Sunday, December 14, 2008

Texas Voices profiled; broad sex offender registry criticized

Doc Berman points to an article ("Texas group fights sex crime's stigma," Dec. 14) by the Houston Chronicle's Lisa Sandberg about the group Texas Voices, made up of sex offenders, their families, and others who believe that
community notification laws fail to protect the public, because they don't distinguish dangerous predators from otherwise harmless men and women who foolishly had sex with underage lovers, served their sentences and don't need a lifetime of public scrutiny. ...

Texas Voices is finding agreement in unusual places.

Ray Allen, the former Texas House Corrections chair who helped shepherd into law tough sex registration bills, said he and his colleagues went too far.

"We cast the net widely to make sure we got all the sex offenders. Now, 15 years on, it turns out that really only a small percentage of people convicted of sex offenses pose a true danger to the public," he said.

Sen. John Whitmire, D-Houston, the Senate Criminal Justice chair, said, "If we're not careful, we're going to have a sex offender registry that is so large and so encompassing, it's not much good."

Texas Voices members know their chances for success hinge on politicians risking their careers on a population with just about zero political clout.

Sen. Florence Shapiro, R-Plano, who has been a driving force behind the community notification laws, isn't ready to assume that risk. She insists that if the registry is too large, it's because there are too many people out there committing sex crimes.

Dozens of offenders, along with moms, dads and significant others, show up for the monthly Texas Voices' meetings, sharing stories and plotting strategy.

The most committed spend days and nights scrolling through the registry seeking to recruit new members. Nearly 1,000 offenders have been contacted, and about 300 have heeded the call to action, organizers say.

The article mentions that most states' sex offender registration laws begin after some heinous crime, even though they're often written to capture a wider array of offenses:
"If you look at almost all the laws out there on the books, they usually have been enacted following a horrible crime, a sexual assault and murder, which represent a tiny fraction of sex offenses," said Dr. Fred Berlin, founder of the John Hopkins Sexual Disorders Clinic.
I wish Sandberg had mentioned that the heinous crime which spawned Texas' sex offender registry actually resulted in a false conviction that was later overturned by DNA evidence. She writes, "Texas' first community notification law was passed in 1995 and named for Ashley Estell, a 7-year-old girl snatched from a North Texas playground and murdered by a sex offender parolee." But she failed to add that the man convicted of that crime - Michael Blair - was exonerated this year and did not commit the offense. As I've written previously, "to the extent [Texas' registration] laws arose from lessons learned in the Ashley Estell case, they were literally based in error from their inception."

I'm in broad agreement with the group's stated agenda and agree the issue deserves this kind of focused advocacy effort. I'll look forward to seeing what Texas Voices will be working on during the 81st Texas Legislature.


  1. I am the mother of 3 girls. I always thought the registry included only dangerous sexual predators until my daughter's teenage friend landed on the registry after having consensual sex with a younger teen. Since that time, I've learned the true nature of this beast called the registry for sex offenders. I am a proud member of Texas Voices and I encourage everyone to visit our website at Please read our statement and consider signing our petition.

  2. Thank you Mr. Henson for addressing this very important issue. Political grandstanding and media hysteria have rendered us less safe. The Texas Sex Offender Registry is overblown with thousands of individuals who are of no risk to children, or society in general. Taxpayers are needlessly footing the bill to prosecute, incarcerate and monitor many offenders whose crime was of misdemeanor status. Looking through the registry, I've no idea who poses a threat and who does not (but I now know their shoe size). I wonder how law enforcement can keep up with so many. The "sex offender" down the street, who's address is listed on the registry, has not lived there in years. Realistically, I know that I am not any safer now than I was several years ago. Disgusted with current sex offender laws? YES! Safer? NO!

  3. My husband is 6 years older than I am. I am thankful these lawmakers weren't making laws 32 years ago.
    My son is on the registry because of consensual sex with a 15 year old girl. This happened about 3 years ago. He is now a father and has been prohibite from seeing his 6 mo old son. This decision was made by his Johnson county probation officer. How does a probation officer have the authority to terminate parental rights without any due process?
    Probation officers have way too much power and authority. They should be licensed by a licensing board similar to a police officer or parole officer.
    Maybe it is time to use leverage to insure that the laws are reevaluated and changed, the only thing our government understands is lawsuit. UMMM lawsuit against county adult probation and the state of Texas. WOW what an idea?

  4. This is long overdue. Way to go Texas Voices!

    Have learned an awful lot here!
    How many people knew all these Romeo & Juliet cases were on the sex offender registry????
    I agree with the other posters. The registry is so watered down, it's useless!!!!

  6. Roseanne is right. Real predators can't be distinguished from young men who aren't a real danger. The registry doesn't give accurate information or enough information to really be able to tell if the offender is dangerous. The rating system makes no sense. My son chatted with teenagers (There was never any intent to meet and as hard as they looked they couldn't produce any sign of one) but his crime is rated high risk while someone who molested a niece would have a lower risk because an unknown victim carries a higher risk than one known to the perp. It's a waste of valuable resources, both our state's and our kids'. Laws have to change!

  7. its time to stop this crazy law thats destroying so many familys in texas and other states .its wrong to mark a young boy as a sex offender for having sex with a teen girl friend or a girl who lied about her age .he is not a SO just a teen boy who is doing what most teens are doing in todays world .he is not a danger to any of us and should not be on the registery or even in prison .thank you so much for this artical and helping to educate others about whats really wrong with this SO proud to be apart of Texas Voices there work is wonderful and there very caring people .

  8. My daughter is a police officer in Texas. She is required to go by and monitor/verify information regarding every sex offender on her beat four times a year. She says it makes no difference if the offender violently raped someone, molested 4-year olds, or at 19 had a teenage girlfriend. They all require the exact same time and resources from her department. This is a tremendous waste of taxpayer money that could be used to focus more scrutiny on the most dangerous offenders. It is time for Texas lawmakers to make better use of our valuable law enforcement resources by differentiating sex offenders. All three of the cases mentioned above should not require the exact same lifetime scrutiny as current laws require. It actually causes our children to be less safe because the truly dangerous offenders can not be monitored as they should be. Such a waste! Hopefully Texas lawmakers will do something to improve the situation during the coming session.

  9. Wait until your 14 year old is seduced by a 19 year will change your tune as to if he committed a crime against your daughter or not! How else can we protect the younger teens if we don't keep the law strict against people of age having sex with minors...

