Thursday, January 07, 2010

Feds: 12% of youth in custody sexually abused; 2 TYC facilities among worst offenders

In light of the TYC sex abuse scandal a couple of years ago, it's remarkable to see this new survey of youth in custody from the Bureau of Justice Statistics which found that "About 12% of youth in state juvenile facilities and large non-state facilities ... reported experiencing one or more incidents of sexual victimization by another youth or facility staff in the past 12 months."

Of those, "About 2.6% of youth ... reported an incident involving another youth and 10.3% reported an incident involving staff." (Honestly, I'd have expected those numbers to be reversed.) Further, according to the accompanying press release:
Nearly half of the youth victimized by another youth reported they had experienced physical force or threat of force (46 percent), 30 percent had been offered favors or protection, and 17 percent had been given drugs or alcohol. Among youth victimized by facility staff, more than two-thirds (69 percent) did not report any force, threat of force, or offers of favors, protection, drugs, or alcohol to engage in the sexual activity. Nearly 20 percent of youth sexually victimized by another youth reported being injured in the incident, compared to five percent of youth victimized by staff.
The survey also found gender-based differences in sexual abuse reports. "Males were more likely than females to report sexual activity with facility staff (10.8 percent compared to 4.7 percent), but less likely than females to report forced sexual activity with another youth (2.0 percent compared to 9.1 percent)."

Even assuming there are some false accusations in the mix, those are pretty startling data.

MORE: Two Texas Youth Commission facilities - Corsicana and Victory Field - reported among the highest rates of sexual abuse of all secure juvenile facilities: respectively, 23.7 and 24.6 percent of youth at those facilities claimed to have engaged in sexual contact with facility staff, while 13.7 percent of youth at Corsicana said they'd been sexually victimized by other youth in the past 12 months. See Table 5 on page 8 of the pdf.

Also, "Approximately 95% of all youth reporting staff sexual misconduct said they had been victimized by female staff. In 2008, 42% of staff in state juvenile facilities were female."

It should be noted that, under the law, any sexual contact between youth and staff is considered per se abuse, even if the youth consented or sought out the contact. However, 8.9% of youth at Corsicana and 11.7% at Victory Field reported that staff sexual misconduct involved use of force (Table 6).

AND MORE: See initial coverage from the Texas Tribune and from AP. Here's an excellent post from the New York Review of Books Blog.


  1. As someone who has worked for TYC for several years, I find this report to be really surprising. It doesn't match what I have observed. I have noticed cases of consensual sex between male youth and cases where youth may have been pressured for sex.

    I would be interested in the breakdown of staff/youth sexual activity based on the gender of the staff member. What I have observed at TYC is cases of female staff members being attracted to male youth and performing acts on them.

    I have not been aware of many cases of males being involved with youth. Maybe I've missed something.

  2. Well, I guess this information validates "Raped by The State", much like the Dallas Morning News validated the book. Thanks for the honest reporting.

  3. 11:22, that jibes with what's in the report, actually:

    "Approximately 95% of all youth reporting staff sexual misconduct said they had been victimized by female staff. In 2008, 42% of staff in state juvenile facilities were female."

  4. I don't find it surprising to find Corsicana on there. It is where the majority of the sex offenders go and it is no secret the kids are not getting the treatment they are supposed to be getting. Let's not forget too that these kids are still teenagers with hormones. Things are always more complicated than any report can ever tell you.

  5. Charity, I'm not sure any of that explains, much less justifies, the staff-on-youth figures.

  6. What's going on at Corsicana and Victory Field? Staff members tend to cover things up. They don't stop and think.

  7. I agree that does not explain, nor justify, the staff-on-youth figures. You are right--no matter what the kid may do or not do, staff should know better. Having a child in TYC, it does not surprise me though--just makes me angry and sad--that some staff is just as criminal as some of the kids.

  8. Who are the supers at Victory Field and Corsicana? They need to knock some heads together. If they are afraid to so we need to get somebody else in there to run the place. That little training we get doesn't get through to some. When you see staff members running around on the dorms like hoochie mammas trying to show what they got to offer too often nobody says a thing until its too late.

  9. The fact that 95% of the staff that are engaged in this conduct are women doesn't suprise me one bit. If you've seen some of the mugs walking around my campus, you'd know why thats a problem.

  10. Any staff/student sex is too much; that said, Vernon has all open bay dorms and I'm sure they have a thousand and some odd cameras. Where are all of these acts taking place? These numbers seem too high to be believeable. The 95% figure and the female staff vulnerability problem does sound accurate.

  11. Longhorn over Bama!1/07/2010 06:03:00 PM

    Not to minimize anything, but just an observation:

    2008, the second year of the reforms. The hotlines went up and allegations flew like crazy. Cameras were being installed everywhere. This was a survey conducted in a very wild and uncontrolled TYC in 2008. It still is kind of crazy.

    What would be intresting is to compare what the kids reported to the feds vs. how many allegations were actually filed and how many confirmed? OIG was doing these cases then. Kids had access to those hotlines in 2008.

    Perceptions aren't always the reality but I think this is something to really think about. The last arrest for staff sexual misconduct occurred at the little kid contract care program and the staff was a female. I haven't been hearing of widespread arrest of TYC staff involved in these types of crime. Am I missing something because those OIG folks don't talk. Anyone know?

  12. No, you are not missing anything. Those numbers are over inflated. I would like to see the confirmed cases of abuse.

    I am guessing if those kids made allegations, an investigation would have been required. What was the outcome? I have worked in juvenile residential facilities. It is not uncommon for a juvenile to make an allegation without merit.

    In this business, like never before, you are guilty until proven innocent.

  13. The posters went up and the hotline went crazy. If you redirected a kid, it was "abuse" and they called the hotline saying things like "Ms. (whoever) is trying to perform oral sex on me." It was a burn game and until someone holds them accountable once they prove the delinquent filed a false report, this kind of stuff will continue. This doesn't surprise me one bit.

