Thursday, May 29, 2008

Killing the Messenger: Bexar probation chief wants to fire PO who snitched on faulty urinalysis results

Instead of acting to resolve the use of questionable forensics by a private vendor, Bexar County probation director Bill Fitzgerald decided to kill the messenger. He plans to fire Sherri Simmonelli, the head of an employees' group and lead whistleblower regarding the lab, and her co-workers are protesting. Reported KSAT:
Probation officers gathered at the Bexar County Justice Center in support of one of their own, now facing termination because the officer said she spoke to the media.

Sheri Simonelli said she was recently placed on administrative leave pending termination for talking about a county-contracted drug testing lab producing a significant number of high positives.

"They are going to take retaliatory action against this individual for conducting herself in a manner of the highest calling of conscientiousness and conscience and duty to a fair justice system, attroney David Van Os said.

Bexar County currently contracts Treatment Associates on the 700 block of San Pedro Avenue for its drug testing.

In February, the number of positive urinalysis tests jumped dramatically, leading Simonelli and others to begin asking questions.

Simonelli, also president of the Central Texas Association of Public Employees, said some of the positive tests were taken to another lab, which produced negative results.
Fitzgerald of all people should know that problems at the Bexar probation department's troubled urinalysis lab aren't new. It's been producing sloppy or questionable results for much of his tenure. You'd think he'd thank an employee for trying to fix errors instead of fire her over it.

But then, this is Bill Fitzgerald's general modus operandi. He famously announced a couple of years ago just before Christmas that he would have all 430 employees re-apply for their jobs and submit to retention interviews. Why? He was upset some of his employees, including Simmonelli, were trying to form a union.

Now he reacts to news of flaws by a urinalysis lab by firing the employee who caught the errors?

Judges in Bexar County need to rein in Mr. Fitzgerald, and consider shipping him back to Phoenix. He seems a lot more concerned with covering up problems than fixing them. This boorish behavior can have no good result except to allow future problems to fester and further alienate his already disgruntled staff.


  1. the judges, in bexar county, need to quit hiding behind their robes and start asking questions. there have been ongoing problems at the probation department for a long time.

    judges...wake up!!!

  2. the bexar county CSCD is loaded with problems that need to be addressed. one of the biggest is employee morale.

    how can the county justify paying it's probation officers a starting salary of $30,000, with no established pay scale? there are officers who have been there for almost 5 years who are still making this $30,000 salary. it's insulting to expect these college graduates to work for these wages. starting teachers in NISD are making $45,000. how can these professionals look out for society when they have to worry about how they are going to feed their families? why is it that officers with masters degrees are having to work two jobs to support their families?

    ....and don't say that if they don't like it, they can go elsewhere. these people do their jobs because they love the work. they don't expect to get rich doing what they do, but they DO expect to be appreciated and recognized for keeping our society safe.

  3. Grits for Breakfast,
    before the probation officers unionized, before the 430 plus officers had to re-apply for their jobs, before Bill Fizgerald and his cronies discared 15,000 urinalysis (when the department was doing it's own drug testing of probationers), before the problems arose at the contracted out U.A. lab (Treament Associates), before officer Sheri Simonelli was placed on administrative leave pending termination, there was a probation officer who was wrongfully terminated by Fitzgerald in January 2006. This officer had been employed by the department for 17 plus years. He was fired for doing his job by protection the citizens of both San Antonio, Texas and Bexar County especially it's children. A lawsuit was filed in Federal Court in November 2007. Grits for breakfast need to look into that lawsuit and post it.

  4. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

    Thank you Sheri Simonelli for speaking out. Your dedication to the department and your integrity are well known by your peers.

  5. This is outrageous, of course. Actually, however, most of the UA's are questionable. I've worked directly and indirectly with about 15 probation departments in rural NW Texas, and I've only seen one that did the UA's right, getting the confirmations, etc. Two CSCD directors tried to get me fired once for complaining about their UA procedures. I sent two of my clients (I was a substance abuse counselor) for hair analysis after they had a positive UA. They were negative. Most UA reports are not worth the paper they are written on, but probation uses them to get sanctions, extensions of probation, and revocations. This is about what I would expect from a CSCD director, although I think it's worse in rural areas where nobody is usually watching.

  6. This is nothing new! Chief Bill Fitzgerald and his Deputy Chief Paul Koserowski have let it be known that you are with them or against them. (Probably learned from Judge Mary Roman). Over the last 4 & 1/2 years, promotions have been based on "whether you agree with the administration and/or are a friend of the judge mentioned above," not whether you have the intestinal fortitude to stand up for what is right. Those who have been willing to stand up, ie., UNION members, have been dealt with severely and as second class citizens. They are "AT WILL EMPLOYEES" who have been tagged as "POOR EMPLOYEES WITH BAD WORK ETHIC AND MORALS." Nothing could be further from the truth! The Judges in Bexar County are hiding behind HB 1326 as an excuse NOT to give this TYRANT (Bill Fitzgerald) his pink slip and send him back to Arizona on the first available airplane.
    Since coming to Bexar County, Chief Fitzgerald and his hand picked administration have DEMORALIZED his employees and put the citizens of San Anonio and Bexar County at risk! Judges, I emplore you to stand up and do the right thing for those that have served as your eyes and ears (Community Supervision Officers) and have been treated unfairly by their Chief!!! I know it is hard to admit YOU made a mistake, but YOU can find someone who can move the probation department forward instead of backwards!

  7. Chief Elmer Fudd and his Deputy Barney Fife have ruined the Mayberry Probation department! Aunt Judge Mary should be ashamed of herself. The public also known as VOTERS are watching......

  8. Bexar County probation officers are no longer allowed to protect the citizens of Bexar County. You may thank Chief Probation Officer Bill Fitzgerald for that. Several years ago he DISARMED his specialized unit officers (GANG/FIST, SAFE-Sex Offender, Electronic monitoring and Domestic Violence). They aren't allowed to do field visits and home visits at night and on weekends. If you wonder about all the gang killings and shootings, you can attribute it to the lack of cooperation by the probation department because of this Chief. Don't believe me, ask any police officer how available has the probation department been over the last four and a half years since Chief Fitzgerald took over!

  9. Why doesn't someone give them a REAL Chief like the San Antonio Police Chief or the San Antonio Fire Chief (from Arizona)! From what I've seen they lead by example and stand up for their employees, are out of their offices and in the neighborhoods. Unlike Fitzgerald, who hides in his office from what I hear. Maybe Bexar County should run the department like they do the Juvenile Probation Department. Their Chief, David Riley is a great Chief, always available, willing to help and well respected around the county!
    Good Luck, Adult probation officers.

  10. The Judges are responsible for this. They continue to let this go on!! Guess what the lab is now telling the defendants??? They are telling the defendants that they have changed their system because of to many false positives!!!! Good job Probation Officers for fixing this!!!!! Civil Rights???? Chief - and Dep Chief and Asst Chiefs - listen to your officers. Then again you have decided to tune them out and now they have proved you to be wrong. Wow what a mess!

  11. Where is the Bexar County District Attorney, The Texas Rangers, the Texas Attorney General, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Defense attorneys, the ACLU??????????? Isn't it obvious that the Chief Probation officer is out of control and again violating the civil rights of this brave female employee, who just recently came out of EEOC case against this administration for an out of control deputy chief & assistant deputy chief. You should all be ashamed of yourselves, for allowing him to do as he pleases. How dare you allow his continued disregard for the Constitutional Rights of Sherri Simonelli, ALL UNION members and probationers. The majority of officers at that department are scared and afraid to speak out and you know it. Sherri has spoken out as a whistle-blower and should be protected for caring about the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS of ALL people. She has been singled out because she is the president of the Central Texas Association of Public Employees.

  12. OH My GOD! I hope no one you know is on probation. If they don't value the employees, can you imagine how fair they will be with your loved one?
    A new teacher with no experience makes as much as a probation officer with 20 years of experience. It seems to me that the State of Confusion aka: The State of Texas, is headed for another disaster. Are you listening Austin? You are willing to pay $45+ per day to incarcerate them, yet you only give CSCD's $4 per day per probationer? Doesn't make any sense to me. I quit and became a teacher!!!! Why put up with it?

  13. The lack of urgency in protecting defendants civil rights doesn't surprise us when the Union presidents' civilly protected rights are so grossly violated. Word is defendants are being told that the UA lab debacle has been fixed. On par for Fitzgerald modus operandi to react when faced with a smoking gun and only then. Fitzgerald stated, "Officers can come to me with their concerns." Yea, sure! Then they are labeled a "troublemaker" and ridiculed during managers meetings. The UA fiasco, disarming the specialized units, pending lawsuits, sexual harassment complaints, high employee turnover rates, poor pay and this is the short list. Judges, what more do you need? It is obvious that the firing of one of its finest doesn't seem to warrant your attention. It is also a sad reality that Fitzgerald and his administration lack the skills necessary to effectively address this departments needs.

  14. Ewwwww.

    I don't want to read a story about peepee!


  15. I am starting the "SEND THE CHIEF AND ALL HIS ADMINISTRATION TO ARIZONA" on a one-way plane ride campaign! Won't you please help Sherri's kids? Stay tuned for further details........

