Thursday, April 16, 2009

Senate committee backs juvie probation pilots

The Senate Criminal Justice Committee heard SB 1374 on Tuesday that gives form to the proposed pilot programs at county juvenile probation departments aimed at diverting youth from TYC. Mike Griffiths from Dallas County said he thought his department could cut its commitments to TYC in half if the pilot program passed.

Sen. Whitmire noted that the Senate Finance Commitee did not fund the Victory Field facility in its budget and that 2/3 of the youth housed there were from the Dallas area. If the pilot worked in Dallas, he said, it would help facilitate the Victory Field closure. There was no opposition voiced to the bill, which was voted favorably from the committee.


  1. "There ain't nuthin' more powerful than the smell of mendacity!"

    Big Daddy (Burl Ives), "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" (1958)

  2. Does Dallas meet all of the requirements of SB 103? 300 hours of training for direct care staff(from who if not TYC), education, vocational ed, substance abuse treatment , sex offender treatment, mental health care, youth separated according to age and offence, appropriate sized dorms, no open bay(specifically prohibited) total coverage with surveilance cameras. Are they still planning on giving the counties $81,000 a year per youth even though TYC's projected cost is close to $10,000 less, and was $35,000 less before the legislature started mandating changes.

  3. Ras the answer is NO. JPD's are not subject to SB103 except for inspection of JDC's.

  4. So SB103 was just a way to get rid of TYC and prop up the ledge.
    Make rules that are difficult to do, complain about them not being done fast enough and then move the kids to probation that does not have to abide by those rules.
    Where in all this will the kids be helped?
    Where will they get treatment?
    Where will they learn a skill that will get them a job and turn their lives around?
    How long before we hear about abuse in these smaller facilities.

  5. Yay! If Whitmire gets his way no youths in TYC from Amarillo to El Paso will EVER be able to visit their children....

    I mean screw those people that don't live in Houston, Austin, or the Dallas/Fort Worth area. I mean really, who really cares? I mean where is Amarillo anyway?

    Whitmire, you do for TYC kids what Hitler did for Europe.... You have destroyed them...

  6. I disagree with all the comments here. I work at CPS and have seen the TYC abuse vs the juvenile detention centers and granted it is a different clientel there is no other comparison. When you place all of the "BAD" kids in 1 small area it is like placing too much explosive material together. One spark and BOOM. This way the "BAD" kids are diluted with not so bad kids that are not so ready to explode. I applaude the pilot concepts.

  7. so how may kids are they going to house at this facility in Dallas?

    Its been a few years but I worked for Dallas County Juvenile and if they can get the same atmosphere going as they have in their detention/probation department then this can work. They have great team work and show that they really want to help the kids.

  8. 9:41,
    What happens when you put an explosive 17 year old in a house with 1 14 year old close to explosive kid and 3 not ready to explode 12 year olds?
    No way that 17 year old could abuse the 12 years old right?
    What school will these kids attend?
    What happens when the kids decide thay are not going to school?
    Who will despense meds to these kids? What happens when they start "sharing" meds?
    It will be very interesting to see how this plays out once the kids figure out how to play the system.

  9. 4/17 @ 11:29 - I worked at the Dallas County Youth Village in 1992for a year - and I didn't experience that at all. I was chasing kids all over Wilmer-Hutchins, and we had drive by's almost every weekend. We didn't have a fence either though, but they would have shot anyway. One time, I was stuck there for 3 days because none of my staff came to work, and I couldn't discipline them. Both the youth and staff culture were terrible. I left taking a lower paying job. I would only hope that things got better since then, and I have a lot of respect for M.G.

    Again - The same question I asked a few months back needs to be addressed: if these counties are going to receive state funds - are they going to be required to follow SB 103? Some of you are saying no because it's a county program - but the fact is they'll be receiving state funds. What is the official answer from the ledge?

  10. I forgot to ask one more thing folks so please bear with me:

    Females are committed to TYC at a much lower rate than males in both Travis and Dallas counties, and for that matter, at a lower rate in any county in Texas.

