Friday, July 11, 2008

TYC reform plan proposes ending conservatorship July 31

TYC Conservator Richard Nedelkoff this week forwarded a reform plan (pdf), an extensive 120 page publication I've only just received, to the Governor which included a recommendation for ending his conservatorship at the end of July 2008 (!) at which time he also anticipates hiring a permanent executive director. Here' the text of Nedelkoff's most recent email to employees:

Last week, I sent to the Governor’s Office and Legislature the TYC ‘Reform Plan,’ which documents the steps that have been taken in reforming TYC as well as the actions that remain to be completed before the agency meets all of the requirements laid out in SB 103. The plan is comprehensive and covers: hiring professional staff, training, revision of policies and procedures, youth classification and assessment, rehabilitation and treatment programming for our youth, use of force, and dormitory reconstruction.

Please note that while this plan includes a recommendation that conservatorship be ended July 31, 2008, the decision is ultimately up to Governor Perry and legislative leaders.

I hope you will take the time to read the Reform Plan. Each of you has done your part to move this agency forward. I hope you will all be as proud of our accomplishments as I am.

My bests,


TYC and juvie corrections folks in particular are strongly encouraged to give the document a read (or at least a skim) and let me know what jumps out at you in the comments. I'll try to examine the reform plan in more detail on Grits in the coming days, but am equally curious to hear what others think.

Also, let's just pose the question straight up: Is the agency ready to come out of conservatorship? Are there any benefits to conservatorship that couldn't be equally realized under a permanent executive director?


  1. Since I am about to hop a plane, I only had a chance to quickly read this. I see a total lack of current statistical information and nothing new since last fall. There is nothing in this to indicate what has happened as far as youth progress in resocialization or education in the last 17 months or where the modifications to facilities currently stand. This is one big plan document with little to no specifics and does not tell me much more than I knew a year ago from some other plan document- i.e. bureaucratic babble - we had meetings and we decided to do something (mainly change a couple of words in a pre-reform TYC policy) thus we have accomplished something.

    "Stuck a feather in a hat and called it macaroni" comes to my mind.

    Howard A. Hickman

  2. Boy, what a disaster!
    TYC is much worse today when he took over.
    I don't blame hime for bailing before the trounle starts.
    Somebody is going to get killed or badly hurt.

  3. I liked what I saw but the HR part is going to be a challenge. Retaining JCO's is going to be difficult as we go through the transition, more so than prior to the reforms. Some of that has to do with competing with the oil companies, but not all.

    Part of the reason is that many JCO's are feeling less empowered to redirect unruly juvenile delinquents, and that rubs them wrong and I can't blame them one bit. I've been on the receiving end of their attempted/or real assaults and tong lashings. It's stressful and it takes a special kinda guy/girl to hang in there and keep your composure while under those circumstances. They need reasonable disciplinary measures when this occurs, and need an understanding that their administration will back them up when they are under duress. I'm not saying to allow the JCO's to abuse the kids, but have more options beside a privledge restriction to address the behavior. Until we fix that, the turnover rate will continue. That will impact the ratios.

    CoNextions is a good concept for kids in residential treatment centers, but I'm really not impressed with the model in a juvenile corrections setting. There seems to be a lack of accountability. Resocialization needed tweaking, not necessarily total abandonment.

    The things I think will help us now and into the future (if we have one), are the establishment of the OIG, and OIO. I think it's great the we have two divisions that are so vital to us getting beyond our past that are a separate and independent oversight, and that makes me feel a lot better not having to rely on people I supervise to tell me what's going. We get it from both of those departments, and get it consistently. It doesn't matter to me if it's BS or not, because I still want to know what the perceptions are regardless if it's real or not. Those are my thoughts. Thanks for asking.

  4. Nedelkoff and his team have always known where to take TYC. They have all the best laid plans. So where's the progress you ask.

    Nothing moves forward due to legislative hyper-micro-management. That must stop or the agency will never move forward in the way Nedelkoff and folks like Dianne Gadow and Leticia Martinez are capable of taking it.

  5. But you failed to mention James Smith. Was that on purpose? I wasn't impressed and laughed at several things that man said. And bringing in a guy from Louisana, from an agency that the DOJ practically burned down every juvenile justice facility that ever existed in that state for repeated constitutional rights violations (see the CRIPPA reports) into this agency? I see why he was left out. But I was curious as to why the 600 pound gorilla was left out of your comments. I agree with the other two though.