  16. Move over Judge Alonzo, it looks like we have another "kingdom." The kingdom of Bill! Your Honor, is this incompetent Chief worth jeapardizing your bench?

  17. Let's start naming the judges who support the chief and his thugs.

    Let's start naming the judges who want change and willing to stand for real justice for officers and fairness for defendants.

    Let's give officers rights and due process as we give defendants rights.

    Let's move forward and appoint leaders and not managers for probation administrators.

    Let's fix CJAD policies and funding sources that created this Uncle Billy in Bexar County.

    Let's give authority to the state or clear authority to the courts to oversee inept departments like Bexar County.

    Let's legitimize probation with a strong message to Uncle Billy removing him and his thug administrators.

    Let's ask the hopefully new chief candidates how will he or she lead and not manage the department?

    Let's ask this person how he or she will work with the courts, CJAD, and officers to bring about a positive change to heal the wounds and create trust amongst the citizens of Bexar County and Texas.

    Let's pray the judges realize officers need them to stand together to rid the county of these inept paper pushers.

  18. Managers "just managing" Not getting any better
    SUPERvisors "supervising" helping others become more proficient at their job, requiring knowledge of the job!

    Imagine why our department went from SUPERvising to just managing!

    Great job BILL, NOT!

    I wonder if you have ever driven a bus? Or is it a dream you've had since childhood? Watch out,I think the bus is about to CRASH.

  19. This is a special CALL OUT to Chief Fitzgerald!!! Go back and fix all those who are in prison, jail, treatment or any type of extra sanction from the court that is not warranted. Fix your wrong now!!!! It started in February so make sure you go back far enough. Lets watch you clean up your new massive mess. Judges how many will you settle for? Remember 15,000 plus dumped samples and now this. I, the tax-
    payer am sick of this inempt chief.

  20. Will someone please post the names of the Judges who back this incompetent chief! Also post those who want to can the chief and are attempting to make things better for the probation officers and the citizens they swore an oath to protect!

  21. STEVE D. LARA vs William Fitzgerald, Chief Supervision Officer, Bexar County Supervision Department. What's happening to that case? Didn't the Texas Workforce Commission tell William Fitzgerald, after two separate hearings to hire him back? Just another case of an out-of-control little man trying to MAN up. I'm not impressed the way they are picking on a woman, but what do you expect? She just finished drumming them in an EEOC case, now this. Go figure, GLUTTONS for punishment.

  22. Once upon a time I once sat in my office oh about 700 am. The one time training Mannager went into talk with two CLO's. This is when the wonderful leader that we have made us re-apply for our jobs. This training manager told these officers "well it looks like the chief drew a line in the sand lets see if the trouble makers have the tenacity to follow through with there fight."

    Well Mr Herrera, looks like we do but what happen to you. when the rumors started you got up and left. May i ask why? I'd love to hear your comment on this one. Looks like you lack the tenacity amd the heart to fight hu. 1 down and about 7 to go.

    the chief's so called bus crashed approx June 2006 when he tried to sneak that big fat raise for him- self or did we forget. Oh i do belive this is also when the relationship between him and the deputy chief went south.

  23. Dont forget how cowardly the chief does thing. ie: send email just prior to christmass wanting us to re-apply for our jobs then leaves just after sending it out. how about placing ours dear Sheri Simonelli on admin leave while probably out looking for another job. Hurry Bill the bus is leaving with out you.

  24. I vote we name teh new building the Simonelli building. How does it sound Bill - got a nice ring to it. yes sir I do belive so.

  25. Oh is Mr Jeff Warner:

    Your lab does not make mistakes. Why now are we changing procedures on how thing are done. Now what i find amasing is that i have not been getting my results back in a timely manner, and now ive recieved 3 list with approx 15 results and now they are all neg - even those whom were just positive for thc last week are neg (is it possible we are getting false neg now).

  26. 15,000 urine samples just dumped down the drain. why was'nt Bill Fitzgerald and the judges who allowed this to happen were never investigated and or indicted. they swept this one under the rug while D.A. Susan Reed held the broom. destroying evidence is illegal in 49 states except in TEXAS. texans are proud to saw everything in TEXAS is big. they are right. CORRUPTION is big business in the criminal justice system at both court houses and at the adult probation department in Bexar county Texas. the citizens of Bexar county should be ashamed of themselves for allowing corrupt judges to continue to remain on the benches that they don't deserve to even sit on. Bexar county has it's own TYC scandal. TYC officals raped the children of Texas and so far have gotten away with it. Bill Fitzgerald has continued to rape the rights of the adult probation officers he manages by threatening to fire them for doing their jobs in protecting innocent probationers with false positive u.a.'s and for exposing corruption within his kingdom. I ask any and all law enforcement officials in Austin, Texas how long will it take to investigate this corrupt system in Bexar county? the raping has got to STOP.

  27. maybe bil thinks we should sit back and enjoy it.

  28. I hear dat rascally wabbit comin to git u Elmer. Jump on da nxt Gwayhound bus to arwizonee.
    Sorry, I just needed some humor in all this mess! It's so sad that no one seems to care what he does.

  29. wow, don't look know looks like the bumbling idiot missed thr bus and made teh news again. he totally miscalculated Ms Simonelli. hum wonder if legal action is pending. how musch you want bet on this one uncle bill. better sell that house before leans are placed on it.

  30. Why are all the UA's negative now??? Even the weekly pot smokers are now negative?????????

    CC8,CC11,CC6,CC5 those are the good judges.

  31. Who does help out those defendants who are sitting in jail?

  32. I once worked for a for-profit testing facility (environmental) as a lab technician. The pay was very low, the employee turnover very high, and there was always constant pressure to produce and make the deadlines.

    Yes, there were "blind" control samples, but it was never hard to figure out which ones these were, and naturally those samples were done with the utmost precision -- while all the rest were pushed through the mill with the utmost speed. This was, after all, a kind of fast-paced production line.

    When the lab was going through EPA certification, the supervisors and managers (who never normally worked in the lab) along with a few high-paid consultants (contracted for the week) did all the procedures themselves, in a locked room they had set up specifically for that purpose.

    Apparently they didn't trust the 'regular' lab techs to get anywhere near those prized EPA samples.

  33. I kind of feel sorry for this chief.The lawsuits from this will cost the state way to much. I'm sure the lawyers will find a way to dig into this chief's personal holdings. I would like to know how much- when it is all over- is the state paying for this blunder? Chief, I think you need a new line of work you are in way over your head!

  34. The cost of all the pending lawsuits and future lawsuits does not compare to the cost of embarrasement and shame he has brought to the people of Bexar County , Texas.
    I am ashamed to work for such an incompetent Chief.

  35. This sounds like another TYC. Stupid decisions by upper level managers while everyone chooses to close their eyes. Shut up or get fired yep another TYC.

  36. I agree TYC in Bexar County! Who is asleep at the wheel.

  37. *Defendants are expected to abide by a supervision plan. Identify the problem, what needs to be accomplished within a time frame, how that will be achieved.
    *The Fitzgeald Administration needs to apply basics.
    *They don't listen because they tell themselves their officers are complainers who will never be satisfied. "How many Chiefs will it take?" "How many panels will Judge's have to sit through?" These are questions for the weary.
    *Look to yourselves. The state of that department is a reflection of its leadership. Officers will exceed expectations with the right leaders.
    **CJAD audits will be at 100%
    **UA issues will be addressed without violating civil rights.
    **Employee retention will improve.
    **Officer misconduct will be unheard of.
    *These things are possibe under the right direction and currently nowhere to be seen. Judge's don't look at as giving in, but as doing the right thing for the department who excutes your orders. Specifically it's Officers.

  38. There are several troubling aspects to this story aside from the probation administration's attempt to kill the messenger. Why in the world is the probation department using a ua lab that uses the paper litmus test and instant result panels? This testing procedure is notoriously unreliable and provides no cut off scores for guaging level of use. Of greater concern, is that the lab conducting the initial test is apparently unable to do its own confirmation testing so it sends the samples to another lab for confirmation tests. This cumbersome process compromises the chain of custody of the ua samples. To make matters worse, Bexar Co judges are apparently issuing probation violation arrest warrants based on the initial test results. There are many substances other than illegal drugs that can cause initial positive results. No one should be going to jail based on an initial result that was not followed up with GCMS confirmation. Kudos to Bexar Co PO's for bringing this issue to the forefront. If anyone deserves suspension from the job, it's the moron responsible for overseeing this flawed ua procedure.

  39. in response to "why is bexar county using a lab that uses..."? well, information obtained indicates that owner(jeff warner) of treatment asso lab is a good friend of probation officer shannon jones who also sat on the selection panel when the contract was awarded to warner's lab! ok, d.a. reed is this a conflict of interest or just day to day operations for bexar county??

  40. Does TA do treatment for Bexar County Adult Probation??? Would it not be a conflict for TA to do the lab also???

  41. Why is everyone quick to accuse Treatment Assoc.? Could it be the way the contract was written by our department to Treatment Associates? Remember people, you get what you pay for. It's all about the money.
    Another thing, doesn't Federal probation also contract with Treatment Associates? Funny how we never heard of problems with ua's on the federal side.

