Saturday, November 15, 2008

Honestly, I have no idea how that got there

TDCJ's statewide lockdown searching for cell phones has met with some success, but now that it's mostly over and new procedures are in place, they're still finding contraband, most recently again on death row, the Houston Chronicle reports, where "Prison staff conducting a shakedown of the row Friday found a cell phone secreted in the rectum of convicted murderer Henry Skinner at the Polunsky Unit in Livingston" using the X-ray machine in the infirmary.


  1. I never knew, until I started working at a prison, there were so many functions for given body cavities. ... ewww, gross, I know.

  2. Can you hear me NOW?

    Sorry, I couldn't resist...

  3. And was this before or after visitation was resumed?

  4. Did he have it set on buzz?

  5. wouldn't matter if it was before or after visitation. DR inmates never get a contact visit unless it is from a guard handing them their new cell phone!! Of course, a visitor could have passed the cell to the guard who agreed to take it in. There is no way to get around the fact that on DR a guard must supply the phone...or perhaps a healthcare worker but I doubt it was anyone other than a dirty guard. It is high time to publish some guard names folks!!

  6. "the POLUNSKY Unit in Livingston"

    Say what !

    Which Polunsky is this Unit named after -- Allen or Steven -- or would this be another one of the "distant cousins" of the Polunsky clan ?

    Polunsky = bad news for Texas government.

  7. Cheri ~ I know this, but it would be indesputable proof for those who still hang onto the idea that only inmate families bring in contraband that in this case it could not possibly be so, if the phone was found before visitation was resumed.

  8. Honestly, it is all irrelevant until legislature makes a decision and becomes transparent and stops concerning themselves with how much can line their pockets. Bottom line...the system is broken in so many ways, on so many levels. Just to recap - TYC had a sex abuse and neglect scandal...things are still happening there. Youth are wrongfully convicted at rates equal to or higher then the adults...the innocence project can only work so fast, TDCJ - well cell phones, money etc., but now they want to say somthing because one of the inmates called the dirty governor? Whatever....inmates have been screaming for justice....society should be screaming that DA's give the jury more information before convictions can be given....
