Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Money laundering added to Criminal Justice Committee charges

The Lt. Governor is leaking out the Texas Senate's interim charges in dribs and drabs, but the Criminal Justice Committee picked up one recently (pdf) that sounds like it will lead to an interesting and informative hearing: "Review statutes and regulations relating to money laundering to enhance state, federal, and local efforts to combat money laundering and enforce administrative and criminal actions against perpetrators of money laundering." Looking forward to that discussion.

In addition, the Transportation and Homeland Security Committee will: "Examine the impact of border violence and illegal trafficking on the Texas economy, including the infringement on Texas property rights. Make recommendations for enhancing Border security and maximizing federal resources targeted for this purpose."

Relatedly, the Criminal Justice Committee received a charge in conjunction with a "Joint Interim Committee to Study Human Trafficking" to examine services and supports available to sex trafficking victims, "including analysis of the appropriate criminal penalties associated with prostitution." That could be an interesting discussion as well.


  1. I never respond to anything I read on the internet (BUT) I just had to thank grits for breakfast for all the hard work and investigations on behalf of all Texans that have fallen victim to the corrupted law enforcement and criminal justice system in Texas. You are truely god sent !! You guys bring honesty and faith in mankind back to life.We need more people like you to help the common man who's voice is never heard! I hope that someday you will investigate the corruption in the Garland Police Dept. Keep up the good work guys!!

  2. Will the committee review DEA's money train operation?

    Doesn't 'trafficking' add to the Texas economy?

    I'm sure the committees will do some really excellent, comprehensive and useful work. (tongue firmly in cheek)

  3. That should keep everyone busy, so as not to investigate any more judges?

  4. First let me join anon 6:35 in applauding your seemingly tireless efforts on our {Texans} behalves. My comment is this...I find it interesting that the lege chooses these rather colorful and relatively insignificant topics to investigate{?} when the whole penal system is in a flaming nosedive at terminal velocity.
