Thursday, January 10, 2008

"Bronco" Billy Humphrey Removed from TYC

I heard this rumor this afternoon then got home to find it confirmed by the Dallas Morning News: The Texas Youth Commission's "Bronco" Billy Humphrey has finally been terminated.

Let me be the first to issue a hardy "Yee-Haw!" This is a fellow whose open defiance of agency rules and a Travis County district court perhaps did more to discredit new TYC management than any other person. Reported the Dallas News ("Texas Youth Commission Executive Billy Humphrey Abruptly Quits," Jan. 10):

Mr. Humphrey’s departure was initiated by new TYC conservator Richard Nedelkoff, who was appointed by Gov. Rick Perry in December.

“This was a decision that the new conservator came to after his overview looking into agency operations and management personnel,” said Mr. Hurley.

Mr. Humphrey couldn’t immediately be reached for comment. A person who answered the phone in Mr. Humphrey’s TYC office said: “I can’t give you any information at all, sir.”

Mr. Humphrey, 39, an 18-year veteran of the state’s adult prison system, was hired by Ms. Pope last summer to help reform the troubled agency. As deputy director of residential services, responsible for all TYC institutions, halfway houses and contract-care facilities, he quickly clashed with TYC administrators over his efforts to expand the use of pepper spray and solitary confinement as ways of controlling unruly inmates.

Ms. Pope and Mr. Humphrey have defended the efforts to expand the use of pepper spray against inmates as a means of reducing injuries to TYC staff and inmates.

Within weeks of his hiring, Mr. Humphrey clashed with TYC administrators as he imposed policies that expanded the use of pepper spray and segregation of disruptive inmates, according to Teresa Stroud, superintendent at TYC’s Brownwood juvenile prison, and Jeffrey Berry, an assistant superintendent at the Mart juvenile prison until Mr. Humphrey transferred him to a TYC facility in Vernon - 270 miles away - in October.

“Administrators want to avoid conflict and interaction with Mr. Humphrey for fear he will move them to a remote location and displace their entire family," Ms. Stroud alleged Oct. 11 in her written grievance.

“Administrators are now tendering resignations, avoiding applying for promotions and asking for voluntary demotions just to avoid direct contact with him so they protect their livelihoods and keep their families intact,” she wrote.

This easily constitutes the most positive move so far by TYC's new conservator. Hopefully it's a harbinger of even more significant change to come.

MORE: From the Austin Statesman,


  1. Don't want to correct you (okay, I really don't mind correcting you, but I wanted to be polite)but your comment:

    This easily constitutes the most positive move so far by TYC's new conservator.

    Is not correct. It is the ONLY positive move ever made by ANY TYC conservator.

  2. Anybody in a position to post d'Humpster's memo regarding "at will employment?" sent out this morning, apparently moments before the door hit him on the backside? Irony at its best.

  3. HELLUVA YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. The "my way or the highway" attitude of most of the TDCJ personnel I have met apparently doesn't work in TYC any better than it does in a county jail. It just seems to take longer for folks at the state level to realize it.

  5. Wooo Hooo Now when will they get rid of D Pope and good old chuck Jones??????? Its a matter of time .........Hey that part about Humphrey crying like a little Girl came to be True!!!!!!! TYC REDEMPTION ..... Oh yes but can this guy save the agency???? I think we are too far gone money wise to keep it going much longer and what about all ofthese overhead Regional Jobs that are out there are they really neededd????

  6. But will he change the pants?

  7. He may not change the pants but I bet Bronco Billy had to change his today! What goes around comes around.

  8. Mr. Nedelkoff need to run for president!!! Right now, he would get at least 4500 votes from those that left TYC and those that are still there that were there a year ago. That's more than some of the current candidates are getting!!!

  9. We want the pope next! No need to worry about her or the humpster, they've got Conextions!!

  10. He resigned he did not get fired.

  11. Yeah. To spend more time with his family. Likely story.

    At least the conservator has the class to allow him to resign. God knows bsh didnt, despite that funky email he sent out this morning.

  12. O.K. 9:49, or Dimitiria, or Hurley or whoever...who really cares. He was forced out. His email made it crystal clear what was about to happen. All I can say is goodbye, good riddance and don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out! You know, this reminds me of another wise careful who you step on on your way may have to kiss theirs on the way down:) Hallelujah and Happy New Year!

  13. "Mr. Nedelkoff need to run for president"

    A wise man (or woman) never lets postiive news send them too high or the negatives send their expectations too low. Fixing TYC is HARD. He's gonna get some stuff right and some stuff wrong; if he's going to fix things, after, all, he's going to be in it for the long haul. And if anybody knew the right thing to do, somebody would have done it by now.

    I've got my own opinions, as do many employees, about what needs to be done. And Pope, Humphrey et. al's arrogant dismissal of the expert advice around them admittedly made them an easy target.

    But let's remember to praise without getting too enamored, and criticize without becoming too very hostile. I think that approach will help everybody get through this transition period a lot more easily.

    All that said, undoubtedly this is a positive first step; just don't crucify the guy if step two isn't exactly what you want! best,

  14. While i am unequivocally opposed to at-will employment in correctional institutions (due to retaliation issues against those who report abuse), I can't be more thankful for the part it must have played in this "resignation.!"

  15. Resignation??? The DMN didn't make it sound like one.

    This was a decision that the new conservator came to after his overview looking into agency operations and management personnel,” said Mr. Hurley.

  16. grits,

    don't be party pooper!

    He picked the perfect place to start and Ms. Pope will be a fabulous encore!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Amen least it was a step. I'm hopeful...

  18. Yes "resigned"

    from the AAS..."Bill Humphrey, 39, a former state prison warden and 18-year corrections veteran who was an assistant director at the troubled agency, resigned late in the afternoon, effective immediately, said agency spokesman Jim Hurley."

  19. 9:56 Anon, Mr.H can't say he wants to spend more time with his family.That's what TYC employees say,so it's good for TYC employees but not him.

  20. I personally don't care if he resigned or was fired, he was ill equipped for the task at hand and choose not to listen to any advice given.

    He allowed yes men/women to become promoted, based upon the fact they would be loyal to him and not question what he told them.

    I also fully understand that he had a superior in Ms. Pope (and mini me Mickey Neel) but he choose to carry out their bidding and did not question them. If he knew what he was doing was wrong by treating, Martinez, Walters, Davis, Stroud, Berry, Hollis, etc, he should have stood his ground and stated something, anything. But, he choose the path with the least resistance and did their bidding. I hope he finds employment elsewhere and hopefully he learns from this.

  21. now it's time to get rid of the rest of the crooked TDCJ people and see how it feels to lose your jog for "nothing" remember "at will" make sure no one stays on the payroll get their ass outta there. Even in HR..........they are TDCJ Pope's peeps giving their people merits and promotions the conservator needs to review who all received a merit and see how they justified it, but they tell the field and everybody else "no money"- Happy New Year TYC, your light is coming

  22. Dementia, you should be ashamed of yourself because someone else had to come in and clean your mess. But I know you tried to save face until the last minute.

    Finally, a bit of justice.

    Let's not forget about Dementia's personnel decisions. She has an attorney with no experience in the field in charge of residential services. Sorry, Brantley is no longer available. You aren't worthy of people of his caliber and/or character.

    You quietly appointed "your girl Wood" to the HR Director's job when you ran Eric Young out of town for no reason, other than wanting another undeserving follower doing more of your dirty work. Things get worse every day and your girl is clueless. Sorry, can't blame Young.

    Hopefully, you are next. TYC will be better without you.

  23. If nothing else, this would seem to signal that Nedelkoff has been given some amount of genuine authority.

    The handling of this change was interesting too: very low-key, no grandstanding of any sort. Combined with the announcement withdrawing Eckerd from TYC contract bids, this is a good start, IMO.


  24. Here is the Humpster's email form this morning:

    All people deserve to be treated with basic respect. There is fundamental fairness and a process which is due, even if one is employed at will. So long as I am a member of the CO management team for TYC, I will never support the dismissal of any staff member simply because they are classified as an at will employee.
    Please share this with your co-workers, your family and your friends in the local community.

    Be safe out there, and have a great day.

    Deputy Director

    PS Dementia was counting on this person to teach "ethics" in TYC. What a joke!

  25. that is so on the money.........There are only about 10 people left in HR that have a clue and they are leaving soon. I used to call there so i could get help now I call one of the facilities......No one can answer anything about my time they always put you on hold. dam can't they just do their do i miss the old people even Eric Young at least he talked to you when he saw you.

  26. hey new conservator read the exit surveys to see why people are leaving

  27. 10:31, LOL... this reads like "I will not chew gum in class" on the chalkboard or something... pretty funny.

