Saturday, January 24, 2009

More Madoff fallout

I was sorry to see this news from the Texas Observer:
Ana Yañez-Correa, executive director of the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, says her nonprofit lost $119,000 in JEHT support for its juvenile justice program. “I’ve got a short amount of time to fill that gap,” she says. “Or else we have to let our program staff go.”


  1. Scott,

    Thank you so much for always caring about us. There was a slight misunderstanding. Six months ago, we were awarded funding for our juvenile justice work. However, because of JEHT's unfortunate closure, we lost the opportunity for their continued support of that work in the upcoming year. Because of that, we are looking for other venues to help us. Despite this, we are going to continue to do everything we can to carry on this very important work. All the best, Ana

  2. Now, it's unclear.

    Are they $119,000 short or not? Or was it "new funding" that they lost?


  3. Hope all the funding issues work out. This is a great group of dedicated people. Thanx!!

  4. Atticus, it sounds like they're in the middle of a grant that now cannot be renewed.

    In other words, if it was a one year grant, their funding for a juvie program runs out six months from now (because JEHT gave the full amount on the front end). If it was a two year grant, they won't get money for the second year. That's what happened with the other JEHT grantees I'm aware of.

    Either way, Ana's point to TO was that without more funding, they won't have a juvie program by the end of 2009, and that would be a big loss.