  6. What a joke.

    Inmates as victoms? What will they think of next?

  7. James Smith is out of league, not saying anything bad about the guy but this ain't Kansas (Maryland). He appears so hard to bring in friends, associates, etc, that he fails to see the potential damage he is creating out in the field. I fully understand the need for feeling as if someone has your back or thinks alike but this is not the way to go about building a tattered agency.

    Finding and hiring a permanent ED is the only way to start the healing process, and yes Mr. N has done a good job.

  8. Could Smith be Mr. Nedelkoffs, Bronco Billy?

    I was under the impression TYC was suppose to bring in knowledgeable juvenile justice experts?

    The reform has a long way to go, and we need real leadership over the conextions program if it will ever have any chance of succeeding.

  9. 10:16, Smith isn't over CoNEXTions; Gadow is. And Smith is nothing like Bronco Billy. Out of his league or not, he actually has experience getting juvy corrections system out of consent decrees and DOJ monitoring agreements. Bronco Billy didn't have squat. I'm not saying Smith is the best thing since sliced bread, but at least he's a fresh face in the juvy corrections silo. Let's hope the new management team as a whole can move the agency forward.

    Oh, and one last thing, Grits and everyone: SB 103 requires the Gov to appoint an *Executive Commissioner* for TYC, w/ an Advisory Board of 9 people equally appointed by the Speaker, Lt Gov, and Gov. Nedelkoff could have hired an Executive Director for the agency in his role as Conservator, but once the conservatorship ends, the Gov will have to appoint a Commissioner.

  10. So your saying someone who had a leadership role in a small state not even the size of one of our counties has experience?

  11. We have a long way to go, we have staff all over our campus with this CoNextions implementation and none seem to know from day to day what they are doing. Each week they come out with a different version from the week before, but the sad thing is they all act like it's gonna work.
    In reality the trainers on site tell us they have to push this program and get buy in, why are they telling us this but when one of the big dogs show up they smile and says it's a great program. If we cannot get this off the ground after all this time why are we still attempting this charade.

  12. Run Nedelkoff RUN!!!

    This guy knows what he is doing. He shows up on the scene, collects his 100K+, leaves the Agency in as bad a shape or worse, and slips out the back gate. He is an absolute genius and that goofball Rick is still left holding the bag of crap called TYC.

  13. "10:16, Smith isn't over CoNEXTions; Gadow is. And Smith is nothing like Bronco Billy. Out of his league or not, he actually has experience getting juvy corrections system out of consent decrees and DOJ monitoring agreements."

    Why would we ever need someone who got themselves in that position to begin with? Isn't that ass-backwards?

  14. Farewell TYC!

    Consider it sunsetted and look for th next step in Elmer's Plan -- TDCJ-Jr.

    Who is the victim?

    The same as always, the people of Texas!

  15. One theme is clear:

    "extensive training and technical assistance and creating a culture where any type of restraint or physical force is rare. The need to maintain order and control in facilities is a reality; however, over time a culture can be established at well-managed facilities where other crisis intervention techniques and less intrusive techniques can be employed. Staff must have the proper training, tools, resources and alternatives to effectively manage the TYC population." p. 22

    Risk events 4 & 5: "Inadequate numbers of personnel to provide
    monitoring, feedback and evaluation of program; Staff roles and responsibilities do not mirror mission of TYC." p. 36

    Consequences: "Without sufficient oversight and feedback, staff
    may revert to previous ways of interacting with youth; Implementation of CoNEXTions will not result in expected results." p. 36

    Risk mitigation: "Engage in proactive assessment and development of staff culture toward agency mission." p. 36

    "The challenges associated with recruiting and retaining staff throughout the TYC have reached
    critical levels." p. 59

    "The agency has experienced difficulty recruiting and
    retaining case managers." p. 60

    "The following data will show the challenges TYC is facing with high turnover, increasing vacancies and difficulties in hiring." p. 60

    "While the vacancy rate for juvenile correctional officers has increased, the turnover rate has
    remained relatively stable. Recruitment for these positions has been challenging and the applicant flow is erratic due to several factors: the rural locations, direct competition from TDCJ and from area industries with more competitive salaries, and a working environment conducive
    to high turnover." p. 62