  14. FWIW, these numbers had nothing to do with the hotline, etc.. The feds came on campus and did their own surveys.

    I agree, though, that survey responses aren't the same as confirmed abuse, and some kids make things up. OTOH, TYC has a history of ignoring abuse that got it into lots of trouble, so some reports they didn't confirm could actually be legit. Plus, many incidents reported in the survey were "consensual" in the sense that the offender was not coerced but willing (even though any sex between staff and inmates is abuse by legal definition). Those would never be reported or investigated.

    This study is a red flag, but only an indicator that more review is needed, not the final word on the topic, IMO.

  15. If not so sad, this would be funny. The same thing happened a few years ago, TYC employees stated "No, It just doesn't happen at MY INSTITUTION". "Its all Lies". TYC employees and management think if they deny abuses long enough, it will all go away. WRONG. Everyone seems to know the truth, except TYC employees and their so-called management. THAT IS THE PROBLEM......TYC employees still hide and cover for each other and say "I didn't know". Its the in-house fact, you cover me...I'll cover hell with the youth and truth; and the public.

  16. Its quite noticable that the first poster and RAS are rather ignorant of daily life in TYC, or they choose to not believe what they must see in their work places. Many who came out later, after first denying knowledge of abuses; I assume clearned their individual self-felt guilt and felt remorseful toward not protecting the kids in their care. This same situation is going on now as employees can't decide if they should continue the 'code of silence', or come forward and report and stop the abuses. This is the TYC right or continue with the same.

  17. It appears we have a lot of experts on this site with few too many facts, I guess that would classify you as an expert?? Not to minimize this report but they are self reports from youth incarcerated and some of these claims just might be false, just a thought. I would prefer to seem investigations where law enforcement investigated the case and then decide how big of a problem TYC really has.


  18. CHUY...I think the Texas Rangers already did this; you are out of date, out of touch and looking for excuses for your abusive co-workers. Take off the mask, you are an old-sale here.

  19. Chuy is correct. There is a big difference between an allegation and fact. Kids regularly accuse staff as a way of getting that staff member moved off their dorm. The kids know that if they make an accusation against a staff member who is holding limits on them, that staff member will be moved off the dorm until an investigation is completed.

  20. Old Salty - I would have given you more credence until you did this post. This is the most used/misused excuse by employees when reported by youth. According to your opinion, the data at the start of this blog is all incorrect and employees are angels. Are you really that delirious and easily deceived? Do you bunk w/Chuy?

  21. 10:18pm- I had no idea my good friend Whitmire posted on this blog, keep up the good work, I am sure you might convince someone your credible some day?


  22. Well, sadly some TYC workers current and past see what they only want to see and my be blinded by color or conviction and simply job placement in those facilities and the time of date assigned to work because it is painfully obvious that even without this report that abuse happens. But with this report I guarantee the numbers are higher and at all facilities. But givning recognition to the "worst" Texas should not be suprised. Senator Whitmire and the governor set up WILL HARRELL to be moved..who was actually helping and listening to these kids. And what do they get in return and new OMBUDSMEN who is under allegations of criminal doing. Great job SENATOR. These kids have dollar amounts over their heads and the Senator and governor are typical politicians...remove the voice and it can't be heard, bury your head and it can't be seen. WILL HARRELL needs to be placed back in that position, the governor needs to go and the Senator - well, his kids needs to be put in there. Funny, they acted with a quickness when the TDCJ inmate got ahold of a cell phone and called his house - but he can't move with any speed when other peoples children are being abused. Like I said, people claim they don't see anything but color and conviction may be blinding them the most.

  23. erc8.9% and 11.7% reported sexual misconduct involving use of force on facilities with cameras in the broom closets. WHERE could this be occurring??? Nobody is explaining how all of these staff are pysically forcing a kid to do something without being on camera when the cameras are everywhere except the restrooms ( on 2 of our dorms they would have to be in the toilet stalls to get away from the cameras.) I know the kids try to victimize each other since I am spending a considerable amount of my time confronting them for taking snacks, food, personal hygiene, or being aggressive or asssaultive toward each other, but since there are no significant consequences for what we can see and prove, what we can't see occurs more and more often. For the fool that thinks I don't know what happens in my facility; I've worked a hall for almost ten years, what you been doin?

  24. Texas Tribune Jan/07/2010

    Agency spokesman Jim Hurley didn't discount the survey results, but said the agency's internal numbers don't align with them. The TYC's inspector general received 21 allegations of sexual misconduct at the Corsicana facility in the same time period the federal survey reviewed. Of those allegations, one was confirmed, and the rest have been either thrown out or withdrawn.

  25. Grits I agree with what you said. Kids may be engaging in consensual acts and not be reporting them to the OIG, yet reported the actvity in the survey. But I also believe these numbers are somewhat inflated. It is a red flag. It always should have been.

    Regardless of what happened to get TYC in the dog house two -three years ago, monitoring for potential sexual abuse of any kind should be right up there with safety and security. IMO, it's one of the worst thing that could ever happen to a kid in TYC. I'm glad we have the cameras, the hotline, the OIG and the OIO. I think those reforms are working (but not all reforms). They protect kids, and I've seen them protect staff against false accusations.

    Good to see Old Salty and Chuy commenting. Hey Salty, I got a candle, can I hold it next to you? lol j/k

  26. Please, please! These are "self-reports!" I quickly read the report yesterday and those kids sat at computers alone, didn't they? They were anonymous, right? Why do we think they were mostly truthful? At Corsicana, many of the kids are so sick they don't really know what's real and what's not. Why would so many tell a computer something that they wouldn't tell a hot line operator? Once again, the salacious allegations become truth without any evidence or investigation and TYC staff are guilty as charged.

