, no one
    is gonna change your mind.

    I hear that you're going to work for they should start praying. I'm going to pray for them. You sound like a truly evil person, are you sure you're not handing out the Koolaid?

    Get yourself together man, enjoy your family and get a life. There is life after Crockett. One more thing, who will you blame if Mr. Freeman leaves? I'm sure that you will then complain about the next person and the next person. You've probably been a complainer all of your life.

    If Mr. Freeman does leave this campus, I'm sure he'll be fine. For all of you readers and the writer, YOU, WRITER, DO NOT SPEAK FOR ME AND OTHER DEDICATED workers at Crockett. I hope that someone runs a check on your credentials and see where life has taken you...I'll bet they'll find complaints, personnel actions, and maybe demotions and firings...hmm...It seems to be your life.

    I don't have to go blogs and I don't have to use other people's opinions to form my judgment. Maybe you seek medical advice, sounds like you're obsessed with Mr. Freeman. Of course, you never would have met him if they had bulldozed the place like you suggested. Now you see how ridiculous this is becoming. Let's stop it now. Neither you nor I will make decisions about what happens at Crockett.

    One word of advice when you get to your new job, please spend as much time dedicating yourself to it as you've done on this blog.

    I'm sort of different from you. Whether Mr. Freeman stays or goes, I intend to stay at Crockett. If you have been fired, that's probably a good thing. You really sound hateful. One person, or two or three, shouldn't be able to
    throw you off balance like this, please get help. See some of the world other than Crockett. You need to go to the library, watch CNN or something,there's a whole world out there.

    Crockett State School is important to me because I work here, but there are other things going on in the world. Why not step outside and enjoy. Every morning I wake up, I'm happy to be able to see my kids, talk to my family. Crockett State School is the way I make
    my living and that's it. But I'm not obsessed like you...Please please get help and move on. If I've helped you, I'm glad. I've done my humanitarian deed for the day. What have you done?

    Oh BTW, how about all of the other good people who lost their jobs during this process? No, I'm not talking about the two guys at West Texas, even though they haven't been tried, courts will decide their fate. Have you thought
    about the other people who lost their jobs in TYC or do you hate them too?
    You're sort of scary. Think about the example you're setting for your children or that you would set for the child inmates if you did work at Crockett.

    If you were fired, sounds like someone saw what you were made of. If you're still here at Crockett, someone should take a look at you and make sure you don't spread your brand of hatred to the inmate population.

    Now I'm not going to read any more of this. I'm praying for your family because unlike me they're stuck with you. Sounds like your problems extend far beyond Crockett. Just take a breathe and relax.

    Tomorrow is Mother's Day. Why don't you take time out and focus on the good things in life. Maybe go to church and rededicate your life and let God's light shine upon your heart. May God Bless You...Please find peace...Anonymous

    5/12/2007 10:31 AM

    Anonymous said...
    12:32 responds to 10:31

    Not Judy Hellum? Hmm.. if that is true, that doesn't leave too many other choices then. Not too many other people on the Crockett campus would stand by such a person as Freeman. Maybe it's best we not know who you are.

    "Do you know that there have been 3-4 superintendents at Crockett ISD within the past 4 years"?

    Uh, and your point is?

    "BTW, I won't use God in the same sentence with you...such bitterness...please pray. Obviously, no one
    is gonna change your mind".

    Thanks for praying for me. I will do the same for you. And no, you will not and cannot change my mind.

    "I hear that you're going to work for they should start praying. I'm going to pray for them. You sound like a truly evil person, are you sure you're not handing out the Koolaid?"

    I'm laughing pretty hard at this. I'm not sure who you think I am, but can assure you that you are so far off you're not even close. I feel sorry for the guy you think I am though. I'm sure he'll be focused on now and "treated accordingly" with "Crockett management techniques". Sorry guy who ever you are, watch your back!

    "Get yourself together man, enjoy your family and get a life. There is life after Crockett."

    I find it sad you had to say that. There's only life AFTER Crockett? It's a shame you can't include Crockett IN your life.

    "One more thing, who will you blame if Mr. Freeman leaves? I'm sure that you will then complain about the next person and the next person. You've probably been a complainer all of your life".

    I put blame where it belongs. I don't side step it and try and deflect blame as you appear to be doing. Once a problem is corrected, I move on. I don't have time to dwell. When Freeman is officially gone, I will be too.

    "If Mr. Freeman does leave this campus, I'm sure he'll be fine".

    That's nice. I hope he takes a long look at things and refocuses himself too. Just like any person, he has the potential to do good and do things right. Some day, I hope he does that.

    "For all of you readers and the writer, YOU, WRITER, DO NOT SPEAK FOR ME AND OTHER DEDICATED workers at Crockett".

    You just said we don't speak for you. Why are you throwing in that you speak for other dedicated workers at Crockett? They have computers, let them speak for themselves.

