Monday, January 17, 2011

DPS amnesty program for Driver Responsibility surcharges begins today!

This day has been a long time coming!

Drivers who've defaulted on so-called Driver Responsibility surcharges assessed before 2009 can apply for Amnesty at this website or call 1 (877) 207-3170. A separate program reducing surcharges for indigent drivers with incomes below 125% of the federal poverty level will begin in April.

And don't forget, for those with defaulted surcharges who aren't eligible for Amnesty and still can't afford to pay, you can still apply for an occupational license: An appellate court recently ruled that drivers whose licenses are suspended over surcharges are eligible for occupational drivers licenses.

RELATED: DPS announces rollout of amnesty, indigence programs for Driver Responsibility surcharge.


  1. hrmm..been awhile since I've even bothered to check my accts,now they can't be found online or by phone! Hope this doesn't become a problem when I give them a call tomorrow. THANKS GRITS! hopefully I have no trouble qualifying for amnesty!

  2. My son is incarcerated and has a surcharge due from last year? Will he have to pay when he gets out?

  3. They can call it what they like, they can switch things up with the hope of making it seem like they're trying to "help" the people, they can smear lipstick and makeup all over this pig, but it's still a pig. I apologize in advance to you all... I feel this "surcharge" is double jeopardy and violates my constitutional rights. I will not pay. I will not be held hostage by a drivers license. If I am caught and incarcerated, I will simply lay up in jail, watch T.V., walk down to eat three times a day and get free health care during my tenure there. The reason I apologize is that as we have all been doing already, it will be the citizens of Texas that will pay for me to lay up on my butt. Again... I'm sorry.

  4. 10:38, if it was assessed after 12/31/08, likely so. That is, unless the Legislature abolishes or otherwise adjusts the DRP this spring.

  5. I'm happy this has been done, and some people are already reaping the advantages. However, we still need to get this thing repealed. There are far too many people hurting who don't qualify for amnesty, even those who are somehow raking up the money to pay. If I were suffering financially, maybe even depriving my family of things they needed to pay this, I would have a hard time not resenting those who defaulted and got amnesty. Scott, I know you worked hard to get this much done, and you are owed a debt of gratitude. But, let's keep working to get this thing gone. Call, write, e-mail you reps in the lege. Regarding the occupational license. Everyone I have dealt with in my DWI and DWI Intervention classes who have gotten an occupational license have paid a lawyer $800-1500. I think you can do this by yourself, but would one of the fine attorneys that participate here tell us how to do it? Because if you have $1000 to pay an attorney, you can probably pay the surcharge.

  6. I am Deszi! Now, I understand this is double jeopardy and it's not fair n yadayada, but look, as a American citizen, there are alot of unfair things people deal with day by day. The bottom line is, I can't afford more tickets, more surcharges, and more bus rides with my son. This is the offer, I'm taking it until something else changes. I have school, work , volunteer hours to be many things to take care of. Hey, I went from owing $6000 to $88.40. I am NOT complaining.

  7. Finally... I have been waiting for years. I live in a different state and found out my license was suspended over this. I didn't even know because I moved before the "surprise you owe us more money" letters went out.

    this double jeopardy "tax" has caused a lot of pain.

    It will be a large weight off of a lot of citizens who were a victim of this greedy plan.

    I qualified and owed $0.00 ...

    Thanks so much for tracking this Grits, otherwise I would have never known about it.

  8. I also applied for the surcharge amnesty on the launch date. My 13 surcharges Are reduced to 0.00 as of today. This is one on the Best days I've had in 6 years. Thank you grit's for keeping the public informed. Now i can get insurance and registration and no longer live in fear. I feel Free again and a lot less Depressed!

    Funny how it takes them a day to suspend your license but over a week to restore it.

    Avid grits reader ,


  9. I just found out about the amnesty program, however they are no longer offering this. I need help!
