Sunday, September 14, 2014

Deaths in custody near-daily events in Texas

According to this list on the Attorney General's website, there have been 3,680 peole who've died in custody of state and local law enforcement in Texas since 2005, which seems like a remarkable number - roughly one per day. Nearly half the deaths happened in TDCJ units. Here's an excel file with a list of the deceased.


  1. When is "60 Minutes" going to do a rip-roarin' expose on this? If it was senior citizens dying...

  2. How does that compare with other high incarceration states like California, I wonder.

  3. And?

    If broken down by suicide by cop, inmate on inmate, use of force confrontations, those that overdosed, might make a story. Otherwise this list tells readers very little.

  4. @Elvis, ask the AG to put more detail online if you want more data, that's hardly my doing.

    Otherwise, this wasn't a "story" but a fact bite. I record such things for my own purposes, not your edification.

  5. And of the 79 pages of names how many are suicides? They appear out of control at the James V. Allred Unit in Iowa Park - some argue conditions have become deplorable there. The food, eliminating weekend rec time and showering due to UN-prescribed staff-shuffling to accommodate pay cycles for staff in Ad-Seg. That's 48 hours straight - the latest hanging death there occurred in Seg. (they claim staff shortages)

    Twitch - Entropy

  6. Ok, so an average of about 360 inmates die per year in Texas. The spread sheet doesn't tell why/how the inmate died. Old age, suicide, AIDS, Hep. C, cancer, renal failure, cardiac arrest, viral infection(s)? Gotta tell all of the story, not just the sensational part.

  7. File your complaint with the Attorney General, 3:11, they're the ones who published the incomplete data.