    "I hope that someone runs a check on your credentials and see where life has taken you...I'll bet they'll find complaints, personnel actions, and maybe demotions and firings...hmm...It seems to be your life".

    Matter of fact, a check just was. Wish I could give you some satisfaction in your assumptions, but sadly for you, I cannot.

    "I don't have to go blogs..."

    Uhm.... you're on a blog. Might I also point out you're posting here for the second time after stating you didn't care what others think and weren't going to come back again. Changed your mind apparently.

    "...and I don't have to use other people's opinions to form my judgment".

    Good for you. Neither do I. My judgment comes from my experience.

    "Maybe you seek medical advice, sounds like you're obsessed with Mr. Freeman".

    Are you holding a mirror?

    "Of course, you never would have met him if they had bulldozed the place like you suggested".

    And that would be bad how?

    "Now you see how ridiculous this is becoming. Let's stop it now".

    How ridiculous what is becoming? You're trying to convince me and vice versa? Stop it now? Stop what?

    "Neither you nor I will make decisions about what happens at Crockett".

    No, but I hope the people who can and are read Grits.

    "One word of advice when you get to your new job, please spend as much time dedicating yourself to it as you've done on this blog".

    Why, thank you for the kind advice. However, I already do.

    "I'm sort of different from you".

    Yes, yes you are.

    "Whether Mr. Freeman stays or goes, I intend to stay at Crockett".

    Good for you. I hope a better Superintendent and role model for proper management replaces Freeman. Once that person is in place, get back to me in a couple of months and let me know if you still feel the same way about Freeman as you do now.

    "If you have been fired, that's probably a good thing. You really sound hateful".

    I'm hateful? Hmmm... You're definition and mine are apparently different.
    Before you label me hateful, please take a look at your own wordings.

    "One person, or two or three, shouldn't be able to throw you off balance like this, please get help".

    One person (Freeman) appears to have affected you distinctly. Do you need help as well?

    "See some of the world other than Crockett. You need to go to the library, watch CNN or something, there’s a whole world out there".

    Thanks for the recommendation, but I already have, and it's a beautiful place. I would like to see new leadership of the Crockett campus help include Crockett into that rather than the atmosphere it has now.

    "Crockett State School is important to me because I work here, but there are other things going on in the world. Why not step outside and enjoy. Every morning I wake up, I'm happy to be able to see my kids, talk to my family. Crockett State School is the way I make my living and that's it".

    Good for you. I hope it gets even easier for you in Freeman's absence.

    "But I'm not obsessed like you...Please please get help and move on.

    Again, please put the mirror down.

    "If I've helped you, I'm glad. I've done my humanitarian deed for the day.

    You have definitely helped me. You've helped me see there is still a lot of work to be done.

    "What have you done"?

    You have no idea. But, I can assure you that despite your dislike of me (though you have apparently no idea who I am), it has been in your best interest. You may not be able to see or understand my actions at this point, but hopefully some day things will clear up for you.

    "Oh BTW, how about all of the other good people who lost their jobs during this process? No, I'm not talking about the two guys at West Texas, even though they haven't been tried, courts will decide their fate. Have you thought about the other people who lost their jobs in TYC or do you hate them too"?

    I sure have. Again, you have no idea what my actions have been. So, before you attempt to rip and claw some more without knowing those things, let's just say we agree.

    "You're sort of scary".

    I find your defense of Freeman disturbing, but would not label you "scary". What was it you were saying about being hateful?

    "Think about the example you're setting for your children or that you would set for the child inmates if you did work at Crockett".

    Oh, I do. I would be very happy if they stood and did the things I have done to try and make change. Are you saying you would want children to mimic Freeman's actions?

    "If you were fired, sounds like someone saw what you were made of".

    Didn't you just say above that there were "good" people fired? Can't make up your mind? And no, not fired.

    "If you're still here at Crockett, someone should take a look at you and make sure you don't spread your brand of hatred to the inmate population".

    Since you are pretty convinced you know who I am, I'm sure you'll take care of that "looking into" and "making sure" issue. Right?

    "Now I'm not going to read any more of this".

    Oh, you know you will. It’s just human to want to when you feel strongly about something.

    "I'm praying for your family because unlike me they're stuck with you. Sounds like your problems extend far beyond Crockett".

    Let's refer back to that label you tried to stick on me again- what was that.. oh yeah, "hateful".

    "Just take a breathe and relax.
    Tomorrow is Mother's Day. Why don't you take time out and focus on the good things in life. Maybe go to church and rededicate your life and let God's light shine upon your heart. May God Bless You...Please find peace..."

    No need to rededicate myself. I know where I stand. The light is good and I'm fine. Thanks though. Happy Mother's day to you tomorrow. Thanks for the wish of blessings and peace. To you as well.

    5/12/2007 12:14 PM

  198. Hmmmmmmm after the school comment. I think I know who it is. MVS?

  199. I work at Crockett and I'm in complete agreement with 10:31, but just don't have the time to write a book.