    Maybe writing this was a condition for being allowed to resign rather than be fired?


  28. On the one hand, this is an excellent development - finally a truly positive move and hopefully the start of a healing and restorative process for the agency, its staff, and the youth and families they serves. For the sake of those still there, I pray that is the case.

    On the other hand? It's a gotdamn shame it took so friggin long, and I can't help it - I am really pissed off about it!! SO MANY knowledgable, dedicated, honest, hard-working, highly skilled staff have been lost!

    I know it's not Nedelkoff's fault, and I commend him for taking this first step. But I can't help but be bitter and think it's too little, too late - a great number of those that could have helped tremendously in righting this ship are just...gone.

    When I'm not fuming about it, it makes me want to cry :(

  29. 10:14,

    You state that "you hope he finds employment elsewhere." Well, TDCJ can take him back along with his arogant friends. They deserve each other.

    Sorry, I am savoring this one. Sleep well Dementia

  30. Who is left in CO HR? Who is gone? I work in a district office and "certain people" would always return my calls. I found out that they have left. What the hell is goin' on there?

  31. I copied this off of the message board. It was thought to be a joke.

    "All people deserve to be treated with basic respect. There is fundamental fairness and a process which is due, even if one is employed at will. So long as I am a member of the CO management team for TYC, I will never support the dismissal of any staff member simply because they are classified as an at will employee.
    Please share this with your co-workers, your family and your friends in the local community.

    Be safe out there, and have a great day.

    Deputy Director "

  32. He was fired. One down, two to go... welcome to conservatorship TDCJ. Pope can't stop it now. This is what we saw in March of 2007. What a year.

  33. 10:50, read your email from today. It identified contact information for all CO HR.

  34. It will be a great year. I look to seeing most of the TDCJ's going out of the door. It is not like they have added much to TYC-besides problems.

  35. 10:58, thx...
    whoa.. everyone I normally call is gone with the exception of the "rock" -- PB and PR. Who are these new people? Are they all TDCJ too? Sorry, I've been working under the radar. I just found out I have to call an institution and not CO HR. TOTALLY SUCKS>>. What were they thinking??

  36. I'm glad to see Mr. Humphrey depart, and sincerely hope Ms Pope and a few of her other cronies go soon, as well. But, I have to admit, not all the TDCJ imports have been sorry. I have been real impressed with the OIG field investigators, and with a few others who have come over to us.

    Ms Pope, et al, came over with the attitude that we were all a bunch of crooks and incompetents. Let's not stoop to her level by making the same broad-brush assumptions about all the TDCJ people.

    I also second Scott's comments about not getting too excited about this one change. It is an encouraging first step, and I really hope this guy is the real deal, but time will tell.

    Furthermore, no matter how good he is, he is bound to make some decisions that I will not like, and some that you don't like. But, that goes with the territory of being a leader. Old Salty






  38. I really hope Don Brantley is not out of the picture. They may have to make him a really good deal to get him to come back, but we sure could use him. Old Salty

  39. It aint over folks.

  40. Old Salty's right - there are some really good folks that have come on board, from TDCJ and elsewhere. It's those that see/saw no value in anything TYC-related and have tried to clone TDCJ processes w/in TYC that have dug themselves into this hole. When 10, 15, 20, even 25 years of experience is walking out the door and you couldn't care less?? Man, that's some serious thinking errors (THAT'S RIGHT, I SAID IT!!) right there.

    I swear, if I hear "well, the way we did it at TDCJ was..." one more time I might just have to punch somebody in their stupid face. And that would be bad.

    Or, it would be awesome. I'm not sure.

    Anyway, back to HR, here's a fun fact: those already 'in the free' are searching valiantly on behalf of their buddies still in the suck and sending them regular notices of postings they find from all over. Fitting, no? I know somebody that can add that to her whine list. lol

  41. 11:13
    My experience so far is that they are good. I don't know where they all come from but I do care if they know what they are doing and they seem like it.

  42. IMO I believe the problem with Humphrey is (not was) the basic problem of all of TYCs woes. That is arrogance. Arrogance continues to exist with Pope and Neal as well with many of the persons that they have hired. It seems to be an underlying characteristic they like. And if this is at the top, it rolls all the way down to the kid level. Arrogance can be called other things such as narcissism, ego, power and control, etc. What ever it is called, it is a big part of the underlying problem at TYC.

    IMO Neal, Pope, and Humphrey make decisions strictly for personal gain. They try to disguise themselves but just as I have been reading Grits for months, readers on this blog seem to see right through them and do not approve of them.

    I believe Nedelkoff has made some good first decisions and is the right person from the job from what I have read.

    Until TYC can restore some its basic values, guiding principles, and Mission, I do not believe it will prosper.

    IMO as long as Pope and Neal and
    several others that they have hired remain at TYC the problems with TYC cannot be solved.

  43. 4:30am I agree with what you say but, if Pope was politically placed as we have been told she may never be ousted!!

    What may get her is the fact that the new Conservator is more of a hands on person unlike his predecessors and this could be her undoing. She strikes me a a person who wants unbridled power (unlike her predecessor, White Women with PhD's) and if the power and control is not given to her she will rebel. At this point she will step in her own mess and be sent packing. This could take more than a couple of weeks.

  44. Good move on the part of the Conservator.

    If the Conservator is turly committed to bring TYC back to life, he would be wise to contact some of the tenured staff who have been pushed out for no reason other than to make room for the Pope's puppets.

    Ex-TYC empoloyees like Dr. Brantly, logterman, Martinez, and Young may not have been the perfect employees, but they were committed to the staff and yoputh of the agency and they would be a valuable resource of information to assist the Conservator in his quest to bring us back to being a respectable agency.

  45. About TYC Human Resources:

    In the past customer service was the number one goal of HR, however since D. Pope pushed Mr. Young out, Wood is only interested in bringing TDCJ practices to TYC.

    It is know that she has stated that correctional staff is too stupid to handle the services and processes developed by the prior HR administration. (i.e. leave accounting)

    Do you know she was given 15 additional FTE's to provide better services? What has she done? Do you feel better served?

    The new conservator needs to look into that decision given the fiscal situation and the fact that she may be in violation of the 1:85 statute.

  46. 4:30, you are correct, arrogance is a problem no matter whether it is exhibited in the "new guys" coming on, or in the folks that were with us in the past. People who are possessed with a healthy self-confidence seldom, if ever, display arrogance.

    It is tough being a leader, and ultimately, there has to be someone who is responsible to make decisions. But, a wise leader knows that he/she does not have all the answers. The wise leader respects the opinions of his/her subordinates, listens carefully to input from a wide variety of sources, and evaluates the input carefully before making decisions. Old Salty

  47. assist the Conservator in his quest to bring us back to being a respectable agency.

    And at what point in time would that be? Because this time last year kids were being abused and the TYC staff weren't reporting it to the proper authorities.

    TYC's problems predate Pope et al.

  48. It seems everyone is putting the blame on Billy for the problems with TYC. I believe they start higher up and that needs to be dealt with. He was the fall guy for other's mistakes.

  49. That's right. He was Pope's errand boy and she hung him when she had to. Anyone with half a brain can see that. She'll be next. Conservator said the perm. Exec Dir will be named in 60 days and he is not impressed with her thus far.

  50. A few TDCJ transplants need to stick around - the Asst Sup at Crocektt far exceeds the idiot Supt adn his TYC "experiene". She is NOT arrogant and admits when she doesn't know something. Her judgment is good and she treats people well. Let's not thrown them all out.

  51. Paul Bartush named as interim. What does everyone think? I haven't known him long but like what I see so far. He's helping clean up Jerome Williams big mess at Crockett.

  52. I done agrre with Mrs. Pope its whiteys fault we needs to fir all white peoples then wees be a gooder place. Hawthorne

  53. 10:48, You have to be joking, unless you are Ms. Gibbs. The Asst. Supt. at Crockett (Ms. Gibbs) was brought in by Humphrey. You know what they say, birds of a feather... Bronco should have took out the trash he made when he left.

  54. I agree with previous posts about this being a positive steps. I am aware of only one TDCJ transplant from this group and that is Ms. Gibbs. She admits when she does not know something. She gets in with everyone else and helps rather than distracting ir interfering. She seems to have a great head on her shoulders and is able to make decisions as well as seek input. I sure hope they do not throw out the baby with the bath water even though we have a lot of bath water to get rid of.

  55. Do you all really think that anybody can fix TYC. If you do you have to be an idiot. Not one person, two, three, four or more can or will correct the TYC system. TYC needs to be turned totally inside out, shaken out, rung out and gutted from the top down.

