Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Texas death row contraband problems not unique

Texans were outraged recently when death row inmates were found in possession of smuggled cell phones, chargers, and related equipment - including one used to call and threaten a prominent state senator - but it could be worse: In Kenya, they recently found a death row inmate with a contraband laptop and modem allowing internet access which he used to perpetrate "an elaborate scam" in the outside world. Indeed, "So lucrative is the trade in contraband within the prison that warders compete to be assigned sentry duties in Block G [death row] which houses the ‘bazaar’ to earn bribes."


  1. For many years us the people have been telling Legislators, visitors are not bringing contraband, visitors are searched when they enter, sign in and get patted down and scanned. The COs walk in, show their badges and take their whatever is in their bags, sacks in with them and are never questioned. I have heard from a reliable person a female guard went to her car, got paper money (a no no)brought it in with her and was let right back in to work!!

    Why is TDCJ continuing to harass the people who pay their salaries and those of the COs who bring contraband in and sell it for items purchased at the commissary?

    Now as for spending $66.8 MM for a metal scanner, is absurd! If this is approved, then every person who votes for this should be removed from office immediately by popular request of everyone in Texas. How many times do you have to hear, "Visitors are not your problem, you are your own problem"!!!

  2. How do you know that female officer wasn't going to buy a soda from the vending machine? Or repay someone who bought her a soda the day before? You don't know what the hell you're talking about. CO's are not inmates. They are allowed to have some money on their person.
    All the things that are not provided to them they must purchase on their own. Gloves, handsoap, food, water, writing utensils, clipboards, and for the ladies feminine hygiene, wipes, small trash bags, to dispose of the ones used.
    I believe there are some dirty COs in the system but the numbers are small. You can't assume every single CO is out to do something wrong. And if they are they're not going to spend it in the commissary when ther are other better stores out there.
    Your little baby boy is the criminal and the one who entices the good out of weak COs in the system. Its the parents of the criminal who instilled the evilness that their children do. For they are only trying to make their mammas' happy.
    Correctional officers are the keepers of your children and family members. You should be trying to help get them their payraise so they can take better care of your precious children.

  3. Excuse Mr/Ms CO but the fact the guards were not searched upon entering or leaving is the problem, not the paper money. It is not my little baby boy. That is not stated anywhere and you are reading into my statement your own thoughts. You need to come off you power train and realize or re-read what was written, not one time did I say COs were bad, there are some very good people who work for TDCJ and I have many who are friends of mine.

    I am only stating facts as presented to me and you are taking my words and making them something they are not.

    Visitors are harrassed and remember we do pay your salaries and you need to remember that!!

    I do try to get you a pay raise but your attitude does not represent the good COs who work and treat Inmates like people, you need an attitude adjustment or find another job!!!

  4. GET REAL-the evidence has already been published,guards got paid big bucks for getting cell phones inside, which it is a huge issue in the entire system and has been for a long time.It has been reported repeatedly for a long time but nothing was done until one of the legislators got a taste of what "WE THE PEOPLE" have been reporting, "FINALLY" someone got the message. Yes there are good COs and bad guards, Correctional Officers "COs" are the people who do their jobs,follow the rules, policies,regulations,law and take responsibility for doing their jobs, now guards are the scumbags who break the rules, policies, regulations,laws and will do whatever they can do to make a buck and they treat everyone, Inmates and COs, all like scumbag because that is what their hearts are about being a scumbag...these few put a BIG BLACK MARK on those that do their jobs but at the same time the Cos and guards they know the Inmates that try to do good and do what they are suppose to do. Let us get honest here there are many of those good Inmates, but Cos and guards also know the Inmates that are trouble makers, that cause the trouble, that get everyone in GET REAL, this is not just prison society issues/problems, the samething is in the free society working world.If the Unit is not providing the working tools like clipboards, pens, paper then something is wrong there and it should be reported if there is a need for these supplies but not your personal hygiene supplies most work places do not provide that stuff in the free world. People forget that the Warden gets his Merits as to the money he saves on his another GET REAL as to what is really going on...if you dont' have working supplies. Only a true scumbag "guard" gets down on the level you did about baby boy and parents. There are many parents that have given everything they have to help turn their child around, to help him/her to get a grip on life, our society is overran by bipolar/behavior mental problems that many are in prison due to this problem, not to mention the 1000s that have been wrongfuly convicted due to the scumbag lawenforcers lies (in case people don't know, it is allowed by law for lies to be told in order to get a conviction) now is that justice or just some more of the scumbags called lawenforders. Yes, there are good Lawenforcers, also, but scumbag attorneys just in it for the money and certainly scumbag judges, but you know what there are scumbags out in the free world also. Many are paying high prices with their lives because of the corruption that is allowed in the Criminal Justice System and how The Constitution of the United States of America and The Bill of Rights have been corrupted. Don't forget the issue here is the scumbags that have been caught selling the cell phones and this is just a tip of the iceberg as to what is really going inside the prison doors and rarely is it brought in by a visitor. This is about putting the blame in the right place and it appears to be on the corrupt criminal activities of scumbag guards. Yes,the policemen, deputy sheriff, firemen, and guards should be some of the highest paid people in this country.Regardless the scumbag no matter how much they are paid they still would be corrupt and evil. People are like that.

  5. Searches are only a small way to keep contraband out. Trust me when I say that it won't keep everythinng out. Someone will find a way to get contraband on the unit. But answer this for me, Where does the offender get the money to bribe the "guard"? They don't make any money in prison. They get money sent to them from their family members. Why would a family member send $ 2000 to an inmate if it was not to bribe someone? They'ar only allowed to spend $75.00 every two weeks. Even less for Death Row.
    The fruit don't fall far from the tree.
    The system is flawed we all agree on that. But you " civilians " need to start lookin at higher ups. I mean wardens, asst. wardens, majors and chaplains. We all put our pants on one leg at a time. It's not always your lowly officer who is at fault. These administrators are almost never searched and can on onto a unit at any time of day. They are treated like Royals by the upper ranks and and make maybe $500 more than me a month.
    My attitude is fine. Its what keeps me alive every single day. I'm just sick and tired of visitors saying they are being harassed. I haven't seen it. I seen visitors fight because the girlfriend came to visit on the same day the wife came to visit. I've seen women pull their tops up and expose their breasts to their loved one while the children watch. I've had to remove offenders for masturbating during their visdit. And, I've seen growm women use to most profane language towards officers because they only got a 15 minute visit because they decided to show up at 4:45 when visitation starts at 8AM.
    Just like you say these few put a BIG BLACK MARK on those that do their job, the small percentage of visitors that act the way that they do leaves a nasty taste in your mouth as well.
    I apologize if I insulted you.

  6. I have been to Texas prisons and they make you feel like a inmate for visiting a man or woman in prison. I agree that its the guards who need to be checked at the door. When I visit the men are behind a bullet proof so how would outside world bring something to visit. I also beleive high rank is involved with this and there all making some money.
    I also know that female officers can be talked into bringing things in for the inmates, not all female officers but a few. They dont make much money and this brings in a much better pay cheque.
    Maybe if Texas put in pay phones they would make money off it and the inmates wouldnt have to smuggle phones in. I also believe when a guard brings the phone in he or she knows who has the phone so a month later when she is trying to be a good CO she will bust the inmate with the phone.
    I have also seen some nasty attitude CO working at visit and they do power trip and think highly of themself and are down right rude to you. Some can't even speak to you nicely as if you committed a crime by visiting someone in prison. I dont think it would hurt to say hello nor have a nicer attitude instead of attitude that were wasting your time, dont like the job then quit.

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