Thursday, September 03, 2009

Grits chosen among 'Best of Austin'

Thanks to the Austin Chronicle for selecting Grits as one of their "Critics' Picks" in their annual Best of Austin awards. Here's the relevant entry:
Best Tales of Jailhouse Blues: Grits for Breakfast
Next time someone tells you that the Texas courts are bastions of blind justice and the penal system works perfectly, tell ‘em to go read what Scott Henson wrote. The Innocence Project of Texas consultant and founder of Austin’s Sunshine Project for Police Accountability uses his blog to sing like a bird on everything from police brutality to courthouse politics and jailhouse conditions.


  1. Congratulations grits. Thanks for offering us a breath of freah air called the truth.

  2. Congratulations Scott!! Ana

  3. Way to go Grits!!! You've got San Antonio's Vote.

  4. Congratulations Scott, this award is particularly well-deserved.

  5. Well I'll be damn!


  6. Great, Grits. ConGRITulations!

  7. Thanks everybody, I appreciate the kind words!

  8. Congratulations Grits -- this is simply terrific and the recognition is well earned.

  9. Common sense wins every time. Thanks for the blog and congrats on the award

  10. A well earned honor Scott. As good a blog as you put out, I know this isn't the first honor you have received, and I know there will be many, many more to come.

  11. You certainly deserve the recognition. I'm just not all that sure the source is worth bragging about. I mean, how many criminal justice bloggers can there be in Austin?

    We have an alternative publication here in my town that has an identical feature annually. It's mostly a way to give free ad space to the people who have been supporting them all year. I take it with a grain of salt.

    Nevertheless, congratulations!
