Wednesday, May 26, 2010

El Paso medical examiner ousted

County commissioners in El Paso on Monday voted 3-1 to fire county medical examiner Paul Shrode after the Ohio Parole board recommended clemency in a capital case because of discrepancies in Shrode's testimony and false credentials on his resume. In Ohio, reports the El Paso Times,
Shrode testified that he knew from his autopsy that Nields beat Patricia Newsome in Cincinnati in 1997, left for 15 minutes to six hours, then came back and strangled Newsome. Shrode's supervisor later told the parole board that Shrode had no scientific basis for the claim, which helped establish to jurors that Nields acted in cold blood.
There are also two pending complaints against Shrode with the Texas Medical Board, one over a sloppy autopsy in El Paso, and the other filed by activist David Fisher of Elgin over fictional elements of Shrode's resume. The Fort Worth Weekly last year ran an informative story about Fisher's activism surrounding Texas medical examiners.


  1. But... but... the state would never lie and cause innocent people to be put in jail!


  2. Can't these people just play it straight?

  3. Grits,

    Any idea on how many cases this guy has been apart of in Texas?

    It's being reported that he was the medical examiner in the Michael Perry (scheduled execution 7-1-10) case.

  4. I've been adamant about the Dallas Medical Examiner since the autopsy of my 19 y/o son, Joshua, in Feb, 2006.
    There is no 'etiological specific disease/injury' listed on the autopsy to attribute to his death.
    Mr. Fisher, please contact me: Joshua Robinson. click on the underlined phrases to view the attached documents.
