Tuesday, February 23, 2010

You love to fly and it shows

Bruce Schneier, who is a frequent critic of pointless airport "security theater" (a term he coined) held a contest to create a humorous new logo for the Transportation Security Administration. Upon describing some of the entries to the missus, she instructed me, "Put a link to that on your blog so I can look at it later." "That's not a Texas story," I grumbled, to which she replied, "that's okay, your readers will appreciate it." Sigh. Sometimes in life it's easier to do as you're told, so here's a link to all the entries, the finalists, and the ultimate winner. Several were quite funny, but this was my favorite:


  1. I'm with Sarge on this one. But I can't remember what rhymes with France in that schoolyard ditty. Something about underpants?

  2. It goes, "I see Paris, I see France, I see someone's underpants." (Kathy says it's a British rhyme.) And of course, kids fill in the "someone" with the name of a particular teasing victim.

    The banner clutched in the talons and the X-ray eagle were both brilliant, I thought.

  3. I wholeheartedly agree that the TSA is security "theater." It's a band aid to appease the bleating of those who believe that we should anything and everything to be "safe." The guy who crashed the plane in Austin is good example of what could happen next. Al Queda could just buy their own damn plane and fly into any building they want.

  4. I think it is not an x-ray Eagle, but a Turkey, instead.

  5. Seriously? I presumed the X-ray revealed the true chicken beneath an eagle's facade.

    But I'm known for my ADD.

    Seriously - how about posting the next few runners up?

  6. I expect that to be my biggest chuckle of the day.

    Score one for the missus.

  7. That'll be me on my way to TX next week!

  8. 11:24, check these links: The "finalists" would probably be the "runners up," I suppose, but here are all the submissions.