    If Travis and Dallas pilots these programs, what are they going to do with female offenders? Have a six bed facility in Travis? How much per day will that cost?

    What about kids with a qualified mental health diagnosis? Will they have a special unit for that population, or will they send them to Terrell State Hospital or Austin State Hospital who turns them out in a week or two with no real change in their stability? I mean, they can refuse medications in TYC but it's a different line of thinking in Terrell and ASH?

    Will Dallas and Travis segregate boys and girls in their pilot programs?

    The way I see it, the girls are getting messed over because right now, they all go to Brownwood regardless of where they live. But yet under our regional plan of keeping kids closer to home, the boys seem much closer to home than the girls, who are in the heart of Texas - Brownwood. How is that fair to them?

  11. Girls are at Corsicana unit also.

  12. It really continues to be an amazing thing that the legislature thinks the counties can just start up some programs and manage these kids. These kids were in the counties to start with. Most of the kids being referred to TYC now are beyond the scope of just a residential treatment center. I hope the state requires bachelor's degrees for all staff at these county facilities and they have to follow provisions of SB103.

    TYC will also lose many good employees when this happens.

  13. Wow. Those of you that keep asking about county JPDs complying with SB103 requirements on training and operations currently required of STATE OWNED AND OPERATED TYC facilities just don't understand how the juvenile probation system in Texas operates.

    JPDs already receive state funds through grants from TJPC. One of many contract assurances for the COUNTY OPERATED JPDs accepting state funds is that they must comply with TJPC Standards. Those standards dictate how JPDs operate COUNTY probation services, programs and FACILITIES in their counties. Understand? We're talking about county departments and facilities, not STATE TYC facilities.

    If the money for the pilot programs is allocated, then the JPDs will use it to pay for designated juveniles (those being diverted from TYC) to either place those kids in JPD services, programs or COUNTY FACILITIES ALREADY IN OPERATION. Or, they may use the funds to place a juvenile in in what is commonly referred to as a "contract" facility or res. treatment program. Whoever posted the question asking if Dallas and Travis will be opening special facilities REALLY doesn't understand what is being proposed.

    Are you all understanding now that until a juvenile is actually COMMITTED TO TYC BY A JUDGE, HE OR SHE IS NOT A TYC KID? So, stop thinking of them as TYC kids. They are not. Keeping them from becoming TYC kids is the entire point of the pilot programs. That's why the trade off for a county receiving money for the pilot program is a reduction in the number of kids being COMMITTED to TYC.

    See how that works?

  14. Would it be safe to say that the kids in TYC NOW will Remain in TYC until their Mlos date has been reached? Maybe that is what is so confusing here. Its not about taking the kids from TYC and placing them back into the counties its the future kids committing crimes,therefore reducing the size of TYC in the upcoming years.

  15. 9:08, I believe when the reference to SB103 and TJPC is made it has to do with the money. TYC has been mandated to do certain things under SB103 which drives the cost per youth up and apparently TJPC will not. Now when you have ignorant legislators who try to compare the two based on cost they seem to forget they were the ones who raised the cost per day at TYC. Your not comparing apples to apples here, and with the youth TYC has now I can guarantee you the counties will not be able to deal with them, but hell who cares.

  16. A few thoughts:

    300 hours training is stupid, was stupid at the time the prison bulls took over TYC.

    The three pilots, on its face, is very unfair to the remainder of the state. Especially Travis County who damn near quit committing to TYC a year and a half or more ago. Travis's chief and judge tried to cut its separate deal in secret with the lege to the detriment of the rest of the counties.

    The SE group, led by Mike and Lil' Willie (not all that sure they have a real following), need to stop lobbing stink bombs at TJPC on a weekly basis. If ya'll don't like the way TJPC is being administered, go to the next board meeting and spew your venom publically, face to face, instead of sneaking around and doing it behind the scenes and under ground.

    Rant over.