  56. I read this on another blog and thought it would be great if it occurred to a few of these as well:

    "I really do not want to wish ill will on anyone but lets look at some of the "Appointments" of field administrators that Pope, Neel, and Humphrey placed;
    Chuck Jones
    Ayo Ominimi
    Melody Viduarri
    Sylvia Martinez
    Gwan Hawthorne
    Wanda King
    Luara Braley
    Jerome Williams
    Wallace Brown
    Paul Bartush

    Could this be the Purge Part II?"


  57. Hey Chucky get your bags packed!!!!! TDCJ Is calling!! you know when a guy brags about being hired by Humphrey passing love notes to Him at a meeting makes Him a wimp...
    Chuck Jones I bet they get you!!You shouldnt brag Old Man ....

  58. Hell they could fire Ayo and it would take Him days to acknowledge it He is so stupid.... Dont Fire Him send Him to MHMR .... And the Pope and Her Toy who is that one??????? He is another winner these people are worthless...I do agree with one statement and that is we all need to assist the Conservator in rebuilding what has been destroyed by these people and get back to Busisness. TYC Can recover and be like it was one of the Finest,, We are not beat yet.. I think it will take some time but I think we will see some major changes in the first months as the Legislature meets next year and they want results....

  59. Ms. Gibbs is a Bronco Billy clone. Give it some time, you people at Crockett will be whining about her like you have whined about BlueBell Williams. Ya'll better send her packing with Bronco while you can or you might regret it later.

  60. I have to agree, she worked with Bronco and Pope in the past, they brought her in from TDCJ, and she needs to go, too. She has no experience and she was riding the coat tails of Bronco. Ms. Gibbs, you may want to go back to TDCJ and be a good secretary like you were until the Pope placed you in a position you probably didn't deserve, before the new Conservator gets wind of who your buddies are, and gives you the same dose he gave your boy Bronco.

  61. Rage: In the not too distant past, I avoided reading your input as well as the reactionary bullcrap in the responses. Recently, I noted you and Howard apparently have reached a just peace.. or professional distance or something. In any case, I am reading again. Your 9:36 assumes an inaccurate situation (not your error...see the following). The Dallas Morning News reported incidents a year ago as if they were recent.... in fact, the Brookins situation occurred two years prior to that initial DMN article; was reported by staff and a volunteer and investigated, resulting in Brookins resigning and both Brookins and Hernandez leaving. Note: when reported (on tape) by Dwight Harris (then executive director) to Whitmire, Whitmire did not want to hear about and says so. In no way am I attempting to justify the cover up mentality, but I cannot think of a clearer message from the primary holder of the purse strings when the agency was trying to get funding to actually do the job mandated. My impression with over a quarter century of experience, is that the history of any state agency is that bad publicity costs jobs and funding. You may have experience or knowledge of similar behavior in the business community: nurses who steal drugs being allowed to resign with no report to the state board or police; lawyers allowed to leave firms or agencies for bribery; pleading down a case to avoid the "hassle". I am not intending to jerk your chain. I noted that I appreciated your initial comments as good information for TYC staff and I now again appreciate your comments.

  62. Having been in the bidness for 35 plus years, some with TYC but most in local juv. prob.,I feel TYC must be burned to the ground in order to save it.

    Wouldn't hurt if the new conservator reached out to the big 15 JPD's in the state as they are the feeder system for TYC, plus, most operate residential. detention, substance abuse programs, too.


  63. with one or two more well executed, well thought out moves by the conservator this agency could re-group and come back strong. We need to rally behind him and support him. I believe he is a man of true character and can evaluate personnel as witnessed by his long overdue decisions this week. WE have a good team, and some of the blended family works well together and plays well with others. the folks responsible for the sadistic, self serving management abuses by Mr. Humphrey should be held accountable. I can tell you good folks who came from TDCJ were just as happy to see him ride off into the sunset as folks who have been at TYC their entire careers. Don't be so quick to judge folks like Ms. Gibbs, I think she has the right heart for kids and needs the right mentoring and guidance to be a good field leader. Maybe now some of Humphrey's yes folks can shed their shackles and have a say in our reform and be confident they can ask for assistance when they face a situation they aren't ready for from people who can real give them an answer. there have been alot of unsung heroes who have kept the home fires burning through this campaign on both the outside and the inside who deserve major Kudo's, God bless them.

    Rising Sun

  64. Wow, "she has a heart for the kids", but can't do anything else much less lead a facility. Several of the Casemanagers have hearts for the kids, do you think they can make it as an Asst. Supt., too? Bottom line, Gibbs is one of Bronco's cronies, she was and still is a yes person for Bronco. She's talked to him since he left TYC. He's still supervising her and mentoring her. Some of you have your heads buried in the East Texas dirt.

  65. gibbs be a whitey, she do be havin to go. I talk at miss pope and get her fird. Gwan

  66. Hats off to the new guy on the block our conservator! It is a welcome site to see that we may have someone who will put TYC back together again.
    Lets all hope he is reading Grits and our comments. With that hope, I hope we can be professional with our post. I understand that we are all at our wits end with the kind of mess we have had to endure with this new take over and I hope he can see that if he is reading.

    On that note, I hope that he will not just look at the top brass for making management changes , but he will search the grievances written on adminstrators that are in TYC and see what some of us have been going thru for years. Beat down by supervisiors,racial problems that are major problems and retalation that is still going on in this agency. We have a good shot at fixing TYC and probably the last shot we will get from this point on.
    We have a ray of hope today as he sent out his letter to staff in the field on his upcoming changes to TYC and they were all positive. He must see that we have all been in the dark with CO at this point. The only way we know about anything that is going on is when a major bomb goes off and the newspapers tells us.
    Good luck to him and may the Legislators back him on his decisions and let him lead us into a new and better workplace for staff and a productive place for kids to heal and change their young lives for the better. I pray that he will do that for us all.

  67. exactly my point, we need to stick together like glue now, whats done is done. Folks will pay for the sins of their past just like our friend did. I've never witnessed anyone traumatize and agency so deeply even to workers in positions who had little to no contact with him than our dearly departed friend. He says he was carrying our the ED orders, I say there is some truth in that. Lets see if some of the administrators who were selected on kronyism instead of hard work and effort will continue to walk the walk with the narssistic swagger they have been. I facilities they run are falling apart and now the facade won't be covered with smoke by the master of deception because he no longer works for us.

    Rising Sun

  68. Paul Bartush was in Gainesville today speaking with Gwan. Just curious as to what he might be promising her?? He was also bragging about his new position, my thoughts about Paul is why did he not speak out when Humphrey was breaking the rules, where was his integrity. Was he not a Regional Director, and in this position he had a duty to raise his voice. It seems that Teresa Stroud has more balls than him, what about the other Assistants and Superintendents who spoke out, they all had courage even though they were crucified. Why did he not speak out, what about Ayo and Martinez, they were all hired by Billy, could this be the reason?

  69. Anybody that spoke out against this regime and hostile taker since March of 2007 has been quickly removed from the Agency, demoted, or forced to quit. Paul has never had a pair, and he never will. Yes, you are correct, Teresa does have bigger ones than Paul, you can tell if you look real close. Teresa should be commended for be willing to lay them on the line.

  70. since nobody else has posted it, here's this afternoon's email from the new conservator

    From: Richard Nedelkoff
    Sent: Fri 1/11/2008 3:54 PM
    Subject: Message from the Conservator

    TYC Staff-

    It has been a real pleasure visiting with many of you and learning more about this organization. We are now entering a new phase in the reform of TYC. A great deal of progress has been made by many dedicated people. I would like to continue to build upon the foundation that has been laid and clearly identify the future direction toward our mission. I’ve been impressed by the level of commitment and professionalism I have seen throughout the agency and I’m certain we will have the resources, skills and personnel needed to turn this agency into a national model.

    The Conservator of the Texas Youth Commission is charged with providing oversight and direction to the agency. I will use my background and experience to make decisions that are in the best interests of the State of Texas and the Texas Youth Commission and I will accept responsibility for those decisions. Expect me to be an active Conservator who will always have a sense of urgency to achieve our mission. As Conservator, I will establish a clear direction so that the staff, the youth and the public are clear of our priorities and principles.

    I believe the core duties of the Conservator will be to:

    1) Develop a roadmap for the future that clearly defines our principles, plans and priorities and, most importantly, how we’re going to get there.

    2) Continue to build and make adjustments to the management team so that we have the capacity to provide direction and leadership for the future. It is important that we properly utilize the special skills that each of you have. Part of my job will be to ensure that the right people are in the right position to do the best job for TYC.

    3) Develop clear performance measures that we will achieve before this agency can be removed from Conservatorship. I will work with the Governor’s office and the legislature to clearly establish those performance measures and milestones.