    Two years ago, the BJS did a "special report" on sexual violence in juvenile correctional facilities nationwide. They used self-reports from the states, all of which used vastly different ways to gather and report data, and Texas media branded Texas as among the worst. All we really learned from that exercise is that Texas has one of the most sophisticated methods of gathering and analyzing alleged mistreatment.

    Also, the new survey (like the last) includes alleged verbal comments made to students by staff or other students that were received or perceived as sexual harassment. The general public doesn't know that and will think these are all sexual acts physically perpetrated on TYC youth.

    Here's a bold statement: The alleged mistreatment at TYC was ALWAYS overblown. There have been a few bad staff over the years, but please don't use this report and paint all of TYC with a broad brush again -- it's full of "raw" data and no one can know how much is genuine. I'll read it again when I can, but I think it's worthless and doesn't help the kids or their parents at all.


  27. Right on, its worthless. A typical ex-TYC employees caught in their own web making. Sure, its all false, since an ex-TYC employees says it is. Who does one or the public ex-TYC employees from a proven abusive agency, or a federal detailed report that confirms abuse by TYC? This will be hard to decide, unless you are an idiot.

  28. No 4:24, I believe YOU are the idiot. This was a survey, not a "federal detailed report that confirms abuse by TYC." Surveys don't confirm a damn thing you moron. What an idiot.

  29. So, 4:24, would I have been more credible if I hadn't signed myself as an ex-TYC employee? Tell me exactly what about this report convinces you there is widespread abuse in TYC. It's all raw data submitted anonyously.

    The saddest (or maybe the happiest) aspect of this new report is that now Jim Hurley and the new "regime" are boxing shadows and chasing ghosts created on their own watch. I wonder if they enjoy it more now than when they had someone else to blame.


  30. So 4:24, who is dropping the ball if you believe this survey to reflect the actual truth? TYC? Well, who controlls this system now? Can you say - OIG? And you think they're trying to cover something up? Uh-huh. I bet you think the OIG turns off the cameras at night too, huh.

    I agree with XTYC. You are beyond dumb. It must be the water out in West Texas.

  31. I don't know about the water in west texas but here in Austin its fine. You people are quick to jump onto anything that taints your holy agency. The public has lost confidence in you and the odd agency. Who there is to blame? YOU.

  32. lol! right - and YOU speak for the entire state huh?

  33. It's just that this report coupled with the previous report causes people to think the new agency is as bad as the old agency. Either the old agency was better than preceived or all of the effort of the new agency has gone for naught, since so many kids are still alleging sexual abuse. Which is it? It would be comforting to this old TYC-er to know that all of the grief was worth it.


  34. I'm having some difficulty with also. Various media reports from across Texas indicated there was widespread abuse and corruption directed from their headquarters in Austin. Most of the many changes that were directed by the lege seem to have been in the proper direction but some members created by the lege changes brought more problems than they apparently solved. Even now knowing there are still numerous problems, it seems the new system is better than the old one. We can only hope for a better future. Strong supervision and direction will be needed to keep the new system from diverting back to the old favored ways.


  36. Why get mad? If he's getting these privileges he's probably within a month or two of being released anyway. 4:24 your hero, Chance, is an ex TYC employee that didn't get the promotions he thought he deserved. 4:45 don't be grouping this twit with us.

  37. Hurley said this report is bogus.

  38. I'm retired now - but if that's randy out there popping off again, you are wasting your time listening to this idiot. We need a mental health treatment in-patient facilty in West Texas other than Big Spings. Hell I live out here and we have nothing for our mentally ill. Why not help folk like Randy out and save the WTSS and make it an adult program?

  39. I'm sure Hurley thinks this report is bogus, 10:36. So was the earlier one, as well as much of the reporting by DMN, and he probably realizes that now, too. But every time a serious debate about about the true nature of the TYC "scandal" comes up, some people take the opportunity to throw spitballs and the discussion is destroyed. A race for Governor is heating up now and my expectation is that skittish politicians will latch onto this issue to promote (or protect) themselves or hammer their opponents. Newspapers sell, but TYC is worse off. That's what happened in 2006 and 2007.


  40. Grits @11:22: In the little universe represented by the one TYC facility I worked in, the only allegations confirmed between female staff and youth of either sex were inappropriate letters planning or promising futures together. The male youth sometimes filed allegations that they were allowed to touch female staff, that female staff touched them, etc. Most of the time, these reports were that these things happened between some other youth and a staff, which was typically denied by everyone else when the investigation began. Remember that this report includes allegations such as this, too, including verbal comments perceived as "sexual harassment." And, remember that these are anonymous reports made by kids who didn't even have to look a person in the eye while they reported.

    If these reports to the BJS were totally anonymous, then they were never investigated, either. Seems like a lost opportunity to ferret out those "bad staff" and "corrupt administrators." Another reason this report is useless.

  41. Sorry. I'm 6:50 a.m. and I forgot to sign.


  42. FYI: Austin records indicated there were three mental health employees at West Texas for several years and the trouble there was still out of control with many abuse cases. That was probably another reason the decision was made to downdraw WT and close the line dead facility. The state must look at wasted resources such as WT and offset programs that have soon beneficial content. The history of WT has been its own obt.

  43. My interviews with youth from the Giddings State School show that 14% of the youth have been sexually victimized. That sexual abuse is becoming more common on the younger dorms and that the students are bribed with extra 'free world items' not to say anything.
    Also that more male staff are involved in what we consider power rape. Where the male staff will watch as another student rapes another while the male staff tells them what to do. On top of that we had three reports where three different male staff masterbated on the child and ´made him wear it´.
    There is even refrence where staff member are being ´jumped in to the gang life by student´.
    I could go on and on. I am concerned about the lack of progress being made. Though there have been improvements I only wish there were more.
    Does anyone know the current status of a David Walenta? We would like to speak with him about reports we recieved from a Mr.Saddler, Ms.Andrews, and a Mr. Phillips.