  10. I love the spirit of compromise we always see in these issues where the "git tuff" attitude has gone mad. I'm sorry I can't get on that wagon. I say the whole idea of a registry is illegal and just plain idiotic.

    I see all the pleas for reducing the list so that it only contains the "real pervs". One commenter even (perhaps unconsciously) referred to the innocents as "young" men. I would say there could easily be a few "older" victims of the law, too. The exoneration of the scapegoat used to "whup up" political support for this crap and for the creation of the Texas law demonstrates clearly that we don't even know who the "real pervs" are, and those convicted could very well be innocent (young or old). This registry is, and always has been, a ridiculously stupid and obviously unconstitutional idea.

  11. anon @ 10.51 ~ the simple fact is, the registry DOES NOT protect anyone. All it does is villify those placed on it for whatever reason. Those who reoffend do so whether they are on the registry or not, and the majority of those who offend in the first place are known to the victim. If you think some piece of legislation will really keep your daughter 'safe' from her older boyfriend, then you are seriously mistaken. All legislation can do is punish after the fact.

  12. to sunray-Being on the registry is part of the punishment. If it is removed, those who chose to target minors won't be so readily recognized.

  13. anon @ 10.04 - I still think you give it too much credence. The comments above may be anecdotal, but they point to people being registered and yet not having lived at the registered address for years, tell me how that keeps anyone safe?

    There are merits in keeping an up-to-date and targeted list, if only to give an immediate list of possible suspects when an incident happens. But you cannot persecute or prosecute someone who is on the list, just because they are on it, unless you can prove they have actually broken the law on a separate occasion. Being on the list is not really punishment, it is a badly designed tracking mechanism that allows Joe Public to alienate and intimidate the family of a registered offender as well as the offender themselves.

    You may think that is keeping you safe, until someone in your family ends up on it too.

  14. Hey, anon 10:51: how about taking some responsibility for the care and education of your 14 yo daughter who was "seduced". Working with probation departments, I have found that the "seduction" is often the other way around. Many 14, 15, 16 year old girls easily pass for 20 and LIE. Where were you when your daughter was out with the 19 year old stud being "seduced"? Where were you when somebody was supposed to be teaching your daughter not to go out and get "seduced" by 19 year olds? (Incidentally, if he had been 16 it wouldn't have been illegal). Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?

  15. People don't get on the registry unless they have broken the law. A minor who has sexual relations with an adult has had a crime commited against them. When that person is found guilty they go on the list. Not just because somebody wants to put them on it. Everyone on the list has been found guilty of a sexual crime..and guess what, I don't have a daughter that has been seduced or MOLESTED by an adult..that was just a what till the shoe is on the other foot senario..don't get so bent out of shape.

  16. So where does it cross the line? I have a 17 year old son with a girlfriend he has had for 2 years..She is now 16.
    When he turns 18 she will be have not yet reached 17 yet...
    Where can I find this information?

  17. People don't get on the registry unless they have broken the law. A minor who has sexual relations with an adult has had a crime commited against them.

    When I was 16 I used to hope that my English teacher would commit a crime against me.

  18. When that person is found guilty they go on the list. Not just because somebody wants to put them on it.

    Actually there are many people on the registry that were not found guilty. You need to look again friend.

    A Deferred Adjudication is not a conviction, and does not go in front of a judge most of the time. It is a plea deal given to someone with charges for one reason or another. Many of Texas' Youth accept this 'deal' in hopes of moving on with their lives only to find they will always be on the registry. No conviction, no record besides the arrest and probation. A great number of the romeo and juliet arrests accept these whether scared, out of money, or just poor defense. The statistics are 3 to 6 percent of ALL RSO's will re-offend, (UofW, DOJ studies) yet 100% are on the registry. How much sense does that make?

    These are the first that need to come off. And for anyone that says it is the only way to 'get' those people, I say if the case is so weak that the DA must offer Deferred to get them on, maybe the case wasn't a rock solid as they make out to believe.

    With the attitude that all person's that have violated an SO law need to be on a registry for life, we should apply that evenly and state that all DWI's should lose their licenses for life, Men that slap their wives once should be given life, women that write hot checks would be held and never given a check book again. If we are going to stop allowing people to ascend above the wrongs they have done, if we are to permanently banish those we deem as "un-touchables, juden, riff-raff", then we should also be doing the same for all others.

    SAVE THE CHILDREN? most are not on the registry for child offenses, so stop spewing that lie...

  19. We are victims of a "Judicial Holocaust! The sex offense laws are way out of line and life time S.O. registering is rediculous when sex was consensual, not Violent, Rape, or Pedophilia ! Has anyone noticed that almost everything is a Felony now?
    We the people need to band together and make the laws reflect our Constitunal Rights again !
    Where did being innocent until proven guilty go? Where did punishment fitting the crime go?
    And as far as probation officers ...I knew a person on probation for drug charges..and the probation officer and attorney that person got were both alcaholics and drug users!!!!
    I believe consensual sex at any ages should be "Misdemeanors" with maybe a 3rd strike your out....with NO REGISTERING AT ALL!
    We are going to be a society without any young men who can live a normal life if these laws don't change!!!
    As they stand now the law is a loaded weapon placed in the hands of our destroy someone's life if they or their parents get angry at that person for any reason at all !!! And by the way our youth are having sex in the schools and on school busses now !!! Underage sex is rampant now...and the IN thing to do! It is sad. Not to mention the slaying in our schools now. I don't recognize this society anymore!!! We have to change all these things!
    We should also move to make schools include the Law's on sex in Sex Ed classes....none of them know that they will get longer stricter terms than "MURDERERS".
    This is horrible...and for one I will work until unfair laws get changed.

  20. Imagine this scenario: College frat party, two girls show up with a beer in one hand, a cigarette in the other. Three days later, police officers arrive at the home of Josh, a twenty year old college freshman. Amidst all of the questions, he admits to having consensual sex with a very pretty college girl who was at the party that night. "Yes, her name was Monica" he states. Josh is arrested and charged with "sexual assault of a child". Turns out, Monica was only 16. Two weeks, later, Monica and her friend are at another college frat party, a beer in one hand, a cigarette in the other. Who is the victim?

  21. To Anonymous who said: "to sunray-Being on the registry is part of the punishment. If it is removed, those who chose to target minors won't be so readily recognized."