    4) Establish a “priorities document” in the near future that will clearly articulate the framework for the future of TYC. The framework will include a) an increased emphasis on training and staff development, b) the best practices and policies to ensure the safety of the youth, the staff and the public, c) building an enduring organizational infrastructure, and d) creating an organization and culture that truly makes a difference in the lives of the youth we serve.

    To achieve these goals, I will be bringing various juvenile justice experts from around the nation to Texas to be involved in a variety of projects. These experts from the private and public sectors and from local, state and national organizations will help us assess the things we are doing well and the things we could be doing better. I’ve learned from more than a quarter of a century in juvenile justice that diversity of opinions and expertise can only improve what we do.

    Be assured I'm not interested in making changes that are cosmetic or do not get us closer to our goals. I truly appreciate the work you do and the energy you bring to your jobs. I promise to listen to you, learn from you, and work with you as we make this effort I know change can be demanding and difficult at times and that you have already been through an unsettling year. It’s time we stabilize, heal and start rebuilding and that’s what we intend to accomplish with your help.

    My best,


    Richard Nedelkoff, MS, JD.
    Texas Youth Commission

  71. It aint over.

  72. Rage,

    Obviously there were problems within TYC that predate the Pope. Duh. Jay Kimbrough.

  73. The new conservator has an impossible job ahead of him if he is actually here to save TYC. The staffing problems are critical and have a long history. Far too many people know how bad TYC is to work for and most of the potential employee pool near the current units is exhausted. State job benefits have been reduced over the past two sessions of the Texas Legislature which make state employment less attractive. At Will Employment is another reason not to work for TYC which was brought about by the past Legislature.

    TYC is beyond any point of return! Unless the new conservator has the ability to walk on water he is in over his head. He will undoubtedly come to the same conclusion expressed here and contract out the younger youth to the organization he currently works for in Florida. The older youth will be held at current TYC units if the loss of staff can be reduced. TYC, as it has been, will be history in the making.

    Unless swift action is taken riots will break out in the near future. Mart 2 will be at the top of the list for unit wide violence if drastic changes are not made quickly. Even if the administration is suddenly filled by the most qualified people in the U.S. the staffing situation is so critical I see no hope of saving TYC. The only viable game plan is contract care. It is so fortunate the new conservator is experienced in contract care; in fact he still works for an outfit that is trying to get the contract for the younger TYC youth. How cool is that?

    If anyone thinks anything has changed about TYC then I have some swamp land I want to show you at night during the next full moon. This has never been about the youth or making things better at TYC. It has been a carefully scripted event to take TYC into contract care so a few people can make a great deal of money at the tax payer’s expense. Follow the money to understand what has happened to TYC and what is yet to come.


  74. regardless of who did what and when now is a time to regroup and accept some back into the fold who might have temporarily lost sight of the brass ring. PB may be on of those. That aside there were many partisans who fought hard and often behind the scenes, all will not be recognized for their contributions, some like JB and TS stood tall in the spotlight and risked everything, but then again they had nothing to lose, just ask them. people react differently in crisis and that is what this was. interim assignments are just that, consider the source and who remains in those still to this date, looking for a permanent assignment.

    Rising Sun

  75. Regardless????? This is very pertinent if you ask anyone who stepped up and defied the current leadership, I have to agree with 9:23pm. If you accept a position of leadership sometimes hard decisions need to be made, hiding and not speaking up shows what type of leader this person and all of the current Regional Directors have shown since they have taken this responsibility.
    Making excuses does not excuse the fact they were placed in these positions based upon their blind loyalty to the Pope regime. If these are the type of leaders you want then TYC will never grow but continue to falter.

  76. FTM

    Unless the conservator is just a bald face liar he has said the bid for the contract with his company was removed and they will not be seeking to do business in Texas.

    I believe some contract care is appropriate but you cannot "contract" out the majority of TYC youth, few have the resources to manage them (including TYC I will add) and those that do won't take them (TYC has no choice).

    You know I thought they said fewer youth would be coming to TYC since the change to felons only in September. I can check next week but I don't really see that things are getting any better.

    Anyone have any reason we shouldn't believe him?

  77. Maybe now JB will be moved closer to his home and given a little praise for his dedication.
    He has earned the respect of his staff, he has solid ethics and maintains his professionalism in the most difficult situations. He would be make an excellent Superintendent and TYC certainly could use a few more of those.

  78. Thank you for posting the Conservator's email.

    I am not a TYC employee but I have followed the story closely and my heart has gone out to all of TYC's dedicated staff that have been destroyed or lost by this nightmare.

    After reading what the Conservator had to say I was very pleasantly suprised. I can't remember how long it has been since I have read anyone in a position of authority thanking the TYC folks for their hard work and efforts and it is definitely long overdue. I think he is one of the first outsiders brought in who has acknowledge that TYC has a great deal of talented and knowledgeable staff. Maybe he will actually assess and utilize the valuable resources TYC really has to offer.

  79. Richard Nedelkoff, I hope all these people get the boot including Robin M. She never gave me my contact at CO the opportunity to resign. No sir and all because my contact requested money be returned since that serve was NEVER took place.

  80. I think the Conservator should review the personnel files of those Administrators that have left, were forced out of the Agency, or were fired unjustly by Pope and Co. Most, if not all of these were leaders that stood up to Pope and Co. If he does this, he will find a vast amount of experience and wisdom that could turn the Agency around in a relatively short period of time. That is if any are willing to return.

    Jeff should have never been forced to move, and he should be allowed to return to Mart, if that is what he wants to do. But there were others that were done wrong that and were fired for no reason, and the Conservator needs to look at those people's files to try and avoid the Agency being tied up in wrongful termination lawsuits because they are coming.

  81. The Conservator's got a tough job - and he will undoubtedly make many unpopular decisions during his tenure. While everyone is singing his praises today, I wonder how many of you have responded to his e-mail and made your level of commitment and dedication known to him? Those of us who have stayed are here because we believe in what we do. I am eagerly waiting for his outline for our direction, but plan to respond to his email and ask what I can do to help.

    Any one else? Old Salty, wanna join me; Rising Sun; FTM??

  82. Remember we can't take a step back here. solidarity is our key. My point being people are in the positions they are in, some will go, some will stay. I agree Mart 2 is in a bad way and needs immediate attention. The person who thought single housing units with solid core doors controls behavior is gone. Lets all get behind the staff there, who once had one of the better programs in the agency and support them before real people get hurt. Physical plant doesn't make a positive program, staff do. Many good, hardworking, long time TYC employees are holding what is left of M-2 together. its sad when an institutional population goes from over 4k to half that and we are experincing worse woes than when we started.

    Rising Sun

  83. MP103 you are right on the money.
    Anyone who has any desire to see TYC repaired should contact the Conservator immediately. The time has come for everyone concerned to speak out.

  84. 10:42, can you enlighten us as to who your CO contact was and what you're talking about? I have the highest respect for Robin and don't like seeing her name muddied by some vague slam. If you say what you're talking about, someone can probably straighten this out.

  85. Not to long ago Mart was a well run facility with a close and cohesive staff.
    Sadly, Mart was set up for failure when it was decided they would receive all of the Coke Co. youth.
    Mart had just absorbed Marlin when the decision was made to break up the management team. I am by far not an expert in facility management but commonsense tells me that sending many hardcore kids to a facility still recovering from massive changes would inevitably result in chaos.

  86. they may not have to contact the conservator, he may contact them. He's that assertive. Apparently a good judge of lack of talent as well. I'm surprised the "back gate" hasn't ran a piece on the departure of Mr. H. I'm sure some good insight will follow. amazingly someone who couldn't have changed his colors overnight lasts 5 months with TYC and 18 years with TDCJ. He was oppressive, sadistic, and retaliatory. Bullys pick their victims selectively, had fought battles side by side over the years with some of the administrators he picked on he wouldn't have underestimated them and realized if he hit them they would hit them back. all gave some, some gave all.

    Rising Sun

  87. 11:15
    Bronco suffered from a major case of Chihuahua syndrome otherwise known as ld snydrome.

  88. mart always had its issues, a large population, high turnover, a difficult population to handle, but you are right, they functioned like a team. Two facilities assisted each other and supported each other. The did the best with what they had to work with. The one team review there was a good one (side 2) one of the better ones completed within the agency. It was the last one completed by the old management. Shortly before the wheels came off, 13 months later, what's left. Crockett is in trouble now, the problems at AP have been masked primarily by BSH to preserve the "reform". Lets not make the same mistakes we made with Resoc. (the dirty word). Lets help these folks out now. In AP they are referring to JCO's as Boss. Lets stop turnout and post orders and a complete movement towards custody and control and move towards manageable populations, well trained staff, and leaders with integrity like JB and TS

    Rising Sun

  89. TS and JB both deserve acknowledgement for continuing this battle with such courage all the while maintaining their composure and dignity.

