Tuesday, September 02, 2014

'National Grits for Breakfast Day'? Celebrate!

Apparently, today is National Grits for Breakfast Day! Who'da thought?

One might have assumed they'd have waited until the tenth anniversary of this blog's first post, which is coming up in early October, but I can't argue with the sentiment. :)

Either way, if you want to help celebrate, consider a blog donation using one of the Pay Pal buttons in the right hand column. This summer, Grits drained most of this blog's PayPal coffers as reimbursement for months of newspaper subscriptions and (to a lesser extent) open records requests. Also, I was hoping to purchase a couple of new publications on commonly covered topics to help improve both my own understanding and this blog's coverage.

If you find this site useful personally or professionally, particularly the latter, consider donating to cover the overhead. I don't mind so much the labor, but I don't like the blog to cost me money.

If you don't like the PayPal fees but want to donate, email me at gritsforbreakfast@gmail.com and I'll send you the snail mail address to send a check.

Thanks for reading, folks, and for any blog support you can provide. And of course, happy National Grits for Breakfast Day!


  1. You provide an extremely valuable service to so many of us. Thank you for all you do. Keep up the great work!!

  2. GfB - the only grits I can handle in the morning!
    Thanks ,,, and the checks in the mail! :~)

  3. I want to thank you, I have been reading your blog at least five years I think and I have gleaned a lot of useful information, 1st as a case manager at Texas ReEntry Services and now as a Journalist at our The Journey, a Street Paper published by my wife and myself. I am always able to find interesting and timely information that helps me to develop ideas to give to homeless community that are informative. Yes, believe it or not folks, homeless people read and think too. But Im here today to thank You Mr. Henson for your tireless dissemination of important information that many people have come to not only enjoy, but also find very useful and informative. Also for your work with the Innocence Project. Thanks for all you do sir.

  4. Here Here, I second the heart felt sentiments expressed by those above and ask folks to consider depriving themselves of one salty and or sugary item a week for a month straight and donate the saved money to those that donate their spare time in order for you to enjoy free publications like GFB.

    Hmmm, time for some grits, if I only knew how to properly prepare them. Any hints as to how one goes about that without harming myself or those that partake? Thanks Grits for all that you do on behalf of others.
