Friday, January 11, 2008

Take Slampo's Current Events Quiz

How well have you been keeping up with the fiasco over Harris County DA's revealing emails and Roger Clemens' steroid denials? Take the quiz at Slampo's Place to test your knowledge. I'll bet Grits readers know the answer to the Bonus question:
BONUS: At the heart of the Chuck Rosenthal email scandal lies

A. Arrogance
B. Hubris
C. Stupidity
D. Insularity and in-breeding
Hah! it's a trick question ... all are correct. Via Houston's Clear Thinkers.

UPDATE: A commenter perhaps correctly suggests that "the question needs to be thrown out. The heart of the matter is the wrongful arrest lawsuit against the Harris County Sheriff." True enough. I neglected earlier to link to this Houston Chronicle story describing the background on the lawsuit that caused the recent email kerfuffle over at the Harris DA.


  1. E. All of the above.

    However, the question needs to be thrown out. The heart of the matter is the wrongful arrest lawsuit against the Harris County Sheriff. The e-mails were evidence presented in order to show the good 'ole boy system in effect, where the DA refused to investigate the Sheriff because they are to close to each other.

  2. "Harris County Organized Crime Narcotics Task Force"?.....
    They are long gone and they are still ruining peoples lives. When will it end?
