Monday, December 26, 2011

Who watches for sleepers when watchers sleep?

Brilliant! When the "Occupy" movement came to San Antonio and took up residence in a downtown park, the city sent a parks-police officer to the protest site to enforce the city's ban on sleeping there. The protesters snapped photos of the poor fellow (who of course didn't ask for the assignment of harassing  "Occupy" protesters) while sleeping on the job. KENS-TV reported that "the officer was supposed to be keeping an eye on the Occupy camp to make sure that the protesters didn't fall asleep, and to write them tickets if they did." In other words, he'd have probably done more harm had he been awake. Via Injustice Everywhere. Related: See "Police v. OWS," from The Crime Report. See also: Matthew 7:3. Your tax dollars at work, San Antonio.


  1. All other groups have to get a permit. I guess the Occupy folks are above all that.

  2. I don't blame the officer for sleeping. A bunch of spoiled kids protesting without even knowing what they're protesting about is, frankly, boring enough to put me to sleep too. Yawn!

  3. I doubt he wanted the assignment and was tired. It seems to show there wasn't a lot going on except people who were not asleep and had a camera.
    The picture is enough punishment. I doubt he will fall asleep on the job anytime soon.

  4. If you come to Houston's east side, you will see HPD fast asleep in the Metro parking lot, you don't have to go to San Antonio. Maybe that's why it takes 5 patrol cars to make a stop for speeding. They are all just waking up and wondering what's going on.

    I guess I have the wrong job! If I fell asleep at my desk, I would probably be fired. I should get a job with a metropolitan police department so I could actually get some sleep for a change.

  5. Guess that second Anonymous hasn't been keeping up with the REAL Occupy stories.....we're not all spoiled kids....we're real folks who are well educated, all ages, some who have lost our homes, our jobs, spent our life savings just to keep living and some of us are actually homeless. Some of these police and/or security officers feel the same way because they have family, perhaps even their parents, who have have lost everything......I see compassion among the general population has diminished considerably. I find it very sad.

  6. On December 17 2011, I was at visitation on the Terrace unit and witness two Hispanic female guards yell and scream out at the inmates and their family members. Those guards talk to everyone as if we were dogs. One of those guards conducted the strip searches with the door half open and you could hear them yell out at the inmates “take everything off”, “I said get out of everything”. Then you could hear the inmates cough twice in the room with the door half open. This is disgraceful to humiliate the inmates like this in front of their family members and then the visit is ruined after this. This was the worst visit I have ever had because of these two female guards. Those two guards yelled out at inmates and their family members while the visits were going on and those two guards were trying their best to provoke a fight and even stooped to name calling like kids do.

  7. Call the Department of Justice and speak to someone in the Civil Rights Division. I know that the Terrace Unit has clicks and there are a group of black females who are racists and write up false sex cases. The source is both my personal knowledge at visitation and an officer forum board. The two Hispanic Officers have a long history of abusing their uncheck power on this unit and will try to provoke fights and will often stoop to name calling and I have witness this too on the Terrace Unit. Because these women officers have uncheck power they have been doing this for years.

  8. Tho it was off topic, the comment about guards humiliating inmates is not uncommon. But before you call the Justice Dept and get run around, call the warden of the unit, give him/her everything you said here, and file a formal complaint if nothing is done. Be persistent.

    As to the 2 anonymous's- Permits are often a way to stop protests and block freedom of speech and assembly. 2nd, thank god SOMEbody is out there making some noise for the people! High time the status quo was shaken up. We need lots of changes in this country, and the Tea Partiers generally don't have a clue.Go Occupy!

    And yes- compassion has dropped way down in this state of fear and greed. Texas used to be great-certainly better than this.