  42. Dear 7:34,
    "you get what you pay for. It's all about the money." I believe everyone understands that if you go with the least expensive bidder, you receive a quality of service commensurate with your expenditure. In the case of Bexar Co. it's obvious that Treatment Associates submitted the lowest bid and then, as expected, provided an inept level of service. There is no cost savings that can be justified when the human cost is innocent people going to jail as a result of an incompetent ua contractor. The probation director should be held accountable for this fiasco.

  43. Dear Anonymous,

    I have and will be involved in many committees with Bexar County Probation. UA selection? Nope, not on that one. Appears your "indications" are incorrect. Or should it be implications? But it sounds so good to stir the pot doesn't it?
    As to Jeff Warner being my good friend, no he's my great friend! As are many of the treatment providers I've worked with during the last eleven years.
    Better luck with your implications, I'm corrected, Your indications next time.

    Much respect,
    Shannon Jones

  44. The federal probation office has TA collect only for them- Federal tests their own ua's.

    I do agree this is not TA's fault. TA does do a highly sensitive test. So our beloved chief should have contracted for confirmation tests. Bet he did not.

    TA sends results. The probation department reacts with these results. The chief and his admin. fell asleep at the wheel and screwed this one up.

    Bet if you come to work you would find out what your department is doing. Wait a minute then you have to stay at work for over 4 hours and come out of your office. Wait a minute, that is no one we know????

  45. How much is this chief costing the department in lawsuits? Would like to know if this comes close to some of the TYC legal costs. Who is over this chief? Why is the boss of this chief not protecting this State Department. Sorry, I'm from CA and we have a little more oversight than this department. My brother is on probation in Texas and I am now worried about his probation?

  46. You are DAMM right!! Bill Fitzgerald needs to be held accountable. The following steps need to take place.
    1.) Investigate who, how and why he was hired as the Chief. Was his hiring based on nepotism.
    2.) Investigate every decision he has made during his entire tenure as Chief to include any cover-ups.
    3.) Investigate throughly if he committed any criminal act while serving as Chief.
    4.) If a crime was committed, he needs to be indicted.
    5.) If indicted and a hearing is held, a jury of his peers should be made up from the family members of those innocent probationers who were either sent to jail or prison on false positive u.a's.
    6.) If found guilty, he should be sent to the TDC prison unit which houses the highest number of innocent probationers who were sent there based on those same false positive u.a.'s.
    7.) If he is sent to prison, he needs to be placed in the same cells with those innocent probationers. Let those innocent probationers deal with him in their own way.

  47. Low morale, Constant arguing, an increase in illegal activity by officers, Repeated EEOC compalints being filed including a sexual harassment violation against one of our main administrators, Nepotism, Favortism, Continuous threats of retaliation against those who speak out,wrongful terminations, finger pointing at judges, high employee turnover rates, qustionable UAs done by
    Shanon Jones' "great friend" resulting in probationers being wrongly jailed.

    Judges, the DA, CJAD, Atty. Gens Office, County Commissioners,
    What else needs to occur in order for you to take action?

    Judges, are you too proud or at odds with one another so much that you can't meet for one hour to come up with solution or meet with officers supervising those you place on probation? Open your eyes. It's time. The problem has now come to a boil.


  48. Judges,
    Please help! The public and the officers are suffering. You can do something before this gets bigger and it will get bigger.

  49. Seems this chief only covers up things. If the judges can not do what is right then who will? The judges need to help now! If the chief does not handle this situation right (which he will not) then I'm sure this is going to be the a huge nightmare. Where is the ACLU?? We need to call in the NAACP and LULAC. Peoples rights were violated here and this chief could care less. He is not fit to be chief.

  50. The solution to the Bexar Co. Probation problem is simple: VOTE THE INCUMBENT JUDGES OUT OF OFFICE! The judges appoint the probation director and are directly responsible for the probation department.

  51. I second that last comment. start with burt richardson. unfortunitly gardner-vasques has no one runniong against her. remember richardson is not as strong as roman is he will be easy.

  52. Fitzgerald has blown enough in legal fees to hire at least 16 new officers. I understand it is AG money but it is still the taxpayers money. You would think the AG would lean in on Bexar County Judges.

  53. Roman isn’t strong, Her opponent gave her a run for the money, literally. If not for a presidential election year that included a woman running for president, things would have been different. Zamora received over 50,000 + votes thanks to the support of those like the probation officers union. Which judge is next? Do not estimate the power, the aggressiveness and the connections this little {just over one hundred members} union has. Those connections can be referred to as a COALITION.

    Judges, take note who was at the recent court house rally in support of Simonelli. Attorneys {including highly respected Jimmy Parks}, San Antonio Firefighters union representatives, Bexar County Sheriff’s union members, Bexar County Constables union, LULAC, Juvenile probation officers and Steelworker District Regional Representative who oversees Dallas, Houston and San Antonio and of course most if not all of the local media {Just to name a few.} These are all good people to have on your side.

    We are all waiting and watching to see who will step up to the plate. Harle, Crouch, Olivarri, Dehoyos and Johnson in my opinion have. We {the union} believe they know what we need done. They have voiced their concern and are at least hearing us out. The rest are just not simply doing enough. Why wait until you need our and their support. We have gained their attention. Why sacrifice your chances of loosing your next election. Your support for Fitzgerald can jeopardize loosing your robe. This man owes you nothing. You owe it to the tax payers, the hard working great citizens of Bexar County and to the ones who baby sit your probationers. Dust off the copy of that pledge you swore to honor when you first took office and read it again before we vote someone else to step in and read it for you. I wonder what Lutjen did with his?

  54. Judges don't like the role they have to play as executive board members over the probation department. They just want to get elected and go about the business of being a criminal trial court judge. Who can blame them really? Probation departments in Texas are bottom feeders. They get the crumbs tossed to them by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, which controls the purse strings for probation funding and is much more interested in funding the prison system and parole, rather than probation. The end result is a poorly funded probation department teeming with anger, resentment, and discontent. What the hell does a judge know about solving these systemic problems? They only know how to hire and fire a probation director. I suggest they get busy with the latter, fire Fitzgerald, and hire a competent director so they can go about the business of being a judge and figuring out how to win their next re-election bid.

  55. Why is a probation officer, i.e. Shannon Jones, playing a part in the process of awarding ua contracts. This is a management function that will not be found anywhere in a probation officer's job description. Since management is responsible for the actions of the vendor, only members of management should be involved in awarding contracts. At least this would minimize the chances of non professionals awarding contracts to "great friends." No wonder things are so screwed up in San Antonio.

  56. There were numerous officers involved, who sat on a committee that went over all the proposed contracts from several UA providers. We and Sherri Simonelli advised the Chief that TA wasn't a DPS approved lab. The Chief and administration didn't want to hear it! When all was said and done the Chief and administrators picked TA of Victoria, because it was the "cheapest" way out! The department, per Minerva Boor (assistant deputy chief), is still collecting a $20 (ONE TIME) UA fee. I ask you, how can the Probation Department collect $20 for NOTHING in return? Are you attorneys paying attention?????????The defendant has to pay $$ for each and every sample he/she provides to TA! This administration is out of control and those JUDGES, who PICKED the Chief, are ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL OF A RUNAWAY BUS! Wake up Judges and correct the mistake immediately!!

  57. Ineptitude runs rampant at that Department. Of course, officers sit on committees awarding contracts. You should see the committees on the regionalization project. I guess their idea is if officers have a hand in it they will own it. Officers don't want it, from what I hear neither do the Judges. Also, this takes away responsibility from the Administration. Goodness, they would have to work for their 100,000, 80,000, 60,000+ salaries. A Probation officer with 15 years experience is lucky to get $45,000. Sherri has the fortitude to stand up. This wouldn't be going on if more MANAGERS and OFFICERS had that strength. God bless you, Sherri, don't lose sight no matter what self-righteous individuals say...

  58. "THE FLOGGINGS WILL CONTINUE UNTIL MORALE IMPROVES." Blackbeard Sheri's administrative leave has been extended another week. Could this be Fitzgerald continued attempts to discourage Officer's rights to assemble under the guise of insubordination. What will the Honorable Xavier Rodrgiuez think?

  59. We continue to loose Officers at an alarming rate. Why, could it be because finally they get tired of the Chief's, Adminstrator's, and Managers Bullshit. Hey HR and chief I dont hear people breaking down the door to work here any longer. Once approx 5 yrs ago people were proud to be part of BC CSCD. That is no longer the case. Hey judges you can help us get our pride back just please get rid of this so-called chief -he has to go NOW. He is making yall a laughing stock and making yall as well as us look bad thoughout the GREAT STATE OF TEXAS.

    Oh I think the reason probation Officers are having to be on these commities is if it goes wrong he can blame us.