    Dr. Robert Mickter Psy.D

  44. This last posting will upset many TYC staffers extremely. Many posters on this site will swear that there is no sexual abuses at their facilities, while silently knowing there is much truth to this data and the initial post data. If TYC lies to itself and the public enough, do they think their lies will become the truth?

  45. Walenta knows about lots of stuff but when you locate him he will deny all knowledge of Giddings.

  46. 3:01pm- Once again I will not defend this report based upon lack of proof (self reporting is not proof)but nor will I take a posting from this blog as gospel. Are you and others on this site so naive that you hate TYC so much that your willing to believe anything?? I really do have some ocean front property in Arizona for you, give me a call (Whitmire)

  47. How much are you asking for it? What part of the state is it located and is there a juvenile center near where I can work and benefit from? You may be knowledgable here also. Are you Davids friend? Mucho Thanks.


  49. Ya'll keep it up and Whitmire will blow it up in the next session. TYC will be the cause of its own demise. I will rue the day and justice will finally be served....Muahahahahahahahah...!!!!

  50. To Mr. 4:40pm... My name is Dr. Robert Mickter. I have held my degree for over 20 years and have had a juvenile focus for 10 of those years. I have done work in New york City and Washington State and London. I found the incidents at the Texas Juvenile Prison shocking and decied to take it upon myself to review all the facts. And talk to the students and parents. As you know it is my responsiblity to use scientific findings for clinical practice, and conduct independent research. I have and know that I need to comply to the Great State of Texas mendatory report law. But think you for being concerned. As for the Texas Youth Commission. I am a supporter. I am just not a supporter of the sexual abuse that does occur. And Senator Whitmire if that was you I commend you on all your effort. But I have enough property thank you.

    Dr. Robert Mickter Psy.D

  51. I knew you Docs couldn't write, but ya'll can't spell worth a damn either. Hey Doc, have you ever worked a dorm at a juvenile correctional facility? Been spit on, or had bodily fluids junked at you by a juvenile? Have you ever had to restrain a violent juvenile? If you can't answer yes to two out of three of those, your research don't mean shit to me.

    20 yrs of experience at saving juvenile delinquents from themselves!

  52. 20 yrs, which of those - the spitting, restraints, bodily fluids thrown, etc. - are you claiming justifies staff having sex with youth under their control?

    If you're making excuses for staff having sex with youth, then to borrow a phrase, your 20 years don't mean shit to me.

  53. Please Scott, quit pleasing yourself as you write that garbage! I would never suggest such a thing nor do I believe there is anything that would ever justify staff sexual abusing youth. I am simply saying that there are alot of "experts" throwing out numbers, education, and experience, and many have no direct experience in working with these type of youth.

  54. To Mr. or Ms. 6:00pm.

    I apologize for my grammatical errors, I am attempting to do this from a Black Berry both on and in between flights. And as this is my first time on the site it is not as easy as it sounds.
    That out of the way, I am highly disgusted by your remarks. Your 20 years of experience saving 'juveniles for themselves' is disgraceful if you are implying that any actions of the juvenile sentence to the Texas Youth Commission justifies abuse of any kind either physical, mental, or sexual is both horrible and note worthy.
    I understand that the stress value of daily life as a Juvenile Correctional Officer is high. But I would implore you to read over the recent study intitled THE MacARTHUR VIOLENCE RISK ASSESSMENT STUDY. It will give a far greater experience and understanding of the violent behavior you talk about and ideas on how to correct it.
    As for answering your questions they are as followed. Yes I have had to restrain violent juveniles. I have had bodily fluids thrown at me on a few occations by juveniles and adults. And yes I have worked in both a juvenile and adult faclity, though not in Texas.
    I would encourge you if you are still an employee of the Texas Youth Commission to report to your supervisor and request to go back over your training modules. As all those issues are confronted. And allowing Juvenile Correction Officer, Case Workers, or any administrators of any kind to abuse a child ass a result is not in the trainning books.
    Thank you for your time. If you would like help with any of this please let me know and I can put you in contact with many JCO´s who are wonderful in what they do and who have had 20+ years of dedicated service.
    Again please excuse my spelling and would hope your more concerned about stopping the rape of children that you claim to be helping the correct and pointing out my spelling faults.

    Dr. Robert Mickter Psy.D

  55. 655 is the perfect example of the current TYC employees that the state 'owes' and for their own abuse from youth, feel they are justified to abuse and cover coworkers abuse of youth. Right on, Scott. And thanks to the dr. for some insight for these child abusers that never see abuse. There are admin., types and some psy's also that have looked the other way when child abuse is going on. Some have left assignmenmts because of abuse and returned two and three times to see more abuse continue on; yet they deny any involvement or knowledge of child abuse. Some were past retirement years ago but just recently retired before closure of their units.

  56. Dr. Mickter, since you reported all of these allegations, were they investigated? Were any confirmed? If I may ask: Are you employed by someone, are you writing a book? What will you do with the data you gather? From which university did you earn your doctorate?

    Staff at Giddings must be shocked. I've looked at the OIG and SPU reports on TYC's web site, and did not see anything resembling these allegations. It seems that if you reported them, there would be open investigations. Maybe I don't know how to read the reports.

    8:14 reminds me of the rumor that NASA never landed on the moon. It's impossible to prove a negative as long as there are true believers. But so many people would have to be complicit, it's impossible to see how the truth could stay covered for long. I'm also reminded of the McMartin Preschool case in the 80s.

    Grits, do you know the good Dr.?

  57. The drums are beating at TYC again!

    Does anyone know who this "Dr. Robert Mickter Psy.D" is?

    Dr. Mickter, have you spoken to Mr. Hurley about your findings? He is reported to have indicated that these allegations are bogus.

