Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Williamson County votes to end Hutto contract!

Good news! Critics of an immigration detention center in Williamson County have accomplished through the political process what they failed to achieve through litigation.

From Texas Prison Bidness and Eye on Williamson County: Saying it was a "liability" to the county, the Williamson County Commissioners Court voted to NOT renew the lease for a private prison company operating an immigration detention center in Hutto. The facility must close within one year.


  1. This is great!

  2. Congratulations to the legal dep't at the ACLU of Texas, among many others!

  3. It cannot be closed too soon. It is about time something gets done to remove this disgrace! It is such a pleasure to see that this has been accomplished in a relatively short period of time.

    Many thanks to everyone that worked to correct this problem and to everyone that continues to work for improvements in our justice system.

  4. Congratulate the ACLU ??? Yeah right this was done by a Manager with TYC who was at the Unit and witnessed the problems and reported it to administration.
    Whenever you let the ACLU look into someting they have to have the news media follow them for as they say Jessie Jackson appeal..
    They should have learned from many years ago in Bronte when they had the Females that they know nothing about Youth Corrections.
    So lets hope that they do not contract any more units in the Future .. Maybe the ACLU would pray with us !!!