  17. The pilots are designed to enhance programs already in existence. Face it, kids come form the county, the ones that go to TYC come BACK to the county messed up even more. The county has had no say so in their treatment but they then return to the county and the county has to take care of the kid again after loosing months to TYC.
    As for the Travis and SE plans, people keep referring to them as being in "Secret". They were not. Senator Whitmire requested them AND the precious Dallas plan and Vicki herself was informed prior to the plans being submitted, actually gave her blessing to them then convienently forgot?
    9:08 PM you are correct.
    For those of you who THINK you know what is going on you need to attend the meetings being held regarding these pilots.
    "Mike and Lil Willie" are taking the rap for others actions. I have seen it happen where someone said they put something on here and made it sound like Carter. Sounds like mediation needs to happen. By the way, they don't need a following. There are others who are leading the way.

  18. 4/17@9:08 I think most of us understand perfectly well what the issues are. From a conceptual standpoint, diversion is a good thing. Institutionalization should be a last resort. What most of these folks are reacting to is the complaints by certain legislators about the cost per day at TYC, when they are the very ones who mandated those costs in SB103. The JDPs had better do it cheaper!

    We are also incensed by the fact that Mr. Whitmire had no problem with his friend Ms Pope spending huge amounts of money on her own office and it accoutrements, wasting further gobs of money by offering huge salaries to her cronies who were about to get the axe at TDCJ, and spending a really huge gob of money moving offices around and expanding HR despite the downsizing.

    See how that works?

  19. For all you geniuses out there there are now 5 pilot plans, suck-up Dallas and Travis, opportunist south east, tag along north east and one begged from Harris. Not all will be funded. Probably just Dallas cause they are Vicki's pets, and Travis as a second one. All others are oput of luck so everyone else shut up and quit crying.

  20. 6:49 AM:
    Do you think Mike and others are capable of everything they are doing? NOT. It is "Lil Willie" as the brains behind all this. He is the intelligent one comining up with all these ideas and spouting out the informationto prove what the rest are saying. Cut him off and the rest of the snake dies. Someone needs to pull him aside and talk to him, make him see the light. Vicki? He has too much power with the senators. Sad thing is he is right on the information he gives out. Better job than TJPC's research, that's a given . If he would quit giving data to Whitmire and Hegar this would all blow over.

  21. Who do you think wrote the South East plan that was copied by North East and somewhat looks like Harris? Lil Willie Carter. Everyone goes to him for information. I hear people ask questions and they are told to ask him. He can't help he works for a misguided chief.

  22. 4/18 @ 8:51: Really, if you guys want to get attention about what the real problems are at TYC, and the realistic solutions, you need to let go of how D. Pope decorated her office. At this point, that is like throwing a water balloon at a brick wall expecting it to leave an impression.

    If you don't believe me then take yourself down to the Capitol the next time Whitmire's committee meets and sign up for public comment. Then provide that one example as a necessary talking point. See how far you get with trying to continue to beat that dead horse. You will be politely laughed out of the room.

    The Senate is proposing a huge cut to the TYC budget, but you want to focus on how the previous ED was redecorating her office? That's so short-sighted at this point. It would be laughable if it weren't so sad.

    It was a stupid move on her part. One of many over her short time at TYC. Too bad she managed to screw things up, but it's time to stop talking about D. Pope and what she did or didn't do while ED. Focus on what is ahead for TYC.

    When the session comes to an end and TYC ends up with a tremendous cut to their budget and they are making plans on how to close facilities and lay off even more workers, you come back and share with the blog how it was important to keep flogging that point. It's a tiny, long forgotten event in the scheme of things at this point in time.

    Face it - TYC had a good run for many years. They managed to basically stay off the radar of the Reps and Senators, received an increase in funding session after session and thought they could do no wrong. Robinson made sure that he and TYC always "looked good". It may not have been accuate, but Steve absolutely knew exactly how to work the Legislature.