    If what he said about Giddings is correct, that old system has been in play there for years and you would be taking on the All Star team. Good luck!

  58. The public once thought that TYC was the all star agency. Now see how many all stars were allowed to retire, be fired or resign in disgrace. So much for 'all stars in TYC'. Sorta like landing on the moon for real, don't you suspect?
    I just got spit on....he can't do that...set up a sexual assault; I'll cover it.

  59. If a name pops up about TYC and the name is not on the take, the usual posters get shaken as their glass empire starts to crack. Try anything to disgrace an expert that does not agree with the TYC routine. Shameful, but true.

  60. 9:34, I'm withholding judgment about Dr. Rickter, but do you know him to be an expert? Do you know him at all?

    The "TYC routine" would have to include a VAST number of people in order to cover up such egregious behavior over these many years! That would include psychologists, secretaries, volunteers, youth rights investigators, custodial staff -- everyone. When some us disagree, we're accused (anonymously) of being part of it ourselves because it's the only weapon you have.


  61. I earned my Psy.D from Pacific University. It is being look into by the authorties. The information will be included in a study. I am in a hurry. Will write more later. I do not report to TYC. But I am assuming they will hear about it soon. Will write more when the plane lands and I get some more time. Sorry Grits.I am also a member of the APA.

    Dr. Robert Mickter Psy.D

  62. Who is this mystery doc?

  63. Is there ever anything positive about TYC that is really true?
    I am so happy that I am no longer associated with this agency. When I left my doctor told me that I had improved my health by 100% just by leaving. He was right. I am no longer stressed, angry,worried about my job.

    I hate to say this, but Texas needs to shut this agency down, all the way down. They need to find another source for these kids.
    There is no healing or fixing these kids in TYC only a few get real help. One reason is the agency as a whole. Just read these blogs and the anger in all. Blame this one or that one. Seems to be a new topic where they jump to blaming this or that for a failure at TYC. So sad. Move on people get a good life for a change. You want believe it but you will look younger, smile again and become happy.
    In talking to a group of XTYC staff in a store one person walked up that use to work there and said you all must have left TYC too, because you all are just having to much fun and are way to happy to still be working there. We laughed and said, your right!
    One day you all will experience this wonderful life, if TYC does not kill you from all the stress or put you in jail, ruin you so you can not get another job. So RUN FOR YOUR LIFE BACK, its not worth it. Well unless you live for Drama. Then you are at the right place.



    Contact Cris Love
    TYC OIG - 424 6000

  65. It is very simple, Dr. Mickter; you call the hotline, you give the details, such as alleged victim, suspect(s), dates, times and locations where the alleged incidents were supposed to have occurred. Since allegations such as you have described are criminal in nature, they will be investigated by the criminal investigations division of the OIG. Informing law enforcement of these types of allegations is the law. If you don't trust the OIG, call the AG and tell him why you think the OIG is not capable of conducting such investigations.

  66. How many people with doctorates put both "Dr." as a prefix to their name, with their degree as the suffix? Makes me wonder if this guy is for real.

  67. Dr. Mikter,

    For your information, I wrote the training modules for JCO staff. I never said I was a JCO staff, and your assumptions are incorrect. I suspect that you are not really a Doctor, or you would check your stats before you spew erroneous information. Go blow your smoke up someone else's ass.

    20 yrs of experience at saving juvenile delinquents from themselves!

    P.S. Is Pacific University really accredited?

  68. OK - I did a google search on a Dr. Robert Mickter Psy.D and found nothing, nodda.

    Unless you - Mickter - tell me what state holds your license,who you work for, etc. you leave me to believe you are nothing but a troll trying to stir up drama in TYC and on this blog. But Mickter or whoever you are, you may have taken trolling to a new level because I did contact OIG this morning after reading what you wrote and they will be looking into what you alleged and possibly who you are. You'd be amazed at their technology. People slander TYC all day. But you kinda provoked us in a different way, and I took issue with that....

  69. I agree with Grits on this one. Your 20 years experience and similiar coworkers is the problem with TYC. You are like a overpowered politician that thinks they can do what ever they wish, regardless of laws and youths rights. Its the old trainer trick - when you restrain, do it to hurt so they remember. Beat the dog hard so they mind -type mentality. You need to end your 20 year reign of power over youth in need of real treatment. Why get so upset at the truth when you step in your own mess?

  70. Yeah 12:25
    It reminds me of Chicago politics.

  71. Thank you, Whitsfoe. Thank you so much for contacting the OIG. I hope this is given the resources it needs. TYC is slandered every day, and libelous posts against individual TYC employees have been made on this blog and other places. If Dr. Mickter is real, I think he has been misled and/or is hoping to cash in somehow. At the very least, he's causing unnecessary anxiety for families of TYC youth.


  72. OTOH he may be exposing more of WHAT REALLY HAPPENS within the walls of TYC, and it bothers those who created the problems.

  73. Any news about the court case of John Paul Hernandez and Ray Brookins? Its going on 3 years now.

  74. I looked up Robert Mickter on the APA database of authors of articles published in psych journals. I could find no record of a Robert Mickter. I also noted that Scott has an article on manufactured memories (related to the reliability of eyewitness testimony) and another one about a forensic psychologist who manufactured results to favor prosecutors. You might have to add this Mickter guy to your list, Scott. Jack

  75. Correction: I should have said that I noticed on this blogsite that Scott had those articles. I was not referring to Scott's articles being on PsyNet.

  76. The University of the Pacific does not offer a doctoral program in psych. This guy is a troll.

    Sure there was, is and will be abuse in TYC; just as in the public schools, the churches, the Boy Scouts, Little League, the Y and any other organization that serves children. Predators are attracted to working in institutions and organizations where there is a ready source of potential victims.

