Monday, August 17, 2009

Perry names Lubbock Sheriff to parole board

After Governor Perry's last nominee to the parole board was shot down by the Texas Senate, he's made an interim appointment likely to gain easy confirmation in 2011: Lubbock County Sheriff David Gutierrez resigned his post today to take a seat on the parole board. (Thanks to a reader from Lubbock for a heads up over the weekend that this was coming.)


  1. What kind of guy is this Gutierrez? Hope not like County Judge Head. Maybe some of the Lubbock readers will sound in on this.

    Charles from Tulia

  2. Sings beautifully at Senior Citizens Centers around town, acts in community plays, travels extensively on behalf of the county and professional organizations, and has the knack for hiring good underlings who run a pretty tight ship.

  3. He's much too good for the outfit he was appointed to, but maybe he can help them. Can't imagine why he would want it, but if he does, I wish him luck. He's a good guy, far as I know. We Levelland denizens next door to his county are not having such a swell time with our SO.

  4. Did he hand out flyers at the State Convention? Or maybe it was that he banned feminine devices from counties... Whatever got him in there, he was picked by Perry and cannot be trusted at anything.