  60. It simply amazes me that the city of San Antonio gets a City Manager and a Fire Chief from Arizona who Immediately go to work and IMPROVE this community! The probation department gets a new chief and deputy chief who IMMEDIATELY destroy the department and set it back 15+ years! There are 21 Judges whom are paid $110,000-130,000 to hire/fire the chief probation officer. It seems plain as day that there are numerous individuals here who feel that they aren't accountable to the TAX-PAYING community of San Antonio and Bexar County.
    !. Judges who refuse to deal with this situation.
    2. Chief probation officer who earns $133,000 per year at the expense of citizens and his officers, many who are having to work part-time jobs to survive.
    3. Deputy-chief probation officer who earns $88,000 per year and refuses to step up and do what is right for his officers.
    4. Three Assistant Deputy Chief's who are paid 66,000 each and refuse to step up and protect the Citizens and their officers.
    5. 20 plus managers at $45,000+ each who refuse to protect the citizens and their officers.
    6. Several hundred officers, some who clutch at the robe of King Bill hoping for a promotion if they SIDE with him. Others who cower in their offices, hoping that the UNION will take care of all this mess!
    7. Community leaders, who are paid untold amounts of TAX-PAYERS hard earned money, and REFUSE to put pressure on #s 1 and 2 to solve this out of control embarrassment to Bexar County.
    8. Tax-payers who don't realize how their safety has been put in jeapordy by the ineptness of the Chief, Deputy Chief, Assistant Deputy Chief's and managers of the probation department.
    In conclusion, I feel that the only HONORABLE people seem to br SHERRI SIMONELLI and THE UNION MEMBERS who have stood up to this TYRANICAL DICTATOR and his Adminstration of YES PEOPLE.
    DA Susan Reed, Attorney General Greg Abbott, Texas Rangers, FBI and our Judges sit and collectively do nothing. I hope that the TAX-PAYING public remebers this every election over the next 8-12 years.

  61. I am not sure Sherri Simonnelli has been fired for just being a Whistle Blower. It seems her actions and statements have gone much farther than being a simple Whistle Blower.

    She speaks about having information concerning positve and negative tests. There are many questions and concerns about this. If she is gathering information about these tests, where is she keeping the information. Court and department policy prohibit any officer from keeping a second and secret file on any defendant.

    Much of the information in a defendant's file is considered confidential. Is Sherri Simonnelli violating any laws by making this information public. A reasonable question would be to whom she has disclosed information to.

    It also seems possible she has met with defendant's and their attorney's outside of her duties as a probation officer. She had to collect this information in some manner.

    And why does Sherri Simmonelli belive the labs used by the defendant's can't make their own errors.

    It appears Mrs. Simmonelli has gone beyond the boundries of a Whistle Blower. She is actively investigating the alleged violation of the law.

  62. She has gone to numerous entities including the DA, FBI, Texas Rangers and the judges with this information and NONE of them wants to touch this mess. There are several people sitting in jail and TDC due to these faulty tests. Where were their atorneys?
    There are numerous other officers who openly give "their ATTORNEY friends" preferential advice which IS out of their scope as a probation officer, why aren't they awaiting termination? The problem at this department IS: if you don't 100% agree with the Chief and his henchmen/women then you are at risk of his wrath, ie, AT-WILL.
    Bottom-line: Probation is weak due to this adminstration and the community will suffer because of it!

  63. Seriously, you're talking about policy at this department. Haven't you been wathching what is happening at this department over the last 4+ years?? It is obvious to any functional non-brain dead person that Ms. Simonelli would have personal/professional knowledge (not hearsay evidence) of inconsistencies in UA lab results of HER caseload! And it is in our Code of Ethics to report any impropriety that would put someones' Constitutional Rights at risk. Either you're the HR department/Legal and/or braindead. Either way the Standard Operating policy was only recently posted on our intranet after years of "being revised." To date, I don't know a single probation officer who has been given and signed for a copy or or been updated on what OUR policies actually are. Why in the hell do you think we need a UNION. I'll bet my meager salary against the Chief's, that you would be more concerned about what Ms. Simonelli and others have to say about the UA lab, if your loved one was incarcerated on a BOGUS UA lab result, results which have been in question for several months by many of our probation officers! There are numerous e-mails and other correspondence to support this claim. I can only hope, even as a probation officer, that all who have been revoked and sentenced as a result of this fiasco, will file for reconsideration of probation. I'll bet the Judges don't want to deal with this one either!!!!!

  64. I implore manager Jarvis Anderson, to post a comment on Ms.Simonelli's behalf! I'll bet, even after all the "exceeds expectations" on her recent employee evaluation, he will succumb to the pressure of this Administration! Anyone who has worked with her knows how professional, caring, effecient and thorough she is. Step up Mr.Anderson, and show what a true Manager is! You'd be the first, and only manager to do the right thing with respect to their employee.....
    We're waiting and watching!

  65. Well, the administration would like you to think she has done more than be a whistle blower. Do you know she is the Union President. She has protected rights that were trampled on. Maybe, if they would have listened to her lets say three months ago when she initially brought this up we wouldn't be here. Secret files, second files, I thought only HR had those files. I guess they figure if they cut the head off the body will fall. THINK AGAIN! This Union will not go away until there is some sense of FAIR order. Remember Fitzgerald is not an honorable person. He ceased interviews the same day he requested information on the bloggers of He met with Union officials only to satsify a part of a lawsuit not because he was sincere or concerned with that department. Not everyone was upset with reapplying. Who wasn't? Oh thats right, those of his colleagues with their heads up... Sorry, to sound so unprofessional, but we are dealing with vindictive shortsighted individuals, not those seeking the truth.

  66. Good Job Sheri- Glad you spoke the truth. I have beed worried over my cases for months. Thanks!!

  67. Judges please help- You never know when one of your family members will be on probation. Don't you want a fair system?

  68. I have to agree to the comments of 6-2-08 9:32a.m. Sherri has stepped out of bounds. Maybe she is trying but she is making to many big mistakes. Her actions are bringing shame shame shame to the union. She stood alone since she is acting alone. She allowed herself to get into this trouble. I saw no one else standing next to her during her news interview. The rally is after the fact.

    The Lab is now seperate from the old Lab we had in the past. They are not part of our staff as before. To solve this issue there should of been a different type of approach. It's sad to say but Sherri may of had other interest to shine with the media but it back fired. Instead of working issues now the union takes a big slap in the face. As a union member I did not know the President was going to stick her neck out as she did. I quess no one else had better sense.

    The comment of 6-2-08 9:23am makes reference to cofidentiality, disclosers, gathering of records, going outside of her duties, investigating violations, invlolvements with defendants, etc. That sounds like what has happened. A defendant was also in the rally.. She stepped right into the path of the Administration. Whats the union going to do now? If this is not resolved Union Members will be falling out of the union. The president should of been protected, its a deep scare that will never go away.

    Who is speaking for the union now? Where is Roy Robinson?

    The Untouchable...

  69. comment of 6/02/08 927 pm you dropped out know one cares what you have to say why dont you go join the chief.

  70. TO 9:27 Serg - shut up and crawl back under your rock!!!!and take your slimy friends with you!

  71. Lets see 9:27????

    C- no, his grammar is to bad
    J- no, he can not write
    S- to busy dating people on his caseload
    S or S - Yes, I do believe it so.

    Your facts are all wrong as normal.
    Try to get your story right. She was not alone and none of your information is correct.

    I agree with the last two posts. The rest of us stand strong, you two stand alone.

    Roy would not waste his time with you and you know that.

  72. Good job Sherri- I am proud of you!

    Drive on!!!!

  73. To the last comment, this is so typical in the union,let others have their opinion!

  74. Sherri,
    Thank you for taking a stand, much appreciated. D.C. Judges why don't you try abiding by the good book that you took your oath on (remember the bible) you will reap what you sow. All of you do nothing, but collect your checks and pat Bill on the back telling him that he is doing a good job. Take a stand now or you will fall later. To the 9:27 blogger learn to play fair so that you can regain the respect that was lost.

  75. Go to bed Serg!

  76. After considering the statements made by Sherri Simonnelli it is likely she violated confidentiality laws. Urinalysis tests are considered part of a defendant's treatment. Medical records are confidential. It also appears she has involved other officers in her investigation.

    There as an organized effort to provide information concerning UA results. This was likely done without the permission of the defendant.

    Copying and or removing confidential information from a defendant's file is unlawful.

    Meeting with a defendant and their attorney outside of official duties could hardly occur without the exchange of information. This is a serious concern because it omitts an important person, the JUDGE.

    The person receiving "proof" from Sherri Simonnelli should reconsider what they are doing. They could be dragged into something illegal.

  77. Confidentiality is not violated when the District Judge with jurisdiction ask to see those results. If anyone has committed an illegal activity it is Fitzgerald and his administration.

  78. I'm sure the DA's office the only individuals Sheri has given information to will take that into consideration. Oh they've already told her she is not a person of interest.


  80. Sherri,

    What Judge would ask you to do something? They wouldn't trust you, you have humiliated others for your own gain. Remember Ray Jimenez?

    Stop pointing the finger. Maybe you should of listened to the bad boys. You may not of fallen into the rut your in. Now they got you by the throat.

    I agree with comment 6-3-08 12:12p.m. There are to many violations you cannot cover up. You didn't think it through.

    The Untouchable

  81. Celso stop with your WAR crap. You militant anarchist.

  82. Sherri didn't violate any confidentiality laws, that's ridiculous!

    What a bunch of haters and whiners! What have Sherri's detractors ever done that demonstrated nearly as much guts, besides whine anonymously in blog comments? Geez!

  83. Mr. Grits

    I see you know quite a bit about confidentiality, and your also quick to judge. As a professional journalist is there not two sides to a story? What brings you to question? You certainly don't work for Bexar County, and you don't know all the wrongs the USW, and the USW President have done to bring the union and its lawsuit to where it is today. I am aware of allegations that were brought forward against the President. Would you like to post them?