    The problem in TYC is that there were individuals in the chain of command who chose to cover up the actions of Brookins and Hernandez. Unfortunately, because of the actions of a few, many the media went on a feeding frenzy to the point that anyone who works in TYC is tarred by the actions of the few. Did anyone check out the stories given by those parents who testified in the hearings in 2007? You know the Rangers, the AG, and the TDCJ OIG did. What came of that? Oh yeah, they are all part of the "cover up."

    I made a comment about youth making false allegations as a means of getting staff members moved off dorms, and some anonymous jerk accused me of bunking with Chuy.

    I have been through all this before. Because some in the military tried to cover up some atrocities committed by Lt. Calley and others, all Vietnam vets were tainted for a very long time. So, yes, this whole pattern is very familiar to me, and yes, I am sensitive about this crap.

  77. Amen Old Salty, amen. You know, we must be making some progress if the trolls have resorted to making shit up. But you know what's really a problem? They're essentially crying wolf on behalf of those kids. And when the real wolf shows up, well.... they're not doing those kids any good by making shit up like this so-called Dr. Mickter.

  78. The investigations at Evins Regional Juvenile Center starting in 2004 revealed what the predominate culture at TYC was like. Then, what happened at WTSC and how Central Office was involved confirmed that knowledge. The pervasive TYC culture became understood and it wasn't just about sexual abuse.

  79. It comforting to hear from someone that actually understands the overall and true situation, 539. The sexual abuses was the spark that brought out the statewide firestorm of corruption that was being covered up by the Austin elites. Surely you remember the physical injuries, wanton disregard for security and isolation policies and lack of treatment for youth. As bad as the sexual abuses are, there are still many other areas in need of reforms. How about the education program? Speaking of jokes and mirrors. Please.

  80. This is really getting out-of hand. Bring some facts please. I'm not one to say this agency is Ok because it's not. We do a fine job of making mistakes without all the fabrications presented on this blog. We can and will do better. We strive for it everyday.... and we'll be checking on allegations made here and else where, irregardless of the sources' credibility. i.e Chance

  81. "CHUY" said:
    I have always said TYC has problems and will continue to have them, but believe TYC is much better in turning in abusive staff and policing their staff today than last year or the year before. But, the problem will always be over reactive politicians trying to keep their name in the news to remain relevant, this goes for all of them. And no "bunking" is going on with OLD SALTY, not my type :)

  82. 3:33 It's been 5 years and Brookins is scheduled to go to trial in April, which is after the Republican primary as a coworker pointed out the other day. Coincidence? Maybe after the Democratic primary as well?

  83. Whether or not the statistics are true, there have been serious problems with TYC for a long time. The solution of getting rid of the agency will just be burying our heads in the sand. Juvenile crime will go back up and there will be new programs, but they will be staffed by the same level of people TYC is hiring now. The problem is in leadership, much of it at the Senate level, and by diverting the funding to smaller county facilities the abuse will increase and not decrease because the staff will not have to meet the rigid training standards they set up with SB 103. It will be more difficult to have the blame point back to the Senate since these will not be state facilities. Victory Field and West Texas will soon be sacrificed on the alter of misguided public opinion, but the real culprits will continue wield there power as long as you keep voting for them.

  84. Well said, 7:12am. However, IMO...TYC must go.

  85. I am not saying Dr. Mickter is for real or not but Pacific Unitersity of Oregon does have a Psy D program. Sorry "Salty"...but I was able to locate that on Google and a couple of clicks.

  86. So, you mean to say Old Salty, and TYCer's made a mistake? More smearing of the truth? Simply hard to understand how this error could have occured, with all the reforms and double-checks that TYCer's do now. Mindtangeling.

  87. I was wrong. I looked up the University of the Pacific, without realizing that there actually was a Pacific University. Pacific University has an APA accredited PsyD program. Never-the-less, I could find no publications by this guy on the APA journal review site. I have not checked to see if such a person ever was at Giddings.

  88. Point - The same senior administrator from Central Office was involved in what went on at both Evins and WTSS. She claimed to be first cousin of the Gov., and surprise, surprise, she was the last one terminated after the great purge. Add that to the fact that neither Hernandez or Brookins have yet to be prosecuted, and what does that tell you about who was really covering up? Oh, yeah, don't forget Whitmire gavelling Dwight Harris quiet when Harris tried to tell the committee about the WTSS scandal in 2005. Its in the video archives, check it out.

  89. 07:28 "The same senior administrator from Central Office was involved in what went on at both Evins and WTSS."

    Her "special" relationship with Dwight Harris explains why she was able to support corruption for so many years. She had a negative influence on other TYC facilities in addition to Evins and WTSS.

  90. Headline: Perry's cousin running wild!

  91. After so many denied any wrongdoing for years in this commission, I am surprised to see some now come forward and admit they knew about commission corruption and abuses. Ms B has always been a bombshell but managed to secure the confidence and support of those around her. What does that say about the ones who knew what she was doing?

    Also all those that denied the new Dr's reports can see the ex.dir. released his reviews. What does that also say about denials in the commission?

  92. "Also all those that denied the new Dr's reports can see the ex.dir. released his reviews." What reviews are you referring to? Where have they been released?

  93. Ms. "B" did not do a thing without help, look at those around her and who she trusted? Maybe when all of these issues are brought forth in a courthouse then we will know who knew what and when. Could it be that some are still working for this great agency?

  94. Ms Townsend clearly said they were following up on the Fed report which is original subject of this blog line. Nothing was said about the "Dr." BTW, where did he go? He was responding pretty regularly until people started researching his background. If he is such a renowned researcher, how come none of his studies have been published in peer-reviewed journals? He said he is a member of APA. How come none of his articles have shown up in their database?
    BTW: the info about the cover-up lady came out as a result of TYC investigations. Near the end she was heard to brag that no-one would dare touch her because she is cousin to the governor. As it was, she was fired long after many innocent people were given their walking papers. She definitely did not stay on so long because of any "special" relationship with Harris, because he was gone for almost a year before she got canned.

