Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Vote for Grits in ABA Blawg Poll

Thanks to the editors of the American Bar Association Journal for selecting Grits for Breakfast one of the nation's Top 100 Law Blawgs, out of a field of 2,000-3,000 law-related blogs identified. To make matters more interesting (or perhaps in a clever, likely successful effort to drive traffic to their list), the ABA Journal pitted their just-named Top 100 into several categories and asked their readers to vote among them. The category in which they placed Grits - "Crime Time" - includes some powerful competition, including some of my own routine reads and some good looking blogs I'd not seen before. But I think Grits delivers a pretty strong product, given the state of the blawgosphere, and if you agree please vote for this blog here. Vote early and often, as they say (or at least from as many different individual computers as possible); the online plebiscite ends January 2.

1 comment:

  1. Come on, Gritters! Get your votes in. Follow the prompts and cast a vote for this excellent website.

    Thanks, Scott, for all the scoop and poop in Texas.

    Gritters... get the job done!!