    As far as what others have done, they have done a hell of alot, and they have avoided the sword. This is what I figure, and I'm hoping you will allow me to post my thoughts. Sherri the Messenger was not that gutcy, she was careless and hot headed seeking recognition. As a Lone Ranger she made a big mistake she will not admit. That Mr. Grits you will not understand. Think about it, if they suspended her don't you think they thought it out clearly since there is a semi-lawsuit pending?

    I still agree with the comment of 6-2-08 9:23 a.m. and of course my comment of 6-2-08 9:27 p.m. Thank you for your blog availability Mr. Grits.

    The Untouchable

  84. ok sid, so your afmitting to blogging of county time. way to go.

  85. Untouchable, if you know more than you're saying, spill it or don't make insinuations.

    Regarding your question, "don't you think they thought it out clearly since there is a semi-lawsuit pending?" Why would you think that? This is the same Probation Director who sent out demands everyone re-apply for their job days before Christmas and said he'd never considered the implications. Why should I assume he's planned ahead or thought anything through at all?

    The urinalysis lab has been a mess for years at Bexar CSCD, and she's certainly not to blame for the problems. She just went public when they became intolerable.

    Finally, anonymous detractors are a dime a dozen. She put her name out there and stood behind her criticisms even when it cost her; the same can't be said for many of the cheap shots aimed her way on this string.

  86. This is too funny.

  87. Blog Administrator,

    I think you should step out of this one. You read headlines and articles sent your way but you don't know all the facts. I know this is your blog but let the people make their comments without your interference.

    Sherri was involved in the selection process for selecting the lab. She was happy since Treatment Associates also handles the Dallas Probation Dept. From reading the previous blogs, I think people are trying to blame someone else for the selection.

  88. Last blog - wrong info on dallas and Sheri- Thanks Grits for fighting the good fight. Every department has its bad apples. We just can not keep ours in the closet.

    Special thanks to Sheri- Dont let those guys get to you. We know what they are all about and they have no honor.

    We pray for the judges to help!
    God bless you Sheri!

  89. RE: "I think you should step out of this one."

    I think you should tend to your own comments, not try to dictate mine. I don't take instructions from anonymous cowards who trash people in blog comments but don't have the guts to put their own name on their opinions. I allow anonymous comments, but that doesn't mean I always respect them.

    Simmonelli didn't blame anyone else for picking the vendor, that's a red herring. She said after they were chosen they changed protocols in a way that generated a rash of false positives. Your statements that she had particular knowledge of the contract, if true, only make the "whistleblower" tag MORE credible, not less.

  90. Wow, speaking of thier own agendas. Sid, Serge, Celso, Jim, and Whom ever else is yur untouchable group. What exactly is your agenda other then an effort to make Sheri look bad. Speaking of own agendas it is so obvius the problems. Your not making the calls therefore, now your making an effort to tear down what we have built. The only selfserving people here are you guys. You really need to give up because grits is making you stupid and foolish. We know the truth your not fooling anybody. lets tell grits the real reason your sore - is it because serge lost the election for VP. Funny thing is his own friends did not even vote for him yet he blames others for his lost. Now yall got out of the union, NOW DO US THE FAVOR AND JUST GO AWAY.

  91. Dear Untouchables, The Rock, Little General et al: Get your facts straight before posting your pontifications. Dallas CSCD uses Accu-Chem for ua testing and has never used Treatment Associates for anything other than an example of how to avoid a flawed ua contract. How can anyone take your comments seriously when your information is all wrong?

  92. Thank You Grits!

    Sheri Simonelli

  93. sid, thanks for getting out of the UNION! Now you will have more time to do other things at work by not wasting your time trying to smear our Union and it's President for your own personal gain.
    Please try and convince serg and celso to join you!

  94. If Sheri and a few of her friends have their way the Judges will fire this Chief and hire Caesar back.

  95. Bottom line Sherri made a big mess as the Lone Ranger. Her actions opened her up for this suspension and the rally extended her suspension. The media doesn't scare the administration as much as before. They just ignore it, and it' forgotten in about 2 to 3 days. This outcome has affected not only her but the whole union. It will become more difficult to get more members to sign on. You will need to win this fight first.

    Yes, the union can pick up the pieces and head forward, but you do need to stop begging the Judges and others,it only shows weakness. "Do the right thing", "Please help", "Do whats best for the community", "Jarvis, come out and say something nice for Sherri". Thats way to much crying, and it sounds like your loosing this battle. Remember the Judges never helped before, and the PAC couldn't even get rid of Roman. I think since the union couldn't be strong in the campaign you can forget the Judges. They won't hear you even if you yell.

    Just a thought, If you have the facts of the faulty urinalysis put it out and let the facts speak. You've done nothing wrong anyway. No violations of confidentiality or mishandling of records. Call out the media and put the facts out for everyone to see. Get the public behind you, not just the defendants, but the public. Being that they are chopping the Leaders head off, whats the waiting for?

    If you can't put the facts out - another approach for those of you who established a good working relationship with the Chief, is to simply approach him and make a demand. Maybe now it's a good time for you to approach him again.

    Another thought is to again ask your Union Representative Roy for direction.

    Just trying to help.

  96. Enough about Sherri Pie. Can we change the subject to perhaps maybe wife beating?! Little
    General, why don’t you go first
    you little coward.

  97. Hello, Little General?

  98. Sherry has already won this fight! If they fire her it is a lawsuit and she has other jobs waiting, if they keep her they have to back down. Either way she has won and she can sleep at night for doing the right thing.Your info is wrong - she was never alone. This lone ranger deal- You do not know her well.Just because KSAT never showed who else was there means she was alone???She has Senators and State Reps watching the department. She knew the department had some attornies ready to sue and figured the department would hang the officers out to dry on a lawsuit. She did the only smart thing and laid a cover over the union members so they are protected. So all the officers who have been locking up on bad UA's ?? Good Luck! The union officers made an outcry? As for membership it is up - wrong again. The scared will always run but the officers of Bexar County need protection. To leave the union now would be a big mistake you would have the union label but no backup or legal. You would be a sitting target in an open field. I have been a union member for many years and have helped these officers and watched Sherry and her board make good sound decisions. I have seen some real snakes in this department. However now I think everyone else sees them also.

    I watched some of these officers worry about probationers who were in jail falsely. I watched the concern and the fear they had that they needed to make this right. Sherry made the only right choice and the right people have the right information on the subject.

    I have helped her and will continue to do so in the future. She does the right thing time and time again. Even more the officers around her do the same.

    The rally got the public behind her even more- maybe you mean well but somehow I feel you are the same band of idiots that the union and the chief want to get rid of.
    You better hope Sherry and the Chief do not become good friends. I think they may have more common ground than they think.

    I, union member, am proud of her and several other probationers in town can sleep at night thanks to her.
    Best of Luck to the Officers,
    Katrina Hernandez

  99. The Pac, what is the PAC? Roman may have won but look how much the union cost her. It is not all about the win. When judges have to take out loans to campaign because they have attacked peoples civil rights then I think the people who cost the judge the extra money won. If they win,we do not loose, we only loose when they continue to mistreat officers and the officers have no recourse.

    I'm sorry that a few of you have the wrong facts about things? Classic case of someone trying to poison the well.

    As for Caesar- I think the Union has made it clear they will not get involved with the selection of any chief. Seems 3 little guys and I do mean little are all wet in the facts.

    However the lab is now sending back better results and has changed the tests. Chalk one up for the probationer's civil rights and union officers. Maybe even chalk one up for the chief if he or Decline fixed it.

    I kind of agree with the last blogger if Sherri and the chief ever team up then they would have more common ground then we think!

  100. Little General{SC}, are you avoiding my question?


  102. Great Celso is the rock! Rocks for brains maybe!

    Hey chief, you can have at them- we do not want them either!

  103. Boo hoo......Want some cheese with that whine......????????

  104. Little General, {aka untouchable}

    What makes you think you can do a better job running a union? You can’t manage your caseload much less your personal responsibilities {marriage, health, etc}. You and your five followers are obviously upset that you were not voted into a high position within the USW association you {along with a few others} fought to organize. As a result, you and your girls {Si,Ce,St,Ja} repeatedly trash the president and continuously {but always unsuccessfully} try to discredit everything the association does. The sad thing about all of this is that your facts are always wrong and only makes you look like the fool that you are. Let it go. You lost. Your obsession with this is beyond disturbing. Maybe its time the department schedules you a psychological evaluation or maybe seek a private one on your own, either way, the association will pay for it. With your permission, can I make a motion for that at our next meeting?

    You continue to bash yet fail to recognize your own issues. Repeated complaints against you at work, personal issues at home {You shared some of these with us} and your obsession with Sheri are frightening. You are your own worst enemy and as a result, I can only assume your health has declined simply because you rage. Take the advice of a previous blogger, Go to bed. The obsession with Sheri has already taken a toll on your health and personal life. If you have a stroke, she really wins.

  105. great post 11:00 p.m. I wonder who they will whine to when they start auditing the Amigos? The e-mail by Ms. Decline was a warning! Don't believe it, ask Hagan what they're looking for now. These guys aren't liked by the union members OR non-union members. They should be worried about being the next targets from what I hear. Kind of reminds me of 7th graders who can't decide what they want to be when (if) they grow up! Hasta la vista babies!!

