Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Roundup: Jail foibles, judicial elections, border security and bitemarks

Here are several items that merit readers' attention while your correspondent is focused elsewhere.


  1. Regarding straight ticket voting for judicial elections, last session, Dan Patrick authored SB 103. It was voted out of State Affairs 5-4.

  2. Anon by choice2/18/2015 05:12:00 AM

    Straight ticket voting should be eliminated period. Also take the party labels off the ballot. If a party cannot inform its voters of who its candidates are, it should fail at the ballot box. Party labels on ballots should be considered unconstitutional, as parties are not mentioned in the constitution.

  3. Re: Straight ticket voting

    I think ALL elections at the county level (at least in counties with less than, say, popoulations of 500,000) should be non-partisan. I'm a lifelong conservative Republican-type. But look at places like Smith County: it's been the machinations of the local Republican party that has supported cronyism, incompetence, and fiscal insanity in the county. It's also perpetuated the very cancer that you decry, Grits: the irrational lock-em-all-up approach to dealing with non-violent criminal defendants.

  4. Border enforcement is unjustified.