    You make a very good point. Some of our legislators have claimed the registry is not punitive but is a matter of public safety. We all know the registry is punitive and it is time to stop side stepping the Constitution under the guise that the registry is a matter of public safety and is not punitive. To admit the registry is punitive is to admit that the registry is in violation of The Constitution.

    The public registry isn't keeping us any safer. If a person is so dangerous they must be monitored by an entire community, then perhaps that person should be behind bars.

    There are hundreds of people on the registry because when they were a teenager they had CONSENSUAL sex with a younger teen, or when they were in their early twenties had consensual sex with a person in their teens. Most of these "RSO's" took a plea and were given probation with deferred adjudication.

    A large number of sex offender treatment providers would agree that the RSO's described above should not be on the registry in the first place and certainly should not be involved in the sex offender treatment programs.

    Many of the RSO's described above have had their probation revoked on TECHNICAL violations and have served time, or are serving time, in TDC or are in jail. I am interested in knowing the exact number of these RSO's who are presently incarcerated at this very moment in this great state.

    There are RSO's who were PROMISED, as a part of their plea AGREEMENT with the STATE, that their name would be removed from the registry at a certain time only to later learn they were being required to register for life as a result of legislative changes. Reak of expost facto? No, not according to those same lawmakers who claim the registry is not punitive, but a matter of public safety.

    A plea or conviction on a sex offense IS a lifelong PUNISHMENT for ALL RSOs.



    Here are two articles that illustrate how predator panic has effectively rendered the Sex Registry useless

  23. I was going to post but I think "Tommy" has said it all! Good going Tommy, you have read my own thoughts.

  24. The number of Texas juveniles on the registry should also be addressed. The state has recently started including the name of the juvenile's school on the public registry. Juvenile criminal records are not disclosed to the public, but juvenile sex offenders are listed on a public database that includes their picture, name, age, address, name of school, shoe size. Another matter of public safety? It is very disturbing. How is the registry protecting these children? Don't these children deserve to be protected too? There are adults that committed a sex offense at age 11 or younger and are still on the registry. A lifelong sentence for a person who, by state law, was a "child" at the time of the offense. Imagine what these kiddos go through and think of their futures. Don't these kiddos deserve a second chance?

  25. Just wondering why the txvoices website is not posted here?

  26. First let me say that the poster describing savvy underage girls passing themselves off as being of age has a valid point, as do the posters describing true 'Romeo and Juliet' type situations. The legislative age parameters have a reason, though. While the difference of a year or two between the ages of these people may not be considered abuse or assault of a sort, when one person is 16-17 and the other is 33 or 53 there should be red flags/bells/alarms going off. If there is no legislative age cutoff at all how do we draw the line between consensual contact and child abuse/exploitation? If you think the age parameters are incorrect, by all means make the effort to legislatively change them--just try not to throw the baby out with the bathwater (no pun intended).

    For those who complain the registry does not keep us "safe", you are absolutely correct. It is only an information source. Law Enforcement is also unable to keep all of us safe all of the time (no insult intended to the law enforcement community, just a realistic observation) and that is exactly why we have the personal responsibility of being pro-active ourselves.

    For Anonymous @12/15/2008 11:25:00 PM

    One of the "kiddos" you refer to sexually assaulted me. I was not this person's first sexual assault. The rape/sodomy this person committed before assaulting me was much more violent. Because this person was a "kiddo" when they committed the first (known) offense, registration was not required. Only after sexually assaulting me was this "kiddo" required to register, and because the offender was a "kiddo" when sexually assaulting me registration is only required for a few more years- not for life.

    It concerns me that some members of the public looking at the registry may underestimate the danger my offender poses to victims younger than me, since registration was only required for the sexual assault committed against me, and not for the first offense. Some of the registry entries have a victim age, and some do not.

    For those who decry the registry as "useless" because it does not give the information they believe is crucial, let me remind you that many victims use the registry to keep track of where their offenders are (hopefully all the way across the state) and what their offenders look like as time goes on and the offender ages. The person who sexually assaulted me threatened to do it again, and already tried to make good on that threat more than once. Under the circumstances, it is not unreasonable that I feel the need to be able to immediately recognize the offender at any time I may be approached away from my home, or when someone I don't immediately recognize shows up at my residence.

  27. To the previous 'anonymous;" there is a difference between a consensual situation and a forcible rape. No one is denying that. But even in your situation, if this person is still determined to go after you, the registry wouldn't stop him. The list has no magical powers. What happened to you is tragicc, but I cannot bring myself to justify wholesale degradation of human rights because of it, because a teen having consensual sex with a teen is punished as severely, and if you look on the registry, how can you tell the difference?

  28. I think there is a cutoff age of 3 years older. That is, the "perp" Romeo must be 3 years older than the "vicim" juliet.

  29. My last post just reminded me of something. The "perps" are almost always boys and the "victims" are almost always girls. Yet in the past I have known of several 17 or 18 year old girls who had younger boyfriends, and probably had sex with them. I bet the girls couldn't buy a spot on the RSO list.

  30. Don, I agree, there are very few girls on the registry. I do know of some of my son's friends who have dated older girls. It is considered more of a badge of honor for a boy to get an older girl. Some middle school girls like older boys. I liked older boys since I was taller than most boys in my middle school and that wasn't cool. I have a brother who is older than me by almost 2 years. I was always more mature and often mistaken for being the oldest.

  31. Reply to 12/16/2008 10:52:00 AM

    I did acknowledge the difference between a consensual situation and a forcible rape. I am glad we have common ground.

    I also pointed out that the registry itself does not keep people safe. I believe that means we also have common ground in your statement that the registry has no magic power to stop an offender. The information posted on the registry does give me the common sense power avoid my offender by recognizing that person while there is still a chance to avoid direct contact. I am left with the impression (possibly incorrect) that the degradation you refer to is only validated for one side of the equation. I can't speak for other sexual assault victims, but when it comes to degradation I assure you I have already had my portion, dished out first by my offender and then by representatives of various law enforcement/state agencies/court proceedings along the way. My offender no longer has to register after a few years pass, and can move on with life. I, in turn, get to live with the fallout for the rest of my life, as do my significant other and my family members. You might try to keep the point of view in mind that there are other valid points of view when making sweeping generalizations about how useless and degrading the registry is. It is possible the reason you say you cannot bring yourself to justify any use of/need for the registry is because you have never needed any of the information it offers for yourself or someone you love. Unless that happens I'm not sure you can understand what it feels like to be on the other side of the issue, and ironically I hope you never slam into that reality.