  95. Folks, there is a good reason that Brookins and Hernandez have not come to trial. It is the same reason Whitmire shut Harris up in 2005. There is an election coming up. Any decent defense attorney is going to call some witnesses who are sure to embarrass some very highly placed people outside of TYC. Why do you think Whitmire screamed about TYC "wasting time digging up old e-mails" when e-mails were produced to show that he was fully informed about the WTSS situation 2 years before the DMN came out with it's revelations. Politics surely does make strange bedfellows, because now we have two political arch-rivals united in their efforts to keep the real truth from coming out. Perry and Whitmire both have blood on their hands.

  96. This is all true and troubeling. Ms B's assistants also knew about the transfers and cover-ups surrounding youth sex abuse, didn't they? Are they still in TYC. Sure they are....hiding and hoping this will all go away. Surely the trials if even allowed, will bring out who did what and how they covered for each other.

  97. The tyc Texas’ 120 year old state sponsored agency for the mental, physical, sexual, verbal, and academic abuse of children. I truly believe that tyc is more messed up today than it was 40 years ago. It’s much more like a prison, there are fences. Only Mountain View had fences. The kids have their case numbers on their cloths not just locker numbers on laundry tags. Back then the women were matrons, they dressed modestly, and were somewhat nurturing. Today they let the women hold dorms, give them JCO and caseworker titles and many of them dress like skanks in a mardi gra parade. Staff providing sexual services to inmates was very rare back then.

    Dr. Mickter your report about giddings is no surprise. The tyc prison culture that was attempted to be shut down in the 70’s was moved to the boys home at giddings, some things never change. I know a young man who witnessed one of those power rapes at the old girls school in gainesville back in 03.

    And yes what about those 2 wt homosexuals who seemed to enjoy the state boys punking them out. Just from reading some of the comments from people who are defending tyc, this is what you are defending? It could lead people to believe that if your defending tyc you must be defending state boys punking you or someone you know out. How many state boys does it take to punk out a staff member these days. Is it still as few as two?

    I know there are some good people working at tyc today. There was when I was there. Unfortunately there are too few and the ones who are decent human beings are afraid to say anything. And the ones who try to gloss over bad press or get all upset about people making derogatory comments about tyc, I understand your protecting your beloved state benefits. The state benefits of having young men punk your bitch ass out. Anyone defending tyc for child abuse is suspect number one.

    Are probation officers still telling kids tyc is like summer camp?

    Sheldon tyc#47333 c/s

  98. You are a thug punk and will be for the rest of your life. Why should anyone listen to your vile thinking? Take your rife bastards and go where you belong. You are a disgrace to humanity. Your so-called job is made up or given away so stop the junk info and go away. Yout TYC history proves you unworth. The community does not appreciate your criminal and warped family and history. You're a thug and we all know. LOL.

  99. Sheldon, do you want to turn them all loose or turn them all over to Abraxas?

  100. RAS...Retards Are Stupid!

  101. Sheldon, you are a one-trick pony. "120 years of systematic abuse..." Blah, blah, blah... It is getting a bit old.

  102. Sheldon, 59 is one of those TYC employees that you bring out in your comments. Still where abuse goes on and a big part of it.

  103. Trying so hard to keep the TYC institutions of abuse open. Pathedic.

  104. Yeah, "pathedic" = moron

  105. There are several nuts making posts here. Why aren't you working rather than doing insane posts? Others have thoughts also. Are you using on-duty time for these posts? Go do yours jobs.

  106. Ms. B's cronies, associates and assistants are still with TYC. They are well placed, well hidden, well protected and will lead TYC for another generation.

  107. Yes. Look at TB, he was right there with Ms B, and covered for the sex abuse, transfers, and false reports. He needs jail time; along with his buddy - CH; who also covered the sex abuse.

  108. Is TB - Bayes? I think CH was fired or retired. Both should visit the adult system prison for several years.

  109. 6:23, I don't think there are several "nuts" posting here, just one pitiful soul who is reduced to having a conversation with himself. He asks then answers his own questions. At least Sheldon signs his posts.


  110. oh naw - that's chance trying to score on our Tom Dog. Look dude, if he or anyone else had anything to do with the Brookins thang, don't you think he and the others you accuse would still be in TYC? OIG tore that ass up looking into those facts. And you wasn't even there when that happened so what'cha basing this bullshit on man, another delusion? You truly are crazy man, and a racist too. I think you are talking to yo'self like XTYC says. Man, get on some medicine for the mental problems - dawg.

  111. Ms B tried to fire TB because he blew the whistle on her little charade. You people don't know what you are talking about.

  112. You can call her Ms. B if you like but you could also refer to her as Mrs. B. I know it is hard to believe, but she was married.

  113. If you don't think she and Tommy were in bed with Chip right along you are all dummies. They all knew about Ray and his secret and tryed to cover for it. Austin inners also knew. Stop the lies. Damn, everyone in TYC knows that.

  114. How about a Dragnet moment here. If Tommy gave up Ms B that would have come out in the news. He did not, he covered and those that now cover for him are just as much criminals. Hey, Austin teamplayers know what happened also.

  115. "How about a Dragnet moment here. If Tommy gave up Ms B that would have come out in the news."

    Does anyone see how stupid this idiot is? If TB were guilty, he'd be the news!

