Monday, January 24, 2011

Texas Monthly vs. Charles Sebesta

Former prosecutor Charles Sebesta has created a website criticizing Texas Monthly for Pam Colloff's investigative stories (see here and here) about Anthony Graves, who was released last year after 18 years in prison because prosecutors found exculpatory evidence was withheld at his capital murder trial. Sebesta accuses Colloff of all sorts of things, but his claims would be more credible, points out Texas Monthly editor Jake Silverstein, if Colloff hadn't recorded all her conversations with Sebesta. The recordings contradict his most outlandish claims, including that Colloff told him TM is "going to get you alright." Mildly fisking Sebesta's presentation, Silverstein finds the site "truly remarkable, not only for its wildly delusional tone, but for its wanton disregard for the facts."

All the relevant links - to TM's coverage, Sebesta's response, and TM's rebuttal - are in this post. Read them and decide for yourself.

See related Grits posts:


  1. I imagine that Sebesta is like the rest of us who sometimes get jammed up--he's told himself and others the same lie so many times that now he actually believes it himself.

  2. Grits......Do you know if Sebesta is still on the training staff at the Sheriff's Association of Texas?

  3. I really don't understand why Mr. Sebesta doesn't just keep quiet and go away. The State bar can't or won't do anything to him. The statute of limitations has long passed on any possible criminal charges. Why continue to put yourself back in this, it just makes him look worse and worse every time he opens his mouth (or types on his keyboard).

  4. Yeah He's right Charlie; you should just shut up and slink away. Tsk...Tsk...Tsk.

  5. Charles Sebesta is a lizard! This guy is a piece of work.

  6. I'd believe Sebesta before I'd believe the Houston Chronicle on anything.

  7. Immunity for prosecutors and their offices should be totally done away with in cases where their scumbag lies and tactics, withholding of evidence that would have proven a defendant "not guilty", violating accepted ethical practices of the legal profession (such as screwing the presiding judge in charge of sentencing someone to death), and any other such maleficence in a prosecution. They should be subject to jail time like anyone else would be in causing a death or false incarceration of an innocent citizen. It's more common than anyone would think. Some say it's a "convict at all costs" whether guilty or not--you've got someone to pin the crime on, then use every slimy game and tactic to convict them.

    It would be nice if county and state prosecutors were "hired" instead of elected. Before we can get even near "true" justice politics must be taken out of the "seeking justice" equation! Only then will we move towards more equal and fair justice and prosecution.

  8. I've mentioned this on here before but I think there is a way that would almost completely eliminate prosecutorial misconduct. It will neveer happen here.

    In the English system, instead of proseuctors and defense attorneys you have barristers. One day they prosecute, another day they may represent the defense.

    Instead of having DA"s offices and pulbic defenders offices, they should be combined and attorneys should have to work cases on both sides. This would eliminate a lot of the current problems with the system such as the win at all costs attitudes and it would equalize resources for both sides.

  9. If only these prosecutors and local politicians weren't so concerned with "winning" then justice may be served better than it has been. It's not a game, it's a human being's life.

    I'm absolutely ashamed of Sebesta for his actions and his conduct throughout the Graves case. Thank you Kelly Siegler for getting your hands dirty and double checking Sebesta's work, or lack there of. The toxic waste spewing out of his mouth still, to this day, is nothing short of sickening and he is no better than the criminals living on the street!!!

  10. I have known Charles Sebesta for about 20 years. He is the most dishonest person I have ever met.

    He is simply the most evil person on the face of the planet since Adolph Hitler.

    If there is a Hell, there is a place already neatly waiting for him right next to Satan.

  11. GOD Blessed you Anthony Greeves your a good man and your story is heart breaking we just seen the story tonight on TLC that Sebasta idiot is SATAN SHAME ON HIM for ruining your families and your life like that. COPPOLA's