    I also pointed out in my post that there are absolutely flaws in the registry legislation/implementation. This means we have even more common ground.

    You asked “because a teen having consensual sex with a teen is punished as severely, and if you look on the registry, how can you tell the difference?” A partial answer is the registry entry has a category for victim age, offense or adjudication/conviction date, and birthdate of the offender. This would allow you to do the math and figure out both parties were teens at the time. (Unfortunately, both parties being teens does not automatically mean the contact was consensual-) If that info is missing, call DPS and ask for correction of the entry.

    Keep in mind that as you correctly stated, the registry itself has no magical powers, it is only an information tool. This is one of the major concerns I have about the registry; that some people seem to believe the violent sex offenders listed on the registry are the only ones in Texas, and that they or their children are safe as long as they have no contact with anyone listed on the registry. This assumption is not only stupid, but dangerous as well.

    I also strongly agree with Don about the gender inequity involved in the issue. If both parties in a ‘Romeo and Juliet’ consensual situation are underage, then the consequences should be shared equally. If the female half is of age and the male half is not, then the female half should receive the same consequences as a male would in the same circumstances.

  32. Anonymous at 12/16/2008 08:16:00 PM said:

    "A partial answer is the registry entry has a category for victim age, offense or adjudication/conviction date, and birthdate of the offender. This would allow you to do the math and figure out both parties were teens at the time. (Unfortunately, both parties being teens does not automatically mean the contact was consensual-) If that info is missing, call DPS and ask for correction of the entry."

    The date you refer to is called the date of disposition which is the date of the conviction, or date plea agreement was signed This can be 2 or more years after the date of the offense. The date of the offense is not listed on the registry. The age listd for the victim, is the age of the victim at the time of offense, not at the time of the disposition. Also, I'm not sure what you meant about contacting DPS about missing info. The registry has no way of differentiating between an offender like the scumbag who did what he/she did to you, and a "Romeo." The offenses listed on the registry are the result of negotiations between the defendant's lawyer and the prosectution. The offense listed on the registry may not reflect the true nature of the offense. The prosecutor will start the negotiations by naming their price usually in the form of an indictment. The defense lawyer will counter, and the negotiations are underway. When its all said and done, you have reached a plea agreement. It seems there are some defendants who get a mere slap on the wrist for a predatory act, compared to the Romeo whose listed offense will be exactly the same as the predator.

    Justice is determined by money. If the offender can afford to pay a lawyer who will fight for them, guilty or not, charges will be reduced. Come to think of it, this isn't justice really.

    Also, if there are errors on the registry, I think only God can get those corrected. Such as the age of a victim. I am familiar with Romeo cases where the victim's age is incorrect on the registry making the age gap appear to be even wider. I have found several errors on the registry. You want bureaucracy at its best, try getting something corrected on the registry.

    I understand your need to know where the creep is. Personally, I would feel much safer if this creep was behind bars and not in anyone's neighborhood.

  33. I am kind of surprised; there was incorrect information on the registry about the offense on me, and after I called DPS it took them 3-4 days to verify and correct the inaccurate data involved. I am disappointed if someone else cannot seem to get the same response. I am a nobody and my request for correction of info was handled professionally.

    I am, of course, aware that the charge listed on the registry is dependent upon the court documentation for accuracy and that a certain percentage of time the offense listed has actually been pled down from a more serious charge, or there is more to the story. I think we all know by now that this little dance you correctly describe between the defense and the prosecution takes place all over the judicial arena, not just in sex crimes. That is just one more reason to be aware that the registry is an informational tool only, a starting point if needing information, and that data on the registry can be inaccurate just as data on a credit report can be inaccurate. I cannot understand how a reasonable person can take the information on the registry at face value without being aware of the possiblity information is incomplete/inaccurate. The registry itself states

    "Searches based on names, dates of birth and other alphanumeric identifiers are not always accurate. The only way to positively link someone to a sex offender record is through fingerprint verification."

    In other words, look at the registry, but take responsibility and DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK WITHOUT MAKING ASSUMPTIONS when seeking information involving someone listed on the registry. Some inaccurate information in ANY database is the nature of the beast.

  34. @anon 10:33

    You use the word 'kiddos' to define the 'romeo's' on the registry. Sorry, but you are incorrect in your definition. It seems that you are one of the reasons for the dissolution of the registry. A person under the age of 18 that forcibly rapes/molests someone is not a 'kiddo', nor is a 20 year old that sleeps with a 16 year old who gives a bogus age a rapist. You are attempting to say that any child on the registry is a despot rapist, and that is wrong and misguided. You are also saying that if a teen girl is a victim, no matter what the circumstance, which is also wrong. If she knows she is 16, and he doesn't, that young man is the victim not the 16 year old girl...

    Your attacker was a rapist, he is not one of the kiddos being described.

    One of the biggest questions is, why do you want to track your attacker? You know that you do not want to be anywhere near him, he is being punished for his actions, and you are safe. The fact that you choose not to move past this rapist and get on with your life tells me that you do not want to continue moving forward, and thus will always be a victim.

  35. You need to read the entire thread. I posted at 12/16/2008 10:33:00 AM, and 12/17/2008 09:13:00 AM

    I am told "You use the word 'kiddos' to define the 'romeo's' on the registry." Incorrect. The term 'kiddo' was used in reference to a previous post from another author.

    I already posted validating (I believe) the inappropriate registration requirements for a 'Romeo and Juliet' type situation. By literary definition, a 'Romeo and Juliet' situation involves an underage consensual relationship obviously involving two parties, not just a 'Romeo' as you term it. Also by literary definition, a 'Romeo' would not be correctly portrayed as a "despot rapist". This is why I did not portray a 'Romeo' as such. Just because you accuse me of posting something does not make it so. Read the entire thread.

    By stating "It seems that you are one of the reasons for the dissolution of the registry." you are factually incorrect. The registry is at this point still intact, with all the attendant problems and flaws, none of which are caused by me. In my previous posts I have listed some of the many problems with the registry as it stands. Read the entire thread.