    However, those days are over. If you are an employee of TYC It's time to move forward and think about what it's going to take to present a better picture of TYC and how it operates. Otherwise, TYC will be fighting this same battle next session.

  23. If Whitmire would resign himself from TYC decision making, then what comes next would be alot easier to take.

    Thats what Old Salty is leaning towards I think.

  24. Once again ignorance raises it's head with this statement,

    "Face it - TYC had a good run for many years. They managed to basically stay off the radar of the Reps and Senators, received an increase in funding session after session and thought they could do no wrong".

    You must be a Whitmire fan, what increase are you talking about"?? TYC has been cut every year for the past 10 years in funding. Now, after the incompetent legislators raised the bar with SB103 they now come back and want further cuts, and the sad thing these folks continue to get elected.

  25. I personally would like to see TYC downsized to about 40 kids on each campus.Public school education,and intense therapy for the kids.
    No more than 10 kids per pod and they never interact with anyone other than their pod. With those small groups one might be able to reach the kids. These mass numbers on campus feed the evil and take the good and turn them into the evil, so to speak on the evil word.
    Keep most of the kids in the county.Hire professional caring people that have to go thru alot of screening that their interest is really to help kids , not just a pay check or power over others in a work place. Weed out the bad from the get go and pay a salary worth the degrees of the ones that are there.
    When you put this type of requirement on the future employee most of the time you will get the best of the best.
    Right now TYC is only housing kids and pretending to be helping kids to protect the check. Tyc should be for kids and not a place for adults to earn a paycheck. If you know what I mean by that statement. If you do then you understand what TYC would be doing for kids. True rehabitation.
    Right now TYC is a job for adults to earn a pay check. ASK those that work there and most will say its a check! They want leave the job because it is the one that pays them the most money and they can't afford a pay cut! You should not be after the pay check only if your claiming that your helping kids to get better.
    As shown on TYC blogs, the adults are fighting with each other, back stabbing each other and finding fault with the system and adminstrators. Adminstrators are doing the same, its a cesspool, hope I spelled that right!
    If you denie this is not what is going on in TYC you just don't want to admitt it because it is the truth.
    CO is throwing out, spitting out knee jerk ideas and plans that are not even reality in what goes on daily at TYC and can never be done correctly or done at all. Its a game to make it look good on paper and save the OLD JOB. Don't have a clue how the real life in the trenches work, looks good, sounds good and an't worth the ink it took to put it on the paper.
    Well that is my rant for this post. I am not disguntle, have not been fired, do not have any immediate axes to bear, just my little old thoughts about that hell hole for adults and kids.
    Not much time left in the trenches of TYC as retirement is near and I can see the light at the end of this long tunnel. I am so happy that my time is ending there and what ever happens in the Fall will not affect me as a employee of TYC.

  26. 11:16 - I find it interesting that you focussed on just one of Salty's points - the office redecoration. That was the cheapest of the things Salty mentioned. DP engineered a huge growth in Central Office staff, particularly in the HR dept. These people were also paid huge salaries. Now Whitmire has the audacity to complain about the bloat in Central Office.

  27. Lets face it, TYC has been mismanaged in the past. Get over it. Administrative cuts need to be made. Old facilities need to close. Scale down operations. Just happened that these 1-5 programs came about at the right time when all this BS on the blogs were going on. I think too much focus id being placed on blame and not on recovery. TJPC is not any better. One board over both makes sense but now the house decided differently. Maybe it's not too late on the senate side, dont know. As a juvenile advocate I appreciate the 1-5 plans identifying that kids need to be treated in their own communities and we will support those plans. Personal attacks need to stop. I have spoke to Mr. Carter on many occasion and the information he has is solid and thought invoking. Just because it is geared towards TJPC reform and some out there feel threatened does not mean you should attack him. Keep going "Willie".
    As for dredging up the past TYC administrators and correlating them with Senator Whitmire, again, past is past. Everyone knows Cherie is doing a great job.

  28. Let the counties try. I see the larger county departments making it work but too much fighting will go on between the regional concepts.

