Thursday, August 21, 2008

House Corrections to discuss technology, reentry and state jails

The Texas House Corrections Committee will meet this morning at 9 a.m. in the capitol to take up three interim charges that should generate a fascinating discussion:
The House Committee on Corrections will hear invited and public testimony on the following interim charges:

1. Explore the use of technology practices that improve efficiency, safety, and coordination of criminal justice activities on the state, local, and county levels.

2. Consider new strategies for meeting prisoner reentry challenges in Texas, including the evaluation of programs with documented success. This review should include the availability of housing and occupational barriers.

3. Provide a comprehensive analysis and study of the Texas state jail system, including original intent for use, sentencing guidelines, and effectiveness. Develop suggestions for changes and improvements in the state jail system.
You can watch the hearing once it begins at this link. See also an earlier Grits post on the committee's interim charges and links to materials from the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition which will be presented to the committee as part of its reentry discussion.

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