    The trouble Crockett is experiencing been a constant for several months which is unforntunate because they have a great deal of dedicated staff. The facility is in desperate need of a very strong leader that can empower and reassure staff to restore the facilities balance.

    The overall vibe or temperament at Al Price seems to have somewhat improved. The distinct hostile mood between the youth and staff appears to have mellowed but given the frustration everyone is experiencing with the new treatment program who knows how long it wil last.

    Resocialization was an excellent concept. Unfortunately over the years it was overcomplicated by people who forgot the concept and got lost in the monotony of the paperwork.

  90. I bet ole Pope is going to have to get some real good coping pills if she stays for the "WHITE" torment that is going to befall her....

  91. Make Adjustments to the Management Team,,, Nedelkoff said in His last e-mail Hmmmm could He be warning D Pope of the Future and maybe some other people who She brought in HMMM. I understand that CO right now is running scared well its about time ....Lets see who else gets it.That remark about White Women really makes me mad but what makes me madder is that no one ever filed anything on it ,, We white people must be used to that kind of abuse ,,,,,,Maybe we should call up old Jessie and see what His comment would be on that one LOL

  92. the comment by the pope was retarded but what pisses me of if the role were reversed we would had an 8 million man march on Austin new media and the whole works but since a black person made a racist remark its ok I guess

  93. I is gladd the bRonco whitey I means bIlly is done , so the queen hollyness Mrs. Pope will hok a sista up and I gets to go to astin. black power!!!!!! GWAN H

  94. PS hok me ups your hollynes MRS.Pope beefor theys fird you because you is light skind. GWAN

  95. I wouldn't get my hopes up too high about the future of TYC. One person no matter how positive cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Don't forget Rick Perry appointed the new guy. In my book if Rick Perry appoints you then it is a major black mark against you. Perry doesn't do anything unless it can line his pockets somehow. Excuse me if I have no faith in the leadership of our state but I operate on past performance and the record speaks for itself regarding TYC. Time will tell so hang on for the ride.

  96. Not long ago TYC and all its facilites were well run. Employees were proud to work for the agency. The disease began with the promotions based on favortism and not qualifications, Harrsion, Barnard, Brookins, Omoniyi, Brooks, Wallace Brown and several, several others. It festered because they covered up for each other and kept important issues away from the board and Dwight Harris in an effort to keep their friends employed and the continuation of promoting on the basis of friendship and favors owed. We thought when we rid the agency of these people (except for the one still employed-Ayo)that we had cured the disease. No one ever expected the onslaught of the TDC regime, Pope or Kimbrough who literally sent the agency to hell in hand basket and attempted to justify it by saying the TDC way was the best way. I'm sure the conservator is aware of the fact that none of these TDC people are in the business of rehabilitating youth, but he is, what a treat!

    As far as the governor goes, I firmly believe that he will be dancing for the new conservator as he is highly politically connnected, much higher than the guv himself. He probably knows more juvenile corrections experts than we will ever meet in our lives. Let's hope he brings them all in. I'm not expecting pefection, he is human and will make mistakes. However, he seems to be the type that will learn from them instead of shoving them down our collective throats and playing the blame game. Give him the benefit of the doubt and your support. Together we can rise from the ashes and resuscistate TYC, divided we will fall. Which is the d'Pope's philosphy, as we are aware. Forget her and the TDC bunch, good things will come from this and not so good also, but hang in there folks, we have nothing to lose now and everything to gain. My expectations are that he communicates with the field and hires on the basis of qualifications. He may bring in his people but at least they will be juvenile corrections oriented and experienced. Amen to that!

    Old Salty, I did respond to his email and did offer my support. My new motto is one day at a time and to pray that we gain the respect from public, youth and employees that the agency deserves. The youth are the future, our job is to raise them to become productive and contributing members of society. Those go by the wayside will meet us all and thats the business we are in.

    The facilities, as a whole, employ many, many dedicated tenured employees that the d'Pope disrespected and essentially ignored except for those of her race making the systemic disease rear its ughly head once again.

    Pray that we get those unjustly fired, the felons who turned their lives around and became role models for the youth. I can understand that those who committed crimes against youth should not return but the others, a resounding yes!

    I am a die-hard TYC employee and it has been my extended family. We have been down for a while but let's get our assets together and help the new conservator accomplish our mission! The rest will work itself out including all those promoted to postions with the proper credentials. Have a little patience and some cajones! Its time to fight for the agency, the youth entrusted to our care and its employees.

    2 cents worth.

  97. OOPS, I meant to say those without the proper credentials in my last paragraph. Sorry.

  98. Come someone post the new Conservator's email address?

  99. CAN someone post the new Conservator's email address? Please

  100. The new conservtor should come to the TJPC Chief's Summit later this month in Austin. After all, juvenile probation is part of the problem and should be part of the solution as well.


  101. I'm guessing his e-mail would be

  102. Thanks for the email address, if anybody knows of a different one, please post.

  103. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
    Margaret Mead (1901 - 1978)

    I believe the same for TYC...some more changes in CO and in the field and we may be able to pull this thing together...

  104. No disrespect to the commentor on liking what they see so far regarding Paul Bartush, but obvuously this person 1) has not worked with him or 2) is one of the "good ole boys" from Pauls posse. My hat is off to the commentor who questioned "wasn't Bartush a Regional when BB was doing his crooked stuff???" Now all of a sudden PB wants to clean up things???RED FLAG. How about we let people know about PB taking BB to his "Ranch" when BB visited Gainesville and only talked to people in that "click." Then it was off to show BB a good time at the "Bartush Ranch" in Muenster. For those of you that are 1) not part of the "good ole boy" gang or that 2) really just don't know Paul Bartush--we had BB (Bronco Billy) and now we have PP (Pathological Liar Paul) who wouldn't know the truth if it hit him in the face and thinks everybody is just stupid enough to believe him--it will come out though, just like all the others--just sit back and enjoy--if it doesn't come out, no one cared enough to dig a little. Bartush claims to be a man of God, but considering that he lies more than he tells the truth, I think he needs to reconsider that claim. Another example of the "good ole boy Bartush" system is James Bateman who was promoted to a Program Specialist at Gainesville after being with TYC only five months--that's going well don't ya think?--what a joke.
    As one commentor stated: "to clean up TYC they are going to have to clean house totally and start from scratch." How about the Conservator and other "Big Wheels" have campus meetings and talk to all the line staff? Be wary everytime an Administrator states "I enjoyed talking to the folks at TYC." Heck, to this date I haven't seen Bronco Billy, Ayo Ominini, Paul Bartush or Demetria Pope show any interest in hearing from the "little people"--they only want to hear from their buddies because they don't really want to hear the truth.
    It's interesting that Administration continues to wear "Rose Colored Glasses" and can't see that it's the "little people" who keep TYC going--ask the families, kids, etc.--it's those who work directly with the kids. Actually, the Administrators we keep getting couldn't even work with the kids--they would eat them alive--hey, that's an idea--they would definitely quit--it might be the easiest way to get rid of all the deceivers.
    There's an idea to improve staff morale: All the regionals and the RACIST Demetria Pope should come to each campus and run it for one month to give all the "little people" some well deserved time off--but we all know that won't happen--none of them are strong enough. How about the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent of the campuses doing that as well???? I know Hagthorne and Hater won't do it.
    Hats off to the commentors who stated TYC will never be cleaned up--that is the absolute truth, because the unethical, immoral, unfair, illegal hiring and promotion practices have NOT been corrected.
    People are starting to stand up (taking stress leave, calling in sick, saying "NO", and being more assertive--someone has to notice sooner or later--who will run the agency if the "important" employees continue to "buck the system?" Someone better figure it out pretty soon--there are people standing up that would have never stood up before--I love it when a plan comes together--GO TYC EMPLOYEES.
    Demetria, the next time you visit Ms. Hagthorne in Gainesville would you mind bringing someone that is actually interested in what the employees have to say?

  105. 6:24 p.m. The raicist Dementia and her Dummies will soon be gone. Those she & Humprhey promoted will fall flat on their faces because of their incompetentance. Ayo is so arrogant that only his way is the correct way. He wouldn't know ethics or truth if it slapped him on the face. He is shaped by Harrison and he continues to rely on his advice and so does his secretary at Pyote. Talk about unethical, their picture is in the dictionary under that word. Speaking of the 'good ole boys" Ayo is still trying his best to keep that gang going.

