Friday, October 03, 2008

Evins JCO charged with peddling cocaine

As if the Texas Youth Commission doesn't have enough problems, a Juvenile Corrections Officer (JCO) at TYC's Evins Unit in South Texas was arrested along with his spouse for dealing cocaine, reports the Brownsville Herald:
Alfonso Ibarra, a correctional officer with the Texas Youth Commission, and Melba Ibarra, an employee with the La Feria Independent School District, were both charged with possession of cocaine with the intent to distribute, police said.


  1. If it wasn't for TYC's problems, this item wouldn't have made the news or your blog. I read the recent article about the DA in the sex scandel in Texas Monthly. Ironically, everyone Mr. Blakeslee interviewed for that article has had a rumor of misdeeds in their past, but since they aren't involved in the TYC debaucle, he makes them all sound legit.

  2. "If it wasn't for TYC's problems, this item wouldn't have made the news or your blog. "

    True enough. But then, TYC has big problems. Plus the Evins Unit is under monitoring due to a federal court settlement.

  3. JCO at Evins selling coke? Wow! What a surprise!

  4. Not so long ago, the drugs were gone there, and I mean gone. UA tests were conducted on all youth and the drug dog handler was all over that place. Staff took pride in the fact that their dorms were clean. Now with Chuy in charge with his hand picked people running the show, the drugs are back more than ever. The youth and staff used to know that they would be held accountable if caught with a dirty UA or if they tried to bring in the dope. What a shame that it has reverted back into the same old cesspool that it used to be.

  5. 7:22, no drugs were found at the facility in this case, were they? Isn't everyone jumping to conclusions?

  6. 8:20 - that's not the point. A JCO was caught dealing coke. That's an example of what we have working at Evins.

  7. Why do you think TYC doesn't do random drug testing of employees? Because half the staff would be gone. Here's a prediction, contraband will continue to increase at all the facilities because the current management in place has no idea how to stop it. The managers in CO (Walters and company)couldn't stop the flow of contraband and drugs at Mart when they were there, so JCOs that try to do the right thing, get ready because you will start walking into a bigger and worse war zone everyday. Best of luck.

  8. It's a regular drug bazaar at Evins right now. The inmates walk down the sidewalks smoking and doing drugs when going to and from the chow hall or school. People like Mary the teacher who claimed all the lies on Channel 5 let it happen all the time in her classroom as well. She's as bad as Brookins and Hernandez ever were.

  9. Well if inmates and staff are smoking and walking down halls at Evins then maybe TYC needs to shut them down. Kind of hard to believe. Not all TYC's are run this way. Believe it or not most have good quality staff.
    This is just a little to far fetched to believe and if it is happening maybe you should report it to law enforcement or a newspaper.

  10. 6:17 PM I hope that you are reporting if you are actually seeing these things occur. If we as staff do not stand up and report what we see then we are just as guilty as those who are allowing it to happen. In the facility that I work at their are cameras everywhere to include the class rooms and across campus around the outer parts of dorms, education buildings and cafeterias so you would be surprised at what can be seen on camera if they are aware that something of this matter taking place. Please step up and report this, at least do you part in making some changes that need to occur across the agency. I am tired of this crap, I am tired of the few negative employees making all of us look bad

  11. I visited a facility recently and I do not have an id badge. I and 3 others in my party were expected and walked right through without even showing any identification and no one checked to make sure we actually went where we were supposed to. Wow! how safe and secure. I'm glad they got rid of all the incompetent folks and brought in the cream of the crop. Give me a break.
    That's just corrections 101 and TYC can't even get that right - despite everything the agency has been through in the last 2 years. I hope everyone is looking for county jobs.

  12. Are you crazy 8:40. If you think retaliation is dead at TYC, wake up! And if you think the good ole boy system is dead, you're stupid. It's just a new group of boys but even worse and corrupt because no one in a position to do anything about it knows it yet

  13. Evins is just flat out a poorly run place. Went there and was amazed at what went on. Gangs, Gangs, Gangs. Staff and students throwin gang signs at one another. No security at all, students had cell phones. Staff high-fivein youth for bad behavior.

    And yes the folks at CO know about all of this, they just dont want to stir the pot right now.

  14. 8:59
    So you are just willing to watch while it goes on and not do anything. That is all part of the problems with TYC now. We have to step up and make a difference to get rid of the corruption within this agency and if you are not willing to do your part, you might need to find something else. It is going to take all of us to take a stand to make things right.

  15. Believe me, I did stand up and was tossed out on my ass for it.

  16. No suprise. The Gainesville Security people and the Mart II staff all smuggle in drugs to the youth. The marijuana and cocaine run rampade on both units and people have complained to Grant Goodwin in TYC and he does nothing. So, what's the point of pointing out Evins when its everywhere....Whitmire needs to get his head out of his ass and ask the people and parents who know stuff to speak and speak loudly.

