Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Embezzling charges at TDCJ parole

TDCJ has had a bad stretch of luck lately regarding alleged employee corruption, most recently not in the prison system but among parole staff, the SA Express News reported last week (11-20):
A former employee of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice was arrested in San Antonio this week on charges of embezzling more than $100,000 while she worked for the parole division.

A Travis County grand jury on Nov. 13 indicted Frances Jones Lawrence on a charge of theft by a public servant greater than $100,000 but less than $200,000.

John Moriarty, inspector general for the department, said Lawrence, 33, was an administrative staffer with access to credit cards and purchasing records.

“There were suspicious receipts we were made aware of, so we opened an investigation and discovered that there was basically embezzlement going on,” Moriarty said. Lawrence, who remained jailed Thursday on $20,000 bond, was arrested at her latest place of employment.


  1. Wow. Not surprising, unfortunately. Many years ago my dad worked as an accountant/auditor in the finance sector of TDCJ when they found an employee had used an agency credit card to purchase to $20k vehicle and then some.

    Grits, have you come across any allegations/stories of any parole officers in the Angleton or Beaumont area taking bribes from inmates in exchange for positively influencing a parole board vote?

  2. It is high time to look at bribes given to parole officers. There have been accusations, but nothing done to prove or disprove this theory.

    The Parole system in Texas is both unfair and those who are on the board do not know the rules, do not follow the rules and do whatever they wish with the lives of people.

    Texas should do like Virginia, do away with the BPP and give smaller sentences, give back good time and work time and those who adjust and improve their lives deserve to go home to their families and have a life and not get some stigma stuck on them for the rest of their lives. After their probation is completed take the sentence away.

    The Lord Jesus did this for us, we can do the same for those who deserve to have their lives given back to them with all the attachments!!

  3. I am looking for anyone who has or had either Fred Nwagbo or Adele Almazan as a parole officer here in Austin, Texas. Please contact me at

  4. Modern American values are centered around money and possessions. It's no surprise that if you put money in front of someone, they will take it. It happens everywhere, even in church!

  5. Stealing from the taxpayers should be punished heavily. The money is there because we put it there, and this person feels entitled to take it. They should be put in jail 1 year for each dollar.

  6. People always take the money if they hate their job.

  7. Does this me suprise me no I know her and she is the biggest liar I know. She has her own way of doing things 6 years is not nearly enough for her.

  8. Anonymous: You are a liar. If you knew her why are you such a coward to not put your name on the post. You don't know her. All you know is what you read in the paper or heard at the cooler. No body loves a coward such as you. She is paying her time so leave her alone. Perhaps your records need checking!