    " don't respond to this. Just let Randy be Randy and move on." Sorry Tommy, but someone needs to put his sorry ass down.

    enough said

  116. Just a bystander here, but someone is sure sucking up. Or afraid of being outed. Either way you are overacting.

  117. I know tyc 120 years of systematic abuse. It’s a mantra with the recently added academic abuse piece. Didn’t want to leave anything out.
    anany 1/13/2010 09:03:00 PM
    I had hoped to bait you to troll in on this one. It’s sad that tyc has this 120 year documented history of abusing children. Its why so many, especially alumni, jump to the conclusion that tyc is made up of a bunch of pedophilic child abusers. A few rotten apples makes everyone look bad. Very similar you say I’m a punk thug with an ancestral family history of such character traits. The tyc has an 87% recidivism rate, it’s a documented failure at providing rehabilitation therefore why would anyone think that I would be any different than a punk thug from a family of such.

    Actually I got caught up in the juvenile justice system for skipping school and general hell raising. My parents tried private placement several times and I promptly escaped. PO sent me to tyc, Brownwood reception center. I refused to have sex with a goat roper case worker chick and she sent me to mountain view. Mountain view was winding down and I was reclassified and sent to Gatesville, Terrace School.

    Like the Pinocchio story bad boys get sent to a place that turns them into jackass’, so is the case with tyc. After a year honing my gladiator and rico skill sets I was released. I was back three months later for assault. Like the metaphor of the Pinocchio story I got worst. I beat up a bully because he put a nerdy kid in my locker. I had a thing about beating up bullies, that’s why most tyc staff always seemed afraid of me. After another year I was released prior to my 18th as was the custom.

    So anany 1/13/2010 09:03:00 PM I understand your reasoning but I lead such a blessed life in comparison to so many children who went through tyc its just out of the ordinary. I come from a high profile family with fantastic role models. All my kids have gone, going to very elite college prep schools unlike the one their Dad attended. My BSEE is from UT and I earn a good living. I have a great wife of 25 years. I’m what statisticians call an outlier, I don’t fit the demographics. Anymore than the people I know who are employed at tyc fit the demographics of a bunch of pedophilic child abusers.

    Today’s tyc no longer accepts new students for skipping school and general hell raising. Minimally you have to have committed a felony. Generally you have exhausted the patients of just about everybody, coupled with ancestral criminal behavior. Then, and only if you get on your PO’s radar do you go to tyc. Today’s tyc isn’t the make a man out of you place it was in the Morales v turman days, its worst. Most of the facilities’ are double fenced like mvssb was, the kids wear their case numbers on their cloths. It’s a youth prison. In today’s tyc, the real victims are the staff.

    Ras getting to your question. The tyc seems to have been and continues to be nothing more than fodder for politicians and those who feed off of them. The way tyc is set up legislatively makes tyc poised to be moved under the department of corrections. The tdjc already has a youthful offender program at Clemons farm in Brazoria that could be expanded to accommodate this type of program. I know this is a huge discussion but in my mind’s eye I can see how all this would work to solve many of the issues that face tyc today. It may be the only way to kill that awful tyc culture that so many have attempted to kill in its 120 year existence.

    So anany 1/13/2010 09:03:00 PM If you have a hard time with your reading comprehension skills reading my rather lengthy post or the Pinocchio story metaphor please see one of your tyc teachers you most likly bash as well and perhaps they will have the patients to help you. I’m sure if you saw me on the street today you wouldn’t be concerned unless you knew it was me, then I’m guessing you would p on yourself. Its why you hid behind the anonymous trolling.
    Sheldon tyc#47333 II c/s

  118. Randall Chance did something very brave in his book “Raped by the State”. In my day state boys were beaten and put away in solitary for what he talks about. I can understand people working for the tyc described in his book would be embarrassed and ashamed. The people who are defensive are the ones who scare me. Because if you are defensive you are guilty. I learned that in tyc.
    Randall’s book only touched a small part of tyc abusive history. I have talked to alumni from the 40’s until 09’s and they weave a tapestry of state sponsored child abuse that makes Randall’s book look like a G rated white paper on Texas political science. I would like to think it will be a media event when the tyc alumni get together for their reunion. I wonder how many will have anything to say about their experience that will cast tyc in a positive light.
    I really think that as we move forward in this media age the house of cards tyc has built through isolation, and team playa intimidation will crumble. What’s the new buzz word ‘gangsta govment’. I think it will happen in my lifetime.
    Sadly, its tyc staff who are the real victims. Alumni get to leave, staff have to stay, it’s their livelihoods. Some staff actually want to help the kids in their care and are naive enough to think they can in a culture like tyc. Hats off to you, thank you. The rest of you, keep being defensive about Randall’s book, you are the guilty, and we can pick you out.
    Sheldon tyc#47333 II c/s

  119. Sheldon, according to one of the commentors here, Brookins was encouraged to quit after being caught coercing convicts to give him blowjobs when he worked for TDCJ, so there is no reason to think kids will be any safer there and I'm sure they won't get the resocialization that they used to get in TYC( that had reduced the recidivism to under 50% for 3 years post release) Where did you come up with the 87% figure? All the numbers that I can find on TYC's web page are 30 or 40%, which I don't believe unless they have changed the way they count.

  120. "Brookins was encouraged to quit after being caught coercing convicts to give him blowjobs when he worked for TDCJ..." Then TYC apparently hired him without benefit of that information. I don't know if it was withheld or never requested. TDCJ investigators stomped into TYC facilities with Rangers and AG investigators during the "takeover" of TYC facilities in 2007. It was all I could do to suppress a smirk when I talked to those guys. They asked for stacks of copies of closed investigations, but despite having full access to staff, youth, and the run of the facility, they did little investigating of alleged mistreatment themselves. TDCJ, the Rangers, the Governor, Kimbrough, the AG, local law enforcement, the county DAs, and our distinguished legislators had more to cover up than TYC did. That's what they were all about in 2007.


  121. Yes XTYC - the video doesn't lie now does it. Your right on the money. The video, the e-mail, the credible testimony. It's just scary that these politicans like John Whitmire work the papers (and writers such as Mike Ward) for public perception. Would we be here if his sugra momma Pope were still in place? Newp. We all know that.