  17. I agree with the last message this sort of thing happens at TDCJ every hour and its not headline news....... If all Correctional Facilities were perfect I would say thats news but look at the last week in TDCJ How much you want to bet there was some sort of crime committed by a Officer ,,,, U never read about that much. And also along with that note not everyone who has a Job in a Prison or TYC is perfect ..... I wish background checks worked LOL

  18. Clos Evans !!!!!!!!!!! That would correct the Problem......I would Vote for that any day !!!!!

  19. and then what?

  20. Today's juvenile correction workers in the state of Texas stand on the shoulders of giants sort of speak. Youth correction in Texas has a 123 year history of mental, physical, and verbal child abuse on the throw away kids of Texas. With each new regime there are new forms of abuse. From Ron Jackson, the father of real serious TYC cover up, attempting to maintain TYC abusive culture in the wake of Morales v Truman, to the pope and the ongoing little small empires at the separate facilities around the state. That's the biggest argument for smaller facilities, you can have more little corrupt empires. Why would the state want a well run centrally located juvenile lockup, both economically and correctional, like it was prior to Morales v Turman? The socialist libs would have nothing to cry about. The legislators could find other ways to waist tax payers money, there would be no TYC to pick on and the recidivism rate would most likely plummet. What kid would want to go back to that place. Instead of the socialist libs condemning TYC at every opportunity to change the culture to "hug a thug" and releasing these violent gang bangers to wreak havoc on the tax payers of the great state of Texas, why not do something easy like petition the sun to rise in the west, or better yet move the Hell out of Texas and let us run our prisons.

  21. I am sorry but the way Texas likes to run its prisons and mental health institutions has historically, and continually, not been consistent with the U.S. Constitution. I know there are separatists still running around but come on, you rolled the die and lost man. Welcome to the good ol USA.

  22. As for socialism, looks like the neo conservative repubs are more socialist than anyone...

  23. Remember the TYC IG that they sent to Evins back in 2003? His investigation and report to the Austin bosses caused the state to shake. The top dogs were extremely shaken about the report, knowing their own hand picked Sup't was in charge. This caused the US Attorney General to become involved and now look at what happened. These hand picked administrators are a big part of the problem and will continue to be as long as the Austin elites are in charge. Bad staff take advantage of knowing the bosses are crooks also. This situation has now spread all over the agency and now the reformers are also infected. Much more cleaning is required by the lege.

  24. These folks down here can't make up their minds one way or another. They did not work with the Hispanic here in 2003, did not work with the two Anglos in 2004 to 2007 and now we're right back to not working with the Hispanic running it now. The only difference is that Channel 5 and the McAllen Moron newspaper are not blowing up the Supt.'s phone every time our toilets don't flush. No one with with an ounce of brainpower or living in reality for that matter believes that the facility's problem is because who they hired as the Administrator. We all know its the direct contact staff. They stink worse here more than at most TYC facilities. I know that's saying alot given the state of the agency, but I've experienced several TYC facilities. The subject of this string speaks volumes. This person has been a person of interest for almost the entire time he has worked here, but he's covered for by his cronies and his mid-level direct supervisors. Hell, there's former supervisors now since demoted that probably constituted his biggest customer base. The whole place reeks of drugs and corruption. Nothing has changed since the agency reform began and the current guy won't be here past the end of the year. Shut it down and save our taxes for something worthwhile like hurricane relief.

  25. Part of what you say is correct. The administrators and mid-level employees run the show, but the Sup't and his top staff set the tone and are responsible for what follows. Corruption, abuse and criminal behavior doesn't just is allowed by management. This is a problem through out the management, including the Austin team, are not in touch or irresponsible, or both. You're right...clean house all the way!

  26. Read that again. It's not the top adminsistration at Evins that is the problem. It's the PAs. CSWs and JCO staff that stink this joint up. There is completely a crappy applicant pool in which to hire from here and the crappy ones that did get in brought in more crap. Crap begat crap. The biggest group of crap is the large portion of long tnured JCO IV staff that won't do a dang thing but work hard all day to avoid doing their job. Nothing but crap here at Evins.

  27. DrugsinTYC??In no surprize. Of course staff bring it in. LawsoninCrockett busted a staff that was related to everyone recently andgod did she take the heat. This guy walked around stoned and most of the 6's knew he was even Administators knw he was dirty when this guy worked in the Security on weeknd and screwed up royally Lawson came down on him. She busted his car on campus with drugs in it very proper search but I heard she got wrote up for it cause TYC didn't want the heat. She was the escape goat for TYC not waiting to except accountablity. Its in al the agencies. TYC needs to look.
