Thursday, January 17, 2008

TYC's Brookins, Hernandez ordered to trial

Ray Brookins and John Paul Hernandez - the two former TYC administrators whose alleged abuse of youth under their charge plunged the agency into public ignominy and fiscal conservatorship - will stand trial this spring over the charges, reports AP (Jan. 16):

Brookins, 41, the former assistant superintendent at the Pyote jail, faces two counts each of having an improper relationship with a student and improper sexual activity with a person in custody. He pleaded not guilty to both charges. [District Judge Bob] Parks scheduled his trial for April 28.

Hernandez has pleaded not guilty to one count of sexual assault, a second-degree felony punishable by up to 20 years in prison, and nine counts each of improper sexual activity with a person in custody and improper relationship with a student, also second-degree felonies.

Parks set his trial date for June 2.

Given all the trouble and heartache caused at the agency over the allegations against this pair, I suppose it's a good thing for the charges to finally go forward, though I'm afraid it means we're in for another media circus over these same allegations during the two men's trials.


  1. Would not shock me if both were found not guilty.

  2. We are still having problems today with supervisors not stepping forward and reporting abuse and mistreatment. Just look at what was allowed to happen at Mart I and II. All of the leadership and oversight for these facilities was negligent.

  3. Hooray!!!

    XXXRayVijon and his co-actor will be tried.

    Too bad that some of this is a media circus for sunsetting TYC, which in spite of men like these did do some good work for some youth.

  4. The TYC should not view this as another media circus. They should use it as an opportunity to get the word out that they are trying to change.

    Be interesting to see if the new conservator uses this as an opportunity to show why they're changing. I doubt it though, since that would be a tacit admission of guilt and open the TYC up to more lawsuits. I bet he keeps his head down, but I hope he has the balls not to.

  5. The irony is that as soon as they are convicted and they will be...The same thing they did to the kids will be done to them and a whole lot more.

  6. It's a damn shame that Harrison and Ayo aren't going with them.

  7. What's especially ironic is the solution was bringing in TDCJ administrators, where sexual abuse is probably more prevalent than at TYC.

  8. What happens if they are found not guilty? Does the Leg, Gov., and the past Conservators just look at each other and say...oops??

    Can they really get a fair trial anywhere in the State? How many of us actually believe that they are innocent until proven guilty?

  9. 10:30,
    give me a break.

  10. I think supervisors at Mart I and Mart II did forward and report these issues. This whole thing at Mart is the result of Bronco's "if we can't send em to prison then lock them up" campaign.

  11. Maybe, just maybe, Ayo the now Regional Director who was once the Program Specialist at West Texas when all this broke will have his chance to stand before the judge and explain to him the comment "He is the Assistant Superintendent, he can do what he wants". This was referring to Ray taking young boys to his office at night.

  12. Mr. Conservator, please go back and read the Rangers report on this incident. You will see names of staff that were mentioned numerous times that have been promoted to Regional Director jobs. There are at least three accounts in this report where it states "was" with Brookins at night looking into boys windows, "was" present when Brookins rubbed his genitals against youth. This is all sick, but if we are ever to clean this agency we need to ensure staff that allow their superiors or peers to act and commit these acts without saying anything are removed. I am sure the youth and the Ranger who conducted the report could inform you first hand without reading this report. Lets do the right thing and start fresh.

  13. Hang em High!!!!!!!!!!1

  14. Ayo has nowhere to hide now!!

  15. Ray-Ray, great news! There's a big sale at Walmart...Little boys pants half off!!!!!!!

  16. The media circus would be over by now if Burzynski had arrested them when he had the evidence...

  17. Rumor is that Brookins' attorney was arrested recently on drug charges. Par for the course!

  18. Well...ARE they going to trial and WHEN. Is this going to be swept under the carpet? Funny how there is no news regarding this issue and here it is the end of June!

