Thursday, December 03, 2009

Craig Watkins talks innocence with Stephen Colbert

Dallas District Attorney Craig Watkins got some pretty sweet national press last night as a guest on Comedy Central's Colbert Report. He was there to brag on his office's Conviction Integrity Unit and their work getting innocent people out of prison. Here's the video (prefaced by a short ad) and a couple of notable excerpts:

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Craig Watkins
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorU.S. Speedskating

Stephen Colbert: How do you make the decision, because everybody in jail says they're innocent, Okay?

Craig Watkins: You know, you're right

SC: And you know, I mean, even innocent people are probably guilty of something, okay? I've done some stuff that I should go to the hoosgow for, alright? So does anybody really, really deserve to be walking the streets? We're all sinners, we're all sinners, sir.

CW: We are.

SC: Do you want to tell me what you should go to jail for?

CW: After the show.

SC: After the show, okay. I'll show you mine if you show me yours.


CW: We've seen the results of tough on crime and that it doesn't work.

SC: People are in jail.

CW: They are.

SC: It works.


  1. This is awesome

  2. What a clown.

  3. What a freakin' self promoter! Is Watkins' 15 minutes of fame not up yet? Guess he was feeling outdone by the White House party crashers so he had to go on Colbert to get back in the limelight! Ugh!

  4. No mention of the catastrophe in the Dallas County Crime Lab?? Go figure...

  5. Grits, dude, enough of the Watkins' obsession! Just get a room!

  6. "enough of the Watkins' obsession"

    If Stephen Colbert had wanted to interview Pat Lykos, Susan Reed or Rosemary Lehmberg, I'd have certainly posted on that, too. Again, one suspects such (always anonymous) complaints are motivated by jealousy.

  7. Seriously, how in the world could it be suggested that Watkins jetting off to LA or wherever Colbert is filmed is an efficient use of the taxpayers' money? Even if the show paid for his expenses, he's still out of the office while his salary is being paid. Finding out who paid for this personal campaign advertisement would be a nice little open records request. Did you notice his little shot at the Dallas County Commissioners' Court? I wonder how they feel about giving him more funding when he apparently has no qualms about being out of the office to fly off to be on national TV. And that's not to mention the cheap shot he made against jurors! Wonder what the over/under is on how long it will be before he seeks higher office.

  8. At least, he can use the words district attorney, conviction, integrity, and Texas in the same sentence without the rest of country ROFLOL.

  9. Pamela J. Lakatos12/03/2009 11:20:00 PM

    I have practiced criminal law in the North Texas area for over 31 years - both as a prosecutor and as a criminal defense attorney. No matter what you think of Mr. Watkins personally, he has done more than any law enforcement participant I have seen to bring integrity back to the system. He is not perfect but he is trying. That is more than I can say for many of the current occupants of the top law enforcement jobs in all of the North Texas area. It is refreshing to see someone talk about justice-and mean it! I am sick to death of those who talk about being "tough on crime" and then using that to justify horrible abuses of the system so that they can continue to get reelected. Mr. Watkins may not be perfect but he is doing something amazing and we all should be grateful.

  10. Anon 5:34 - Like you, I don't know if the taxpayers (I don't it with the current budget crisis in Dallas county) or Mr. Watkins or the show paid for him to go. But to say that Craig going up to NY to tape the show is a waste of his salary is silly. The man doesn't try cases except in rare circumstances (pretty normal for a DA). He doesn't actively supervise his ADAs (also normal for a DA). He sets policy, plays politics, and is the figurehead for the office. He has a first assistant who runs most of the show in the office when it comes to the nuts and bolts. And he had capable chiefs/supervisors when it comes to supervising the ADAs on the ground. So put this whiny jealousy to bed. The guy has his flaws, he has made some mistakes, but as Ms. Lakatos said, he's done more for reestablishing law enforcement in Dallas than anyone - possibly ever.

  11. hahahahahahahaha.... *wiping tears from eyes...sniffling ...

    DA Craig Watkins ended up on The Colbert Report because of all the twentysomething innocents released after spending a long, long time behind bars (lmao: SC: Well, aren't they criminals now ?), after screw-ups from the tough-on-crime campaigns of the past administrations. (IE: "hardball tactics" that was really harassment and making all kinds of sh*t up out of thin air and sheetrock). I just love Colbert because he makes me laugh at the end of the day, after reading about our screwed up justice system and everything else that's going to pot after years of so much corruption at the top that it's falling down on all our heads.
    And I just love DA Watkins, although I was disappointed at the dig at Judge Foster and the other commissioners who are trying to get the corrupt, out-of-control constables investigated like they should have been a long, long time ago. Great show ! I watched it twice last night and I'm gonna watch it some more today. And tomorrow ! w00t ! GO DALLAS DA !!

  12. Craig Watkins started us on a new path and he has run into some problems. But there are many people thankful for his efforts and successes. Going to national TV to inform the public that we convict and execute innocent people is an act the should be applauded. He has backed up his words with real actions. If he were like other career politicians he wouldn't be breaking ranks.Perfection isn't required. Passion is! How can anyone disagree with this man's pioneering efforts? With some unified support we could make "back to justice" reform a key ingredient for all political candidates. One man is Dallas has opened the door to the Innocence Project and to a nation of people that know of the corruption in our system. Are we smart enough to spread and improve on what he has started?

  13. Grits sure seems to be promoting his candidates! All democrats - go figure.

  14. 9:05 There are many people in North Tx, rebublican, democrat, Texan, Americans who think Mr Watkins is doing a hell of a job. So, get over it.

  15. Awesome. Thanks, Grits. Haven't been catching the Daily Show lately. I sure do miss it.

  16. I saw this, kind of, while having a tattoo done in south Houston last week. I thought Watkins came across very well, wasn't goaded by the attempts of the interviewer to take the conversation down to the lowest common denominator, and held his own (that's a good thing, not gutter humour).

    The only thing that confused me was why he was on the show in the first place.