  106. What does a "Rock" do. Answer: Nothing!
    What does a "General" of NO army do: Nothing!
    What is an "Untouchable"? Something that lacks substance!
    What do those individuals have in common?
    They provide nothing of value, do nothing, lack substance and are a major irritation, kind of like a TICK! I say salt em and burn em.......
    "The Hunter"

  107. General serg, you finally met a femle that you can't BULLY! Way to go Sherri. Maybe someone close to him can look to you for inspiration....................

  108. She {that someone} already has!
    Why do you think I wanted to change the subject to wife beating? We know something.

  109. The attacks are funny guys, but keep it a little factual.

    Heres something..relating to union

    14(approx.)allegations for Sherri.
    0 allegations for Sergio.

    The following are just brief descriptions of violations and or circumstances that have derailed the growth of our union.

    Not in any particular order:

    1. Two key elected positions have been filled by influential selection and not by a democratic vote.
    2. Selective information of union matters is withheld and blocked from anyone who questions the union’s function.
    3. The Union President when questioned on a union matter goes out to involve non-union management to strong-arm the individual making question. The individual’s job which union commonly protects becomes open for criticism. This is a direct cause and violation by the Union President.
    4. A request to vote on a subject of availability and access to union minutes is denied by the Union President and the union organizer Bill Fears.
    5. Documented request to review minutes is denied repeatedly by the Union Secretary to discourage future requests.
    6. A request to vote on the establishment of additional bylaws is blocked by the union representative Roy Robinson.
    7. Union President cripples open communication among union members with blind copy e-mails. Evidence will show that communications are forwarded to only selected groups or individuals to create distortion and also to create favorable outcomes for the President.
    8. In the event that a non-favorable union member to the president heads a union task, the president becomes non partisan to a level which causes separation that affects participation and in turn sabotages the event.
    9. The President has many times labeled and called names to chosen union members to ostracize and discourage them from participation or questioning the union’s direction. Profanity has also been used during the union meeting by the union president.
    10. There is direct knowledge that the President has vocalized eliminating a union member from membership for no known violation.
    11. A paying union member openly recorded a union meeting for his personal use. The union member recording was then admonished by union organizer Bill Fears in an open floor meeting among other members. He was told by Mr. Fears that he could not be trusted and was then threatened that charges could be filed against him. This incident prompts a Union Steward to side with Mr. Fears saying he was ready to sign any action against this member who did the recording. It is chaos when a Union Steward who is to defend union members is now ready to take action against another union member. To include, this adjudicated union member as I and others have never been told that recording is prohibited.
    12. The President has failed to maintain the integrity of the union by acting alone with the intent to smear another individual and gain self recognition. The President defends that the actions were under the umbrella of union, however evidence will show this was not a union matter, nor did it benefit the union. The Office of the President was jeopardized for no need.
    13. Evidence will show that although forbidden, union representative Roy Robinson is protecting the President and not the Office of the President.
    14. A request from concerned paying members to meet with their union representative Roy Robinson has been repeatedly denied.


    Sherri becomes close w/the Cheif and damages the lawsuit.

    Sergio pleads to stay focused on the litigation.

    Sherri has 10 days of suspension.
    Sergio has 0 days of suspension.

    Sherri runs around making deals with politicians of her interest.

    Sergio advises to stay focused on the immediate needs of the Officers.

    Sherri's very own close friend Tracy Bogert is suspended for wrong doing.

    Sergio had advised to stay away from Tracy who could possibly damage the lawsuit or the union.

    Sherri makes weak demands to the Chief, gaining zero success.

    Sergio advises to become a stronger delegate and demand for change instead of just asking.

    Sherri ask for clothing of the ZT staff, and avoids the bigger issues.

    Sergio says go after the Nepotism, etc. and the at will policy.

    Sherri's head grows and she blows a gasket, affecting everyone.

    Sergio withdraws and says "I tried to tell her, and she doesn't listen".

    Sherri works on T.V. programming

    Sergio works on M.T.R.'s

    Sherri will meet with the Chief June 9th, 2008 pleaing for her job.

    Sergio ( As some say The Little General) will be eating like a Lion during lunch.

    I'll tell you the ending later. For now keep your minds open. You my want to elect another President in order to avoid another (as you Sherri supporters see it) a "misunderstanding". If you can't control your President you will spend to much of your time defending her as you are.

    One last one:

    Sergio has always been defending himself.

    Sherri on the other hand needs everyone and sends out flyers for support.

    Tell me who actually unsettles the water?

    Sherri is the talk of the town.

    Sergio is the talk of a few weaklings who find no other way to help Sherri.

    Advise: Help Sherri instead of blaming others. However, keep in mind it was her own actions.

    I will go to bed, and I will sleep like an Angel.

    The Untouchable.

  110. how about serge beats his wife - and sheri does nto beat her husband. i believe there are police report to back this fact up. oh and by the way we had that hearing serge there was no wrong doing on sheri's part. did your dumbass forget that. remember it took all freaking sat - and oh my what a wasite of time that was hu. the reject aty from St Mary's failed again.

  111. What's funny about spousal abuse? Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs.....your past come back and bite you in the ass.

  112. With all this talk about wife abuse, When you say you are going to bed, I can only assume you're sleeping alone?

  113. Serg,
    I think you are in need of some help. You fabricate facts and never even get one fourth of a story right.
    I think you are obsessed with Sherry. To bad she could even careless about you and your freaky friends.
    Everything you stated is all wrong and you have lost sight of helping the staff by fighting against the majority. Best thing that ever happened to the Union is you got out. Do you really think Sherry went out there on her own. Or do you think she had lots of help? You are an angry little guy and really need some help.

    You talk about TB and his crimes. They pale in comparrision to yours and you know it. You better retreat,little general before your business becomes front page news.

    We try and defend Sherry because we care about each other. No one defends you because..... you figure it out. Tell CC to audit your caseload bet you would get another of your many suspensions.

    By the way Sherry is on admin. leave and is getting paid. By you spreading your untrue statements only helps her to prove some things. So thanks MR. UNTOUCHABLE.

    Go back into your world and twist everything you come across to suit your own needs. Maybe you should hang out with Paul K. sounds like you two would get along great.

  114. How could the 5 dummies ever think they could lead anything. Here we are with a seriou problem at our ua lab and they attack another member. This is why you are a joke little general. Stay focused. Sheri is not your enemy. You are making way to many. I thought you wanted to unite to improve working conditions. Seems you have your own agenda. I wont comment again ever on a blog about you because you have become a serious waste of everyones' time. I suggest no one else comment on here about the little guy. Lets leave him alone it is obvious we only stir him up and he feels he gains some weird power by bloging lies.
    Signing off for good on this string of blogs. Dont blog and empower Sergio the insane general.

  115. Thank you anonymous. There is real work being done by this Union that does not include tearing each other down. We need to stay focused professional and disregard irrelevant opinions. This Union will continue to grow stronger because of tribulations. Those who act as stumbling blocks need to just stay out. No matter what they do be it giving Administration Union emails or sending District Judges anonymous letters they won't prevail. Thank you to the many supporters. United.

  116. Karla,

    Thanks for speaking out can you or someone else tell me what this union has accomplished. I seem to be hearing different stories and I'm not sure what to believe. Please tell me of some accomplishments to help me decide in joining. I hear your meetings are private until you join.


  117. I still see people putting blame on different sides. Since I still got my marbles let me help you guys again understand the facts.

    I will put it in a form of trivia, since you can't understand any other way.

    If something goes wrong within the department you should blame..??

    A.Chief Fitz. B. Sherri C. Sergio

    Answer is: A. The Chief

    Yes!! Because he is in charge, you guys don't even give it a second thought. It's the Chief!!! Hell, he's in charge. He should know better!! etc.etc. Lets sue him. Thats who you sue. The Damn Chief

    Do you get the point??? O.K.

    If something goes wrong within the Union you should blame... ???

    A.Chief Fitz. B. Sherri C. Sergio

    Correct Answer is: B. Sherri

    Now, I know the mind says Sherri, but your heart says Sergio or the Chief. If so, that's an indicator that you have a problem. As an Officer and as a person you will need to work on that. It's the President, the damn president shes in charge. In this case its a true positive, she's to blame for where you sit today. If you feel ridiculous shes to blame. If the direction of the union is to now defend her, shes to blame. She is taking up to many resources, and everyone will pay in one way or another. Not a president to be proud of.

    P.S. For those of you who want to quess outside the circle like it should be the blame of the Judges, City Council, the Economy, The Obama Wave, etc. You sure have a problem. I would say since I'm more radical "Don't get the help you need, you deserve to stay where your at". Hiding within the skits, and you know what skits I'm talking about. Do you need another trivia for that one??

    The Untouchable
    Thanks for the laughs

  118. Ok, Serge if it make you feel better, I will vote for you in the next election. Should you run. You won my heart over.


