Thursday, May 01, 2008

Kuff does Garcia's oppo research in Harris County Sheriff's race

Kuff says "the race for Harris County Sheriff has two contenders with vast differences. Incumbent Sheriff Tommy Thomas has been around forever, while his Democratic opponent, Adrian Garcia, is a part of the new generation in county politics. In style and substance, it's the good old boy versus the new kid."

Kuff provides numerous links and details on the wealth of opposition research material available to Garcia's campaign, and suggests Sheriff Thomas will likely campaign on an anti-immigrant platform to counter his high negatives.


  1. By all laws of politics, Thomas should never have been elected, nor been re-elected. He hates any publicity, even the good kind.
    He is the man behind the curtain who is riding the coat tails of the republican Party. Normally, Commissioner Steve Radack does his dirty work and defends him in the media. However, after Channel 13's Wayne Dolcefino is getting a hold of his e-mails (the ones on with DA Rosie's cc list) there's not many politico's willing to jump in front of a bullet for him.
    This election is Adrian's to lose.
    He just needs to do the humane thing, and put him down early, and not let Tommy suffer.

  2. Why has no one mentioned all the felonies Mr. Thomas's son has? He shot a man and since the man did not die, there were no charges broght against Mr. Thomas's son, who is an adult and not a kid.

    Anyone else who have been arrested, charged with attempted murder or at least assualt with a deadly weapon, why not Kent Thomas?

    Mr. Garcia, don't think for one minute Sheriff Thomas won't use every means to spread the mud all over you, even if he has to make it up!!
