Monday, December 13, 2010

TPPF launches 'Right on Crime' campaign

I received this media advisory today about an event in D.C. that looks really interesting, with a call-in number available for those of us in the flyover states who can't attend:
Conservatives have always been tough on crime, but when it comes to criminal justice policy, conservatives aren't being tough enough on the bottom line.  On Wednesday, December 15, the Texas Public Policy Foundation will be launching the Right on Crime campaign at 12:00 p.m. at the headquarters for Americans for Tax Reform: 722 12th Street NW, Suite 400, Washington, D.C.

Right on Crime's Statement of Principles has been signed by several notable conservatives, including Newt Gingrich and Ed Meese.
Please join us for this announcement roundtable.

The launch will include a roundtable discussion of the Right on Crime initiative, featuring:
  • Grover Norquist, Americans for Tax Reform
  • David Keene, American Conservative Union
  • Brooke Rollins, Texas Public Policy Foundation
  • Pat Nolan, Prison Fellowship
With new Republican majorities in 19 state legislatures and hundreds of newly-elected lawmakers committed to spending cuts, Right on Crime provides timely, conservatively principled solutions proven to reduce crime, lower costs, and restore victims.


What: Right on Crime Launch

Date: Wednesday, December 15

Time: 12:00 p.m.

Location: Americans for Tax Reform
722 12th Street NW, Suite 400

Washington, D.C.
Speakers:    Grover Norquist, Americans for Tax Reform
David Keene, American Conservative Union
Brooke Rollins, Texas Public Policy Foundation
Pat Nolan, Justice Fellowship

Call In: Dial-In Number:  866-758-7883
Conference Code:  8285184702

For additional information, please visit or call Tom Kise at (703)-535-3390.


  1. Jane Leatherman Van Praag12/14/2010 07:11:00 AM

    Interesting that it's a Texas outfit but holding the event in DC.

  2. Is that 12:00 central or Eastern?

  3. Eastern, I'll bet. Good point, if you hadn't said that I'd have tuned in late!

  4. TPPF is hardly conservative when it comes to criminal justice issues!!

  5. 4:36, they're very conservative, just not Big Government conservatives. They're the kind of conservatives who want lower taxes and reduced government spending, which admittedly are becoming a rare breed.

  6. Dumb question, but what do we do if we want to listen in, dial the 800 number and put in the code and that’s it?

  7. While lower taxes and reduced government spending are the cornerstones of conservative principles, they shouldn't come at the expense of public safety. TPPF does not represent conservative principles when it comes to criminal justice issues.

  8. Well, 9:27, Ronald Reagan would have disagreed with you. But hey, what did he know about "conservative principles"?

    9:03, that's exactly right.

  9. LOL...An ACLU guy using Ronald Reagan to make a point!

    Using one individual to support an argument in general is rather pathetic. Come on grits! You should know better than that!

  10. 11:13, ACLU ran me out on a rail and I haven't worked for them for years. Try again.

    Also, Reagan wasn't just "one individual," he was the iconic conservative of his generation and for that matter the next one. And like the conservatives at TPPF, Grover Norquist's group, etc., he understood that throwing more money at Big Government can't be the end-all-be-all solution to crime, or for that matter anything else.