  120. Oh, Serg,

    Do you know about the House Bills that are going on the floor in 2009 for probation from this union. Bet not, because you really do not know anything. Serg, do you have a copy of the budget and know where there is extra money? Do you know other things that lawyers are working on for the union? Do you know what other lawsuits are in the wings from outside areas? Do you know what is really going with anything except in your own demented mind?? Trash the Union if you must but that is your only shot at more pay. Do you really think you and your sick little friends can get anything done? The plan you put into action has backfired on you and you are to stupid to even figure it all out.

    Hope you make Sherry a rich woman! You blew it and then you tell everyone in your rant you are the untouchable. Did you forget you blogged on the county computer. I some how think you violated ethics by talking bad about another officer on the county computer. You know Decline is in charge of the computer army. There you sit with no union legal help. Sad.... so sad. Guess they do not even really need to walk over to PD and pull your police reports?

  121. Wow, To the last blogger you certainly are trying to sound more like you may know something after all. If all that is true why don't you educate everyone. I'm sure it's something the union would like to brag about. Now, that you have lost some members should be the best time to flaunt it. So, let it loose, unless your just full of words.

    I think thats what it is. The fact is the union does not have much to show, and actually I feel Sherri was on a desperate move to show some action after allegations were brought against her by some union members and after some union members left the union. A desperate act that now got her in this trouble that will forever scare. But anyway going back to you - educate not only I but everyone. And please try to state some facts and not hope. We all have hope. I have the hope you don't come up with the confidentiality excuse. I've noticed the facts have been left out time and time again.

    Remember, the facts will set you free. And since you have spoken of records on Sergio more than once, bring them out as well. Sherri has not beat her husband as far as I know. But, in reality she is getting a beating from someone else, and I think that cycle will continue. Her actions are now record, and what do PO's normally say? We have said it before - the record will follow you.

    So if Sergio's record is true I challenge you to go and get it. You will have me laughing till then.

    The Untouchable.
    P.S. I may have more information you may not be able to handle. You tend to become to upset. So, please control yourself. Remember, I'm responding to you, but we should be talking about "Killing the Messenger" I didn't start this blog. Would you like to talk about the possibilities of Monday, and what we can do to help Sherri?

  122. Well as for as I know, the only members who have left the union are those whom attempted to bring alligations against sheri, but got there ass handed to them by Mr. John Patrick, and lets dont forget SHERI. Then those who left for greener pasters, which I cant say I blame them for the most part. So untouchables did you forget so soon about that waisted Saturday.

  123. Hey Little General, Since you like trivia so much answer this.

    If a person marries his own cousin then beats her, will he be charged with assault BI-married or
    assault BI-family?

    I can't hep it boy but everytimes I sees yuz, them duelling banjos jes commence to playin.


    Sorry Karla, just had to get that last shot in.

  124. Wonder how the Delcine got that email?

    The people who got out of the union we all wanted out. The ugly little 5 five have managed to turn everyone against them. So continue down your same path of self- destruction. Decline is coming for you. You just cannot see it.

    I have 8 defendants who have been to jail and are very upset with the probation department. Two of them are looking at a lawsuit soon. I have know idea if they will follow through or not. They were talking lawsuit way before this thing with the president. The department has had time to fix this mess and did not.

  125. In response to 6:07 5:06 p.m. Yes, I won't mind sharing our accomplishments and long range goals. Call me and we can discuss them during the lunch hour. United.

  126. Sherri, I know you will be up late again tonight. I will advise you to take a sleeping pill to help your nerves.

    Secondly, and most important remember when you are questioned the most important thing is not to lie. Many times you can get away with some wrong doing, but they will nail you on false information. I say this because you have lied many times in the past, so please just be careful.

    Also, remember your attorney does have a job, but yours is on the line. If you want to suck up to the Chief behind close doors you can certainly get away with that one. So just do it, it won't be your first time anyway.

    Key points, the Chief has nothing to loose, Kathy Kline, who you dislike will be ready to corner you. The attorneys for the defendant Chief Fitzgerald from Austin are already aware of your screw up and have advised the Chief. So over all your in bad shape.

    Smile, and tell them you will change and beg for a second opportunity. Tell them you didn't mean to humiliate Ray Jimenez.

    Then when you come out of closed doors tell your lower sense followers, you let the Chief have it, that they had nothing on you, and you were right. Spice it up by saying you may sue the Dept. etc. -Then walk down the street (towards Bill Millers) like the Queen of Dolorosa.

    Good Luck, It may work for you.

    P.S. Just a few of us (who are not blind) will know what you are truely going through. We can see straight through you. It's o.k. to be scared, and it's o.k. to admit you took an unsafe costly approach. The Union could of been further ahead should you of not gotten into trouble.

    The Untouchable.

  127. Serg:

    My hero, dont you mean the union would be further ahead if you were the preseident. What possibly chief. Chief Castilleja. This has a nice ring.

  128. O.K. Time to vote for a new President. Of course for you die hards I quess you could wait another week.

    But keep thinking who will actually lead? Thats a big question and a big concern. You see most of you just let the President run wild, and you got what you got.

    Heres the first new problem. The majority of you left behind are followers. Sherri did have energy but the thought process was bad. The followers who support her and say every thing is just fine must also have the same thought process. Thats the problem. I advise that you get a leader who will honor a democratic process and not be a dictator. A person who shows respect and can unify all.

    The second problem I can immediately see is that the union body does not understand that they are to lead and the President is to facilitate. If you see things going wrong you will need to step and say there is something wrong. I think that is what happened here. Those that questioned were the bad guys. Well I think you had it all wrong. Thats why you got what you got.

  129. serg: you think your one that shows respect. PLEASE. first of all you dont know how to lead. a leader buids people / groups up not tear them down. all you have done is torn progress apart. a leader is not a racist as our dear freind celso. a leader does not tolerate that crap. a leader must win the vote, which i can honestly say you DID NOT. a leader does not marry his cousin and tehn beat on her. it take more to be a leadrer then just a want to be leader. you are quick to judge but yet you once stated you like the idea of turning rays paper over to the judges. did you forget that conversation, obviously you have. one last note you and your dear friend are the reason we have not got more people in the union. just ask around.

  130. After reading these post im glad to say there are honest PO's out there, I myself have been set up on a false positive. I know i put myself in this situation by the crime i commited in the past. I have abided by all my conditions and payed over $2000.
    I now have to pay $400 for an attorney for a UA i should of been negative on in the 1st place. I have court this week and have done extensive research and then took another test and was negative on that UA. I tested postive for METH and you can ask anyone who knows me i dont even smoke weed let alone do any other harsh drugs.
    Again i tested negative on the next UA and Meth is a highly addictive drug. I commend Sherri and other PO's for speaking out cause this is BS. I have a wife, 2 kids, and 2 jobs and also im going back to school, so why and where would i find time to stay up for days. Another thing is i knew when i was going in to report i was getting a UA so why would i be dumb enough to go and do drugs. Not only am i a taxpayer, im also a victim to this messed up system. Thank you again for speaking out.

  131. Unstableness, I mean Untouchable,

    As usual you were wrong again. Sheri had her meeting today with the chief. No attorney from CJAD or from the Attorney General’s Office sat in on the meeting. The attorney who was there to represent the chief was his own personal attorney. I can only believe that the chief’s attorney was there to answer any questions the association’s attorney may have asked. I wonder if he already knows where Sheri is going with this. Sheri walked out of that meeting with her head held high and letter in hand instructing her to report to work next week. No defeat, no shame and not like your boy Steven Castro did when he was escorted out of the building with his ass in hand.

    Despite what the outcome may have been or is pending, you as well as I know that Sheri will oversee her own vengeance. That vengeance will come in the form of a personal lawsuit. Sheri is smart, patient, a leader and can stand to battle with the best of them. She is an example of a true leader, a general, not some 5’3” fat, weak, insulin dependent, cousin marrying, wife beating, angry little POS like yourself. So continue to take your shots at Sheri. When you’re done, walk to the mirror, take a long look at yourself then write back to tell me that you truly see someone that is better than she is. Take your step stool so you can truly look at yourself. Better yet, save yourself the trouble, I just described you three lines up.

    I am having trouble understanding how someone like you Sergio can actually assault his spouse then talk S#*T. I’m embarrassed for you. You give men a bad name.
    Maybe you should try being one.
    It’s obvious that you have no shame. What bothers me even more is that you can find it in you to actually physically abuse a woman, even worse the mother of your own children, yet you’re able to criticize Sheri then sleep like “an angel” after it is all said and done. On behalf of all men who know how to love a women,
    You're one sick F@&%!. I would ask you how you are when it comes to standing up to men but I already know the answer to that. From the looks of your appearance, stature and health I’m sure that is something you can’t do.

    So next time you open that pie hole of yours, think about who you are and what others, like myself, truly think of you, such as the lack of accomplishments and the credibility you unsuccessfully strive to gain at the expense of our president, your repeated failures to knock down this union through your cowardly tactics, the personal demons you are dealing with such as your health, marital and psychological issues,
    the friends {or lack of} that you keep and the scars you left your family to bare, both physically and emotionally. If you can see past all that and are still able to talk crap, then you have confirmed that we are dealing with a very unstable and sick coward.

    Keep taking your cheap-shots, I’ll be right here waiting to knock you down. I don’t mean like you physically did your wife but rather verbally.

    Good night Coward. See you in hell.