    You say "A person under the of 18 that forcibly rapes/molests someone is not a 'kiddo'" Thank you for agreeing with me. Read the entire thread.

    You say "nor is a 20 year old that sleeps with a 16 year old who gives a bogus age a rapist." Once again thank you for agreeing with me. Read the entire thread.

    You say "You are also saying that if a teen girl is a victim, no matter what the circumstance, which is also wrong. If she knows she is 16, and he doesn't, that young man is the victim not the 16 year old girl..." You are incorrect about what I posted. I pointed out in a previous post that underage girls (who present themselves as older) trolling for older sexual partners who then end up on the registry are the parties at fault, not the older guy who bought their act and was not being careful about choosing his partner. In this situation, I think the older guy might even have the ethical right to bring a civil suit against the girl for fraud and request compensation for her having turned his life upside down. Maybe some of the legal minds who post could tell me if it would be possible for a fraud of that type to lead to criminal charges against the girl who lied about her age and then pressed charges against the older guy, resulting in his requirement to register.

    You say "One of the biggest questions is, why do you want to track your attacker? You know that you do not want to be anywhere near him," You are correct in that I do not want to be anywhere near this person, so the common sense answer to your question about why I "track" where this person is would be so I can choose to exist 400 miles away where my offender is not.

    You say to me "you are safe". I hope you are correct, but I am uncomfortable setting aside my own cautious behavior based on the word of a person I do not know and who does not know me.

    You say "The fact that you choose not to move past this rapist and get on with your life tells me that you do not want to continue moving forward, and thus will always be a victim." This statement is designed to denigrate and humiliate me by moving the focus from the very real, very complex issue of the registry problems to my personal life with the hope that it humiliates and embarrassess me; thus resulting in my shutting my mouth and withdrawing from posting on this thread. Gosh, if only you could humiliate ALL sex crimes victims enough to drive them away from speaking out on the issue maybe there would not be anyone left to object to dismantling the registry. The problem with this tactic is that since the first sexual assault I have (along the way) been humiliated and denigrated by representatives of the system who are much better at it than you are. After them putting me through the wringer, your attempt to humiliate me into shutting up and going away is laughable.

    You say "The fact that you choose not to move past this rapist and get on with your life tells me that you do not want to continue moving forward, and thus will always be a victim." You seem to believe that if a sex crimes victim starts standing up for themself it means they are choosing to stay a victim and not move on with their life. Using that same concept, the woman who lost a child to a drunk driver and then formed the nationally recognized Mothers Against Drunk Drivers was also “choose (choosing) not to move past this” drunk driving tragedy “and get on with your life tells me that you do not want to continue moving forward, and thus will always be a victim." You may be unaware of it, but trying prevent others from going through what you went through in a similar situation is moving forward, and can often become a life long crusade which helps many other people.

    If you really believe the advice you gave me; “The fact that you choose not to move past this rapist and get on with your life tells me that you do not want to continue moving forward, and thus will always be a victim.”, then you should stand behind your own advice by telling registry members who feel victimized by being on the registry the very same thing, that if they are unable to “get on with…life” and “The fact that you choose not to move past this…and get on with your life tells me that you do not want to continue moving forward, and thus will always be a victim.” It would be interesting to know if you have the same opinion about registered sex offenders always being the victim when they exercise their right to speak up and say what happened to them was wrong and they keep speaking out about the issue instead of “moving past”…”getting on with life” …”continue moving forward”

    Once again, please read the entire thread so that you can be accurate when quoting other posters.

  36. Well looks like Texas has the same problems as Oregon. There is no easy answer to all this. Each wants to stand in judgement of another with only a few facts to say who or what any given person is on the registries. I would guess that if you really knew you would be even more offended. Most children are abused in their own homes by a relative or close friend of the family. So who are these men and women? They are the victims Mom or Dad or maybe brother or sister. How about grandpa or grandma. Its a proven fact that most offences happen this way. and if its outside the home guess what its your youth pastor or maybe the teacher. Take time to understand how many different ways someone can end up on this and then figure that more then 80 % are not only known to the victim but related closely. Given this the family already has a ton of problem and maybe this makes it worse in a lot of ways. People grow up and some actually do still love their father or mother or grandpa. But have to watch them go through a life that is harder then most can even imagine. They say that 90% of the crimes don't get reported. Somehow I feel they want you to think that these are crimes committed by people on the registries. Fact is its not. These are the same people. Mom and Dad or brother ,sister, who ever. Things have not gotten better. Just another reason not to tell and it just goes on. No one wants to do this to there family. Would you ? would you think twice before having your brother locked up or maybe grandpa. Well some wouldn't and you have them on the registry. Most would not. Doesn't make it right but safer for the family. Hard to understand but that's how people think.Ok given that is it ok to track the ones that have less of a chance to offend then anyone else. Meaning they have been prosecuted they have had their lives ruined and their families trashed. Think they want to go back for seconds? Well a very small percentile will. But more then 90% will not. Why then lifetime? Go after the 90% that doesn't get reported. Spend the money there and I think we will have a healthier world.but you know that if they went after the 90% I bet this law would suddenly be gone.

  37. Magen's Law, NJ, Governer Christine Whitman
    Whitman: Excerpts: August 25,1994, The Times (Trenton) carried the details of the tier system. "I don't want to see us create this population of sex offenders who might not be violent sex offenders but will fall under certain (types) of the legislation, which calls for pretty broad-based notification to the community" (Stile and Fromm 1994 14). She added, "If you have totally open notification on everybody at all times, you start to create a level of fear and concern that is not reflected in the threat that these people provide to the community"

    Well what does she say now?

  38. NJ, Grants The POWER to amend OUR constitution and create opportunities for politicians to abuse their power and cause violations of due process, double jeopardy and privacy rights.

    NJ Seeks to Amend It's Constitution to Authorize an Online Sex Offender Registry :: ACLU of New Jersey

    In every state, in every year, legislators go to work to devise new ways of punishing sex offenders.

    This year's special on the New Jersey legislature's menu is a state constitutional amendment to authorize the publication of personal information about sex offenders on the Internet including a photo of the offender, a detailed physical description, home address and a rating of risk of re-offense.

    Amending our state Constitution should be done rarely and only when compelling reasons exist. So why an amendment for this? Because the proposal would not otherwise survive a challenge in court based on existing New Jersey constitutional case law. Lawmakers figured that if it passes as an amendment, it is protected from court challenges.

