Sunday, August 30, 2015

Policy wonk job fair at Office of Court Administration

There are a several interesting job openings right now at the Office of Court Administration, including two support staff for the upcoming Timothy Cole Exoneration Review Commission (see here and here), which must hold its first meeting by October 31st. Your correspondent, readers may recall, is an advisory member to that panel thanks to my new job. There's another researcher slot open crunching data on indigent defense.

In addition, higher up the food chain, there's a posting for the Executive Director's job at the Office of Capital Writs following Brad Levenson's abrupt but not unexpected departure. And there's an opening for OCA's Director of Public Affairs with past director and former Robert-Duncan staffer Megan Lavoie recently leaving that post. Finally, the OCA has posted an opening for its Chief Financial Officer after CPA Glenna Rhea Bowman retired to focus on her musical career. That's quite a few significant jobs open at once for a not-enormous agency.

Qualified readers should consider applying for said positions, or else badger whoever you think would be good for this or that spot into submitting an application. Texas needs good people in all these jobs.


  1. Brad Levenson's departure "not unexpected." Please explain. From all accounts, he was doing a fantastic job as Director of the Capital Writs office.

  2. Well, I had heard accounts that differed. My understanding was there was insider unhappiness with him, a lot of it over high caseloads. I don't track death penalty stuff so I never delved into it, but there were rumblings for most of session about him.