    As far as superintendents working the dorms to give people time off, forget it. At our facility the asst. supt, director of clinical psychology and other administrators have stepped up when needed. You would not want Dementia on a dorm, she would sit the youth down and if they promise her to behave she'll believe them because they were looking in her eyes when they promised it. She could turn it all around in matter of 15 minutes or is seconds by using pepper spray.

    We are all resentful of so many things and the healing process will take a while. Let us all hope the new conservator is a man of his word. Dementia is not respected in Central Office or in the field which will cause her to self-destruct. The uniforms, we can only pray they go by the wayside, bad idea. Hang on there and soon the ride will be positive.

  106. Any truth to the rumor that Bartush has already promised his Regional manager position to Gwan (and what the hell is a Gwan, anyway?)? I guess the best way to stay in power is to surround yourself with morons who will lie and cover up for you. Right Ayo?

  107. I was out of the loop on Friday, so did not read the e-mail until this evening. This guy sounds like a breath of fresh air.

    I don't know TS personally, but I do know JB and I agree with those who say they should be rewarded. I really believe that the only way TYC can heal is if we concentrate on the positives, and work towards the future. Let's quit with all the personal attacks on folks we don't like. If Mr. N is as competent as we hope he is, he will root out the truly negative ones.

    "2 cents worth" I wasn't the one calling on you to contact the new conservator, the person who wrote that included me among those he/she invited to contact Mr. N.

    Right now, he has my whole-hearted support. I do hope that he is willing and able to bring back some of the expertise that was lost in the great purge. I personally have worked with or for Marie, Don, Pat, Corine, Neil and Emily and have a great deal of respect for all of them. (I worked directly for Don at one point). They are all strong personalities, and thus have stepped on some toes along the way, but they are all competent and trustworthy folks. Maybe some of them can be coaxed back. I certainly hope so.

    I did not sign on to be part of a warehousing of kids. I now have some hope things are going to change for the better. I think I'll hold off on signing my retirement papers a bit longer to see if we get back into the business of saving young lives. I know that there are still a lot of Caseworkers and JCOs who never let go of that mission.

    Keep the faith, folks! Old Salty

  108. I'm supportive of the new conservator and believe that once he gets into the meat of TYC, great changes will come. We may not like all of them and he will make mistakes, but it seems to me he has the right intent. Anyone who is willing to surround himself with juvenile corrections experts has my vote. Anyone willing to accept mistakes and not blame someone else, has my vote! Leadership ability, has my vote. Respect for employees, that has my vote. He seems to encompass all of those virtures. Let's wait and see and in the meantime offer our support.

    Old Salty, I have learned quite a bit from your posts and I feel that your expertise is of great benefit to TYC. It's good to know you are holding off on signing those retirement papers. I could have retired but chose to ride it out a while longer. TYC grows on you and it becomes an extended family. We may bicker and fight but when it comes right down to it, we are there for one another in times of need. Yes, we have employees that we all dislike for whatever reason but I firmly believe when the conservator begins to iron out the kinks, they will be escorted out.

    Dementia has grossly mismanged TYC and the conservator needs to look at the following areas, IMO, that money is being spent foolishly,
    travel, redecorating, office equipment, hiring of a space planner, the raises given to central office employees and the frequency of these raises because in the field we are told merit money is very limited according to the business office, cost of uniforms and IMO if we are going to spend money on uniforms, then every single person working in TYC, central office inclusive, should wear them, the constant creation of positions and job titles and the all the costs associated with the purchase of pepper spray. I'll stop there because the areas of concern are too numerous to list. Let's work together to accomplish the reform of TYC and help it become a respected agency once more and let us not forget why we are in this business, THE YOUTH ENTRUSTED TO OUR CARE.

    2 cents worth!!

  109. Old Salty and 2 cents: I agree with you both. TYC has taken quite a few steps backwards and now it's time to lunge forward. I'd love to see Marie, Pat, Don, Emily, and especially Neil back with us, to name but a few. However, those who weren't 'allowed' to retire are also 'ineligible' for re-hire. Let's hope our new Conservator looks at those people who were dismissed out of fear, i.e., knowledge, and that they will now become 'eligible' for re-hire. Someone who knows kids and knows treatment needs to be back in the mix - and Walenta needs to be out. We need someone who can make a decision, inform the field of the decision, and stand by the decision. Not someone who will come out of the bowels to spout his bs answer (though that may be all he's got since he's so deep in the bowels) and retreat to those bowels once again. We need someone who understands operations, from the field's perspective, and can think like a field person. No disrespect to attorneys, but if they haven't been on the ground to see how a facility runs, text books (if there are any) aren't the best teachers. Experience is!

    Hang on to those retirement papers, Old Salty . . . I got a feeling you'd bet serve us as a leader who's got experience.

  110. Don't be so sure that Don will do any better, remember how he placed his people in position when he was put in charge.

  111. I don't know about the other facilites, but here at West Tx all is the same. It is still the buddy system. If you know the right people you will get a promotion and more pay. If you don't then you don't stand a chance. Waterman has been here letting everyone know that he is on a "secret" assignment from the Pope herself. This is a staff who was a terrible jco and has kissed butt all the way to the top. He does not have our best interests at heart only lining his own pocket. Somebody needs to talk to the front line at West Tx to find out all the other problems going on. They will tell you all about the buddy system and that nobody cares about "service" to our employees, only getting ahead for themselves. Management turns a blind eye to any complaints that are voiced. We need someone to come out and take a close look, not just do a quick run through like the Pope did the only time she came out here. Please help us before it is too late. We all need our jobs and have no support whatsoever when problems arise.

  112. Don and Marie give me a break - their good ole boy group and cover-ups got helped us get in this mess.
    As for the PB info - thanks for the insight. I really just don't know that much about him but it sounds like I soon will learn.

  113. Check your facts 9:50 - Don was no where near Central Office when the cover-up was going on, and Chester had already demoted Marie because she tried to hold his protege, Don Freeman, accountable.

  114. You mean that Marie tried to screw over Don Freeman for no reason, and Freeman wouldn't roll over and take it. Chester did the right thing, Marie was incompetent and tied into all the crappy staff at Crockett that had to go for the facility to be successful. None of you have an ounce of evidence to substantiate your claims of corruption regarding Chester Clay and Don Freman, but you keep putting lies on this blog about them. The fact is that they did the Agency such a good job, everyone in their own little corrupt minds wanted to believe they were up to no good. It is amazing how perception can kill an excellent career and tarnish ones image.

  115. There were a stack of reports from the investigations in 2002 to implicate Don Freeman. Marie Murdoch was removed from supervision of Crockett because she did not believe he should be reinstated. As far as Freeman's connection to Clay he often bragged about how untouchable he was because of Clay. Lydia Banard took over and Freeman reinstated all under the direction of Chester Clay.

    Live with your head buried in the sand if you want but Freeman was a self-described Shark in the water. While he may have gotten Crockett in line, his methods were questionable at best!

    If I wanted to make spurious allegations with little evidence I would comment on all the rumored children he supposedly fathered at the various campuses he worked on. Guess the proof would be in the DNA testing... but this is rumor and not relevant to his management skills.

  116. The stack of reports were all unconfirmed, you might have more evidence to prove he fathered numerous children, but I haven't seen too many kids around Crockett, Mart, and Corsicana that look like Don Freeman (thank goodness). You must be one of Marie's cronies. In fact I never heard Don mention the word "untouchable", that's another line of crap that folks at Crockett came up with. If you are still at Crockett, I feel sorry for you because now ya'll are feeling the effects of running off a leader and someone that did a good job most of the time as the Superintendent (note: I didn't say the man didn't make mistakes from time to time). But, what he was accused of and the garbage he had to endure from Marie and her buddies was ridiculous, and there is still no credible evidence to prove Don Freeman did anything wrong.

  117. You are deluded 11:47 p.m. Many investigations were confirmed and pointed to gross mismanagment by Freeman. This is fact. Perhaps Clay had reports redacted but there was little doubt about Freeman's culpability. In fact, due to the level of injuries several students incurred due to blatant abuse by several of his staff I am very suprised that some parents were not savvy enough to end up in litigation against the agency.

    Spin the facts whatever way you want but Freeman led through fear and intimidation only protecting those who did his bidding. In my book that makes him a poor leader and poor manager.

    Blu was also Freeman's fallguy... Perhaps this was in part a reason for Blu's conversion.

  118. It is true, that when Freeman came on there were many staff who needed to be run off and he did a good job of getting rid of them.
    Also, contrary to popular lore, that has been reported here, Freeman did not tell them to throw the kid off the roof. That was the chaplain, making a bad joke. The investigator never bothered to ask the chaplain, who was standing right next to Freeman at the time. The chaplain freely admitted to the comment.