    Although the ACLU has been active nationwide, and particularly in New Jersey, challenging these laws on grounds of violations of due process, double jeopardy and privacy rights, the courts have barely recognized the constitutional or public policy problems that these laws create. This has created opportunities for politicians to propose a broad range of ideas to further alienate former sex offenders ranging from chemical castration to electronic monitoring.

    But we should not allow politicians to victimize ex-offenders who are rehabilitated and lead law-abiding lives, and victimize their families, in the interest of pandering to the fears of potential voters?

  39. The truth is that the registry is carring the weight it needs to carry, the constitution of the United States is at risk from being non existent, the Texas constitution has failed time and time again during the birth of the registry.
    The BIG PICTURE is that we need to educate our nieghbors, lawmakers, and the justice system all over again, I though I had faith in the system and that the truth we come out in my case, but it didnt and the truth was not ever an option when in front of the judge.
    Age was the Only Factor, not force, if so then place us in prison and through away the key. But if teens and young adults are not aware of the laws, it can hurt them the rest of their lives.
    And again, what maybe wrong in the state of Texas, is not wrong in 36 other states in the United States.
    Help Texas Voices protect the children of today and tomorrow from the dangers of the registry, a system that needs a stronger reformed structure.
    Just like laws are created, they are changed, yet for those effected by the registry where age was the only factor, we do not have another ten years or two.

  40. "someone wrote:
    Wait until your 14 year old is seduced by a 19 year will change your tune as to if he committed a crime against your daughter or not! How else can we protect the younger teens if we don't keep the law strict against people of age having sex with minors...

    12/14/2008 10:51:00 PM"

    to which I say "how about some good old fashioned PARENTING which requires taking responsibility and following through with ACTION even if it isn't popular with your teen children! for starters, no computer in any room that is not a common area... NO EXCEPTIONS/NO CELL PHONE THAT HAS IEXPLORER/MESSENGER.. no teenager needs a webcam..PERIOD!!! The list goes on and sure teens will find someone's computer that they can use to go to places unknown but not so much if THE PARENT takes the initiative to know how to reach this someone's PARENTS. Now, to anyone who is, or know someone wbo is employed or affiliated in any way with Abercrombie/Fitch, Calvin Klein,GAP or their ad firm... write letters and INSIST that they cease and desist using models who are employed to represent high school age teens in looks but since they are actually 18+ can pose with almost nothing on.... People wonder why teens are increasingly targeted.. could it just possibly be that these provocative images pollute the media to a level that subliminally leads one's mind to accept the possibility despite what their logical mind says.. and if your teens are taking on too mature of a look with their make-up and attire.... DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT and make them change... Kids did NOT look the ways these kids do these days back when I was in High School (late 1970's)

    Don't blame the increase in this crime on someone else unlesa YOUR glass house is clean... and IT IS NOT.

  41. Just like the politicians so many have something to say about what punishment fits the crime. personally i think if the judge sentences someone to something when that is fulfilled its done. I'm sorry for the victims of these crimes. however they got justice they got the persons life ruined. How much more do they want? I was once told that there is little difference between a victim and a offender. In fact they are the same person in most cases just two sides of the same coin. When someone continues to punish long after the sentence is served is now becoming the offender. If you really want this to stop and help to save the world.Do something. Make more laws if you think its going to protect. but lets make laws that protect not destroy because of our own abuse issues. to take power over a small group of people and lump everyone into a lifetime of problems. Is only offending against people that are defenseless. I guess you could argue that their victims and mostly they are their own family members or close to suffer and so the offender must also. Do you not think that part of the suffering of the victim comes from the continued punishment of their family member that caused this. Do you not think that people do forgive but then have to watch all this effect not only the offender but them as well. give up the hate and trying to re sentence everyone to more and more to feed your hate. People say that we should not track the young offenders or this crime was not as bad as all the others so lets let them go. Granted its not a bad idea to notify the neighbors if a predator sex offender is living there. But how many predator are there. Lets stop trying to figure this out for the judges and go back to living. Stop being an offender. Stop all the hate that has been brought on as the label sex offender means child killer.

  42. If you don't like what Texas does.......don't move to Georgia.,2933,474285,00.html

  43. In Aug. 2008 I had met a 35 year old man who told me his past, including the fact that he did 4 and a half years in prison, for failing a UA test while on probation. The reason he was on probation was for having consensual sex with a 16 year old at the age of 22. But instead of punishing him for breaking probation by failing the UA, they sent him to prison and now he has to register as a sex offender. November marked our 1 year anniversay, the only problem is a judge gave custody of my 2 girls to my ex-husband. (as of July 08) I raised my girls on my own for 6 years. (without childsupport) I need HELP PLEASE!!

  44. Sorry that was Aug. 2007 when we met. Let me know what we can do and where to sign the dotted line.

  45. What can we do if our 9th grader starts to date an 11th grader? He is a very well mannered young man who was raised in a christian home... the only problem is he was held back a couple of years due to his slow learning and poor testing scores.(because of his birthday he was already behind a year) When you do the math, this young man is already 18 almost 19. At this time our daughter is only 15 years old, are we supposed to tell her that she can not see this man only because of age even though we know that the two of them plan to get married and go to college. I would rather know who my daughter is hanging out with/dating rather then her resenting me and going behind my back. That is one of our big problems today, not enough family time, trust, and honesty. That is why so many young teens are sexually active, committing crimes, useing drugs, or end up homeless. Parents, if you have a problem with your teen then you need to find out what went wrong. Try to talk and get the help your teen needs before it is to late. When my daughter needs to talk about sex or anything she comes to me. She may not always make the right decission but when she realizes the mistake... its always mom... sorry I did not listen. Now ask your self the question... do I have that kind of relationship with my children? If you did... you would know where your 14 year old was when she was having sex. There is a big difference in consensual sex, a child molester, and rape. If it was against her will then why was rape charges not filed? Why ruin a young mans life and dreams of becoming a great business man, or better yet, a family man with kids of his own. Someone really needs to rethink the laws. Why are we not warned that the man living down the road just got out of prison 2 years ago for robbing a bank, stealing cars, selling drugs to middle school and high school kids, or anyother crimes? The law needs to change the labels and warn us of serious dangers. Now what do you think?

