Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Reader poll: Most think Keller gone by year's end

Taken collectively, IMO Grits readers pretty accurately assessed in a poll last week the relative likelihood that Court of Criminal Appeals Presiding Judge Sharon Keller will be removed from the bench for official misconduct by the end of the year.

Somewhat surprisingly, two-thirds of readers think Keller will no longer be a judge by year's end, though a plurality (34%) think nothing will happen to her. I agree that if a bettor were laying money on the subject, that outcome enjoys the best odds. Slightly fewer (28%) think she'll be removed by the Commission on Judicial Conduct. Nearly as many (26%) think Judge Keller will resign (though I suspect she's got too much chutzpah for that). Just 11% believe the House of Representatives will impeach her.

That sounds like about the right order if we're ranking the possibilities. Most likely: She gets away scot-free. The best chance for Keller's ouster is likely the Commission on Judicial Conduct (which has already instigated removal proceedings) or her own resignation, with impeachment remaining an outside shot.


  1. It's not surprising that the "yes" votes garnered a plurality when the "no" votes were split into three similar options.

  2. She will not be removed. You can take that to the bank.
