Sunday, October 06, 2013

Nine years of Grits and counting

Today marks the ninth anniversary of this blog's (at first, largely unheralded) launch, and this happens to be the 7,500th post published over that time. Thanks for reading, folks. For the most part, it's been a pleasure; even when it's not, it's been a learning experience. Hopefully, that's true for y'all as well.


  1. And my thanks for what you do!:~)

  2. Thanks for writing. I've been reading this blog almost every day for about five years. Keep up the great work.

  3. Nice work. Makes my coffee taste better.


  5. Congrats, Grits, on your success. Keep it going.

    As for a learning experience, you might look into how "hopefully" is properly used and let the rest of us in on it. I almost always get it wrong. Snark alert! :)

  6. This is the best legal blog in the country. Thanks for the hard work.
    Richard Ellison
    Lawyer - Kerrville

  7. Fine, Doran, feel free to mark down my grammar scores. OTOH, when I googled it this was the first link that came up. This source informs us it's now allowed in the AP style guide. Hopefully, that will resolve it for you. ;)

    Language changes over time. Today, for reasons explained in the above first link, that usage is as common as beginning a sentence with "Honestly" or "Fortunately," and I've long ago made the decision on the blog to allow myself colloquialisms and casual usage. If you were genuinely confused by the usage, my apologies. If you understood and it merely provided you an opportunity to feel superior, then you're welcome!

    Otherwise, thanks to all for the kind words

  8. I thoroughly enjoy this blog. I've working in criminal justice about as long as this blog has been around and my opinion and stance on issues ranging from plea bargaining to the death penalty have changed significantly since I started this work. This blog has definitely helped to open my eyes to some of the more... controversial aspects of this "industry." Keep up the great work, Scott!

  9. Scott
    Keep up the good work !!! I look forward to your daily blog.


  10. Congrats! being relayed from all 254 counties (almost all that is).

    How time flies when you are knee deep in it. Keep on blogging about it & we will follow.

  11. Honestly, I rarely feel superior to anything other than my laying hens. Hopefully, I will continue in that vein.

  12. Leave it to Doran to ruin a celebration with his / her lame-ass spelling & grammer checking service.

    The challenged are looking for you over at the Chron. Someone went off and forgot to place periods at the end of their comment.

  13. when dealing w/ the horror of an incarcerated son, GFB was one of my resources. Keep up the good gives good info and direction to those navigating uncharted waters...and btw my x-con is about to graduate TAMU...proud of him, proud of you and your blog. Congrats and thanks.