    "The top three percent of the most chronic and seriously delinquent youth in the State of Texas
    get committed to TYC. These are youth for whom community interventions were inadequate to
    control their behavior. Juvenile Correctional Officers are primarily responsible for maintaining safety and security in TYC facilities with this type of offender without reliance on force.
    Effective behavior management by Juvenile Correctional Officers requires sufficient training,
    experience and adequate staff-to-student ratios to be effective. Absence of any of these three
    factors can lead to a stressful work environment and potentially unsafe conditions for youth and
    staff." p. 62

  16. Flush the commode. TDCJ Jr. works better than the turdyc of now.

  17. Without trying to sound negative or troll like IMO, are we not just putting signs on kids that say " we will work for Food" I will be good if you give me this or that? If you don't give it to me, all hell is going to break loose, situation.

    Is this new way, just trying to create a home environment at TYC for these kids? We will no longer put them in locked cells on re-direct programs. We all know what is going to happen when you get several kids on a program that they can wonder all around the security unit.
    This is fine, we will do it and shorty down the road this will be changed due to them beating the hell out of each other or staff.

    If you were handpicking the kid and the staff, this all might work fine and dandy. We will give it a try as we have no choice.

    I think in this last post of what Needlehoff is saying, that this probably want work in TYC.

  18. The constant turn over of top administrators means that they leave before they have any real grasp of TYC basics. The old guard loves it. Out of state visitors who were just passing through never learned why TYC was under conservatorship.

    They assumed (or pretended) that everything was fine and cosied up to the old guard. Let's just patch things up and say it's fine and get the hell out of here. Nobody will care or know the difference. After all, this is TYC.

  19. I read all of the information on pages 14 and 15 regarding the facilities. It says plans for reconstructing all SIX TYC facilities currently operating in open bay dorms is underway. Victory Field was not mentioned, and it is one of the open bay dorm type facilities currently operating.

    Is it just me, or does it sound like to anyone else that the end is VERY near?

  20. That is a horrible idea to end the conservatorship. TYC is worse now then ever...they just try to hide it now. I can assure you when parents hear about and if it happens....a riot, a march or something will start.

  21. The end is near for the entire Agency. TYC is a sinking ship at Sunset. All of you loyal TYC employees that do your jobs for the right reasons, I salute you. It still won't change anything in the end. Get out while the getting is good. TYC employment will be a temporary black eye on your resume, but the swelling will go down soon and eventually disappear. To those TYC employees that have kissed up or sucked up to get where you are (i.e Walters, Berry, Braly, Ayo, Davis, Cox, etc...)stay right where you are and fight for the last life boat like a couple of vultures in the middle of a hot Texas street going at it over the carcass of a dead armadillo. By the looks of the latest reform report, Nedelkoff has seen the first gapping hole in the ship, and he is reaching for the first life vest. I think I will follow him, grab a life vest, and get the hell off the boat.

  22. 3:52,

    Where have you been? VFCA is history. The writing is on the wall. Look at the previous examples. Good luck.

  23. 4:21,

    The way things are in TYC, they will probably make Walters the ED and Berry his Asst.

  24. 4:24,

    Where have I been? I've been at Victory Field where most of us who work there are led to believe that reconstruction is in the near future!

  25. Hey 4:21 - please do jump ship because we really don't need assholes like you in this agency. I really don't see any of the folks you mentioned as sucking up but rather stepping up. It's too bad you were overlooked or demoted - whatever your case is. I'm sure there is a reason for it. But by all means, feel free to leave.

  26. Thank you 4:44!!

  27. For the past year the old guard has been a bit hesitant to openly harass those few who didn't go along with the old system. They are just biding their time, waiting until they are sure no one is watching. They can't wait to strike out and go back to being as open and arrogant (and dirty) as they have been for the past 20 years. It looks they are now getting their wish.

  28. What the hell did I just read? I have no idea what you just said 5:18. Maybe you should translate!

  29. What's left of the old guard? Hell they've pretty much all retired or had their asses handed to them and are no longer in the agency. Who the hell are you talking about "old guard?"

  30. 6:09

    See 4:21 for the answer. Those fools mentioned didn't "step up". They licked butt to get where they are. They were some of the main culprits in the "old guard". They were just skilled at kissing butt while the others that are no longer in TYC were smart enough to get out because they refused to be puppets to Perry's lapdogs.

