Thursday, March 03, 2011

Newspapers don't like John Bradley, and now Galveston jail inmates can read about it

Here are a few quick items that would merit more attention if I had time today:

Houston's latest DNA exoneree
Texas latest DNA exoneration came out of Houston this week involving a man who spent 17 years incarcerated after being falsely convicted for kidnapping and rape. Though he's already been paroled, thanks to Judge Pat Lykos' Post-Conviction Review Section he'll now get off supervision and become eligible for state compensation. "The district attorney's office says DNA analysis on the only remaining evidence -- hair collected during the original sex assault examination -- cleared [George] Rodriguez and led them to the actual offenders, who they say are Manuel Beltran and Isidro Yanez."

Anthony Graves sues for innocence
After the Comptroller refused compensation ad the Governor said he's not eligible for a pardon (both wrong decisions in this writer's view), Anthony Graves this week had to sue the Attorney General in district court seeking a declaratory judgment declaring him innocent before he'll become eligible for compensation.

Reentry at risk in budget crunch
In a cover story titled, "Freedom's just a word," Texas Observer reporters Michael May and Laura Burke say "Texas is finally helping former prisoners. But can the smart-on-crime revolution survive budget cuts and a suspicious public?"

Galveston inmates get to read
In Galveston, a lawsuit brought by the Prison Legal News and the Texas Civil Rights Project has been settled overturning a policy of disallowing reading material to jail inmates and beefing up the jail law library.

Piling On: Newspapers don't like John Bradley
The Austin Statesman and the San Antonio Express News have joined the Houston Chronicle in editorializing against Williamson County DA John Bradley's confirmation as Forensic Science Commission Chair, and the Dallas News plans a similarly themed editorial. Of course, Grits criticized the nomination before it was cool. :)


  1. On the Rodriguez case out of Houston, the DA's decision actually comes years after George prevailed on habeas based on the DNA evidence in the case - - - not following parole as the post says. George prevailed at a 2009 trial in a Section 1983 action against the City of Houston in connection with the wrongful conviction - with the city conceding innocence. But that verdict is still on appeal to the 5th Circuit.

  2. The "Freedom's Just another Word" article is outstanding. Thank you, Grits.

  3. What, people don't like John Bradley? You must be kidding. Goodhair likes him. So does Dewhurst. He is so damn mean those people LOVE him!

  4. LOL i'm glad to see anthony is gonna take the state to the cleaners. By the time he's done they will fire any of the idiots involved in NOT paying him what he was due.
