Saturday, June 16, 2007

I've Seen The Veto Pen And The Damage Done

I wanted to compile Grits coverage of Governor Perry's criminal justice vetoes in one place for readers and my own convenience:
Here's the full list of Governor Perry's 2007 vetoes. Use this as an open thread to discuss any veto-related topic.


  1. You know, the craziest thing about his line item veto is the fact he cut the juvenile justice study and folks that was simply chump change. With all the trouble we're experiencing in the TYC, and after reading all the DOJ's CRIPA's reports, you'd think the dumbass would want to "get ahead of the curve" on this one.

  2. Is it COs and inmates Perry dislikes or is it Terri Hodge? Her 2 bills (for inmate education while in ad seg and restoration of discretionary good time) do nothing to HARM COs at all, and actually do very little to harm the public's safety ~ no one is going to get out of prison quicker just on the backs of those 2 bills, that's still down to the BPP except for inmates who do their whole sentence and leave paper-free (you'll be seeing more of those folks in the years to come).

    So perhaps the newspapers & other media in Texas need to be asking the public, do you feel safer now that Perry has vetoed those 2 bills?

  3. Sunray's wench,it is all 3 and you said it ,Terri's bills harm no one . This Governor's vindictiveness is almost childish. Ms. Hodge openly campagned against him and now it's pay-back time. You might say prisoners in texas are "political prisoners " because that is all it is ,politics.