  46. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children noted in Sept, 2008, there are 664,731 RSOs in
    the US. In May 2007, that number was 602,189. In 16 months, there were 62,524 new registrants added.
    That’s 3908.8 per month, 130.3 per day, 5.4 per hour. In other words, every 11 minutes and 6 seconds
    another person is added to the SO registry!
    The Vera institute of justice reports,
    1 in 160 males are now a registered sex offender in the US.
    Think about it.
    WHO is next to be registered, what are the chances someone in your family will become a registered sex offender, maybe for life?
    HOW is the law even effective when there are to many people listed? Will a real dangerous predator, stand out in such a hugh crowd?
    WHAT is the cost to prosecute, convict, incarcerate register, track, hunt, supervise, monitor and keep abreast of 664,731 people? With 48% of sex offenders finding it difficult to follow the intended harsh requirements forced on them. The numerous violations create new convictions for technical violations, court proceedings, prosecution, incarceration, and 85% are represented by public defenders, it’s not free.
    WHEN is someone going to fix this ridiculous mess? Who is benefiting?
    It is very sad when a child is truly harmed and murdered but, these Laws are including and punishing, everybody and anybody in that child’s name, is it disturbing and unethical. And ignorant! Our children are being named SEX OFFENDERS, in the same laws, proposed for murders and established to protect children from SEX OFFENDERS that are capable of committing murder? How did it get so out of control? Where were our leaders who took an oath to protect citizens from inequality and discrimination? Everyone driving drunk, is not labeled dangerous for life and punished with vehicular Homicide.

  47. Agree or disagree, I AM, outraged and disgusted, that thousands of children across America are being branded as sex offenders in the name of murdered children. Their crimes do not compare but they are paying, REALLY PAYING! Laws are supposed to protect children. Our legislators are acting as PREDATORS.

    Florence Shapiro of Texas, Shapiro proudly states' “If one child is saved, then the laws will be worth what we've done.” Ms. Shapiro, is harming even one child with the mark "SEX OFFENDER" worth what you've done? How about 4000+ lives?
    Sen. Florence Shapiro, isn't ready to assume or admit that labeling juvenile offenders may be harmful to children, even deadly.

    Texas: According to DPS data, Of the more than 47,000 people listed on the state's Department of Public Safety Web site, only 275 are under 18, while 3,853 are registered based on offenses they committed as juveniles,

    That's ONLY 4000+ children's juvenile records and youthful PAST MISTAKE, are displayed to the world as sex offenders, banished from towns, unemployed, tracked, hunted, hated, forced into poverty and a life of endless turmoil.

    Florence Shapiro sure has a lot to brag about! She takes no accountability to the children acyually being harmed, thought.

    One young man felt the wrath of Florence Shapiro, and the legislator who followed her lead, he now has a place to rest as the media will fail to mention that he was a kid, who suffered at the hands of the politicians who support registration of juvenile offenders. Homeless, poor and now dead. That's rehabilitation promised by the LAW ?

    How do you like the following article, Florence Shipiro, influenced this young boys, painful and disheveled life. Lets give her another "Child Advocacy Award", NOT

    Murdered Homeless Man Was Convicted Sex Offender, Bryan, Texas

    A 20-year-old homeless man whose body was found in an abandoned building in Bryan was a convicted sex offender.

    It should read: At 14 years old, an adjudicated juvenile's life is of no value. Forced to be homeless, unemployed and labeled on the Internet as a sex offender, has been bludgeoned to death at 20 years old.

  48. When it come to sex offender laws The CREATOR is not even taking credit, ANYMORE ?
    Excerpts, REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP COUNCIL: Ex NJ Governor Christine Todd Whitman created the political organization the Republican Leadership Council, which advocates for the historic Republican principles of liberty, individual responsibility, and personal freedom. (REALLY?)
    THE CREATOR OF "MAGEN"S LAW" and Community Notification?
    Even More interesting is Ms. Whitman's BIO that is listed on the Republican Leadership Council's
    No mention of "MAGEN"S LAW" ?
    Bio - Governor Whitman
    Christine Todd Whitman is the President of The Whitman Strategy Group (WSG), a consulting firm that specializes in energy and environmental issues. WSG offers a comprehensive set of solutions to problems facing businesses, organizations, and governments; they have been at the forefront of helping leading companies find innovative solutions to environmental challenges.
    She is also co-chair of the Republican Leadership Council (RLC), which she founded with Senator John Danforth. The RLC’s mission is to support fiscally conservative, socially tolerant candidates and to reclaim the word Republican. The RLC was created in March of 2007 by joining forces with Governor Whitman’s political action committee, It’s My Party Too. She is the author of a New York Times best seller by the same name, which was published in January of 2005 and released in paperback in March 2006.
    Governor Whitman served in the cabinet of President George W. Bush as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency from January of 2001 until June of 2003. She was the 50th Governor of the State of New Jersey, serving as its first woman governor from 1994 until 2001.

    As Governor, Christie Whitman earned praise from both Republicans and Democrats for her commitment to preserve a record amount of New Jersey land as permanent green space. She was also recognized by the Natural Resources Defense Council for instituting the most comprehensive beach monitoring system in the nation. As EPA Administrator, she promoted common-sense environmental improvements such as watershed-based water protection policies. She championed regulations requiring non-road diesel engines to reduce sulfur emissions by more than 95 percent. She also established the first federal program to promote redevelopment and reuse of "brownfields”, that is, previously contaminated industrial sites.
    Governor Whitman is on the Steering Committee of The Cancer Institute of New Jersey; the Board of Trustees of the Eisenhower Fellowships; the Board of Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations; the Governing Board of the Park City Center for Public Policy; and is a member of the Board of the New America Foundation. She was also the Co-Chair for the Council on Foreign Relations’ Task Force, More Than Humanitarianism: A Strategic U.S. Approach Toward Africa as well as the Aspen Health Stewardship Project, which was released in February of 2008. She co-chairs Clean and Safe Energy (CASE) with Dr. Patrick Moore.
    Governor Whitman also serves on the Board of Directors of S.C. Johnson and Son, Inc., Texas Instruments Inc., and United Technologies Corporation. . She currently serves as an advisor to the Aspen Rodel Fellowship program.

    Prior to becoming Governor, she was the President of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities and served on the Somerset County board of Chosen Freeholders.

    Governor Whitman holds a BA from Wheaton College in Norton, MA, and is married to John R. Whitman. They have two children and two grandchildren.