  29. The majority of the TYC diversions will come from the urban counties, not the regional concepts. They should fund the big jackpots, not small potatos.

  30. Cherie must have saved your butt and job, but she sure cashed in some of us, for her own benefir. Yeh, she's doing a fine job. Now, wake up.

  31. Mike, Willie, et al. WAKE UP. No matter how hard you try you won't defeat the queen.

  32. none of the pilots should be funded. Dallas, Travis and Harris has the money and facilities. Regional concepts won't work, too much bickering. Just give ALL counties some more money so we can take care of what we have already.

  33. 9:08
    Yes. we see how that works and what we are saying is that it hasn't worked...what makes anyone think that throwing money at county departments is going to help anything? Counties will expand their own long term detention, that is the thrust of where most this money will go.

    Will those facilities have to provide the same level of services as TYC?

  34. 6:48 AM you are wrong Mike is not the leader, there are MANY leaders out there. Mike takes the lead on some issues others take the lead on other issues. I choose to be a follower because I don't have the guts that thay have to stand up to TJPC. There are many of us out there so never doubt the following that Mike and the others have.

  35. 9:03 there looks like a senate hearing on Wednesday 1:30 to discuss the pilots. Why don't you go so you can see what is intended.

  36. "Lil Willie" is not as smart as you think. If he was as "intelligent" as some say why does he continue to bring up derogatory comments against TJPC? Pretty stupid moves on his part.

  37. Leave Mike alone. He is doing everyone in the field of probation a favor by taking up our causes. I'm sure not going to cause I don't want TJPC's wrath like Mike got. As for all the other's out there who are silent at least do what I did, contact your local legislators. They need to hear from you. Luv ya Mike and Will

  38. Gee Grits these poster on TJPC are like the TYC people, fighting, fussing,running down the coworkers. What a agency this will make if they join them both together.

    Don't you all get it, no body is listening that will change your situation or your adminstrators. Leg is going to do what they have Already decided and all this drama is a waste of your time.
    If you hate the people you work for, then do your body a healthy favor and find another job.

  39. One more point: If you would spend all this engery on how to help the kids in your care, the ones that are there now instead of the drama that is going on and who you don't like or like, you might see some really good results.
    Ok, some one go ahead and tell me off.

  40. Don't give Mike ans Lil Willie all the credit. I attended workgroups where many others spoke out. Give credit to Jane, Mark, Elva, Melissa, Neil, Ross, Bing, Nelson, Donna, Bubba, and others who spoke out. What good has it done? Consolidation would be the best way to go but I know that is off the table. At least keep the one board and please make sure the 3 chiefs sit on it as we need that experience to gel the 2 agencies. Thanks to the ones listed above the right people are listening, now SIC EM BULLDOGS!!!!!

  41. Sorry. Can't make the hearing. Have to work. The department is understaffed and overworked. Certainly can't take time off to go listen to a senate hearing.

    Maybe Grits will have a rep there to let us know. Or maybe you can go for me 7:53, seems you have your finger on the pulse of the lege

  42. Reading this thread, one can only assume that Sen Whitmire and some of the TJPC posters here have detailed knowledge of the programs these pilot counties plan to offer.

    Terrific. When do the rest of us get to know about them? Before or after the final votes in the lege?

    To put it charitably, this is not being handled in a way that inspires much confidence.


  43. To 4/19/09 3:44 & 3:51

    I agree entirely. Do we need kids to have role models like this?

    My child and I had a ridiculous encounter with a group of these local kooks. The worst part of all was convincing my child that he needed to still have respect for authority after they had demonstrated clearly they were unethical liars.

    What I needed at the time was an Ombudsman to provide some immediate relief from the madness.

    However this all turns out, get an Ombudsman in there and enforce the TJPC standards.

