Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Insert Shrunken Testicle Joke Here: Book by ex-Texas cop defends police steroid use

A newly published book by a former Texas police officer defiantly details his long-time steroid addiction, beginning in the police academy and continuing until he himself became a dealer in steroids and paraphernalia to officers and firefighters around the country over the internet. In Falling Off the Thin Blue Line, a pseudonymous ex-police officer from an unnamed Texas city alleges that law enforcement tolerates a subculture of steroid abuse. From an early review:
While athletes like Barry Bonds are constantly needled over steroids, there’s a good chance your local cop or fireman is also on the stuff.

Or so claims a former police officer named “David Johnson,” who says society would be shocked to discover how many public servants use steroids just to make it through rigorous work days.

Johnson knows of what he speaks. For 10 years, he used almost every kind of steroid imaginable, and even had a thriving Internet business selling syringes and needles to “roid” users across the country.

“The public is clueless about how many policemen and firefighters are on steroids,” Johnson said, adding that he believes the drugs should be legal.

“Steroid laws are a waste of taxpayer money,” he said. “I can understand why psychoactive drugs are illegal – they get you high. But steroids help you with recovery from personal injuries.”

Johnson, 31, started using steroids while attending a police academy in Texas
The author disputes that "roid rage" is a significant issue: “I think that term is exaggerated,” Johnson said. “If you’re already a jerk, maybe you’ll be more of one on steroids. But when I was using, I was fine. It’s when you’re off them that’s a problem.” Hmmmm. Even if he's right that still sounds like a problem, unless officers just intend to take steroids indefinitely.

A couple of years ago I recall four cops in Oklahoma were busted for running a steroid ring out of their local department - apparently Officer "Johnson" did the same thing in Texas but got away with it.

After the Norman, OK bust, AP reported that "Police officers in Mississippi, Ohio, Connecticut, Hawaii, Colorado, Alabama, Florida, Arkansas and New York have also been accused of steroid-related offenses in recent years." Who really believed that Texas officers would be immune from this trend?

Though the Texas Legislature this year required student athletes in high school to undergo testing for steroids, there's no requirement police departments test their officers for the illegal substances. How ironic is that?

For me, after just a taste of Mr. Johnson's views from the book review above and the press release, I'm glad he's out of professional policing. I've requested a review copy from the author and if I get it I'll have more to say on the subject.

BLOGVERSATION: More from Pete at Drug War Rant.


  1. “I can understand why psychoactive drugs are illegal – they get you high. But steroids help you with recovery from personal injuries.”

    Isn't that exactly the same kind of whiney, self-centered justification used by just about everyone who does something wrong? Lawyers, cops, prosecutors and judges hear it all the time. And this guy was law enforcement. I wonder if he has any better defense.

    And I wonder if he was careful to make sure that ALL the statutes of limitation have run on his offenses, before bragging about them. Federal as well as State. Conspiracy. Fraud. Continuing Criminal Conduct. RICO, maybe. Organized Criminal Activity.

    This Bubba could be in a lotta trouble.

  2. So.........why aren't public servants tested for drug and steriod use?

    There are a probably a lot of bubbas in a lotta trouble!

  3. I have a better idea, Anon. Let's just dispense with drug tests entirely, and administer performance tests, instead.

    A city employee whose job is cutting the grass, picking up trash, and tending flower beds shouldn't be fired, or not-hired, because she has THC residues in her blood. A simple test can be designed, and administered via a computer and monitor, to make sure that she is able to perform her rather simple duties.

    On the other hand, if she is wearing a badge, carrying a gun, operating heavy equipment, or minding the fresh water or waste water machinery, a test should be a bit more rigourous and the performance standards high enough to cause a supervisor to send someone home for the day if the standards are not met. And it would not matter if the standards are not met because of legal meds, a hangover, a fight with the spouse, a sick kid who kept her up all night or whatever. If she can't do the job, she goes home till she is better.

    The reason we don't do that, is because people in general, and governing class Texans in particular, are mean minded when it comes to drug use. They want to punish people. And these same mean minded people are more or less non-caring when it comes to public employees being off their best performance due to other causes. If it ain't drug induced clumsiness, they don't really care.

  4. Doran...I doubt he is too worried about the consequences of spilling the beans about his drug use and trafficking...he is undoubtedly nursing his "shrunken testicles!" You know... somtimes there is sweet justice afterall.

  5. Doran.......the problem is the double standard. I'm all for legalizing most drug use.

    Until that happens, police and other public servants should be held just as accountable as everyone else.

    Don't get me started on what is or is not reasonable!

  6. TOTALLY creeped out by this information. Gonna be sleeping with the lights on for a few nights.

  7. Police unions would fight such drug testing. alas. In Massachusetts, same thing is going on with firefighters.

  8. Test lets start in Arlington Being 5 11 (but really 5 9) and weighting 280 pounds is NOT Natural. This individual was also the subject of a sign and bust, he had the "package of gear " delivered to his Mom's. USPS and Local LEO's called it off at last minute when they found out to whom the woman was related.