  49. I was 19 and the girl mine happened with told her parents she lied to me. Her parents dropped the charges and the state picked them up. I had a court appointed lawyer. I got probation after fighting a year. I got a DWI a year later and I went from Level I minimum risk level to Level 2 Moderate Risk level for getting the DWI. That was 9 years ago I got the DWI and I'm still moderate risk level. Although I did go do 3 more years of my life in prison for it. BTW, me and the girl I got in trouble behind are friends. She got pregnant by someone else 6 months later but we still remained friends. I have lived a life of humiliation at the hands of the registry ever since. I have been on the registry almost as long as I have not been on the registry. Almost half of my life.

    I use to be a pretty happy go lucky guy, now I live almost like a hermit, not wanting to talk to people. But what can I do. I just have to deal with it for just under 4 years longer till my 10 years are up. Unfortunately everyone knoows I was on it. The media is the main drivng force behind the mass hysteria because it brings such great ratings for them.

  50. Wait until your 14 year old is seduced by a 19 year will change your tune as to if he committed a crime against your daughter or not! How else can we protect the younger teens if we don't keep the law strict against people of age having sex with minors...

    At 14 she has her own mind and believe me she can say no, IF SHE WANTS. At that age the girls are chasing the boys ,too. These laws are not a babysitting service. The punishment as you know is extremly harsh, not strict! A boy is doing 40 years in prison in Texas, he was 17 and the girl 14. And Girls are also listed as sex offenders. Wise up!

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  52. Texas has been ruled by the lowest common denominator for decades. To be elected, all they offer is someone or group to hate, which qualifies as prejudice... It seems that all Texans have in common is the capacity for hate. Politicians want you to fear the hated person and to believe that particular politician is the only one that can save you from that feared one. They go to Austin and make laws that violate the U.S. Constitution. and Texans like it... Reference the registration law which violates the ex-post-facto part of the U.S. Constitution... or maybe the stalking law which makes it a felony to drive down the street behind someone else more than once or twice a year. All persons who use freeways to commute to and from work are made felons by their elected officials.

    I put my life on the line to protect, not the people of the U.S. but the U.S. Constitution. I swore an oath to God.

    I declare, as a veteran, that Texas citizens are not worthy to call themselves Americans.

    May God withdraw His blessings from the State of Texas, today.

  53. The Sex Offender registration law is nothing more than a State sanctioned provocation to vigilantism. This has been proven over time. Many Texas SOs have been targeted already.

  54. I am a RSO. I am not a Convicted SO. I was caught in my own house doing a sex act( masterbation) with Myself by a young female relative.
    I was embarassed and called the Police to get help. They said that I had Not broken any laws that they were aware but recomended a hospital to deal with my suicidal thoughts.
    My wife was "embarassed" and filed for divorce. When I came out of the hospital (three weeks) due to Pleas from my wife i was charged because the victim was not related by blood. I was charged with indecentcy to a minor by exposure.
    My divorce lawyer advised me to plea no contest and in a couple of years he would have the charge expunged, since i did not have the money to fight the charge.10,000 to start.
    I plead no contest and was given 10 years deferred adjudication. Two years counciling unless shortend by the judge and a 1000 dollar fine and 300 hours community service.
    Two years went by and a new law passed to extend my registration till I was 60 years old. Plus i could not get my record expunged. I was forced to sign an agreement to intensive probation which added to the 22 restrictions an addional 23 new restrictions or face probation revokation.
    Also my wife found out about the 2 strike law in Texas and tried to get my daughter to falsly testify that I had exposed myself to her. Luckily by then the DA saw what she was up to.
    I was required to take two polygraphs and two penil plythismagraghs after these(which I passed) they tried to make me take yearly polygraphs and when I refused I was revoked and at the hearing The Assistant DA which had handled the main case Agreed to testify on my behalf as to why charges had been filed in the first place due my wifes insistance to better her divorce outcome. ( Its all on tape) He was not allowed to testify due to conflict of intrest.So I had to take the annual tests at my expense which I passed All.
    I have been beaten , robbed and run over by my ex. Police reports were made on all occations and it was just handled with a wink and a nod to the perps. I
    I have been out over 275,000 dollars in the past 18 years for fines, tests, lawyer fees, and loss of wages.
    I recently found out that my ex has convinced my daughters that I sexually molested them and they are afraid to speak to me because their mother will disown them if they do. She married well to the guy she was dating while I was in the hospital.
    Even now I am being Harrassed five years off probation by a neibor that used to work for the City and is "friends" with the code inforcment officer that is harrassing My tenants for small violations ie. Having two wheels parked on grass beyond driveway, tire leaning against house in public view, pile of rocks in view from the back yard, un authorized furniture on the back patio etc, etc.
    My 70 year old diabled sister was denied an apartment because the Landlord knew I was RSO.
    I have become disabled because of a car wreck and I think I was denied because I was a RSO. My lawyer said it should have been a slam dunk on getting my disability.
    DO AWAY WITH THE REGISTRY? HELL NO! I have been to group therapy with some of them monsters.But people like me and "romeos' should not be on anything but a private Police Eyes Only List.

  55. i believe any girl who is 15 years old or older knows what they are doing when they show up to meet a guy. these girls need to be punished for impersonating an older person by lying about their age. texas needs to consider what they are doing to to our men who get caught up in these girls lies. how many times can one girl get a man locked up? as much as they want too. its a game to them. ive sen it happen!!!!!! my husband was caught up in a mess like this 17 years ago, was not convicted, and still has to register. they didnt even have sex. now whats wrong with this picture. get your act together Texas and go after the real sex offenders that are hurting minors. over and over again. if i could i would file charges against the girl who brought all this mess on for ruining my husbands life FOREVER!!!!!

  56. I think it is time to take a stand. I am fed with the system, It is so unfair when the girl lies about her age, and is consenting. My son is sitting in jail, Girls now days do not look their age they dress a lot older then they should, where are the parents they should check the face book pg, and emails.My son and hundreds of men were caught in these girls traps. They are not the real sex offenders, The real sex offenders are the ones who molest the innocent. And for the guys who were lied to have to register as sex offenders.WHAT HAPPENS TO THE GIRLS .NOTHING THEY STILL HAVE THE FACEBOOK UP AND DOING THE SAME THING TO OTHER MEN.Lets do something to change the laws