  132. To the person who was a victim of Treatment Associate’s false positives, I apologize for having interrupted any positive response you may have been seeking. Thank you for your thoughts and support. We wish you all the best. Through our association president’s hard work and personal sacrifices she has made in order to bring this concerning matter to light, I know that everything with you will be Okay if what you say is sincere. Judges have already been made aware of the issue you are experiencing. Hold on to your hope and God bless you.

    A probation Officer

  133. looks like on of the untouchables got TAGGED. So serge what do you have to say to that. Sheri was doing what she felt was best for teh community. Steve was doing what was good for himself. How do you care to respond.

  134. To the blogger at 1:17am (Sherri) Please go to bed. I did say take a pill didn't I. Anyway who else would be up late night after being upset on a Monday morning about 10am? Psychological, yes you do have a problem. You must, I would feel pretty bad myself. Sorry about the 3rd, week.

    The Untouchabe
    P.S. sorry so short but I do get busy. Thanks for the laughs.

  135. Many Bexar County employees have become indifferent over the last few years. This is not because positive change is not wanted. It is because positive change has become less important than the struggle for control of the department. This fight of egos and for control has taken it's toll on the department and the union. Our department has significant problems with leadership, management, personnel, and other issues. But it is well known the union has problems within it's ranks and leadership.

    The union has not been able to increase it's members to a majority of the department since it's creation several years ago. The union has forced some members to resign causing a division of loyalties in the union.

    The Chief has been unable to keep administrators since being hired. Our Chief has been unwilling or unable to fill administrative positions with competent and knowledgable people.Many decision srelated to personnel have been especially incompetent.

    The union and the Chief have their supporters, but neither has the majority to end the stalemate. The union and the Chief have contributed to the problems within our department. Both are to busy blaming each other to recognize their own mistakes. Now that attorneys are involved it will take years to determine who's ego will be satisfied.

    Just as the Chief is responsible for the leadership of the department, Sherri is responsible for the leadership of the union. Both have not shown any talent for negotiation, diplomacy,or promoting unity within a group. Both have accomplished some important goals. Supporters will even argue these points in their defense. The battles fought and won by both have not brought both sides together. Competent leaders can unify a group and groups with differences. The Chief and Sherri are intolerant of anyone with a different opinion.

    The struggle for control has forced Sherri and the Chief to build a power base to support their legal challenges and defenses.Neither one can afford to lose in court at this point. They are busy suing each other and will do nothing to compromise their own legal position. It is no longer in their best legal interest to follow a path which is good for the department. Their own legal situation will now weigh in every decision they make.

    Any union president is duty bound to do what is only good for the union and it's members. Our Chief will not change his management style.

    No doubt both will argue they have attempted to reason with the other with no success. This only emphasizes their lack of managing and leading a large group.

    I SAY IT IS TIME FOR BOTH SHERRI AND THE CHIEF TO LEAVE. They can take their egos and fight this out somewhere else. Let the rest of us began to heal our department.

  136. SCast, aka: No balls! Your group is now down 20% as SC (your group) was fired for inappropriate behavior with probationers. I'm trying to figure out who is in charge of your group that now numbers a whopping 4. As I hear it you could be down 1 or 2 more very soon. Could you also advise us how you plan to fight the Judges, Bill Fitz (another small man), fix the department and grow your numbers?
    Finally, how many times have you been suspended AND how come you dropped out of St. Mary's Law school? Could it be that you can't handle being told what to do, because you think you know everything?????

  137. To the Blogger of 6-11-08 9:33am it is well said. You put the story out very well, as you can see you have no comments on your entry.

    To the angry stressed out Blogger of 6-12-08 7:19 your just to funny and to include very ignorant. However, we still need people like you to keep the conversation, and also to see just how soon you will blow. I wonder how did Sergio get involved with this situation. It seems you just need someone to blame.

    Sergio is not in the union, Sergio is not currently suspended, and Sergio is not your president. So, how does he actually get involved in this one. Are you angry because he left the union? Take it out on someone else, Sergio has done good for many. He is loyal and respected by many.

    This is about Killing the Messenger and S. Simonelli getting suspended as per the headlines. Your comments on what happened or the article is open for all to comment. Now, people have blamed the President and made comments of the USW President, but S.S. is in a position of upmost importance and that position and that persons action are open to criticism. She is in an elected position. You on the other hand are criticizing Sergio for no actual reason. If he did something to cause this "Killing of the Messenger" then give me a grain of truth. Give me some facts how he is responsible for the president's actions. If you can't put it out stop your bitcxing. If he is behind the camera next to S.S. during this episode prove it.

    Maybe your upset he put out many readings that spoke exactly of what is happening and where the union was headed. I'm sure that hurts but you got to eat it now. The "I told you so" does hurt.

    As for Sergio, I respect you have kept your cool with these slandering remarks.

    As for the cowards, if your unhappy with your union blame yourself and your leadership.

  138. If Sergio went to St. Mary's Law School or even got accepted to that school is a big accomplishment. That school has national recognition.

  139. I say open it up! Do you want health, size, weight, marital info. education, close relations and physical features of S.S.? It may be more interesting to read. In fact it may create a better understanding of her actions.

    Equal Opportunist

  140. Sorry Sergio has you and a few others fooled. Someone who refers to himself as the “little general” whose psychotic about Simonelli, whose only objective is to create havoc for the union and often shows unstableness through his repeated confrontational actions at home and at work then is able to sleeps “like an angel” doesn’t say much for St.Mary’s or yourself for that matter. Are we supposed to believe, as you imply, that anyone who attends St. Mary’s is automatically above everyone else? I’ll take a wild guess and say that either you’re an alumni or his mother? If so, I’ve made my point. It appears that you’re out of the loop and brain dead to believe that he could have done anything to strengthen this union. Why do you think he was not elected to any position within the organization then cried like the little B%#ch when he was left out. We, the union members, knew that his only intentions were to use every means possible to go after the chief, PK and the rest of the administration in a confrontational, prejudicial and conniving way. Above all that, he has no dignity and lacks what it takes to meet with those who can support our cause such as judges, representatives of other unions and politicians. {The man can’t write and he’s a graduate of what nationally recognized university?} Judges laugh at him now and will never take him serious. We wanted no part of that. We want to distance ourselves from him but like the roach that he is he just won’t go away. We needed and elected someone who has proven to be a strong ethical leader. A leader that the department would not ignore. Sheri is not suspended but rather on PAID administrative leave, in other words, they gave her an unscheduled paid vacation unaware that it only provided her the time needed to organize her lawsuits and possibly place liens on homes. As for your comment that Sergio is “loyal and respects others,” have you spoken to his estranged better half. I’m beginning to think that you’re a bigger idiot than he is.

    I’m not angry that Sergio left the union. I’m a happy man that is having too much fun knocking him down and making him my little private school girl. Anyone who can abuse a woman deserves it Serge you just don’t get it. There are more people out there that dislike you more than Simonelli ever could. Sheri would love to take credit for the ass whooping you been getting but sorry, it’s from someone who despises you more than she because of what you did. Oh, speaking laughs. I just keep getting more and more information from reliable sources. Something about a kiss at a wedding? Did you at least play hard to get?

  141. Much has been blogged about the union, Sherri, and the Chief. Most very critical to at least one or all. The blog dated 6-11-08 9:33am is especially interesting.

    Neither Sherri or the Chief have been successful with their leadership skills or lack of leadership skills. Both have failed to form a group with a goal to improve our department. True leaders learn how to put aside their own personal goals, fellings, and pride for the benifit of the group. This act of humility requires a skill not everyone has.

    Sherri started as a president with a goal to improve our department, but has been hijacked by her pride. Several bloggers that seem to know Sherri well have stated Sherri will oversee her own vengeance with a lawsuit and liens on homes. This is all well and good, but how does this personal revenge help the department or other union members. Sherri is using the resources of her union for a personal vendetta. While members are paying dues they are financing lawsuits which will only benefit Sherri and her attorneys.

    Many union members have been recruited from employees that are angry about one thing or another. No doubt most complaints are valid and should be corrected by our department. It seems Sherri has led the way for complaints motivated by revenge rather than positive change. This may be why the union has become divided.

    The union has encouraged it's members to file grievances. The union also tries to recruit employees they believe have a situtation in which a grievance could be filed. Anger about being mistreated and a desire to correct it is not a bad way to start. The union's problem is that it can't or won't move members beyond the anger. The union should be leading it's members towards positive change for the department. I fear the union has just become a group of angry people with a goal to satisfy each individuals personal revenge.

    This is evident in the postings on this site. They cheer on Sherri's lawsuits not because of possible change but because of the havoc they have created.


  142. thank you for the last comment. good bye sherri...

  143. Ha..Ha.. the scary Sheri Witch is dead!!! Toto, she won't harm you anymore.

  144. Not dead, not gone, not forgotten.
    Not even close.
    Expected? Yes.
    Worried? Never.
    Humiliated? You wish.

    I say again to all you anti Sheri critics. Watch.

  145. I have one question for serg/sid.
    What have you done to make the Union OR our department better?
    Please respond, it shouldn't take you very long.....

  146. Serg, is it true that you gave the chief the union members e-mail addresses? What a leader you would have made. Thank GOD that all the voting Union members saw through your attempted hiding of your RACIST/SEXIST attitude.