  44. There is nothing like going through the juvenile justice system with their role models that can help a kid become more and more disrespectful of authority. I remember a therapist friend who I served on a board with, were talking at our kids soccer game about this very issue. It’s a known issue that a kid who is placed in a system managed and run by people who have various degrees of Hall Monitor Syndrome, as its come to be called. Little big man syndrome on a major scale is how it was explained to me. Having to have had to deal with probation officers, parole officers, tyc caseworkers and staff with the little bs games they play, during ones teenage life makes one very cynical to people who are ass’s about their position, no matter the position. Throw in a college degree in something heady like engineering and OMG, you feel like you have to have a frontal lobotomy to drop your intelligence factor exponentially enough so you can attempt to have a conversation with a teacher, principal, cop, da, or a social worker type. I also have issues with people who are not mentally capable of thinking outside the box, but that’s not tyc fault, that blame belongs to my engineering professors who kept telling me I could walk on water. I still believe my engineering professors because they were right, if I believed everything those emps in tyc told me I would been dead a long time ago.

    A friend of my older son came to dinner one night recently, she works for CPS. We started talking about tyc and the road a kid takes to get there. I finely told her I was a tyc kid and her facial expression changed almost immediately. My initial reaction was to say, “so what now you’re going to do disrespect me?” LOL Actually it was a great conversation and we both learned some good information.

    Yes having an issue with authority is a battle to be wedged with oneself after any type of contact with the “role models” of our Texas Juvenile Justice system. This is totality the blame of the Hall Monitor Syndrome, Little Person Syndrome that so many people who go into the line of work the Juvi System offers. It’s the nature of the culture and the emps who manage it. The Grits blog is, IMO, a small sample of these role models, because most of them cant blog.

    If I could only give one piece of advice to any kid who gets out of tyc it would be to get a handle on controlling their issue with authority. The tyc tries to front this out as an anger management issue. [BSBSBS] When you see the pattern of cause generating the effect of anger it will most always be someone who is an authority figure covering their ignorance by being an ass and directing that to you. Those of you not familiar with Juvi systems think about the DMV. This is yet another way tyc deflects the lie they help kids with their faulty system and prepares kids to feed the prison business. This is the one thing that will always get /keep them under state supervision for the rest of their life, jack up their career, ruin their marriage, and generally cause their life to spiral down into the crapper. I have seen this with others and lived it myself and I consider myself very fortunate. I have learned to look for the warning signs and avoid conversation with people like this. I don’t go to the DMV


    Always open to comments’

    Sheldon tyc#47333 II c/s

  45. I'm confused TYC employees!!!! For the past year, you all have yelled and screamed "abolish TYC". Now that SB103 is here and it looks like the downsizing might just happen, you seem to be crying that the counties can't handle the kids and Cherie sold you out.

    Remember the old saying "Be Careful What You Wish For Because You Just Might Get It". You blogged about how CO is ineffective, how poorly your facilities operate, and how horrible your coworkers are. At one point many of you cheered for Whitmire, the Sunset Commission and the lege to just close TYC. appears that since our economy has hit a low point, you all seem to have had a change of heart. one seems to be blogging about every riot, staff injury or other major safety issue. I mean, I have not read anything about any CO administrator who wont make decisions, should be fired, or should be sent back to another State.

    Could it be that maybe, just maybe the agency isn't everything you claimed it was or wasn't? Could it be that you all played with fire and now you're all getting burned?

    Or could it be that you all are becoming silent to save your jobs...just as silent as you were during the time when your coworkers were sexually assaulting kids? I hate to sound so harsh but you all switch sides so much that it leaves readers alittle dizzy. We, outside of TYC, just want to can you just look inside and tell the truth? We're now questioning if you people really should work with kids...are you really good role models? Over the past year, most of the TYC strings seemed to read like a script from the Jerry Springer Show. It would be nice to read something from Professionals who go to work everyday because they believe that they can make a difference in a kid's life. Saving one kid at a time instead of trying to kill off TYC, one coworker at a time.

  46. I am not sure what you are talking about.

  47. 8:59...I am POSITIVE that I don't know what you are talking about.

