Thursday, November 18, 2010

Opposition to red-light cameras at Legislature and ballot box

Houston turned off its red-light cameras this week as a result of its recent plebiscite, leading the Dallas News to wonder in this story published today whether other cities may follow suit with their own elections banning the cameras. So far, the anti-red light camera faction is 3 for 3 in Texas, with College Station, Houston, and Baytown voters

Further, says the News, "Legislators in Austin, who almost passed a statewide camera ban in 2009, have pledged to take up the issue again next year." Who knows? Perhaps the wave of freshmen House members will help get that legislation over the hump.


  1. They are still alive and well in Marshall, TX. I saw one go off on an unsuspecting driver two nights ago.

  2. What about the counties at & around Houston and every where else they took up this practice over the last three years where they've all milked millions from We The People with no law that ever allowed it?
    But still the crooked bastards largely get re-elected, if anyone can even afford to run against them.
    Taxation fees & fines without representation. You think still-gov Rick "Rod" Perry was on Jon Stewart because he CARES? (And he's not the worst, just a big obvious.)
