Sunday, July 29, 2012

Small-town chief on paid leave for allegedly falsified documents

A small-town police chief allegedly was caught falsifying documents and was given a two-month paid vacation as a result, reported KWTX-TV:
Buckholts Police Chief James Blackmon was suspended with pay for 60 days ... after he was [arrested] on [a] misdemeanor charge of falsifying a government document.

After 60 days, a city spokesperson said the police chief could return to work, be permanently suspended or his suspension could be extended until the close of the investigation.

Officers representing the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Education and Milam County deputies arrested Blackmon at around 4:15 on July 5 at the Buckholts Police Department on the warrant charging falsifying a government document, which is a Class A misdemeanor.

TCLEOSE, which is charged with certifying peace officers in the state, said they initiated the investigation that led to the arrest after receiving reports that Blackmon carried more than a dozen officers on his roster when there were only three actually working at the department.

The extra officers were listed as members of the town's police force so they could qualify to do private security jobs, according to TCLEOSE.

TCLEOSE said Blackmon has been a police officer for 24 years and 11 months and during that time has held 22 different jobs.
Remarkable: 22 different law enforcement jobs in 25 years. That's almost the definition of a "gypsy cop."  It's notable that TCLEOSE initiated the investigation only after receiving a report. The agency could and arguably should proactively ensure (or at least spot check) that officers listed as employed at local agencies are actually drawing a paycheck. I bet this isn't the only jurisdiction carrying extra officers on the books so somebody's buddy can get a security job.


  1. 22 police jobs in 25 years? Good grief, this guy roamed around more as a cop than I did as a preacher! Wonder if he's kin to Tom? Maybe that's something juries should hear when a cop is the main witness. "How many jobs have you had? Where and when?"eahownl 16

  2. Those last letters and numbers I mistakenly typed in thinking I was at the gotcha section.

  3. Gee, I think I would like to be a cop. Screw up and get a PAID vacation.

  4. Hey Grits, when time permits please verify if the TCLEOSE (a commission) has investigative & judicial powers regarding cops caught red-handed defrauding the government? I won’t venture into asking why in the hell they’d be the recipient of the ‘report’. I’ve never heard of them investigating crimes of any kind.

    I thought that's what the Texas Rangers and FBI were for. When we (dumbasses) allow a certification commission to receive reports, investigate and judge alleged crimes perpetrated by the very people that they are charged with certifying, we get 'Buckholts' and the cover-up(s) that follows. Sadly, we get to see felonies morph into misdemeanors.

    *If you live in this podunk town and aren’t out in front of the police station or court house protesting within the next 60 days, then you are part of the problem. Condoning a crime is a crime, no matter how stupid you are. Thanks.