    BUT -
    Freeman maintained order on the campus by hiring goons who had been fired from TDCJ to physically indimidated the kids. He actively hid evidence from investigators and did everything he could to run off Steve M, whom he accused of "hiding behind bushes with a clipboard." Selective enforcement of rules was the rule, especially for those staff who reported "favorites" or who were too cooperative with investigators. Level II hearings were nothing more than kangaroo courts - and woe to the Hearing Manager who did not confirm on a kid who was accused.

    As if that was not enough, when the outside investigators came in and started turning over rocks, Freeman tried to throw Nicholson under the bus!
    Yeah, Freeman was a saint!

  119. Blu was the only one that took the polygraph and passed it and was promised by the investigators that if he passed, his job at Crockett would be secure. TYC however, screwed him over by trying to force him to move to Sheffield because they knew he would not go because he would not get to see his daughter. Blu has a case of wrongful termination against TYC if he goes through with it. Mr. Conservator, you may want to give Blu a call before he puts the Agency through litigation.

  120. Amen 11:47. You should see the shambles left by Bluebell Williams. Some of the people who HATED Freeman would kiss his feet to have him come back and help us clean up the mess. Anyone who speaks highly of Blu - didn't know him. He was a bully and wrote the book on intimidation.
    8:34 - Be careful about the "conversion" - you obviously didn't work closely with Blu. There are files and files on Blu that people are holding onto just in case he continues to try and force people to "testify" for him. He needs to get a life and move on.

  121. 8:34 responds to 6:50

    Regarding Blu, I never meant to assert that I found Blu's conversion credible...don't have any clue just repeating what has been reported by others in support of him.

    Regarding Freeman management and Crockett having been left in Shambles. This is in part the problem with authoritarian leadership styles. Once, the dictator is gone no one knows how to manage the campus because they were so used being told how to do it.

    If Freeman was a good manager he would have developed staff and fostered an environment where the campus could run with or with out him. He could have actually "lead" like a leader instead of "micro-managed" with his select chosen few.

  122. 6:50,

    I am sure Blu has some files on people, too. By the way, how could he "force" people to testify? Also, how can you call the man's faith into question, unless you are one of those Freeman cronies that openly profess their belief that God does not exist. It really doesn't matter, you'll get your chance to explain that to someone someday.

  123. 6:50,

    You are obviously one of Freeman's suckups. You must be GT or another one of his harem hoochies. Freeman was by far the biggest bully TYC has ever seen. He tried to intimidate almost everyone he came into contact with, except he couldn't intimidate Blu. Anybody that knows Blu knows he was genuinely caring towards the staff and youth. I hope your "files" come to the light of day because I think you are full of crap and just writing a bunch of garbage to throw support at Freeman. Guess you miss him now that he's gone, can't get your way anymore?

  124. I have to agree, if Freeman was so great at Crockett, why didn't the program continue to run well after he was gone? Those of you that would "kiss his feet" to have him back, may need to seek some professional help. Good luck trying to piece your program back together since it is now in "shambles".

  125. Knowing Blu personally, I think it very sad to attack him based on his religious beliefs. I see some things haven't changed at Crockett. I know the man, he is the real deal. Blu is involved in Church in his new community and he is also involved in community outreach programs. It's a shame that Crockett, not just TYC, let such a fine young man get away. But then again, maybe Crockett is comfortable with the status quo.

  126. Maybe if you people at Crockett spent as much time working with the youth as ya'll do going back and forth about Freeman and Blu on this blog, you might be able to have a decent program.

    P.S. Freeman and Blu are gone, and they are probably much better off than those of us left at TYC, can we change the subject?

  127. Please - let them rest. They are probably much better off having left TYC. THey both have flaws and assets (as we all do). I did not intend to attack Blu's faith - I am in no position to judge, but I saw him do a lot of things and say a lot of things that I really have to question.
    They just announced that Mike Davis is acting Supt at Crockett. I hope the good folks at Crockett can move forward and put the drama behind us.

  128. 10:43 - You are very misinformed. Blu was so intimidated by Don Freeman, he couldn't see straight. He did everything he could to try and gain Freeman's acceptance. Those two were a disaster from day one.
    10:50 - Two words explain why the program did not continue as it had - Jerome Williams.

  129. Mike Davis will be good for Crockett, he should be able to lead the program better than Williams or Freeman ever could.

  130. What is the latest on Jerome Williams? Did they give him a cushy little job back in Central Office or is he hitting the unemployment line?

  131. As long as the Pope does not call any fake bomb threats in he should be okay. Crockett is in a bad state of distress and with the new Conservator on board we all need to pull together get this agency back on track, without Pope and Neal.

  132. 8:14-

    I agree with part of your statement, they were a disaster, simply because anytime you have a God fearing man matched up with someone like Freeman, you have a recipe for disaster. However, I must disagree with you in regards to Blu trying to seek Freeman's acceptance. You obviously don't know Blu very well, he has sought and been accepted by the only One that really matters. May you seek and find the same.

  133. You should move on too 9:30, uuh, I mean "Chaplain" SM. Speaking of seeking acceptance.....

  134. Thanks 9:22. We need a little encouragement around here!
    As for Bluebell - we only know he "has accepted a position at Central Office". That came out on e-mail tonight.

  135. OMG - I really want to change the subject but 1-:43, I couldn't let this one go. "Caring towards the staff and youth" - you have got to be kidding. Blu kept a list of staff that he wanted fired. He held meetings to target certain staff for various reasons. He cruised the lobby when interviews were being held looking for good looking women and then forced the interviewers to hire them. Once, one of their references didn't clear, so he called her and instructed her how to fix it. She got hired the next time around. He forbid certain people to be hired because of the way they looked or things he heard about them. Wow - real upstanding guy.

  136. Good riddens to both of them. I bet Freeman feels a lot lighter with Blu off his coattails after all these years.
    Now, can we pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee move on.

  137. 11:12, you are so full of it. I can see that Crockett is overflowing with good looking women. I guess that plan of Blu's didn't work out so well. Asfor a list, sounds like he shouldhave left you on it because you must be a compulsive liar.

    11:18, if it wasn't for Blu, Crockett would have fallen two years after Freeman took over. Blu was the brains behind the operations, so who rode whos coattails?

  138. 11:12 must be one of Freeman's girls. They would defend him if he told them he could walk on water and sunk to the bottom trying. The only error I see that Blu made was that he tried to keep the peace while at Crockett because of his beliefs. He should have waged war on some of you infidels.

  139. 11:12, you are crazy. Have you been drinking? Blu fixed interviews and hired only good looking women? Give me a break, I was on interview panels at Crockett and that never happened. He would come in and see how the interviews were going, but never tried to make me hire anyone based on looks. You need some help, please move on, if all you can do is lie. You must be a supervisor at Crockett, did Freeman teach you to lie so well?

  140. I hear that it is now Chip Walters moving to Crockett?

  141. Announcement was made last night that Mike Davis will be moving to Crockett. I wish him well and all the staff at Crockett.

  142. Oh, the trials of life...How sad it is when one can't move and quit putting others down so they can find joy in their own lives. Have you ever heard that misery loves company. We have an entire world of negativity brooding in Crockett don't we?

    Whether you want to admit it or not, love'em or hate'em, Nicholson and Freeman had a tight ship and a riot would have never happened if they would have stayed. I myself am not a big Freeman fan, due to his womanizing, but even I can admit that.

  143. Marie - Worthless

    Freeman - Womanizing Pig

    Jerome - Ego-Maniac

    Nicholson - Priceless

  144. To all of those at Crockett who can't move on...

    "La, La, La, Life Goes On."

    Can yours please?

  145. To all of those at Crockett who can't move on...

    "La, La, La, Life Goes On."

    Can yours please?

  146. You said it 8:38, a riot would have never happened with Freeman or Nicholson at Crockett. They would have never had other Unit's STAR teams all over the Campus. It would have not happened.

  147. I am sure Freeman and Nicholson both had their share of faults. But some of you people attacking them because of religious beliefs and just flat lying about them need to look in the mirror. I bet you will not like what you see. This includes you 11:12.

  148. 9:16, you hit the nail on the head.

  149. I never thought of any of the PA's as particullary good looking... now there were quite a few young attractive csw's hired. Figured that was why Freeman had the tuck in the shirt he could survey the surroundings, so to speak!

  150. 11:22, I know of a couple of Caseworkers that looked preety good, if Blu made them hire them, kuddos to Blu. The PAs were skanky Freeman hoochies.

  151. There are so many rude people on here that need to take a good look at themselves (both inside and out). Love or hate the PAs at Crockett - that was just rude 12:26. There is only one for sure that proved herself as a Freeman hoochie by following him all of over the state.