    I have worked for TYC 12 years now, and I've been reading this blog for over 2 and a half years.

    You must have skipped over more comments than you have read because you are OVER-generalizing in a big way. I can't relate to most of what you said.

    I don't know which TYC employees you are referring to, but it sure isn't me or the people I work with.

  48. Can't wait for the blob post after tomorrow's hearings on the pilot programs. I'm afraid they will be lengthy knowing testimony will spark a fire.

  49. Grits,

    Maybe now TYC has a chance. The employees are finally standing up for one another instead of fighting each other. Hopefully the "team" concept will continue and CO, facilities, and regional offices will work together to complete the reform process.

  50. To Mike and "Lil Will" and the other unnamed leaders out there (you know who you are) thank you for being our voice and for not trying to supress the voices who may disagree with you as they did in North Texas. Everyone has a voice and I encourage you to stand up for your beliefs. The Turner/Griffith's show is getting OLD. Stand up and be heard. Don't let them bully you around. I want to switch to North East or West or Oklahoma, anything but the oppression in North.

  51. As always, TYC employees see what they want to see and they hear what they want to see. After all the complaining, and watching their coworkers pack up, many have now become silent - go-alongers, once again. TYC employees do not change for youth, they change for survival of their own packs.

  52. Thank you for sharing your superior wisdom with us ANONYMOUS 11:47. We all appreciate your generous willingness to enlighten us poor slobs.

  53. If we're wrong about TYC employees, show us. Tell us what good things are happening within your agency and then tell us what issues you've identified. But please, if you mention an issue you should follow up with a recommended solution.

    Then, maybe it can generate an good discussion with ideas that Cherie and others can take into consideration. We're not name calling, just trying to get you to see that too much complaining and ranting doesn't help. If you really are dedicated to this field and feel that your administrators are off course, use this site as a way to discuss great ideas with others who want to help you. Grits, Howard Hickman, and others always seem to add comments that help too. You can also ask us to brainstorm with you. Please do not take it that we're calling you "poor slobs" and maybe our words were too harsh.

    We know "some" good has to be occurring somewhere in your agency. We'd just like to hear about that too.

  54. 4/20/09, 8:59 p.m., I am convinced that only one blogger has been saying "abolish TYC." He is our stray dog and I think most of us have decided to stop feeding him.

    Furthermore, in my 10.5 years in TYC I NEVER saw or knew about a coworker sexually abusing a child. There is an ALLEGATION that two staff members did that at the West Texas facility, but nothing has been proved.

    Be careful about believing everything you read, especially comments left on a web log. That includes my comments, of course.


  55. It is sad to watch what we have become. Does TJPC do everything like I would it... Hell no! No agency with direct oversite can ever make everyone happy. But does Mr. Meade or his little shadow do things like would either... Hell no!
    But here is the difference. TJPC does openly lie and twist the truth! I have heard thier presentations at things and heard what they say about this and that, then have listened to William and Mr. Meade talk about it to others.... No where close to what was said!
    "like they did to Mike" the system worked. There was an outcry it was investigated end of story. But Mike likes being a victim and having people pat him on the head for being the poor victim. And he is doing it again here and blasting people that can't defend his false accusations. And he knows it!!

  56. Its hard to stop anything from feeding on still smelling trash. Dogs, etc., run to this crap, much like TYC employees do. Its not over, so stop pretending. YOU were part of the trash/dump/TYC abuse/-junk yard, so step up and take your punishment. YOU show youth how to do it; what a joke. Most of you are hard ups and shown for what you truly are...accept it and get released...heard that before?

  57. I always love to read the generalized comments about "TYC" and
    "TYC Employees." Brilliant.

    Any word on the outcomes of these recent hearings.

  58. All I ever did was boost a few kars and hang with my dogs. You TYC pigs really had to mess wit me to sho how tuff you are. U r geting yr own back now. Hahaha! Wat r yr thikn errars? U r gettin wat u nede. hahaha
