Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Innocence News and Notes

On the Innocence Project of Texas' blog the executive director published a letter I sent to the board and IPOT supporters in my role as the group's policy director describing innocence-related legislation proposed in the 81st Texas Leglature - not a comprehensive list, but hitting the high points.

On Thursday and Friday in Austin at the UT School of Law, the Institute for Litigtion Studies will hold a continuing legal education event titled, "Actual Innocence: Establishing Innocence or Guilt." I'll be heading to Houston on Friday for the (unfortunately conflicting) conference of the national Innocence Network, so I won't be able to attend. The Court of Criminal Appeals' Criminal Justice Integrity Unit will hold its next meeting at the Austin event and the CJIU's recent report (doc) is published on the ILS website.

Finally, Robert Wilonsky at the Dallas Observer has a preview of a new documentary, Dallas DNA, airing on Investigation Discovery in April, pointing to the press site and this trailer:


  1. EVIDENCE: I find it interesting that the list of evidence IGNORES evidence just as relevant as what they conference chose to list.
    THE LAW, written in plain language, utilizing words of common meaning and ordinary usage, as required by Chapters 311 & 312 of our Texas Gov. Code, is EVIDENCE, as relevant as any other. So, too, is the Law of our Constitutions. This is as much FACT EVIDENCE, as just as relevant, as any other. It is the very reason for the EXISTENCE of written law. Otherwise, we'd simply have a King & his choice of title Nobles to "BE" the Law, to rule arbitrarily as God & Priests on Earth.
    A US Treasury Check is evidence. CONTRACTS, - private,lawful, &valid, are evidence. In SUM: There are MANY types of fact evidence just as exonerating as that which has been listed, but ignored by various groups.

  2. I wish that documentary series was on a cable channel I received. I really want to watch it. One of my good friends and former co-workers at the Dallas PD's Office, Michelle Moore, is featured. She rocks!

  3. I don't think we get that channel, either. Does Dallas?!

    I know Michelle - she's a good gal. She used to be on IPOT's board.

  4. Check and see if they are selling it on DVD. You never know.

  5. Judge Killer attended the thing at UT yesterday. I wonder if she'll be there today also.