  31. Whatever......zzzzzzzzz

  32. The good ole boy/girl system is still alive and kicking in TYC. I don't think it can be stopped, not even by Whitmire. If the Conservatorship is not ended by July 31st, the Gov/Lege need to appoint another one because Nedelkoff is obviously saying he can't do it. Anyone who would think that TYC needs to be brought out from under a Conservator is delusional. The state of the Agency is worse now than it was 2 years ago.

  33. I have to agree 7:29, not much has changed but a few policies here and there. Overall TYC is screwed up.

  34. There was never an intention to get rid of the good old boy system in TYC. The only thing that has been intended to end since this mess was uncovered in 2005 was TYC itself.

    I left TYC amid pleas to go to VFCA to become principal, I was offered a job in the free and took it.

    Thank God, TYC gave me a bleeding ulcer, five bypasses, a missing ring finger and a shoulder still in need of repair. The vicious politics of small town Texas are nothing comparedto the venom that is flowing in Austin about TYC.

    I wish good luck to all of you loyal TYC employees, I wish I were in a better position to help spme of you out of the mess you're in.

  35. Amen 4:21 and 6:43!!!!!!

  36. All I can say Melody is get over it and move on. Nothing is going to change with your "sinking ship" post here. You were not a good fit at Evins and were named as a defendant in the federal lawsuit. Read our lips - You Cannot Abuse Kids - period. Get it?

  37. 6:43 "licked butt" kinda like you licked Broncho Billy's ass? Nice. What a freak. Jump ship now, please.

  38. Okay, let's move on to something else...Pleeeeeeease????!!!!

  39. Speaking of Old Guards, what about Lydia's sidekick Bayes.
    He was her assistant for how many years and had no knowledge of what she was doing, please. Now he hides out in Central Office never mentioning to anyone his past mis-deeds.

  40. Bayes, he's still around!!!!

    I thought he was let go back when they were letting all of those CO staff go under the Pope Administration.

  41. I'm not surprised at all by you folk and these comments. Scott, its a good document and one that clearly paves the conservator's exit. As I see it, there is no need for a conservator. Close VF or TYC those discussions will forever continue until the session begins.

  42. call bayes a side kick to his face. You might just get a side kick. piss him off, he's not all there, tommy's a good guy but has a bad temper. those kids never messed with him. he had respect.

  43. 12:37 you just made my point, an unstable person working around children.

    And we wonder why were in the situation that were currently in.

    Lets continue to employ unstable people that want to kick you or assault you because they are incapable of talking and rationale.

  44. The key to any success in TYC is going to be money. If the LBB doesn't give TYC enough money to fund what these kids need, we will constantly be in the dog house...come on lege, pony up for the kids so that we can make productive citizens out of them.

  45. Well put 10:14

    It is easy for legislators to sit in their prison made chairs and talk trash about TYC. How often to they roll up their sleeves and enter a facility? How many conversations have they had face to face with line staff or youth? How much research on juvenile justice topics have they conducted. Who do they think they are?

    Oh right! They are the ones who decide appropriations. If they are critical of TYC, they need to look in the mirror. Or they should get a life!

  46. Grits,

    Just scanned the report quickly so my reactions must be limited, but generally I agree with Howard Hickman. Other observations:

    1. Has TYC ever given a detailed description of "Conextions"? Lots of general statements about it but I'd like to see maybe a couple of anecdotal examples of it in practice, along with some statistics.

    2. According to the dates given in this report, it appears as if there will still be quite a bit to do after TYC comes out of conservatorship.

    3. For instance, under "regionalization" the report states that TYC has divided the state geographically into N,S,W,E regions. It seems to me that a more sensible division would be according to population.

    Could say more, but have to go.

    Bill Bush

  47. TYC has a long way to go and basically I believe Mr. Nedelkof came to TYC to settle the Pope quagmire down and or right the past wrongs for the next person to take over.

    Treatment programs in general should be stand alone and ready to implement when unveiled, CoNextions has been a joke since it's unveiling 10 months ago.

    If this program had any merit we would not be where were at today. Or one could ask the question is it the program or those in charge of implementation?

    I personally see both but only time will tell or should I say Sunset.

