Friday, April 10, 2009

'Round the blogs

Check out excellent coverage of the topics routinely covered on Grits at these Texas-based blogs:
And for those looking forward to Tuesday's hearing of the Texas House Human Services Committee regarding the state's conduct in the Great Eldorado Polygamist Roundup, Brooke Adams at The Plural Life is your go to source. Apparently they'll be hearing invited testimony only.


  1. EASTER: For those that know Christian philosophy AND world history, there is a secular as well as religious significance of Easter. Christianity was, and remains, a revolutionary movement. The "presumption of innocence" is essential to LIBERTY and THE RULE OF LAW. ------------
    Without it there is no Liberty and there is no law - There is only the pretense or color of law, utilized to oppress or enslave. This is why every in every Christian celebration of Easter you will hear the mantra "JESUS DIED FOR THE SINS OF ALL MANKIND". This eliminated the presumption of guilt utilized by both church and state institutions to enslave or exploit people under the rule of these institutions.
    The presumption of innocence is AMERICANISM. It is the foundation for ALL the Law on our land. But there are insurgents and rebels hiding in our government. They oppose this foundation and use the cover that theirs is a "difference of opinion" justified as a "freedom of religion". In truth - it is TREASON.
    for additional understanding visit

  2. Uhhhh, kuato, I hate to tell you, but the spring celebrations that Christians adopted as Easter predates Christianity by thousands of years.

    I bet you think Jesus was born on December 25th.

    And as a direct rebuttal, being as how Republicans in our government most often believe that the burden of proof should be placed on the defendant, and Republicans most often claim to be Christian, aren't Republican Christians the traitors?

  3. Rage,

    The website he backs is loony-toons, and claims that if a judge commits an abuse of process it is an act of treason under the Constitution, and presumably should be punished as such.

    He's not worth the effort to reply to.

  4. Res Judicata -
    YES, to your questions regarding those who pretend to be Republicans and pretend to be Christians.
    Your bias against ALL Christians, because of the hypocrits that have used it for political gain & expoitation, along with - I suspect - your bias against Religion in general; has blinded you to the PHILOSOPHY / LOGIC / REASON / RATIONAL that can be found IN the HISTORY and the MYTHS. ----
    Christianity, in at least the first 400 years, and periodically thereafter, was as much, if not more. of a POLICIAL and SOCIAL movement, than a RELIGIOUS movement.
    At the time of the death of Jesus the Roman Republic had just been replaced with a DICTATORSHIP. Christianity became the vehicle for rebelling against the loss of the Republic and its replacement with Empire under a Monarchy / Dictatorship. The Jesus figure represented a rebellion against BOTH the STATE and the CHURCH.
    De-Zeus = of Zeus = Je-sus = Son of God / Son of Man = Hu - man. Prior to Zeus was the HU religion. So named because of the "HU" sound made when in meditation / prayer. HU-MAN = Man in the Imgage and Likeness of God.
    Always have been and always will be. The TRUTH is immutable.
    YUP - the SAME festival practiced by the Romans under the Republic is on the SAME date now utilized to celebrate the birth of the SON OF ZEUS. De - zeus in Latin or, Jesus in the present day english language.
    SAME God, SAME Human species, SAME stories told differently in an attempt to convey TRUTH to those blinded by propaganda of the self-serving hypocrits that seek to enslave and exploit the masses.
    So it has been for thousands and thousands of years.
    HAPPY EASTER - A celebration of LIBERATION from the EVIL who try to tell us that we were born with original sin as a means of enslaving and exploiting us.

  5. Blues, his ideas make more sense than yours do. At least he tries to rationalize his beliefs and would put power in the hands of the people. You simply want the cops to be able to invade our privacy on a whim, just because they're the police, and want to restrict individual rights based on the farce you call security, and despite constant reminders of how corrupt cops, prosecutors and judges can be.

  6. outlawprincess4/12/2009 07:19:00 PM

    why can't ya'll just say Happy Easter and leave it at that?

  7. Rage,

    It figures that you align yourself with the loons.
