Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Grits to readers: Cut me some slack

Before launching back into Grits' usual topics, I wanted to say a word about some comments and emails received over the last few days while I was away from the blog, particularly regarding three stories some people were offended I haven't covered yet: Possible criminal charges against the TYC Ombudsman, the dismissal of a lawsuit against the Bexar probation department by a union leader, and Stacy Kuykendall's claim that Todd Willingham confessed to her before his execution.

In reality, my failure to immediately comment on these topics shouldn't be viewed as some devious effort to avoid uncomfortable subjects: I didn't write anything on the blog those days, was focused on family matters and didn't even follow the news while I was out. Each topic in turn will likely make it onto Grits after I've had a chance to read recent reports and formulate an opinion, but to be clear, that will happen on my timetable, not yall's.

Bottom line: Please remember that Grits is a private weblog, not a news site - a place where I record my opinions on topics that interest me, not a comprehensive news source. While to some extent I'm pleased that readers have come to hold high expectations regarding what and how frequently I publish on Grits, this blog is a hobby, not anything anyone is paying me to write. So please try not to read quite so much into missing a day or three of "work." Everybody deserves a break now and then and this writer is no exception.


  1. Just shows how important a role you play in filling the void of professional journalism in the 21st century. Keep up the good work and take as many breaks as necessary.

  2. I am sorry some folks feel the need to complain and project their negativism onto you, Grits. I , for one, realize this blog is not a paid gig for you, and much appreciate all the areas you bring attention to, by the various articles. Hope your time with family was well spent, and relaxing, as well. We are ALL entitled to a break every now and again.

  3. Grits: Thanks for everything you do - you perform a great service to all of us who follow your blog, and I am doubly grateful for the excellence of your work because I know you don't get a dime for it. I really missed your posts, and kept checking your site to see if there was something new there ... welcome back!

  4. Keep up the good work. Grits for Breakfast is a daily read for me.

  5. Grits: you do a great job of covering topics and issues that the MS media don't, won't or can't. I'd like to say thanks and dont let a few whiners get to you!

  6. Scott,

    Keep up the good work at whatever pace is comfortable for you.


  7. You are a critical supplement to the shortcomings seen in contemporary journalism. I do miss my daily fix when you are gone but am surprised you don't take more breaks.

  8. I am walking a new and strange path now and failed to tell you how much your posts have helped in that journey. You present open discussion of difficult topics and I marvel at the way you are able to handle some of the responses. You are a better person that I am. I too miss your posts and hope you take plenty of time to renew your spirit on a regular basis. Thanks for helping me keep sane, knowing there are reasoned, concerned people still in this world.

  9. Scott, you do a lot. Keep up the good work. I occasionally fwd you something from NYT which in no way is intended to pressure you to cover that topic. Just FYI. "I" being either information or interest.

  10. You certainly gave a heads up to everyone when you posted that you would be out of town for a couple of days. I'm not sure what people expected from you.

  11. Former WilCo Resident10/27/2009 04:51:00 PM

    Scott, thank you for all that you do. Thanks for having the guts to do it.

  12. But I've been deprived of Michael Jackson news. Oh, wait, never mind. Wrong blog.

  13. We love you Scott. Hope you had a great break, and wishing you many more.

  14. Scott, you are the best and I agree with Texas Maverick about the info you provide to "the stunned" (my words)
    Maverick: You will gain strength, understanding and compassion as you follow this and other Grits reccommended sites. Hang in there. You can cope with what you're dealt.
    a fellow traveler

  15. Five correctional officers charged in dog fondling

    Highlight: "If you masturbate your K-9 unit, you’ll have greater control over it."

  16. NoMoreNoloContendere10/28/2009 02:12:00 PM

    Damn it, Now why in the hell do you frigin Anonymous creeps feel like throwing in krap like "Slacker" & "Jackin off dogs"

    I was just about to comment on how cool it was to see every single Anonymous on the same page for once. I hope that you turds are banned from GFB ASAP. It is bad enough putting up with the speall checkkersz.

  17. Get back to work Scott!! Just kidding.

  18. It was inappropriate for anyone to have chastised you for the break. I sometimes wonder how people can be so shortsighted that they forget 'life happens' to everybody, not just to them.

    On the flip side, it is kind of a (rude) back-handed compliment, but still not OK.

  19. Working in law enforcment, I love your site. Some of my co-workers can't understand why. :)

    But you certainly do well in presenting your points and should just ignore any rude emails you may have recieved.

    Keep up the good work when convenient.

  20. I must admit I was one of those who did not cut you some slack and I do say I am sorry.

    You do provide good information.

  21. Scott,

    You I have always been amazed at how much you are able to cover. It seems that no matter how many topics you write about you are able to bring a sharp insight to each subject.

    What you do is greatly appreciated by many and it often helps bring sanity to situations that seem to absolutely no sense. You have really made a difference in a lot of people's worlds. Thank you.

  22. Does anyone have any details about the suit in the Bexar County Probation Office?