  48. It would appear that the powers that be are afraid. They are scared of a few lawyers who feel that they know what's best for TYC. These lawyers sit in their big offices and talk about how much they know about policy and how to care for troubled youth. They have never set foot in one of these facilities and observed the goings on or day to day life. The legislature is much the same way. Everybody thinks they know best. They try to institute a new program of bribery and expect staff to change the way they deal with these youth. They say we can't punish them. Their punishment is the fact that they got sent to tyc. I have to ask myself what about the victim. The victim will have to live with what happened to them for the rest of their life. The CRIMINAL...... Err.... Youth will go to tyc and sit there and do their time. With meals they don't have to cook or pay for. Television that is free for them to watch. Protection by staff they don't respect.... All the while these youth try to set these staff up for failure. They belittle these same staff and even file false claims on these staff. These false claims are investigated and the staff placed under a microscope and studied. When the accusation is proven a lie, these Convicts.... Err.... Youth continue on to their next staff victim... Without any kind of consequence. Something has to change. Maybe put these lawyers on a dorm. Put these legislators on a dorm. Let them find out that this crap they expect us to use will not work. They WILL never do it, because they are afraid ti do it

  49. Scott: The good Doctor is leaving the 31st (in 18 days). An ED will be announced during that time period? If he/she is hired, when will he/she be up to speed on directing the direction of TYC?

    The cynic/pessimistic side of me says, "Another excuse for delaying any implementation of programs/changes of any substance".

    If I remember philosophy 101, Optimism is the theory that good must ultimately prevail over evil.I believe this theory (pertaining to TYC) will continue to be be empirically rejected.

    Retired 2004

  50. All, ending conservatorship does not mean the reforms are complete. There will be many things left to do in the coming year and year. TYC remaining in conservatorship has no advantages to the agency. Its time to move on and appoint a EXECUTIVE COMMISSIONER.......NOT AN ED

  51. Just heard that Mart II is going on lockdown because people are getting hurt by the youth who refuse any kind of control. Guess they were not given enough food or privileges. Congratulations to whomever came up with this idea. Go to Mart II, interview the staff and teachers and get a good look at what you have created. Youth are no longer being written up, security is a joke, and the admin covers up the truth of the situation to make himself look good. No consequences, therefore no control. Come on, Do Gooders - - let's hear the response.

  52. Howard A.Hickman: listen and let me tell you a little tale as for as education goes in TYC.I'm a JCO and I sit in the classroom's and the teacher's teach. They do what ever they can in order to teach these students.OK Here's The Tale..TRUE TALE
    If the students decides that they don't feel like listening to the teacher they don't have to, all they have to do is sit quitely or lay their heads on their desk and do not make a disruption all is well.So when someone wonder's why the student's leave TYC just as (smart) as they were when they arrived this is why.There are a few students that really want to learn and they do.AND THIS IS WHAT ADMINISTRATION WANTS.So how many children between the ages of 12-16 really understand what a education really means and how important it is to have.

  53. I read Needlekoff's report and plans for resignation with dismay. In the report he details advances made primarily in the area of safety and JCO staffing (e.g, videocamera, reducing student to JCO ratios, law enforcement officers placed at TYC facililties), but says little about changes he plans to make in TYC treatment programs. True, they are planning on unrolling their Conections program to replace the resocialization program on the dorms. It is, however, another (supposedly improved) behavioral modification program. It does not make up for the enormous deficiencies in their educational program (i.e, all levels of students taught together in one classroom and insufficient licensed teacher--both violations of professional standards), and inadequate staffing of their professional treatment programs (i.e, psychology, substance abuse, and sex offender). While younger boys are separated from older ones, there is still (probably even greater) problem of the mixing of youngsters at differing levels of control of their aggression and overall functioning. One of the biggest criticisms of their program is the very high recidivism rate (at least 50% and perhaps as high as 80%). The continued mixing of low and higher-functioning youngerster corrupts those at higher levels and failure to provide adequate education and professional treatment program, can only adds to their recidivism problems. No where is there clear indications in his recent report that Needlekoff has planned to change the basic correctional model of care which is the core of TYC programming, and has been greatly criticized not only by himself in his July report but by the Casey Foundation and other experts on juvenile delinquency. In contrast, Missouri offers a clear example of a rehabilitative model with a much lower rate of recidivism than TYC. Not all TYC youngsters, of course, can be rehabilitated, and I would think that future planning should include for an easier transfer of those who prove incorribile to TDCJ. My feeling has always been that Needlekoff was a political ruse to get the newspapers off the back of TYC by addressing those issues most hotly contested by the newspaper, and leaving the overall structure untouched. As I see, he has done exactly that. I predict that after he leaves, others he brought in from other states with distinguished reputations in the field will also leave, and TYC will be back in the hands of the old guard--perhaps someone will even dig up Dimitria Pope (the pepper spray lady) from the cemetery and bring her back to life. In myi opinion, it is good that Needlekoff does leave if he is unwilling to undertake the changes needed to revitalize TYC.