  152. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Just because Blu and Don were less than respectable. Some good people have worked and still work at Crockett. As for the uncalled for Freeman hoochies comment - if you knew AC, SD, TW, TD - they are all good people. They should not be lumped in with GT. If you want to talk about the Freeman women, start listing JCOs and CWs.

  153. I count the good people on one hand. Most the people at Crockett are backstabbing losers.

  154. 12:57 you obviously don't know all of them very well. I won't mention any initials, but one of those listed is not a good person, her morals are questionable and well, let's just say she has some miles on her.

  155. hahaha-12:26, you nailed it. It must be true, look at all the response you got back. Freeman hoochies, that's hilarious.

  156. 1: 26...If you mean TW the PA who played wack a mole with a kid in security...then you are right! Can't comment on the others though!

  157. What does any of this have to do with fixing TYC and making our jobs easier? You people are screwed up beyond belief. We'll all be judged one day. There's no reason for such hurtful things being said.

  158. Actually, I was talking about the one who was demoted to CW and moved to Giddings. You are wrong about the other one! You should be ashamed. You must be someone she fired for NOT doing your job.

  159. I meant Tracie Wagner...and she was caught on tape.

  160. Personally, AC and TD was just as bad as others.

  161. Ok, maybe she made a mistake (big one) with a kid what, 5 years ago in Security. But you are implying she is a whore. That is uncalled for. And if you have to slander atleast spell the name correctly.

  162. Clarify mistake. She slapped a kid after he spit on her. I can't count on 2 hands and feet the number of staff still walking around who used excessive or inappropriate force. This is a new day and things we used to do are no longer acceptable. For the record, she was disciplined and to my knowledge has never done anything like this since. But to call into question her moral character. I doubt you have the right.

  163. I never called her a whore and would never do so even if I thought the title fit her.

    You may have inferred that, but I did not imply that, someone else did. I have no idea about her sexual proclivity.

    She is guilty of child abuse. Don't minimize her behavior as a "mistake."

    I don't really care about how she spells her name.

  164. 3:19 - I hear they have at least one PA opening. Why not apply and see if you are better?
    I agree with the earlier poster - no one at Crockett is happy. You all deserve each other. Get some lives.

  165. Thanks AC we miss you too!

  166. Okay 3:24 maybe Blu or Freeman made a mistake, a big one, but nobody can seem to forgive them and constantly attack their religious beliefs, morals, friends, etc. on this blog. Doesn't feel to good does it?

  167. Okay 3:24 maybe Blu or Freeman made a mistake, a big one, but nobody can seem to forgive them and constantly attack their religious beliefs, morals, friends, etc. on this blog. Doesn't feel to good does it?

  168. Mike Davis, watch out for GT, BL, and TW, they will cut your throat in a heartbeat if they get the chance. Especially TW, she played Freeman and Blu like a fiddle to get what she wanted, when she wanted it. Watch your backside.

  169. You just hate that she's a good PA and you can't always make the popular decision in that kind of position.
    And by the way, I think she looks pretty good, especially if you like big butts (which I do!).

  170. How did she play Blu and Don? Do tell. She couldn't stand either one of them.

  171. With all the gossip and backbiting in Crockett, I see why y'all can't run your own damn campus.

  172. WHen it comes down to it, I really don't give a rat's ass but if TW as terrible as you say, I think she can fight her own battles. Why don't you sign your name and I'll shoot her an e-mail letting her know where to meet you. Maybe you're not so big and bad with your slander when you're not hiding behind the "Anonymous". Huh?

  173. OMG I can't believe I've been missing all this fun. THere is a booty welcome committee at Crockett but TW isn't a part of it. She's too much of a bitch. IC and BL know what I'm talking about. They pretend to be nice, get what they want and then slice you to the bone.

  174. Can you blame her? Nice folks don't last in Crockett. Especially young, white females who aren't from Crockett. She probably got that attitude from protecting her self from all the locals.

  175. Amen 7:01 That list of welcomees if far too long to type in. It's no wonder Crockett is in "shambles". No one is actually working too busy welcoming and gossiping.

  176. 6:24 (Bluebell Williams) you should be packing. Again, stay off the blog. Took them longer than we thought to run you out of there.

  177. Bluebell can't talk about the welcome committee. He ws welcomed by both of them. I have to go vomit now. I don't know which of the three is most disgusting. Don't you morons ever wonder why Bluebell spent so much time on Crocektt doing his "investigations". Duh???? IC and BL kept him pretty busy.

  178. Okay, lets put this into persepctive. Say what you want about Ms. Wagner (why are we using initials).She may have slapped a kid once upon a time but don't we ever forgive . Lets look at the last 6 months. When I look around when kids are attacking us, tearing down the dorms, holding us hostage, I didn't see too many people screeching into the parking lot and runnign into help. But Ms. Wagner was there ALOT. Isn't that important? Isn't that what we need from PAs? Where was Toliver(it was her dorms most of the time)? Where was Lawson? Where was the new guy?don't even know his name because he walks around lookking scared all the time. I'm sure sh ecould have left like alot of other people but she hung in there with us when she deosn't have to. That deserves a pinch of credit. I can put up with the attitude as long as she keeps coming to work - unlike a lot of others.

  179. PA is the worst job in the agency been ther done that. You are caught in the middle of staff, youth, JCO VIs, CWs, other department heads, and usually right in the middle of the power struggle between the Asst and the Supt. I don't wish it on anyone. But to survive, you can't have thin skin, you can't be perceived as weak and you can't be in the popularity contest. You put in countless hours, on call 24-7 and never get a minute of OT pay.
    Give these folks a break unless you're willing to step up.

  180. 8:03 - She was probably look for another kid to slap. To get out some of that sexual frustration since Freeman and Blu were gone.

  181. I thought you losers were talking about real issues. There must not be much to do in the country. You can't even buy alcohol in Crockett. Send Wagner to Al Price. I like big butts and I can take good care of her.

  182. 6:57 - you're an idiot, if we all signed are names, it would be an ass kicking festival across the State. As for TW, she would get her's kicked quick, she's not as tough as she leads on.

  183. That's a lie. I would bet my kids that she never did either one of those creeps. Mad cause she wouldn't give you any either 8:41?

  184. Someone at Crockett: How is TOliver getting her jollies these days since the old man is gone?

  185. Are you kidding? That evil bitch is never at work. Probably too busy spoodfeeding Don his viagra.

  186. 8:41 never wanted it. Everyone knows she spent alot of quality time in their offices, maybe they were talking about the weather... Freeman was notorious for giving it to the women in his office. As for Blu, you are probably right, his wife is much better looking than TW, no need to stray when you have a fine wife.

  187. You must have not seen Blu's fat wife. Your crazy 9:02.
    Blu couldnt have spent too much time in his office, he was too busy in the clinic.

  188. Wagner never went to DOn's office. Trust me. They hated each other. He only put up with her because she was about the only one who actually worked. She is smarter than Don and Gwen put together. She would have had to stnad in line at his office anyway. hahahahaha

  189. Oh, yes, the good old days. Between Don and Blu they ran through just about every nurse on teh campus.

  190. All of you aer so full of shit. The old, balding shirt one and the sweaty fat one with girl hands were both luckty to even find wives. No way they were runnign through women any time, anywhere.

  191. Good night Crockett losers. Some of us cant rely on food stamps and child support. Have to work tomorrow.
    Continue tearing each other down whilre your campus crumbles around you. Brilliant.
    Sure hope Mike Davis can make a team out of you idiots or we'll be sending in star teams for years to come to save you losers.

  192. To all the folks out there who are not from Crockett, please understand that the haters posting here are not representative of the many good, and dedicated staff who come to work every day to try to help kids. Some folks need to get a life.

  193. 9:26, ask TW, she must like sweaty fat ones. GT goes for short balding ones. I reckon the nurses didn't discriminate?

  194. 9:08

    She wasn't smart enough to keep from slapping a kid. Her old man couldn't keep his hands off the kids either, much less half the women in Houston County.

  195. 9:40,

    I think Davis is walking into a big trap. He needs to get approval to clean house and do it by getting rid of the PAs and JCO VIs before he can ever think about putting a team together at Crockett.

  196. Hey 9:05, I can't believe you're attacking someone that wasn't even a part of Crockett. Even worse, you do it anonymously...Who where the balls in your house, your wife?

  197. Now I can't help but add 9:05, I've been to Crockett and seen the women, the only good lookin' ones are transplants from somewhere else, most women from Crockett only have two teeth.

    How many do you have?

  198. Stop the insanity please!!!

  199. Everyone has to realize there are about 4 people posting as Crockett employees. I don’t judge the other facilities by all the negative comments I read and I suggest you don’t do it here.
