Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Why don't gang members sell sex toys?

Robert Guest, creator of the Texas Criminal Law Generator, identifies what may be the most effective criminal statute of all time - a ban on gang members selling sex toys. He writes:
Politically, this is the perfect Texas law. 71.02(a) combines the public's fear of gangs, with our state's Victorian sexual mores. Fear and chastity are the peanut butter and jelly of Texas legislation. It's political gold!
(a) A person commits an offense if... as a member of a criminal street gang, the person commits or conspires to commit one or more of the following:.... (6) any unlawful wholesale promotion or possession of any obscene material or obscene device with the intent to wholesale promote the same;

I am ready to declare 71.02 (a)(6) the most effective law of all time. I have never seen a single arrest or prosecution for this offense. ...

Forget the high toned debates over "deterrence". The minute this law was passed every gang banger in the Lone Star state grabbed a copy of the Penal Code and realized; trafficking in lascivious obscene devices is wrong.
Thank heavens! Surely we're all safer now?


  1. Did you have to have gang members grabbing at the Penal Code?

  2. Yagottabekiddinme!

  3. Goverment is being used to keep competition out of the porno industry, to the benefit of the big gangs who already control it. Meyer Lansky would love this law...

  4. I would think that they do not sell sex toys because they are legal and you can buy them somewhere else.

  5. to anon at 9:54
    Au Contraire, Mon Frere!
    Here in Texas what is sold are novelty items, cake decorations and the like but we don't sell dildos.
    And our Police will Spare no expense in the war on Sex.
    Operation G-Sting

  6. Sex Sells! That's why gangsters should sell sex toys when their pimping.

  7. Great idea! i’m going to give your plugin a shot. Thanks

  8. Sex does sell, and sex toys should too. One has to have a way to give way to their emotions, not in public though.
