Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Sharon Keller Show postponed till August

Presiding Judge Sharon Keller of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals won't have her removal hearing until August 17, it was announced yesterday, which means the circus won't be in town until after the Legislature has packed up and gone, barring unthinkable (and yet widely contemplated) special sessions over the summer.

Her high-dollar lawyer says she'll fight it out to the end, though, against the complaint first brought by Keller's court colleague, Judge Cheryl Johnson, so it should be a good show when it finally comes to town. Bring popcorn.

See related coverage from the ABA Journal, AmericaBlog, the Stand Down Project, Texas Watchdog, and Mark Bennett.


  1. Can they impeach her without the Legislature?

  2. Who would "they" be????

  3. Where did you learn that Cheryl Johnson first brought that complaint? I missed that . . .