  54. Secure institutions(adult or juvenile)must be free of institutional violence. There has to be adequate control mechanisms in place to provide social order through the utilization of real and certain consequences. This is true also in both adult and juvenile systems. The institutions must also be managed by respectable men and women suitable for leadership positions. These members of the supervisory component must ensure that the staff are professional in their conduct, and that they too are trained properly and held accountable for inapproriate behavior. Supervisors must be respected by all others throughout the institution because they are role models and they are decent to people. When social control measures are functional and an effective supervisory component is in place, it is then that holistic, individualized treatment programs can successfully change the lives of delinquents in Texas and prevent their future entry into the prison system. This is basic Corrections. If we cannot control the facility and ourselves, how can we teach and change the thoughts / behaviors of others?
    Effective control measures, successful treatment and respectable leadership also reduces organizational stress which improves the quality of life for staff and the retention.

    I wish you all the best in the future. I hope your new Commissioner provides the leadership that each of you deserves.


  55. "Effective control measures, successful treatment and respectable leadership also reduces organizational stress which improves the quality of life for staff and the retention."

    Well put BB!!!!,
    Here at Evins, that particular quoted line from you means alot. Until that becomes a top priority, we will continue to be the laughing stock and in the media.

    Don't know how the rest of the Units are feeling the same about that comment in their areas?

    Once again, well put BB, Thanks.

  56. From California's Little Hoover Commission Report, "Juvenile Justice Reform: Realigning Responsibilities," out yesterday:

    "Recommendation 4: The state should eliminate its juvenile justice operations by 2011.
    As previously described, the governor and the Legislature must consolidate all programs
    and services for juvenile offenders into a Governor’s Office of Juvenile Justice. In
    addition to the responsibilities described previously, the office should:
    􀂉 Guide, facilitate and oversee the development of new regional
    rehabilitative facilities or the conversion of existing state juvenile
    facilities into regional rehabilitative facilities for high-risk, high-need
    offenders to be leased to and run by the counties.
    􀂉 Provide counties with sustained, dedicated funding to establish
    programs and services for regional facilities.
    􀂉 As regional facilities become fully operational, the state should:
    􀀹 Eliminate state juvenile justice operations, including facilities,
    programs and parole and the Youthful Offender Parole Board.
    All juvenile offender release decisions should be made by
    presiding juvenile court judges.
    􀀹 Provide guidance and oversight of the regional juvenile
    facilities and administer dedicated funding to counties to
    manage the regional juvenile offender programs and services
    tied to performance-based outcomes."


  57. evins sucks. always did, always will. end of story, start by flushing the toilet there first. close it down , quit wasting our tax dollers

  58. 7/15/08; 8:48 pm;

    You must of been fired or forced out At Evins. Get a life!

  59. 12:29 - this is the most profound thing I have read on this blog -
    Hey Rick - read that entry - and show it to the CO treatment staff (thug huggers) Even the field treatment staff would agree that true change is only comes about in a safe culture - JCO staff need the tools to provide that safe culture and you guys have stripped them all!! CONGRATS

  60. If you like the rhetoric of 12:29 say hello to my "little friend" none other than Bronco Billy himself, I'd recognize the sociopathic bullshit anywhere.

    I hear he has an application submitted to be our next executive commissioner, good luck with that.


  61. You guys have really gone off the deep end here. "BB" stands for Bill Bush, the juvenile justice historian who has posted on Grits for the past several months and earlier on this very string (see 7/13, 1:42). I'm pretty sure that when he says "safety", he's not talking about pepper spray, AMP/BMP, and 225s. It's cute (read: sick) how 8:09 misread what he was saying though.

  62. What a perfect time to close the lid on the commode that Evins really is. They've packed them off to Brownwood and Mart. Shut the gates, pack it up and send all the equipment elsewheres. Let the rain clean out that sewer, finally.

  63. 7/22 4:33pm;

    Someone assuming again. Evins did not go anywhere. They stayed home this time. Maybe you should too since you're spreading rumors!!!!
