Sunday, December 26, 2010

Michael Green, exonerated, now working to free others

Exoneree Michael Green spent 27 years in TDCJ for a rape he didn't commit and now spends his days combing through jail mail, reports AP: "Since his release in July, after new DNA tests showed he was innocent, Green has worked for his attorney as a volunteer, reading letters from inmates, looking for others who might be wrongfully imprisoned. "We might find a case where there's another me that I can help," said Green, 45." Juan Lozano has a nice feature on him.

I got to meet Mr. Green soon after his release at the Innocence Project of Texas annual meeting (Green's attorney, Bob Wicoff, is a board member of IPOT who led the review of tainted cases from the Houston crime lab), and he's an impressive figure - soft-spoken, but sharp as a tack and extraordinarily determined, from the brief interaction I've had with him. I'm going to be representing IPOT again at the Legislature next spring, so I've little doubt we'll be working together in some fashion promoting innocence reform legislation. The exonerees who came down to Austin in 2009 to promote reform legislation made a big impact on legislators and the terms of debate over reform bills just by telling their stories. It's really an honor to get to work with folks like that.


  1. I wonder who committed the rape and what he's been up to all these years.

  2. Thank God for the courage of Mr. Green and the conviction and persistence of him and his attorneys.

    If there is any way I can help with lobbying the ledge regarding IPOT issues, please let me know.

    When we stop rewarding prosecutors and law enforcement for the number of convictions and starts disciplining them for wrongful convictions -- especially those involving prosecutorial and police misconduct, we may indeed have a "justice" system. As it stands we have a "legal" system, and one that is greatly flawed.

  3. I have an interesting story for who ever wants to hear it about another innocent man in New York.. he's spent the last 9 yrs in prison for nothing... this injustice needs to stop.. Please Help...

    All case briefs, alibi's and evidence is present, even the alleged vitctim recanted? so why won't the courts listen???
    If you want to help, contact Nicholas by mail directly!
